Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

63 betyg
GameGril_4K_21:9_宽屏_游戏少女_D.va 对齐方式需要改成居中,不然显示不完全

Föremål (280)
Cyberpunk Mecha
Skapad av GéGé
Artwork , Nikolai Lockertsen..... Music, Nightstop , Bloodnight...
river valley 3440*1440
Skapad av Max Lazarus
Landscape with moving clouds and light. some things are sound activated. I couldn't find who made the original picture....
Space Beaming
Skapad av Zelgadis
Beams of light from a Nebula Please drop a rating and a comment! thank you so much! - Boop the bigger stars around your desktop. - 3440x1440 Ultrawide...
Skapad av Xiaorui_Rui
Artstation : artstation.com/artwork/3RZnA BGM : 徐梦圆 - China-M...
Mafia Main Menu 21:9 3440x1440
Skapad av Soya
Mafia Definitive Edition wallpapers. Enjoy, please rate/comment/share and perhaps consider to support my wallpaper creations, please use either Paypal donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XALAN82RGF5TL&source=url o...
The Sinking Sun
Skapad av ✨Abaka✨
A beautiful sunset over a fantasy world. Made for ultrawide monitors but will still look great if you set the position to 0 (21:9 3440x1440) Be sure to like and favorite!...
Skapad av lop
Skapad av 别倾城
Skapad av YANG
发布:明日方舟同人社团瓦莱塔学会 绘师:抠肉肚脐 制作:言零channel 禁止任何形式商业用途及无授权转载...
水中女 3440x1440
Skapad av yooooooo
Shoukaku (Animated) (Audio Visualizer) (3440x1440)
Skapad av 提督StarCart1749
if you like it, consider leaving a like....
Skapad av Misaki-I
白天与黑夜两种场景 建议30fps,黑夜场景占用略高。...
Skapad av Tom
上一个作品链接: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=845016411 把miku看着的那个地方换成了视频,可选择播放odds&ends或Redial的PV 其他程序全屏或最大化时暂停pv播放 以前有音量调整的,不知道什么更新给弄没了,现在加回去...
Forest Paradise Ultrawide 2560 x 1080
Skapad av Hyde
2560 x 1080 Original Art from Yatsude (ヤツデ ) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/13461444 BGM: Canon in D - River Flows in You (Orchestral Arrangement / Mashup)...
Skapad av Halcyonの玲莺
背景会根据当前日期改变四季,每天日出日落场景会随之转换。 壁纸基于WallpaperEngine-WebTemplate制作 https://github.com/HalcyonAlcedo/WallpaperEngine-WebTemplate ...
for 21:9 看火人-双叉站 Fire Watch-Two Forks
Skapad av Elvii17
for 21:9 分辨率3440*1440 长度3:34秒 双叉站24小时延时~有任何问题可以留言~ 求好友~~点赞党截图党测评党~~统统都来+吧~~ 所有的视频壁纸合集~~ http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/workshop/filedetails/?id=833390842...
for 21:9 巫师3陶森特日出第二弹~The Witcher Toussaint Sunrise Vol.2
Skapad av Elvii17
2017年1月7日更新 根据留言的意见我把音乐改成渐强和减弱的起伏了~并且把最后天空云朵突然消失的部分删掉了(游戏的机制问题,超过一定区域就不能显示了)总得时长没有变化~~以上~感谢各位的支持和意见~~ 另外再安利一发昨天发布的战地1~ http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835683976 -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
for 21:9 巫师3陶森特日出~The Witcher Toussaint Sunrise
Skapad av Elvii17
2017年1月31日更新 增加一个1分20秒只有夜晚的部分~~需要的网盘自取~~在最下面~~ 2017年1月1日更新了第二弹~~祝大家新年快乐~~ http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831433500 感谢各位的支持~~为大家更新一下低分辨率和16:9的视频`~ 全场8分钟~气势恢宏~~ 本体为2560*1080 5M码率的~如果需要超清可以下底下的链接~ ~有任何建议或问题都可以留言~感谢~~ 30M码率~3440*1440宽屏版~...
for 21:9 我的世界自然环境缩时~~Minecraft Time lapse
Skapad av Elvii17
本体为3440*1440 码率20M 完美支持21:9~ 清新向的桌面~~开机就有一个好心情~~ 2017年1月3日更新~ 去掉了视频结尾处的亮线(但是也略微有点跳帧)追求完美的人只能说声抱歉了~~以后尽量避免这类问题~~ 由于视频都是一秒一秒录的.所以也没办法做什么大幅度的修改~一些意外问题可能随时发生~所以大家见谅~~ 还有其他的问题可以指正请尽管留言~~谢谢大家~ 768P 3M 链接:{LÄNK BORTTAGEN} 密码:6j4o 1080P 5M 链接:http://...
for21:9 战地1 圣康坦的伤痕 BattleFiled 1
Skapad av Elvii17
大家好~我又来了~~这次更新了战地1的圣康坦的伤痕~ 本体是20M 3440*1440~总长4分钟~结尾和开头加了黑屏过度更加流畅~站场音效全部保留还加入了游戏的ost~气氛更佳 我本意就是壁纸不用盯着看~ 基本把整个地图的惨烈状况都记录下来了~~十分具有教育意义哦(什么鬼) 另外还是老规矩求一波好友~~玩BF1的也可以加我橘子~~和steam号名字一样的~~ 最后感谢大家的支持有任何需要和疑问请留言~~ 所有的视频壁纸合集~~ http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/workshop/file...
for 21:9 巫师3 凯尔莫罕 Kaer Morhen
Skapad av Elvii17
先祝福各位农历新年快乐!~鸡年~大吉~吧~! 分辨率3440*1440,码率20M 这次带来的是凯尔莫罕,录的时候忘记关麦了..所以就把游戏声音全部切掉了.不知道为啥总感觉这一块贴图不太精细.难道是我撸多了嘛.整个视频我应该还会有进一步的修改.所以就先不放低分辨率的版本了~ 最后感谢@鲁特 大兄弟给的存档~~ 最后的最后老规矩~继续求好友了~~点赞党截图党测评党~~统统都来+吧~~...
for21:9 巫师3诺威格瑞港口
Skapad av Elvii17
分辨率3440*1440 码率20M 巫师3的第三弹~这次做的比较简单~不过游戏居然还有涨潮..厉害了... 看久了可能会晕船.反正我是晕船了~~~233 继续求好友了~~点赞党截图党测评党~~统统都来+吧~~...
