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How to extract models
De HyJûû
This guide will allow you to extract models from the game files.
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First you will need to download two tools which will be used to extract the files that we need.


This tool will allow us to find and extract the models and textures the we need.


This tool will allow us to view the original gun textures present in the game.
Extracting Models
Open GCFScape and then proceed to 'File>open' and go to where your "Insurgency2" install folder is located, then proceed to the "insurgency" folder that contains your bin, config, html, etc, folders.

i.e: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2\insurgency

You will then find find various valve pack files also known 'VPK's', double click on the VPK titled "insurgency_models_dir"

Once you have open the folder in the GCFScape window, the left panel should contain a root folder followed by a 'Models' folder; expand the models folder until you find the 'weapons' folder.

Locate the weapon the you desire to edit, i.e. Ak74. first off, you will need to find the file with the .MDL file extension of your specifc weapon model that you want to extract; for example it should look like this: "v_ak74.mdl"

Right-click the file and press 'Extract' your desired files and place them in a familiar location that will be easy to access at a later date.

Author's Note: There are two different model types, 'v_' and 'w_' models, these dictate how your model will show up in game. 'v_' models will only show in the 'view' model, i.e. the first person perspective whilst 'w_' models will show up in the 'World' view, i.e. on the ground and in other player's hands. 'V_' models are subjectively easier and quicker to edit as they are much more simple in comparison to world models, however you will need to edit both if you want them to be seen in the player's first person perspective as well as showing up on the ground and in other player's hands.
Extracting the Texture files
These texture should be overlayed during the editing process to give us a better idea of where out edits are going to show up in the final product.

Now, going back to where we found our VPK files in GCFScape
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2\insurgency)
this time around we want to open the pak file titled "insurgency_materials_dir".

This folder contains all the textures that our models need.

So once we have opened the file, on the left panel expand the 'materials' folder, from this, locate the 'models' folder, then go to the 'weapons' folder; here we can see all the weapons neatly laid out in folders.

From here, locate your desired weapon that you want to edit, remember, you will need to match the model and texture, otherwise the final product will come out broken and disfigured.

Now, highlight all the files and extract them to a safe place, such as the folder where you placed the .mdl files earlier.

From there,open the _dm.vtf file using VTFEdit, from there, go to 'File>Export>Save as .TGA>Save

This will allow you to directly apply and edit the textures to the models from within your editing program (Photoshop, Blender, whatever)

Auther's Note: A quick run down of the various types of textures:
  • Files ending in _dm.vtf are the main texture the we want to be editing
  • Files ending in _nm.vtf are the bump mapping files, you can edit these but they are significantly harder to edit and are best left alone
  • Files with the .vmt file extension allows you change things such as phong values, tint, glow, etc. (note: .vmt have file directories inside of them telling the model where to locate the texture, if you are have problems with your models missing their texture, check to see if you have them linked properlly)
  • the _w_ files are the world models, so make sure you edit these files to change the world texture.
Converting the models
Open the folder where you placed your .mdl files, find a file converter program or whatever, you can use this handy-dandy little website[] that I used to use once upon a time ago.

Upload your file, wait for their ♥♥♥♥ to work it's magic, click next, click on the .obj file type, click next, click start, it'll convert it or some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, wait for that, download your steaming hot .obj files.

Chuck that into your editing program of choice, apply the texture we extracted earlier, edit it, bam! done.
7 commentaires
gangstalicious 24 aout 2020 à 14h14 
it says website unavailable, looks like no editing for me lol
Semen Aws'n 8 juin 2018 à 8h11 
NoFranko 9 avr. 2018 à 18h31 
Pacer 8 aout 2017 à 12h27 
This this work for any other game engine like Unity?
pebol 1 aout 2017 à 20h06 
okay then I'mma just leave this here
stratoscube 31 juil. 2017 à 8h23 
that little dog tho ayylmao bruhh :D
Rymd 18 janv. 2017 à 8h52 
_nm = normal map

Bump =/= Normal

Note Specular in Alpha Channel