Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Console Commands
Av Xango2000 och 1 medverkande
Some commands are hard to understand or have alternative ways to use them. This guide will explain Console commands and many of their uses. Commands are secured, using 4 levels:
  • Gamemaster (you in your SP game),
  • Admin,
  • Moderator,
  • Player (you in MP).
These levels are called roles, the player role is the lowest. In single player, you are a game master or GM.
Player commands
This guide was created for all the folk who use the built in server and just want to get going in a hurry. "Hosted" servers will remove and add commands like these listed. Hosted servers will provide a web console or telnet connection credentials, in addition to the in game console.

Player commands can be used by all player roles.
Tap the backtick ` key (top left on most keyboards.)
You can also resize the console using one of 3 optional sizes.

di (abbreviation for Debug Info)
open console and type
in the console and press ENTER.

brings up a small window on the top of the player screen that lists
Your Coordinates
Your Level, Your Experience and Your Player ID
The Number of Structures on the playfield and the Number of Entities on the playfield
(Structures = Ships, Bases, POIs, Asteroids, Meteorites)
(Entities = Structures + Players)

If you are facing an entity and close enough to it you also see
It's ID and it's Name
It's Coordinates

This command is useful for looking up your own coordinates or the ID of an Entity you want to manipulate.

Run the command again to turn it off. Many commands will toggle on or off in this fashion by jsut typing it again or tapping up-arrow and ENTER.

detach Player stuck in terrain
Will unstuck you from being "in" the ground after crashing the bike or a ship i na way that glithed you into some part of the terrain. This command was introduced, but after a while no longer needed.

Show the current difficulty level and conditions
DiffEscapepodcontent... through to DiffOxygenConsumption. It's quite a few, these are the game starting conditions or the scenario conditions on a server. And will tell you if something like oxygen is more likely to run out quicker than you normally would expect it to.
List all origins

0: Neutral
1: Human
Origins are not the same thing as races.

Show all blocks in a ship or BA that are getting oxygen
oxygen 44956 show
Replace 44956 with the entity id
An easier way to do this is via the debug menu "n" and clicking the "Debug" tab.

Show the game time for the server, this does not indicate/correlate to your local world time which shows top right in the HUD. If you are an Admin, or single player game, you can set the server time, however the time will just jump back to what it was in a multiplayer game.
time 4000
The time is the same everywhere on the planet surface and on the server. Anything from 0 to 22000 is a valid server time. Particularly useful when trying to take screenshots of something, can also be used to allow a quick advance of time to allow sleeping in a tent at night.

lpf (load playfield)
List loaded playfields , short form lpf
Admin role can specify a playfield name as a parameter, to force it to load, see playfield load limits for your server. Will cause another playfield to unload. (A server may be configured to allow more than one playfield remain loaded.)

initadmin (multiplayer if no admin set)
If this server has never had an admin, you will become admin from then onward. By default the person starting the server is already the admin.

Clears the screen
Clears the screen
Game Master (Creative)
Commands are secured, using 4 levels Gamemaster (like an admin), Admin, Moderator and of course Player. In a single player game, all commands are always available to you. In a MP game, these levels are called roles, the player role is the lowest. In single player, you are a game master or GM. The person starting a local server "ingame" is the Admin and GM by default. The Admin commands and role control the server. Moderator is only relevant in multiplayer, an Admin might add you as a moderator. When you join a multiplayer server, you join as a "Player", and have pretty much only the above group of commands available to you. Some commands have a long version of the command, this guide will mostly use the short version for simplicity.

Makes you invulnerable and allows you to fly.
Hold Shift and you go fast
Hold Ctrl and you go FastER
Hold Ctrl and Shift to go FastEST

You can fly thru anything and even transition from planet to space and back.
In a Creative game, press G to toggle godmode on and off.

You can now use ctrl and shift for vertical movement

Godmode Invisible
gm iv
Works Just like godmode but you are invulnerable and invisible and can access all structures as if they were your own. Constructors, cargo boxes, the control panel, light switches, power... It's all available to you. You can even deconstruct anything that doesn't have an Admin core or an Alien Admin Core.

Pressing G Sometimes gets bugged out for the toggle.
To turn it off you must use
Godmode Off

to teleport from one planet to another you have to use Sector to move to the destination's Orbit first.