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Skapad av Waffle Ranger💯
Light saber glows. Droid beam moves. Cloak sways. Character breathes. Water moves. Waterfalls flow. Slow moving fog above water. Clouds subtly move. Light thunder in the clouds. Wisp snow fall. The 2 banner flags on the right in the far distance move. Twit...
Planetary Heat (21:9)
Skapad av Nack
Flaming Planet Flying Through Space 21:9 Aspect Ratio. 2560x1080...
simple 21:9
Skapad av Gao
Perfect Wallpaper-完美壁纸【落樱粒子+多风格动态音频响应+自定义+幻灯片+视频壁纸】-steam独此一家
Skapad av 来杀我呀~
2022/10/23 问题修复:之前的免费天气接口挂了,已找到替换接口,已修复 2022/03/26 小幅更新:樱花增加背景亮度和花瓣数量参数,樱花背景导致的白色背景过亮问题,可以调低背景亮度解决 2022/03/21 小幅更新:优化樱花模块,可以关闭樱花的白色背景和色彩,还增加了樱花反向运动参数,新版完美壁纸已经在开发中了,大家敬请期待 用不明白的小白,音频圈没反应的壁纸用着有问题的,欢迎加群552188051、673748076、1036775823、776830214 或我QQ394011315,也可...
Skapad av Samina.Yu
庭 - 21:9 1440p
Skapad av MelloD
Art by ぴっぴ pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1922055 I do not own this artwork. Ripple effect distorting the edge of the well was triggering me so I made my own without one....
Lakeside Castle
Skapad av Lunanella
21:9, 1440p animated wallpaper (water and falling leaves). Should work well on 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9 aspect ratios as long as you change the position through the UI. Artwork found @ Wallpapermaiden. The colors were edited in Photoshop CC. If anyone's aware o...
Guardian of the Forest
Skapad av Lunanella
21:9, 1440p animated wallpaper. It works well on 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9 aspect ratios as well. Artwork by Sylar113, found @ DeviantART. Link. Colors edited with Adobe Photoshop CC....
Frozen in Time
Skapad av Lunanella
This is a 21:9, 1440p wallpaper (however, it looks great on all common aspect ratios). Animated fog, snow particles, trees (wind) and lightshafts. Artwork by Sylar113 @ DeviantART. Link to the source....
Shadows Die Twice
Skapad av Lunanella
21:9, 1440p animated wallpaper of a fanart for FromSoft's Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Added godrays, lightshafts, falling leaves and dust motes, nothing else. The original artwork's colors were edited. :) The wallpaper works well for 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9 asp...
[60fps]5 Centimeters Per Second Live Wallpaper
Skapad av エラー
Sakura falling speed is five centimeters per second ~ I think if you can see the cherry blossoms in their own desktop slowly falling is a very good! Picture from BD screenshot! And use Waifu2x processing! The maximum support 3840 * 2160 resolution! If the ...
Skapad av Better Half
Leave a comment :)) 谢谢支持 ^o^ Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62506385...
Our last hope
Skapad av Megareksiker
Animated by me aka Hope you like it. Song used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UopuMvi0SCw...
Lugia, The Power of One - Pokemon
Skapad av Swagouille
Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning Lest these titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash Though the water's great guardian shall rise to quell the fighting Alone its song will fail, thus the earth shall turn to ash The chose...
deer - night - A9J
Instagram : A9J 2560x1080...
garden sunshine and flowers
Skapad av Nonoc
garden sunshine and flowers Artist: Arseniy Chebynkin Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/arsenixc Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/arsenixc...
Ori and the Blind Forest Dinner Time 21:9 3440x1440 60fps
Skapad av Soya
Ori and the Blind Forest wallpapers. Enjoy, please rate/comment/share and perhaps consider to support my wallpaper creations, please use either Paypal donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XALAN82RGF5TL&source=url o...
Skapad av DirtyGamingHomie
FFXIV - Character Select 21:9
Skapad av TRANOID
FFXIV - Character Select 21:9 (3440x1440)...
Firewatch 21:9 3440x1440
Skapad av Ecak
Firewatch PC menu screen. Made for 21:9 ultrawide 3440x1440 resolution. No menu text, No title, No audio...
Gargantua SE 21:9
Skapad av Dalkom
3440*1440 / 2560*1080 Compatible. small file size / loop video / 25FPS ...
21:9(这是应要求发布的更新 找16:9的请去鄙人工坊)
原壁纸的21:9版本 这个没有经过订阅测试 如果显示不全或者有其他问题的 请在留言板提醒我 谢谢....
21:9 world of warcraft shadowmoon valley
Skapad av Gagagou
world of warcraft shadowmoon valley...
Dark Souls 3: Cemetery of Ash 21:9
Skapad av Hispalense
Dark Souls 3: Cemetery of Ash (21:9 ultrawide)...
DARK SOULS 3 21:9 #1 (DOF OFF)
Skapad av Dalkom
DARK SOULS III 피사계심도를 끈 화면입니다. 원경이 좀 더 선명합니다. 3440*1440 / 2560*1080 low capacity file / loop video 다크소울3 울트라와이드...
Skapad av Dalkom
DARK SOULS III 3440*1440 / 2560*1080 low capacity file / loop video 다크소울3 울트라와이드...
Skapad av Dalkom
DARK SOULS III 3440*1440 / 2560*1080 low capacity file / loop video 다크소울3 울트라와이드 저용량 / 루프...
ESO Statue
Skapad av E 1615881939
Subtle Video background from Elder Scrolls Online 21:9 (3440 x 1440) Resolution...
Half Life 2 Ep2 Portal Storm view loop 21:9 3440x1440 60fps
Skapad av Soya
Half Life 2 wallpapers. Enjoy, please rate/comment/share and perhaps consider to support my wallpaper creations, please use either Paypal donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XALAN82RGF5TL&source=url or Patreon: ht...
