Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

30 avaliações
San Francisco Bay Area
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17 dez. 2016 às 20:58
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San Francisco Bay Area

This is my recreation of the San Francisco Bay area.
Notice that it is not 100% accurate, but it is pretty good looking.

I added a place for a dam. The highway and train connection is pretty simple and if you would like a change please tell me. I haven't personally been to San Francisco (yet), but then again it is a game. There are airplane routes and boat routes.

I would love some constructive feedback to help me with an updated version or another map, thanks!
6 comentários
Pilou Asbæk 26 mai. 2018 às 3:57 
@ArabianCamels ok, thanks :)
ArabianCamels  [autor] 24 mai. 2018 às 11:59 
@CaTz Yes, I believe it is. I haven't played CS in a while, so sadly I do not remember.
Pilou Asbæk 24 mai. 2018 às 7:18 
Is this a temperate climate?
goose 15 ago. 2017 às 1:37 
50% accurate
ArabianCamels  [autor] 25 dez. 2016 às 21:06 
Hey, @Theo_YT
ro 25 dez. 2016 às 4:05 