Cities: Skylines
Оценок: 258
RICO+Growable Residential "Berezanskaya Tower"
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1 янв. 2017 г. в 10:51
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)

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RICO+Growable Residential "Berezanskaya Tower"

В 1 коллекции, созданной furious
Krasnodar Collection
Предметов: 52
New asset by me based on residential building "Berezanskaya Tower" located in Berezanskaya street in Krasnodar, Russia.

We have in total:
- growable residestinal building 3x3;
- RICO ready;
- after dark lightmap;
- 50 homes;
- $50k cost.

Please subscribe for my another works for Cities Skylines.


Комментариев: 23
Caligrad06 23 фев. 2019 г. в 8:45 
Great building but it shows up waaaaayyyy too much and once its there, unless you manually delete it, it doesnt go away.
TigerXtrm 27 окт. 2018 г. в 3:15 
Great asset, but pops up all over the freaking city. Sorry man.
Neww_ 28 дек. 2017 г. в 17:40 
Nice building, but it grows too often.
Drow 12 авг. 2017 г. в 7:11 
I agree with dylan-aka-shaddorry. It's spawning too much at level 1. I have small town, and this building is evrywhere. Sorry, but unsub.
Shaddorry 16 июл. 2017 г. в 16:40 
In growable this building spawns way too much and will never dissapear. Very annoying. :/
furious  [создатель] 20 фев. 2017 г. в 9:10 
@Wr Télévision Unfortunately I'm very busy now and I can't make new buildings. I have meshes (without texture maps) for my next assets (residential building and school). Probably redbrick-version of this building will be one of them.
Wr Télévision 20 фев. 2017 г. в 3:50 
I love tour building !!
You can make this building with only red brick please?
NLX78 14 янв. 2017 г. в 13:24 
@Drakula78 Later on in game it's not much money. But, assuming you have the RICO mod installed. When you click on settings (on the right) you can look up the building, click 'add local', change the amount of money or amount of residents if you want to change that as well, then click save. Next time you start up the game the settings will be changed.

@Yandols I would advise to install Mesh Info, with that mod you click CTRL + M and then you can sort all your assets on weight, triangles and more. Great to find out what are very heavy assets. Can really speed up your loading time as well:

@Elessar: Level 3

Elessar 14 янв. 2017 г. в 9:59 
what level is the growable version of this?
Holiday 14 янв. 2017 г. в 7:41 