Ethan Carter Autumn Leaves looped 21:9 3440x1440 60fps
Skapad av Soya
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux wallpapers. Enjoy, please rate/comment/share and perhaps consider to support my wallpaper creations, please use either Paypal donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XALAN82RGF5TL&s...
XenobladeX 3440*1440
Skapad av Yuuki
21:9 Mass effect purgatory
Skapad av Gagagou
the purgatory of mass effect, animated...
GlaDos(Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System)
GlaDos Keep talking. From Portal 2. 21:9 support. Add Reawakening Glados's lines and BGM. Glados speaking now....
Bioshock 2 Remastered Underwater
Skapad av Puggo
Simple under water scene from Bioshock 2 Remastered. Recorded in 3440x1440p at 60 frames....
Sunset on the Beach - GTA V (21:9)
Did you know that by becoming a patron you can instantly unlock dozens of high quality 4K live wallpapers here on my Steam workshop? These wallpapers are not available on my YouTube channel or public workshop! Bronze tier $1: Gets you one exclusive wallpap...
Forest Scene - Everyone's Gone to the Rapture (21:9)
Did you know that by becoming a patron you can instantly unlock dozens of high quality 4K live wallpapers here on my Steam workshop? These wallpapers are not available on my YouTube channel or public workshop! Bronze tier $1: Gets you one exclusive wallpap...
Moving stars behind a mountain [60FPS/4K]
Skapad av Dapal
A mountain backdrop with moving stars, http://i.imgur.com/5dD7e8x.jpg ***EDIT*** Here's a link to a 1080p version. This should give better preformance for lower end pc's http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838045767 ...
Alaska - Timelapse Film
Alaska - Timelapse Film 2560*1080...
Dragon Age Forest (21:9)
Skapad av Morlock
A Dragon Age forest i found on google (Credit to https://www.reddit.com/user/jim2point0/submitted/) Turned into a live wallpaper with Fireflies and Ember....
Christmas Cabin in the Woods
Skapad av Ryethiel
A festively decorated cabin in the middle of the woods. 2560x1080 - 21:9 Credit to DualBoot Games on Google Play for their app "Christmas HD". It's what I used to make this. Link to DualBoot Games: https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=7435618791987185...
Space Engine "Binary Sunrise" 21:9 3440x1440
Skapad av Hasgaha
In-game clip from Space Engine 0.980 This version is 16:9 3440x1440 @ 60fps. It's a 17 MB, 14 second clip that loops seamlessly. Alternate Versions: ------------------------------------- 16:9 1920x1080 60fps version: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/f...
Halloween 🎃
Skapad av Spingi
Happy Halloween !!!...
21:9 #3
Skapad av Honk
Colorful Water waves [3440x1440][21:9]
Skapad av PistolShrimpz
A simple static picture animated to simulate slow motion water moving and creating a wave. Created in Wallpaper engine as a quick experiment with water effects. The quality of the GIF does not showcase the real quality of the wallpaper. Hope you enjoy it...
树 星夜
Skapad av CMXJIAN
Pirate ship
Skapad av Javier1009
Pirate ship Credit goes to Blizzard Entertainment: https://www.blizzard.com...
Battlefield V 4K
Skapad av Samuell
Battlefield V 4K with few effects...
Blade runner 2049, including theme 3440x1440
Skapad av JoblessBiscuit
Blade runner 2049 Tears in the Rain...
Neon Palm Trees
Skapad av NicoCuu
First animated wallpaper, I hope you like it! Link of the original image (without animate): https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpapers/comments/cipgu9/tropical_paradise_3840x2160/ Creator Link: https://aesthetik133.tumblr.com/post/179603317992...
Ultra South Africa 2016 Aftermovie 4K
Reprinted Youtube UMF TV 2016年8月1日发布 Early Bird GA and VIP tickets for Ultra South Africa 2017 are on sale tomorrow, exclusively for registered Ultranauts. For more info: UltraSouthAfrica.com/tickets Tracklist: Black Coffee feat Nakhane Toure - We Dance Ag...
Skapad av Onyx Crow
Halo Reach | Auntie Dot HD | RGB
Skapad av ReachTea
Auntie Dot Loading Screen It is not animated, it changes hue colour. 1080p Unlike most. Something something Halo Infinite #MCCPC...
Rocket League Neon Flicker (always on, no fade) 21:9
Skapad av E 1615881939
This is the Neon Rocket League, but instead of it fading in and out it stays on and flickers...
《崩坏3》天使重构 无缝连接版本 21:9
Skapad av 烻-ZL
碧蓝航线 独角兽 21:9 2560x1080
Skapad av Kinomoto
21:9 屏幕用 独角兽真是太可爱了!!!...
MIKU初音—金属制品 - 铜制工厂(21:9 超宽屏)
Skapad av Lris
原作者:pixiv:77048633 喜欢点赞收藏订阅三连...
Winter reflections- 4k
I used this image from Pixiv user 夕凪 (27383311) - and animated it with a wholesome song, hope you enjoy :) Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJenceQ9IEw&t...
冴えない彼女の育てかた -【1080P】【21:9】【推荐50FPS】
Skapad av Misaki-I
最低设置35FPS以上(关闭频谱状态)。 AMD显卡用户可以启用 Radeon™图片锐化技术 进一步提高壁纸清晰度(需重启软件才可生效),清晰度设置10%最佳效果。【不推荐在全局设置内启用,可能会影响其他应用程序/游戏的画面表现,建议单独开启】 可选功能:时间显示/音乐频谱/镜头视差 可选择显示边框和更改边框颜色,主题颜色与边框颜色绑定。...
White Album2(白色相簿2)
Skapad av Xash
寒冷的风中,传来一阵歌声—— 黄昏中,那歌声就像在唱和音乐室里我弹奏的吉他。 也像在唱和隔壁教室里那不知是谁在弹奏的钢琴。 来自屋顶的歌声,犹如清脆的铃音般清澈高亢, 它让我们原本凌乱的三种旋律紧紧联系到了一起。 一切的开始都在这个晚秋。 彼时彼刻,是谁恋上了谁? 无论是谁都付出了全心全意。 无论是谁都在以坚强意志向前。 无论是谁都一心一意地,很纯粹地、坦诚地—— 想要在内心深处结合,获得无可替代的瞬间。 所以在那时,谁爱上了谁。 是一步也不能迟疑的恋爱。 而后的冬天——从天而降的积雪,掩盖了所有的罪。 不...