Sector 'Akua Orbit'
note: this command is Caps or case sensitive and requires single quotes if the name is more than one word.

it Is possible to use just the first word in certain circumstances like
Sector Akua

can be used multiple ways

toggles you (and ship) to be able to right click on the map to teleport to where you right clicked (a little buggy at times)

Teleport [coordinates]
... teleports you (and ship) to those coordinates.
Teleport -451 124 475
spaces between the X, Y and Z coordinates are mandatory and Commas are optional.

Teleport [playfield]
teleports you (and ship) to the connected playfield if it is in the same "Sector"
Teleport Akua
teleports you to Akua if you are in either Akua Orbit or on Akua Moon. Use the sector command to change sectors

Teleport [ship]
teleports you to that ship, the ship name will need to be unique, it usually will have a (1) suffix if it's not unique.

Teleport [player]
Will teleport the GM or moderator to the player location - be aware you want to type GM INV first, to prevent the player seeing a mirror image and for them to get a fright because you teleport right in top of the player.

lets you see everything that shows on the map (structures, Drones, Asteroids, Freighters, etc)
must use
Map Hide
, or just 'map' to turn this off.

You can move Anything with an ID with this command
Including Structures, Ships, asteroids, POIs, meteorites... even Motorcycles. But not players!

setposition [id] x,y,z
It has a nudge mode, use expression-math like to change the x/y/z location relative to a value. To nudge 5 meters
setposition [id] 2249+5,111,915
and if the +5 is not far enough
setposition [id] 2249+6,111,915
and then mayby nudge the item up a meter by going
setposition [id] 2249+6,111+1,915

setposition 1048 y+100
setposition 1048 -2249,111,915

note: Coordinates are with NO spaces AND requires commas

setrotation[id] x,y,z
rotates the specified entity (ships and buildings). I believe this does not work on players.
Note: this command does not work correctly in multiplayer, the entity looks rotated for the person that used the command only and will revert on server restart.

lets you look up Coordinates and ID of any Entity (players, Ships, Asteroids, etc)
doesn't require the whole name

find Xango
Found 'Xango2000' at (2602.5, 68.8, 4.1): id=1048
Found 'Xango's Tank' at (2638.5, 67.8, -0.3): id=65018

Note: only looks up entities on the current playfield

lists all entities on the current playfield

including their coordinates, ID, full name, Faction ID# and a bunch of other information I havent Identified yet.
the section starting with p= is the coordinates

enables the H key to open the creative item menu, just like in creative. Considered cheating to use this on a Survival game.
Is the short form, and once again, its a simple toggle if type in to the console twice

Instantly completes a blueprint that is in factory already.
Honestly, I don't use this one anymore. Spawnanyblueprint works much easier
  • select a blueprint
  • click "To Factory"
  • then open console and do
  • your blueprint is ready to spawn 2 seconds later
you can set a time
Finishbp 60
to set the blueprint to be ready to spawn in 60 seconds.

this one is my new favorite to spawn blueprints
this command is a toggle, turn it on and the factory acts just like it does in Creative
select a blueprint and click "Spawn"
select a blueprint and click "Spawn"
select a blueprint and click "Spawn"
Fill the area around you with buildings and ships ready to play.

Fix off centre blueprint
Make sure you have a blueprint of the ship, find it's name by pressing F2.
prefabinfo nameofblueprint -clearpivot

As usual anything with spaces then use this:
prefabinfo 'name of blueprint' -clearpivot

In the console type
, to get the faulty ship's id, destroy the build that's spawned in, and respawn a fresh copy from the blueprint and it should be fixed.

doesn't do anything on it's own, you have to follow it with a sub-command
list perm
(lists all GM+ role people, by group with their Steam IDs)

List Bans
lists banned players and their time till unbanned automatically

ban player
ban <playername/id>

unban <playername/id>
lists a player ban

This one has quite a few sub-commands so I'll just describe the ones I know how to use.

faction list
lists all factions, their abbreviations, their faction ID, number of players on and total as well as the tick (what is Tick?) some commands use the faction abbreviation, not the name.

faction list [faction]
lists all the members of a faction and their faction role
Note: Requires the Whole faction name in single quotes and Doesn't work with certain punctuation.

