Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

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Multitasking - Staying critical to your next position.
Por Wallon
This is a ten minute read that gives you a good insight of the mind of the "regular John" compared to a high rank player. Note that many of the tips of my guides are not something you can achieve in a few days. It may take weeks, it may take months, all based on how good you are at playing different and learning new ways to play.
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How many times have you been holding an angle and died from another angle? Maaan, that number is high! I mean, you can't hold an angle in front of you while you're holding an angle behind you...So what on earth can counter this? There are many obvious answers, like a team mate on a camera, but is it really his job to care for your back? Do you have the resources to have a player on cams the whole round? What really happens here is that your team gets half a man less. The guy on the camera is still in the game and able to talk to his team, but he cannot engage from the camera. So suddenly, one kill is a two man job. (not always a bad thing though).
The Mistake
The Mistake: Not staying critical to your position, at the correct time.

Let's say you are to take up a position in a door. You move over to your position and you have a really narrow angle down towards the next corner (a tactic called Pixel-peeking[]) and you might even have multiple peek-positions! All in all you feel it's a good position. You hold your angle and end up getting shot in the back... You watch the killcam and realize that you could have gone crouch and would have been hidden from the killers line of sight. To bad you didn't think of that...

THIS is a typical scenario, when you see that a simple little move could have prevented you from getting killed from behind, and no one would disagree on that, right? I hope not, cause this is where we find the difference between high and low rank players.

When you die to an angle that is NOT in front of you, it is due to many reasons, but the last and deciding reason is yourself. You decide what direction your weapon is facing and you decide if you should stay in prone, crouch or standing position.
The difference
The difference here is really easy, it's as easy as; A high rank player wouldn't have died. The real difference here is what the high rank player does BEFORE he takes up the position. The high rank player would find the biggest strengths and weaknesses of his position before he exposes him self to what he considers to be the biggest threat.

The high rank player is not a magician, he might know HOW his position may be compromised, but can have trouble with knowing WHEN.

Whenever you move to a new position, you ALWAYS want to make sure that you have some sort of cover where you are able to hide from enemy line of fire or reload. This is obvious. So let me go further. To make sure that you have cover is only ONE thing to keep in mind, and I believe it is something that we all look for without even thinking of it. Am I right? Well, what if I told you that this automated thinking can apply to more than just this ONE thing? Take the red pill and stick with me here...What if I told you that while you are moving to your new position, you can actually take a look around? Not looking for players, but looking for strengths and weaknesses for the position you are moving to. This is what the high rank player does, without much thinking of it. As he moves to his new position, he does something as simple as taking a look around, but he doesn't look for "the regular clues". Think of him as a Rainbow Six - Sherlock Holmes, he tries to find the small details, and he doesn't even think much of it to figure them out. He can find them both visually, by turning around and looking. And mentally, picturing the room behind him, how it looks and what information he already got from that room.

Spend your time by multitasking while you are on the move to a new position, try to find that position's Strengths and weaknesses before you arrive, and if able to; before you even start moving.

The high rank player may turn 180 half way there, cause he sees a small hole in the wall behind his position and does not want to risk it. It's not wrong to reconsider, it's your life we're talking about here!
So when he is in his new position (if he chooses to move there) he has done a very quick "threat analysis", figuring that the hole behind him might dangerous in about 10-20 seconds, due to enemy positioning. Again, all of this is done without much focusing or thinking.

Knowing that you are safe for the next 10 seconds can make a big difference. You may have a good standing position that compromises your back, you can use this position for those 10 seconds, then go to a crouch position, which does NOT compromise your back, but may give you worse line of sight towards the angle you are holding
The Tip
When you die to an angle that is NOT in front of you, it is due to many reasons, but the last and deciding reason is yourself. You decide what direction your weapon is facing and you decide if you should stay in prone, crouch or standing position. The high rank player is not a magician, he might know HOW his position may be compromised, but can have trouble with knowing WHEN.

Spend your time by multitasking while you are on the move to a new position, try to find that position's Strengths and weaknesses before you arrive, and if able to; before you even start moving. Knowing that you are safe for the next 10 seconds in your new position can make a big difference. You may have a good standing position that compromises your back, you can use this position for the first 10 seconds, then go into to a crouch position, which does NOT compromise your back, but may give you worse line of sight towards the angle you are holding. In the end you have stayed alive while holding the angle, and that is a better result than the scenario we started with at the top!
29 comentário(s)
ClassyJohny5 30/abr./2023 às 13:58 
bro just told me i have skill issue by writing 1000 words essey
XXBigLeftTesticleXX 12/set./2020 às 0:22 
𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙙 8/set./2020 às 10:14 
Very usefull. Award given.
Fielynn_ 7/set./2019 às 13:43 
Man, that happens me so often I've build up a immunity against tilt when this happens.
Mr Bungle 3/set./2019 às 3:40 
*Stares at an angle for 2 minutes* Hmmm there isn't anyone here *looks away* *looks again* *gets headshoted by the enemie that started holding the angle the second i looked away*
Still really useful guide
Ser Antoine Cippka 1/set./2019 às 15:36 
try323 12/jun./2019 às 7:21 
lakupupu 12/jun./2019 às 7:18 
i'm not looking to be a tryhard, and you have to be a tryhard to play this game normally and get a single kill, but thank you for the offer

actually, no, no thank you's
B0N3 12/jun./2019 às 6:47 
very informative
kekmaestro 5/jan./2019 às 19:16 
v I agree with ApeX.Faith here, learn to read son