21:9 天气之子 Weathering with you 天気の子
Skapad av Flat_white
Noticed: I do not own the copyright of this image. This wallpaper does not use for commerce. The original artist is 星宮あき. The original URL is https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/76043559. If there is any copyright issues, I may drop this wallpaper. I do not hav...
[Kyoto]【すみれの永遠の花園】Willett Evegarden【2560X1080】【21:9版本】
Skapad av Misaki-I
推荐设定45-50FPS。 推荐播放速度,默认100、115、120。...
[kyoto] 【CLANNAD~AFTER STORY~】【1080P】21:9/16:9适用
Skapad av Misaki-I
21:9位置推荐 播放速度 推荐60FPS以上...
21:9【初音生贺|Sour式初音】Hand in Hand
Skapad av Btayse
搬运:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av65652781 作者:ST_Miyuki 借物表在视频内 因为我和初音的生日只差两天,所以就干脆一起庆祝了()...
Evening Relax | Animated; BGM; Parallax
Skapad av NGHTMAN
Evening Music Relax | Animated BGM Parallax Anime Girl Lonely Headphones This is not my art. -This wallpaper with: •Background music: DLJ - Pretend •Animations •Wind Sound Effects •Cloth And Hair In Wind Effects •Parallax Effect •Falling leaves “Thanks for...
High Inquisitor Whitemane 21:9
Skapad av Mike Steel
Show off your Whitemane server pride for World of Warcraft Classic! High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane from World of Warcraft. Posed against an in-game screenshot of Scarlet Monastery Cathedral. Features: 3440x1440. 21:9 aspect ratio. 18 effects....
WoW Classic - Ragnaros
Skapad av Ethylon
WoW Classic Ragnaros....
夜海少女 4K
Skapad av Hancock
夜海少女 4K 3440x1440...
Skapad av MrMelons
Sauron and Armies, taken from Shadow of War promotional art...
Still Waiting [Audio Responsive]
Skapad av Slime-Senpai
This is a just an "animated" version of the Still Waiting image from Miv4T. I loved that image but found it lacked just a bit of animation to make it perfect. Features: -Fog near the ground -Light coming from the top -Some droplets of water coming down -So...
Skapad av 𝙊✘
明日方舟 Arknights 企鹅物流 21:9 1080P 30fps
Skapad av AyaCerberus
原图作者幻象黑兔 图片来自明日方舟游戏内资源 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM来自明日方舟游戏内资源 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 明日方舟 Arknights 企鹅物流 2K 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51837311 1080P Version https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails...
明日方舟 Arknights 雷蛇 Ultra Wide 2K 30fps
Skapad av AyaCerberus
原画作者AsicaH 图片id=65411813 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM-Rainbow Six Siege-Six Major Paris Theme 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 明日方舟 Arknights 雷蛇 Ultra Wide 2K 30fps Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av57080772 Ultra Wide Version 3440*1440 (...
明日方舟 Arknights 阿米娅 陈 Ultra Wide 1080p 30fps
Skapad av AyaCerberus
原图来自明日方舟游戏内资源 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM-TheDivision2-The Beginning Is The End 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 明日方舟 Arknights 阿米娅 陈 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51546870 1080P Version - Cloudy https://steamcommunity.co...
明日方舟 Arknights 阿米娅 陈 Ultra Wide 1080p 30fps
Skapad av AyaCerberus
原图来自明日方舟游戏内资源 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM-TheDivision2-The Beginning Is The End 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 明日方舟 Arknights 阿米娅 陈 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51546870 1080P Version - Cloudy https://steamcommunity.co...
明日方舟 Arknights 无名感染者 Ultra Wide 1080p 30fps
Skapad av AyaCerberus
原图来自明日方舟游戏内资源 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM-Johan Soderqvist/Patrik Andrén-Devestation 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 明日方舟 Arknights 无名感染者 2K 1080p 30fps Bilibili预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51994616 1080P Version https://gtm.steamproxy.vip...
Fate 圣女
Skapad av lonisland
Skapad av lone
[Fate] ShiRin, Shirou x Rin Tohsaka (3440x1440)
Skapad av アマツグ
Focused on very subtle effects to really give the relaxed feeling of the image. Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=71400585...
Skapad av Quincy
1.04 增强头发和裙子的摇晃 稍微加大点花瓣 1.03 修改亮度 修改花瓣大小 取消手部光子特效 1.02 修改了水纹波动大小 以及添加了裙子和头发摇摆效果 新手一枚 失误的地方请大家包涵 增加了水纹效果 感觉还行所以上传了希望大家喜欢 原作者 _安息 微博 https://weibo.com/u/2645628392?refer_flag=1005055013_ P站 https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3990473 希望大家关注下 原作者 BGM:Digital ...
Summer Pockets
Skapad av Yamada Ryo
サマーポケッツ - Summer Pockets 21:9 WQHD / 3440 x 1440...
Skapad av YeZi
Skapad av Vipre.A
黑色晚礼服 2K
冰公主海琴烟 黑色晚礼服 阳台 鬼刀 3440x1440 2K 壁纸...
Skapad av Hasu^v^
Chitanda from Hyouka...
(League of Legends) Soaring Sword Fiora
Skapad av Lunanella
21:9, 1440p animated wallpaper of League of Legends' Soaring Sword Fiora. Works well on 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9 aspect ratios as well. Original artwork by Jean Go @ ArtStation....
Fireflies Above
Skapad av Lunanella
21:9, 1440p wallpaper with animated water and fireflies. The original artwork can be found here....
Anime girl-Night (4K)
Skapad av Sodd_147
Night Anime girl Original illustration: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kJ4Ld...
Eri- Aoi ogata (4K)
Skapad av Sodd_147
Eri Aoi ogata Original illustration: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kJ4Ld Happy new year^^...