Faction Entity
allows you to change the faction of the entity...
faction entity Ply 104435
would set entity 104435 to Ply faction (Public)
faction entity Adm 104435
Would make the entity part of the admin faction (does not require/consume any fuel or oxygen)

faction join [faction] [player id]
puts player in specified faction (I forget if it requires Abbreviation or Whole faction name)
Lets you give credits to yourself, or a player, can also give a status modifying food/health/sta/temp/rad
give food 50
Will increase your food by about as much as a pork pie would.

give credit 100

To add XP
level x+ 1000
Adds 1000 XP to the player's XP bar until they level up, you can keep adding XP even after the player reached level 25.

set level
Level = 20
Will set you to level 20, there is no way to do this for another player, in a MP game. Maximum is level 25, that is a hard coded maximum.

itemmenu the creative item menu
Toggles the creative menu letting you choose items to drop into your inventory, press 'h' to open the menu as usual.


or short form
lets you have a UI for teleport
lets you spawn... things

weather clear
When it suddenly starts hailing, or radiation fog threatens to kill your crops off.
weather <effect> [fade]
fade is true/false optional to fade the change in, the default is an immediate change.

weather next
will give the next weather effect
weather off
disables weather

  1. Clear
  2. Wind
  3. Clouds
  4. CloudsDark
  5. CloudsMedium
  6. Fog
  7. RainMedium
  8. RainHeavy
  9. AcidRainHeavy
  10. Storm
  11. SnowLight
  12. SnowMedium
  13. SnowHeavy
  14. ColdWave
  15. HeatWave
  16. Hail
  17. FogRadiationGreen
  18. FogRadiationPurple
  19. FireRain
  20. MeteorFireRain

Destroy [Struct ID]
Doesnt work on players
Destroy 4488115
you can destroy and ship, base, motorcycle... anything with an ID except players.

List all group(faction) entities ordered by playfield
gents <factionname>
gents <factionabbreviation>
The admin commands are intended to control the server and players.
If you started your own multiplayer server, this will make you the admin. It does nothing if an andmin has already been set. It may sometimes be necessary to set configuration for an an admin to be set via config files Become_Admin_in_Empyrion_-_Galactic_Survival[wiki.nitrado.net]

allows you to change the role of other players... GM, Moderator, Admin or Player
doesn't work on faction roles.
Uses SteamID or player name

setrole xango2000 Admin

Global Options
Set global options
gopt set EnableCPUPoints false
disables CPU points from counting.This setting is controlled in the start game conditions.
A number of settings including the game difficulty setting can be controlled
If the server opens a telnet port, you can use a telnet client as your console - the port will have a role and a password associated with it by the server owner.
a telnet command
Short for Remote Execute
allows you to execute commands on Other players games...

This console command is really handy for making API mods
Eleon.Modding.Game_Request(CmdId.Request_ConsoleCommand, (ushort)SomeUniqueNumber, new PString(RemoteexStringGoesHere));

remoteex cl=1003 'sector Akua'
remoteex cl=1003 'marker name=IronAsteroid pos=511,224,-5700 w expire=55'
Note: uses Empyrion PlayerID# (not SteamID, not ClientID... they changed it)

May also be used to execute Playfield commands... I know I've used it this way once, I forget what I did though.
Remoteex pf=x 'something here'
where x = the Playfield Process ID... you can find it in telnet when the playfield starts or in the API using... some request I cannot remember atm.

80 kommentarer
treker_ed 9 apr, 2024 @ 10:19 
@rollinshultz - there is and there isn't..... The only way to change the solar panel limits would be to do some editing of the config files, and to change the limits coded in there. There is no way (as far as i am aware) of changing the limitation by way of a console command.
Richard Brown 8 feb, 2024 @ 15:36 
how to spawn traders
rollinshultz 7 feb, 2024 @ 13:51 
Thanks a bunch. Tell me is there a way to circumvent the 15 panel solar panel limit for bases?
Shadowfox 12 maj, 2023 @ 20:39 
What a boss Thank you!
nminnneygamer 2 feb, 2023 @ 1:39 
very helpful thank you
Xango2000  [skapare] 24 okt, 2022 @ 18:08 
You change your player ID by dying then select the option to start over.

Player Name is set in Steam, not Empyrion.
keytouch 24 okt, 2022 @ 11:19 
how to change the Player ID, or player name... need help please!
zaphodikus  [skapare] 2 aug, 2022 @ 1:20 
Added. Probably need to make a nice guide icon for this guide at some point.
zaphodikus  [skapare] 27 jul, 2022 @ 1:21 
Need to verify, they added weather commands at some point i believe
zaphodikus  [skapare] 23 apr, 2022 @ 9:47 
Yes, if you started the server, you must type
in console to get server admin role and get "admin" level commands, but all the moderator and lower role commands are given when you press ` on a local server that you started.
Basically the first person to type "setadmin" unless you explicity configured an admin already, will become the admin, is how I recall it working. You will then have to edit the config if you want to change the admin later.