Dishonored 2

Dishonored 2

75 értékelés
Emily - Clean Hands | Shadow | Ghostly Walkthrough - Video Guide
Készítő: MrCodeslinger
A complete guide to getting your Clean Hands and Shadow achievements as well as your mission specific Ghostly achievement as Emily in Dishonored 2. This is a full stealth-based no kills guide in which we'll be picking every collectible (i.e. paintings, runes, bone charms and blueprints), hitting all of the relevant mission specific side-quests, as well as robbing every black market.
Overview / Caveats
The beauty of Dishonored 2 is that there are so many different ways to accomplish any given task. In the following mission specific walkthroughs you'll simply be seeing MY way of approaching each mission. There is no right or wrong way to doing anything in these missions. Use your best judgement and do what works best for your own personal gameplay and playstyle. I hope you enjoy the guide.

If you are looking for a full Clean Hands, Shadow and/or Ghostly walkthrough as Corvo you can find a Steam guide for that here.
Mission 01: A Long Day in Dunwall
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Mission 02: Edge of the World
From what I've been told, the first two bonecharms that you can collect for this mission, while still on the Dreadful Wale are part of the Assassin's Pack (Pre-Order) DLC. i.e. If you did not pre-order the game, I don't believe you can get these. As such your end of mission counts might be less that what you see in the video. Just an FYI.

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Mission 03: The Good Doctor
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Mission 04: The Clockwork Mansion
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Mission 05: The Royal Conservatory
According to recent patch notes, the "kill bug" has been resolved. I would still suggest some farily liberal saving during this mission just so that you have decent save points to go back to and test just in case.

Also, when you get down into the basement Archives area, be careful tossing bottles of the flammable liquor at those bloodfly nests. If you have already taken care of Breanna, sometimes the two witches down there fall unconscious close enough to the nests to be hit and killed by the explosions when using said bottles. You can avoid the nests entirely by slipping into a small window shaped hole in the wall of the archives room that is down a small "hallway" to your right just before the nests (if you're coming from the side where the stairs/elevator are).

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Mission 06: Dust District
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Mission 07: A Crack in the Slab
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Mission 08: The Grand Palace
Keep in mind when you get into the Grand Palace itself that the Duke and his Body Double can spawn in one of five places and it is completely random as to what you get. The locations are as follows:

1. Private Garden
2. Throne Room
3. Duke's Office
4. Delilah's Chambers
5. Duke's Chambers

Below are some additional details on how you might handle the Duke and/or his Body Double based on where they spawn. These are just some high level thoughts on the matter. Do whatever works best for you.

Duke's Chambers
The same tactic works here whether it is the Duke or the body double. Eventually, the person in there will dismiss the single red shirt guard and then you can speak to or take out the one who is in there.

Throne Room
The same tactic works here whether it is the Duke or the body double. Get up on the first chandelier and wait. Eventually, the person in here will dismiss both guards. Once they are gone, Far Reach to the back left corner and remove the Whale Oil tank to disable the Pylon. Then you can speak to the body double. If it is the Duke, Far Reach up to the chandelier closest to the throne then do a drop take down on the Duke.

Dukes Office
The same tactic works here whether it is the Duke or the body double. Get into the room and either up on the chandelier or one of the display cases. Eventually, the person in here will dismiss both guards. Depending on what else you have to do in the palace, you might want to consider taking the guards out and not letting them be dismissed to wander about. They are an easy domino drop take down if you want it.

Private Garden
I've never seen the guards be dismissed from down here. If it is the body double, you see in the video how I deal with him. If it is the Duke, a Mesmerize 4 on the 3 people + the dog will work or you can just Domino the Duke and the 2 guards together as the dog is almost always looking away.

Delilah's Chambers
This is the rarest one for me. I reloaded this zone about 15 times and never got either one to show up here. If they do and the guards don't get dismissed use the same tactics I show for taking out the single guard in this area. Get up on the light fixtures to remove the guards and either take out the Duke or speak to the body double.

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Mission 09: Death to the Empress
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18 megjegyzés
Homer Yaoi 2022. máj. 1., 20:57 
who tf plays as emily lol
rbtclrk7190 2022. márc. 4., 8:02 
How do you get Overseer Byrnes body to the Crows Hand saloon? You can't do it without getting spotted.
rbtclrk7190 2022. febr. 18., 10:39 
They do not show when you bring out the Heart.
rbtclrk7190 2022. febr. 18., 10:39 
I don't know how to acquire the 2 bone charms from the Dreadful Whale before going to Karnacka. I dove for the ruin in the water but how do you get those other bone charms?
rbtclrk7190 2022. febr. 14., 13:48 
In the Attermire Institute mission, the guards on the stairs playing dice keep dying from the sleep darts, or one of them falls on a bottle of flammable liquor. I've played it like 15 times. Has that ever happened to you?
rbtclrk7190 2022. febr. 14., 7:04 
I'm trying to figure out how you got 2 bone charms from the first mission, escaping Dunwall? The first one appears in the blood fly infested apartment in the second mission. How did you do that?
rbtclrk7190 2022. febr. 12., 19:19 
YOU MAKE IT LOOK TOO EASY! I never get it like that, they always seem to turn around at exactly the right moment to screw up my ghost game. I got most of the stuff but the basement part is what I was missing. And the Dr. guy in the treatment room or whatever. Hopefully I can get it all done this time around.
I brought a chloroform bottle down and dropped it on the guards in the dining area. I still had to choke one out but I got the charm. I did not know that far reach would work on that. Go figure? You can also knock out the Blood flies with chloroform. In case you didn't know that'
Tabby3456 2019. nov. 22., 12:49 
Guys, theres a fun thing about this game

its figuring it out urself
letalone the multiple pathways even in flesh and steel mode
gojo satoryu 2018. jan. 9., 18:27 
How is it even hard
Romulus 2017. júl. 16., 10:52 
Now, is this doable without powers lol ?