Skapad av vanic
Please consider rating Support me on Ko-fi Become a Patron! ...
Anime Original [UltraWide][Animated]
Skapad av Artuur
Dont forget to subscribe to my workshop and rate the wallpaper....
Burning Teldrasil
Skapad av Nikso
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth the burning of Teldrasil...
Zero Two - Darling in the Franxx 2560x1080
Skapad av Truth
Wanted a little more than what some of the other wallpapers had. Specifically the opening theme song added. Also made for us ultrawide people....
No Game No Life - Jibril 21:9
Skapad av Retalyx
Jibril from No Game No Life...
LiS Chloe 21:9 animated
Skapad av Trillie
Animated pic and a particle effect...
少女前线 Girls' Frontline SV-98 SVD 2K 21:9 30fps [Available for BOTH 16:9 & 21:9 monitors]
Skapad av AyaCerberus
原画作者幻象黑兔 图片id=55608636 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 BGM选自Girls' Frontline Original Soundtrack 作者Vanguard Sound G.K/金田充弘 White Front 若有侵权请联系diorsziyue@outlook.com删除。 个人觉得是自己做的最好看的壁纸之一。 SV98好可爱啊。 注意:本版本兼容带鱼屏和普通屏幕!开心吧?带鱼屏用户们? 少女前线 Girls' Frontline SV-98 S...
『少女前线』M4 SOPMODII‎ 动态桌面
Skapad av 君臨天下LEE
sop真可爱,我想......和她玩捉迷藏 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av46486389 Pixiv ID: 71629113 Member: Aer7o BGM:いろのみ - 闲森 希望大家喜欢哦~不妨点个素质五连呀...
少女前线M4 SOPMODII 21:9壁纸
Skapad av Amamiya Makoto
少女前线壁纸第一弹! 为了截21:9专门买了个Adobe PS......
Skapad av Amamiya Makoto
Skapad av Sayakosan
由原作品 http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=855098399 修剪了壁纸 并移除了雪花效果...
三体 智子21:9 魔改版
Skapad av Nisekoi
在创意工坊搜了一下好像没找到21:9的,于是自己魔改了一个。 稍微挑了一点颜色。...
Skapad av nengrana
A great piece of art I found with no mention of the artist. Added FX. Artist: Maciej Kuciara...
Star Wars - Cyberpunk 21:9 Super Effects
Skapad av I Witherfang I
There are so many of these images but none of them were to my liking. So I did what anyone would do, I made my own. Perfect for a 21:9 resolution in fact that's what its made for. I hope you enjoy and may the force be with you! Yes there is a lot but I lik...
First Order Stormtrooper 21:9, 3440x1440p
Skapad av HolyRat
Stormtrooper from force awakens...
The Witcher 3 Vintage (21:9) (Ultrawide)
Skapad av o a k ⁧⁧⁧真
I am not the author of this art nor claim it to be mine. I just wanted to bring it to Wallpaper Engine and scale it to fit my monitor. Hope you like it....
Tricolour Lovestory 舞文弄墨 帶音樂 三色繪戀伴奏 21:9 2520X1080
Skapad av Night Shadow
21:9屏專用桌布 三色绘恋配圖請參考:http://store.steampowered.com/app/668630/ 如有任何意見請反饋...
初音ミク Gaze [60FPS] [Ultrawide 3440x1440]
Skapad av Projechi 🌸
Supports 3440x1400 Ultrawide Monitors. Please remember to toggle 60 fps in settings!...
Skapad av NicoEzawa
バーチャルシンガー・初音ミクが9月4日と5日に日本武道館で開催したライブイベント「マジカルミライ 2015」の模様をBD化。アンコールを含む全27曲を収録。特典ディスクや日本武道館公演記念アイテムなどを封入した限定版。 因去除了黑边导致画质不足...
Magical Mirai 2015
Skapad av Sayakosan
为了超宽屏简单制作的自用壁纸,顺便分享一下 For 21:9 Monitor...
Skapad av Licking Anne
first one sorry if it sucks...
Kshatriya in Orbit (21:9)
Skapad av Lan௵Dozo
A wallpaper made from TX's excellent Kshatriya artwork located here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AZa8N Please give them some love. Upscaled with AI Gigapixel, and various effects added to monoeye, emitters, thrust, swords, and earthglow. Intended fo...
Rapture City UW - 3440x1440 + Time + Bubbles
Skapad av Templi
Game: Bioshock Location: Rapture City Effect-1: Slim with airbubbles Effect-2: Time with sound visualizer Effects are highly customizable...
Iron Man
Skapad av FatalKitty
Use Cover/Center for other resolutions (it's a larger image). Anyway, it's Iron Man with some effects. Enjoy!...
Tekken 7 - Devil Kazumi [21:9]
Skapad av Teen In Action
Tekken 7 Devil Kazumi wallpaper with animated fire eyes, brimming crystals and flashing background. For the 21:9 users who need a new Tekken wallpaper....
Gwen Stacy
Skapad av kuroisu
Gwen Stacy from Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, with moving clouds and shimmer!...
Chun Lo
Skapad av Abstract Hero
Art by Chun Lo https://www.artstation.com/chunlo Edited by Abstract Hero 3440x1440 Ultrawide...
The End of Evangelion
Skapad av Questius
The End of Evangelion Artwork based on the End of Evangelion movie, animated by myself. All credit for the artwork goes to the author of the image....
Skapad av Animm貓
此生只为你一眼/已错过繁花三千 水/ 第十五张。...
Skapad av Autumn_night
BGM:Pagoda 作曲Xomu/Amidst...
Skapad av Suki
iDOLM@STER 星 60FPS (3440x1440) Ultrawide
Skapad av Projechi 🌸
Supports 3440x1400 Ultrawide Monitors. Remember to set 60 fps in settings!...
[支持4K] LOLI即正義 [樱花飘落]
Skapad av 琉璃药师
pixiv id=61424301 原畫標題: しろいいぬ&マロンちゃん 畫師原話: しらたま先生(user/705370)の看板犬のしろいいぬちゃんとマロンちゃんを描きました。 しらたま先生的兩隻看板汪娘 搭配樱花飘落特效 支持4K分辨率 2K分辨率 16:9可用 21:9也可用(我是21:9的) 樱花特效套用创意工坊id=828327383, 侵權刪 喜欢的求個赞O(∩_∩)O~/~...
