Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour

Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour

73 ratings
Dirty Coin Unlock Guide
By Nice Job!
How to unlock Dirty Coin for use in main game
How to Unlock Dirty Coin
Set Up
  • Start a fresh run.
  • Insert fuse into wall (use lever under the fireplace, crawl under and get fuse from crate, fuse box on wall near door of fireplace room).
  • Go past the kitchen to the front door. Grab chain cutter and then head back towards kitchen, break open the chain and grab VHS.
  • Go through moldy door and open draws to obtain book. Head back out to main hallway, open draws and get finger.
  • Go upstairs into attic bedroom (first door) and grab basement key by bed.
  • Grab Dummy Hand behind TVs in attic (near ladder). Combine with Finger.

First Giggle
  • Near ladder in attic and next to door there's writing on the wall. Wait for giggle.
  • Head downstairs and point finger at rubble/fallen bookcase below the clock on the first floor hallway. Wait for sound effect.

Second Giggle
  • Head back upstairs again, walk past room and round the corner to the locked door and light. Stare at light until giggle.
  • Head to Moldy Room, head to gated basement. Use key and go downstairs. Before going in the door look for the lockpick on the furnace.
  • Go through door and infront of you is a valve. Pick it up, quick turn and try leave room.
  • IMMEDIATLY quick turn after touching door and run through to the next room, pick up key, quick turn and RUN back to door before monster touches you (if it touches you then you'll need to re-start the game). TIP: punching the body bags will stun it.
  • Run up the stairs and head into bathroom. Use valve, drain toilet, grab gun. grab ammo in drawer and medicine cabinet.
  • Grab ammo on shelf on your way to basement.
  • Head back to basement and pickup handgun ammo half way down the stairs.
  • head to basement and point finger at the head of bodybag on the table.

Third Giggle
  • Go to the painting of the women with a bag on her head halfway up the stairs to 2nd floor and hit the painting with your gun. If the giggle doesn't activate head to the kitchen and use lockpick on draws to get axe. Use axe on painting. (this is glitchy so sometimes won't work. if it doesn't reload game).
  • Point finger at barricaded door in the room with voodoo dolls (just before fireplace room).

Forth Giggle
  • look at the mirror directly outside of this room and do 180 turn to trigger giggle.
  • Point finger at blue and white wires above the bed in the attic.

Fifth Giggle
  • Open the pot, microwave and fridge in the kitchen.
  • Head to fireplace room and Watch VHS (if you see ghost you can skip next few steps for doll)
  • After tape, crouch into the secret room again (where you got fuse) and Grab backdoor key. Heaad through the kitchen to the front door and use key but DO NOT OPEN DOOR!
  • Watch VHS again, in the video make sure you let all dialogue options play out, interact with refrigerator, microwave, pot.
  • Make sure you see the ghost women at some point.
  • Once the VHS is completed turn around and run straight into basement
  • As you enter the backroom start crouching and looking at the doll (near where you picked up the key) until your looking at her with your back turned to the other doll on the shelf.
  • Once you hear giggle (sometimes you'll need to watch VHS tape 3x) head to the open pot in kitchen and point to the delicious gumbo inside.
  • Head to locked door in attic.
  • Once all the blood handprints are there you can open and pick up coin.
  • Pick up coin, leave room go up ladder and use key for True Ending.
冲鸭杀鸭干鸭 11 Jul, 2018 @ 3:49pm 
hey buddy 18 Jan, 2018 @ 12:08am 
Just remember:
USE X to quickturn at giggle 3, don't just turn with the mouse.
gassedup 2 Dec, 2017 @ 2:57pm 
I need to know, make a 2017 version because the fuse isnt in the same place in beginning hour, i cant find the fucking fuse anywhere!
Fr0gg0 25 Dec, 2016 @ 3:26pm 
Lol, who even came up with this? Thanks though.
TNS Wanted 25 Dec, 2016 @ 12:30pm 
You can skip the VHS, when you unlock the fifth giggle, go in the attic and pick up the phone, then go to the doll and gg wp
Soviet Marmalade 24 Dec, 2016 @ 5:26am 
It's the demo. We're playing the demo.
Vohen 24 Dec, 2016 @ 3:35am 
ty ty cute gurllllllllll :smilecyto:
sherlock holmes 23 Dec, 2016 @ 6:46am 
fr33kSh0w2012 23 Dec, 2016 @ 3:52am 
Umm.. This game isn't out yet? How are you people playing it?
it's a gabe 22 Dec, 2016 @ 6:45am 
The fourth didn't trigger for me. Funny enough, when I went up to the attic after trying the mirror thing, nothing happened when pointing at the wires besides the hand slightly moving on its own to point at certain directions, which changed depending on where I stood. Had to get back to work, so couldn't keep on trying.