时崎狂三 完美支持21:9
Skapad av Kinomoto
用了两天闲暇时间做出来的 新人试作品! 做的可能不好~见谅啦! 注意这张原壁纸是21:9的哦! 就这样啦 !~...
Skapad av Bishamon
Rate :3 Add to favorite ^^'...
Nier: Automata 21:9
Skapad av DragonSoul_CN
《尼尔:机械纪元(NieR: Automata)》 本人第二部壁纸作品 高配版21:9 + 60fps+无缝循环 觉得还不错的话请支持下ヾ(o◕∀◕)ノ 觉得动效有些快的话可以软件调一下播放速度_(:3 」∠)_ 21:9专用壁纸!!!! PS:win8.1 win10 请使用高配版 高配版: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=901090746 低配版: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/f...
Girl with dragon (3440x1440, 21:9)
Skapad av Misuzu
My first try on photoshop and after effects. 3440x1440 Girl with dragon wallpaper for everyday use. ***The original picture is not my creation*** If you happen to know or you are the pixiv artist, please let me know. I would like to add the original link a...
Your lie in April
Skapad av Miki.
Resolution: 2560 x 1080 Background is from Your lie in April, i made the stars and shooting star in after effect. Any ideas or questions feel free to ask....
Eromanga Sensei 埃罗芒阿老师 ED 21:9 无字有声拼接循环
【在线预览: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av10417621 】 【在线预览的置顶评论中有更多版本介绍。】 素材来自网络 http://bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/5997 Eromanga Sensei 埃罗芒阿老师 ED 去文字去水印,掐头去尾,拼接循环,卷积画面优化。 此为 21:9 版本。 (16:9 版本请前往:http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913612170)...
[MMD] LUPIN 玉藻前(Fate/EXTRA) 60fps 21:9 19.6Mbps
Skapad av 47Artoria
预览: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8478039/ 自用备份 毫无波动的正常向 借物: Music:Kara - LUPIN (Japanese Ver.) Model:お宮 Motion:まにまに Camera:rxdx Stage:まきがね MME:Ray-mmd、ikeno、AutoLuminous4、Diffusion7、MotionBlur2、CheapLens...
[MMD] ARROW Haku 60fps 21:9 2745Kbps
Skapad av 47Artoria
b站预览: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8434410/ 自用备份 嗯,我就试试这种封面会不会小黄叉,(视频里当然是没有的) 奶子和屁股的过度刻画都会小黄叉,那这回还是看腿吧 1920x810导出压缩效率好啊,有人要求再更1080p的 为防止开头的刺音,我把开头-1s了,是的,字面上的减一秒,以后的视频也都会-1s处理,没有任何意思 牛顿的棺材板已焊死√ 借物: Model:iRon0129 Motion&Camera:南沢 & ネロの犬(face) Stage:JMat...
Suzumiya Haruhi web wallpaper [v3.05] [customizable]
Skapad av Suzumiya Haruhi
·This wallpaper is a web wallpaper ·The arrow below the date in the upper right corner, click to set the alarm clock, year, month, day, hour, minute and second must be set, when the time will pop up a prompt box and play music -------V1.1-------- · Fixed t...
Miko fox (Ver. 1.2)
Skapad av Snow_Z
--> Natsu ni yuki : https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1534683927 Wallpaper Origin : --> http://i.imgur.com/tDSSzmX.png Music/Song : Floating flow - Foxtail Grass Studio I like girl fox hahaha =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Can...
Anime Original №41 [1920x1080]
Original - https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=895410 Song - 1. Justin Jet Zorbas - The Girl By The Shore 2. Ori and the Blind Forest OST - 31 - The Sacrifice (feat. Aeralie Brighton)...
『星语Star Whisper』宣传PV
Skapad av Nue
VOCALOID™4星尘 第二张官方专辑『星语Star Whisper』试听 PV by EDR. http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8310517/ 换面比例21:9...
Skapad av Jocelin
原图链接:{LÄNK BORTTAGEN} 提取码:yyds...
Hatsune Miku №2 [2560X1440]
Skapad av Time_Slayer
Water Ripples Water Waves Pulse...
Fallen Angel
Skapad av K2〣Ѵʀ
2560x1440, Angel, Girls, Wings...
Avengers - Flame (16:9)
Skapad av Rzf
This wallpaper is 16:9 @ 2560 x 1440p I post free, wallpapers, live wallpapers and profile art (live too) on my patreon. Consider supporting me for some exclusive or custom designed things! https://www.patreon.com/Rzf It includes -The Avengers Logo changin...
【布洛尼亚】【2K 2560*1440】【60FPS】
Skapad av SakiNagi
原画:崩坏学园2 《苹果糖夏日祭》...
A Tea Party Where Lilies Bloom (2560x1440)
Skapad av Shepp4rd
A Tea Party Where Lilies Bloom a picture by 六音, 本子捐款地址 Thanks for that great work....
篝酱~ 1440P 60FPS
Skapad av Cha.Kun
各种飘动效果,粒子特效,良心抠图咯 原图http://www.rewrite-anime.tv/...
2560*1440 Your Name - Katawaretoki
Skapad av JungPruna
+2017.1.21 : Lesser saturation. 1. Twinkling stars. 2. Glowing meteor tail. 3. Meteor spark. Inspired by https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836780402 Made this because it was not fit to my resolution and wanted vocaless BGM. 샤아아악...
Shelter 落樱特效+BGM 1080P
Skapad av 白ちゃん
Shelter 可以控制落樱特效(Controllable falling sakula effects)+BGM 1080P P站画师:黒狐 图源:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62198574 樱花的数量可以进行调整,BGM可以进行选择(静音模式也有) The number of cherry blossoms can be adjusted, and BGM can be selected (silent m...
【4K】kiana 可视化音频
Skapad av 白ちゃん
懒癌晚期= = 不喜欢壁纸可以更换,不满意特效可以自己设置。...
Pikachu - Pokemon
Skapad av GRKSZ
2560x1080 & 1920x1080...
Skapad av 1150220809
此为B站UP主NateScarlet自制 http://www.bilibili.com/video/av8560301/ 下载:{LÄNK BORTTAGEN} UP主说可以随意上传 - - 第二次更新:更高画质,还是由有爱的NateScarlet提供 基本实现无缝播放 This is Malus spectabilis~...
Sakura 21:9
Skapad av Traxis
Calm room scene with light-effects and dustmotes...
Skapad av Narfell
D.Va from Overwatch By Sakimichan...
Skapad av Narfell
Mercy from Overwatch by Sakimichan...
Skapad av Narfell
WidowMaker from Overwatch by Sakimichan...
OW Reinhardt Wilhelm (3440*1440)
Skapad av 血雨SK
Skapad av Zoral
OVERWATCH Mercy 21:9
Skapad av Zoral
2560x1080 Just some waifu material...
Markerad som inkompatibel ]  Overwatch 5760*1080 scrolling screen
Skapad av ABRAMS
懂的订阅。早就想拿这个壁纸做桌面了,奈何换了21:9才发现这是5760*1080分辨率,根本没法用。。于是厨力全开自己动手,用html5的Parallax Scrolling效果做出了本作。为了方便看全图鼠标灵敏设置略高,自用版本X轴比上传的灵敏度低一半,实际使用要是头晕请反馈给我,我再调整。已获得原画dalao授权,微博@BBor狼小叁er。修正水印位置。 被删两次,再删不传了。...
Post Apocalyptic Nature Scene 1080p 60fps
Skapad av Maverick
Post apocalyptic scene I created in Unreal Engine. I would love to get some feedback on the sounds or environment so feel free to share any ideas you guys may have and I will try to provide updates on my time off. Enjoy ⚫Patreon https://www.patreon.com/mav...
Your Name - Tiamat Comet (1080p 60fps) - No Shake
Skapad av Sirhaian
Animated wallpaper made in Unity, based on the Makoto Shinkai movie "Your Name". Cleaned up version, with music, and without camera shake! Please rate! :) Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SirhaianArts Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
underwater animated
Skapad av combatplayer
underwater light...
Macro Plex
Skapad av Iormangund
4K@24fps Video Wallpaper Courtesy of Videezy.com...
4k walls
Skapad av CheesyD (JIMBO)
walls bro...
Undertale 21:9 Wallpaper
Skapad av Yinzo
⚪Game: Undertale ⚪Resolution: Ultrawide (2560 x 1080) ⚪No Sound NOTE: The artist creator of the illustration is from the hand of Ckibe. Link of the original illustration: https://www.deviantart.com/ckibe/art/Undertale-Wallpaper-592677811...
Skapad av GGBond
新年时节滑稽雨纷纷~ 来感受滑稽雨带来的欢乐吧...
Funny Desktop
Skapad av HoshinoUme
Update v1.0...
https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/85973093979128639/6C501D2AF081FAE9C8853E253427C8E02E4B269B/ INTERACTIVE and Scaleable to ANY resolution this is "BB-8" by Mike Dixon running at 60fps I'm nobody Source: http://codepen.io/mdixondesigns/ ...
Skapad av Lock
谢谢你们提出的建议,希望这次能够让人满意。 Bgm是小河——饭碗的彼岸 The bgm is 「小河」—饭碗的彼岸...
言の葉の庭‐雨の池 The Garden of Words-Rainy Pool 2160p@60FPS
Skapad av tamanegi kenshi
Format : MPEG-4 Format profile : Base Media Codec ID : isom File size : 36.3 MiB Duration : 17s 967ms Overall bit rate : 17.0 Mbps Encoded date : UTC 2016-12-26 11:13:58 Tagged date : UTC 2016-12-26 11:13:58 Video ID : 1 Format : AVC Format/Info : Advanced...
[AMV] Mastamind - Rainfall
Skapad av Ani
The AMV was made by Mastamind not me. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBp5_yr5u-Q Alternative video stream + download: http://amvnews.ru/index.php?go=Files&in=view&id=6330 Anime: 5 Centimeters Per Second, Children Who Chase Lost Voices From Deep Bel...
MitchiriNeko March(waifu2x To 1440P)
Skapad av Livrestrela
Original:みっちりねこマーチ - MitchiriNeko March - Cute cat characters in a marching band! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAIGb1lfpBw Original video only 480P. Increase resolution to 1440P with waifu2x the effect is not so good……But much better. Removed the end pa...
Comfy Rain
Skapad av basilcider
十分喜欢的GIF像素画!!! 本隐看 创意工坊有人上传了几张此作者的像素画 不是很完整的喵 请支持作者本人! 作者地址:http://1041uuu.tumblr.com/ 接下来是宣传群啦~ 群名:东方同人吧 群号:219269904 欢迎喜欢东方喜欢动漫 喜欢安静平和生活的人 或者热烈激情的人喵!...
Star Wars AT-AT
Scaleable to ANY resolution this is "STAR WARS AT-AT Walker" by r4ms3s running at 60fps Insert star wars joke here Source: http://codepen.io/r4ms3s/...
Rain drops (storm)
Skapad av Hovii
Heavy rain with thunderbolt & Wallpaper moving with mouse. Not pre-rendered. Source: https://github.com/codrops/RainEffect Also check out the other version! http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/workshop/filedetails/?id=780666753 ...
Rain drops (heavy rain)
Skapad av Hovii
Heavy rain & Wallpaper moving with mouse. Not pre-rendered. Source: https://github.com/codrops/RainEffect Also check out the other version! http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/workshop/filedetails/?id=780666753...
Skapad av Lolicon竹中
21:9 Space Loop 3440x1440 (Blue Version)
Blue Version of my other Space Wallpaper, effect is the same Background is different. I can't fix the minor stutter effect, the video is correctly looped thats just wallpaper engine taking some time to play the video again....
21:9 Space Loop 3440x1440
Simple loop Check out another Version of the same Wallpaper: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=914607822 Credit for the unanimated original picture goes to LieutanantBill : https://www.reddit.com/r/WidescreenWallpaper/comments/66yq9j/sp...
Deep space 3
Skapad av JFAexe
VU Meter (简体中文)
Skapad av Squee
一个响应音频的基本VU表,类似Wallpaper Engine自带的Audiophile壁纸,但相比之下本壁纸更美观、拥有更多的可自定义项! 截图中的背景图片只是作为例子展示,默认以颜色作为背景,但您也可以选择一个您喜欢的图片作为背景图像。 https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpapers/ 就是我多年来寻找漂亮图像壁纸的地方。 默认预设值的效果并不会像上面的截图那样炫酷,但您可以在我们的"讨论"中找到我们提供的参数例子,然后根据参数例子进行调教即可~ 讨论地址: http://ste...
Steam logo
Skapad av mark | dj.
Animated Steam logo @ 90+ FPS...
FEZ Day and Night
Skapad av mkvdb
FEZ scene with moving clouds, animated creatures and day / night cycle. Adapts to any resolution or aspect ratio v1.2 - All Animals have unique animations v1.1 - Added stars at night, cleaned up v1.0 - Released -- rate this if you want more -- Original by ...
Amazing Landscape (Low CPU • Music )
Skapad av Pixol
Updated: Now with music and sound effects! Change volume or mute in wallpaper settings. Zone out and relax instantly with this beautiful nature wallpaper! Now with music! Credit goes to SLPGaming, the original creator of this project. This a high quality 1...
Amazing Landscape
Scaleable to ANY resolution this is "Landscape animation experiment" by Louis Coyle running at 60fps NONE CPU USEAGE VERSION AVAILABLE in 1440p 60fps on my workshop . http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=876256393 RESOURCE INTENSIVE! - Pro...
Skapad av FukHak
This is way simpler than it looks like. TECHNOLOGY three.js Code by Mr.doob mrdoob.com ==================== How to set mouse movement speed: 1.enter to wellpaper engine workshop folder Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\431960\823979999 2.open index.html or ...
[Hololive] Train Station
Skapad av Diew
Work on 21:9 (alignment cover, center), 16:9 screen (set slider 0 or 100) Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79194213...
Skapad av mkvdb
not a video, jellyfish and water turbulence physics, caustics surface lighting. Update: Added 10x finer swimming speed control Now you can control flock spread for 2 or 3 monitor setups User controls - Jellyfish Amount - Randomize Size - Jellyfish Size - J...
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Skapad av 大橙
微博ID: 大橙丶AD...
China 2098 - 满怀深情望北京 Look at Beijing with deep feeling
Skapad av SuperNoobBabyJ8
头顶青天,脚踩荒原 中国2098:满怀深情望北京 “青天一顶星星亮,荒原一片灯火红,月钢工人心向党,满怀深情望北京”,我长大以后才知道这首歌最初的歌词不是这样的,并且歌颂的对象也不是在月球上开采和冶炼钛铁的工人。记得舅舅对我说过,能看见地球,但是大片白色的云层让人难以分辨大陆的形状,好不容易看见东亚的轮廓就算是“望北京”了。 上个月母亲和舅舅视频通话,我也在一旁;显然他们正在从矿场返回炼钢厂的路上,离大门还有几百米的路程;大门上方“2074”的字样清晰可见,不过跃进湾基地原计划是64年建成投产的,她坐落在爱...
China 2098 - 万年太久,只争朝夕 Ten thousand is too long , seize every minute
Skapad av SuperNoobBabyJ8
一万年太久,只争朝夕 四海翻腾云水怒,五洲震荡风雷激 要扫除一切害人虫,全无敌 中国 2098:人类远征猎户座用重型飞船”前进方舟“ 巨大的恒星级飞船“前进方舟”,能够进行快速跃迁,可以再恶劣的宇宙环境下进行虫洞跳跃,在试航时受到领导层高度评价“太快了,太快了,有催人跑的感觉,我们现在就需要这样的飞船”;但是早期的“前进方舟”一直存在朝预订目标的反方向前进的故障,船员不得不逆向操作,想往右转就得发出左转的指令,直到全面更换了导航系统;新导航系统被命名为”舵手676“,于是便有了”星海航行靠舵手“这句话。 来...
China 2098 - 俯瞰东海大堤 Overlooking the East China sea levee
Skapad av SuperNoobBabyJ8
战天斗地,其乐无穷 中国2098:在低轨道俯瞰东海大堤 在整个近地轨道空间里,我上班的地方——黄河站是相对繁忙的,常有大小船只往来,有飞地木航线的,也有飞地月航线的。从轨道空间开始建设至今已过去将近50年,在这期间发生了太多事情。 在我出生前——也就是从本世纪40年代初一直到2056年,虽然国际社会笼罩在碳中和失败的阴影下,但是得益于可控核聚变技术的成熟商业化,全球秩序还是在醉生梦死和水深火热之间勉强维持着平衡;在国内,人民被不间断的胜利持续鼓舞着: 30年代初——突破封锁实现伟大复兴,40年代初——实现人...
China 2098 - 我为祖国献氦三 I offer 3He for motherland
Skapad av SuperNoobBabyJ8
浩瀚苍穹,大有作为 中国2098:我为祖国献氦三 芳核子综合站是木星轨道生产建设兵团第二师的基地,它下面管理着两个井队,每队控制一台采气井,井队从木星大气分离出的氦三通过短距货船运到综合站,在那里存储打包,再由专门的木地飞船送到地球。 2055年我们在木星轨道建造了第一个科研空间站,这也是人类第一次能够长期生存在那里;2064年通过木星大气获取氦三的技术取得了突破, 但因为建造东海大堤和东水西引的工程正处于关键阶段,而且靠氘氚反应堆生活的无数同志们需要时间来调整,所以直到2078年,东水西引工程基本完成以后...
Cyberpunk Audio Responsive
Skapad av Яiot
cozy cyberpunk street with audio responsive elements...
麻匪 原神 雷电将军 Windows 16:9 21:9
Skapad av Hope麻匪
动态壁纸制作 哔哩哔哩:Hope麻匪 https://space.bilibili.com/111174060 原图作者:日奎 Pixiv:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/98159183 BGM: 玫瑰少年...