Far Cry 2
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Revisiting Farcry 2 [complete / bug-fix]
Cap'n Saccade 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
The most comprehensive FC2 guide on Steam.

Playing Farcry 2 - without bugs - on modern computers, unlocked content, enhanced graphics (links & credit given where due).
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Want to [re]play Farcry 2..?
Seems some people are having problems getting this game to run bug-free and stable on their super-computers but the potatoes are playing it fine... while a couple of others are claiming credit and asking for +rep for graphic improvements made by other people, years ago.

Skip straight to the "fixing bugs" and "add additional content" sections if you are having problems or a new player

Do you want to play Farcry 2, bug free on your awesome gaming PC, with legit graphic improvements - while learning a bunch of other useful stuff for other games in the process..?

// quick edit to say - no longer updating the guide to work around new driver updates. If the draw distance on lights and texture popping occours - I'm really not up for going in to try and keep fixing it. Every time I make a new fix, a new driver update breaks it - the game is old. FUbisoft abandoned it, much like the agency did to you when you took this mission.
How to fix the bugs
It appears that some people have had issues getting this classic to run well on their super-awesome computers, while potato-PC's are going just fine.

First, let's establish that FPS render is not simply perceptual (eg, your monitor displays at 60hz, but your computer is rendering at 6 trillion FPS - you are seeing an only FPS of 60, regardless of what anything says).
This also has impact on many other things, such as how a game functions and... wait - you don't care about that, you just want it working.

Well, Farcry 2 will contain many bugs if the render is over 60.

If you encounter bugs in the game (AI loops, silent phonecalls, crashes), limit FPS to 45 - over 60 and this game will break. Your computer is too good. Over 60FPS there are bugs. Over 90, some issues... over 120FPS render and this game will break down big time...

You can fix this, make the game look awesome and also have fun replaying the best Farcry of the entire series (IMHO) at max settings, like you couldn't way back when:

  • Load and setup FC2 at native resolution, check widescreen box.

    If the resolution does not step up, lower resolution, apply, then re-select native res (eg, 1920x1080). Do not run in "windowed" - if it is in windowed, you can use Alt+Enter to switch to full screen, however this can cause further issue and some crashes.

  • Select DX10

  • Apply, save, close game.

  • Right click FC2 in steam library.

  • Choose "set launch options" in general tab and enter this string:

    -RenderProfile_MaxFps 45 -GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1

    The first solves issues with the game rendering faster than 60FPS which causes many bugs. Many agree that 45 is optimal for this game...

    The second string skips the annoying intro movies.

    If you're still having issues getting the game to run, crashing on saving options, etc... leave a comment and I'll reply to help best I can - some issues require changing some config files.

    There are still many game bugs in the game's logic that were never tested or discovered (eg, you complete the last few story missions of 1st area if you only have a best buddy...) and there is no way to continue - so save often and try to keep multiple save files. Sometimes it is a case of simply reloading before you completed a mission for the game to "fix" itself...

    Don't cry.

    But if you're one of those people who cry because they must blame a game for things such as mouse lag/acel/etc... making them a poor gamer - you can do the following:

    • My Documents\My Games\Far Cry 2\
    • Open GamerProfile.xml using a text editor (eg, notepad++)
    • Change "sensitivity=1.5" and change it "sensitivity=2.5" - this also works with the in-game slider.
    • It is also possible to force the game, using your graphics software, to pre-render 0 frames.

    NVidia G-Sync - for this, you must disable V-sync in Nvidia control panel menu option to avoid FPS bugs (eg, soldiers having 360 vision and shooting behind themselves, etc...) So do this to avoid even more bugs, as the game ages.

    Ubisoft games really do not like Gysnc at all!
Crash to desktop?
First thing to try is to get hold of a ubi systemdetecion.dll - Solid has used the one from farcry 3 and managed to fix a crash from the splash.
Maybe someone can provide a link - I do have farcy3 installed on my pc, but that pc is currently inoperable due to financial constraints (go UK!).

If you are experiencing crash to desktops (CTD's) in the game at launch, or during a specific point (eg, a pre-rendered engine cutscene such as the jeep ride), or even at random there are these steps to take to "get past that bit":

  • Edit "My Docs/My Games/Farcry2/GamerProfile.xml" using a text editor
  • Change "maximized=1" to "maximized=0"
  • Change "fullscreen=1" to "fullscreen=0
  • Set the Farcry2.exe to be launched as admin
  • Launch the game in DX9 mode
  • Make a save past the crash section (eg, after the jeep ride)
  • Relaunch the game as you would like - dx10, fullscreen, etc...
  • If you can't play in windowed mode, it is possible to switch using "alt+enter" (same as most software)

// if the crashes are intermittant, simply playing the game in DX9 the whole way might be the thing...

Once past the CTD point, it might be possible to switch back to DX10 and get bloom and motion blur and associated shaders with that version of directX.

If this still fails, verify the game cache, remove directX from your machine and reinstall the latest version:

If all else fails, it might be possible to use the DXfixer to see if that helps:

The only other solution I can offer for CTDs without dealing with each on a case-by-case basis (I'm not your personal computer technician...) is to either try updating / rolling back your [graphics] drivers or contacting Ubisoft's support department for further help:


As it could be a number of reasons and I'm afraid I don't have the time to deal with every single issue as if it were my own.

(my game runs fine, btw... in fact... so does all my software... my machine is on the desktop before I've even sat down, after turning it on... But my machine is built for work and being awesome for gaming is a nice "side effect" of that. It's not a "gaming PC".)
Being a machete pro (free content)
If you're not using this:

You're not only wasting bullets, you're missing out on a bunch of free content.

Grab the Uplay and bite the pillow - Ubi done screwed us again...
NB: since Ubi appear to have retired their old Uplay beta servers in the past few days [May 2018] which has dropped support for several older games matchmaking and rewards, eg, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Rainbow6: Vegas2, etc... The Steam versions of some games that would use the old Uplay beta as their Uplay "rewards" service now no longer unlock the rewards in game (ubi will refund any points spent on these rewards; the games that are not Steam versions will now open the "new" Uplay rather than the old one) - it may be that FC2 may unlock the machetes and free content automatically when installed. I'm not going to test to find out. I've already lost my R6:V2 Elite character and had to restore it via a backed up save file, and - for the 3rd time in the past 12 months, lost all my progress in Conviction. Worst is, a map that was a reward is no longer accepted despite having a valid code... This has been tried and tested, and Austin has reported that his rewards were already unlocked in FC2 without having to do this stuff.
Thanks Ubi... Their response is "there's nothing we can do", but - as I've said, they will refund the reward points spend on the items that no longer appear in-game. (I liked that SC:C 3rd Echelon map that's now vanished and can't be re-gained using the reward code, and now I don't have the SPAS12, and people can't unlock the SCAR or uniform rewards and only gain infiltration mode through DLC). */

I'll save you a lot of time by listing it here:

TL;DR all them other guides:

  • Open regedit, navigate [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ubisoft\Far Cry 2]

  • Insert dwords [32bit], ensuring you use CorrectCase for new value names, value data 1, hexadec:

  • Download file from 2nd guide:

    Here from mega[mega.nz] (a - 18.51mb) or from this dropbox mirror (tar3QuzU - 18.51mb)[www.dropbox.com] - they're both the same file, so either / or...

    [01.08.17 - Gamedian's link at mega (a) has been auto-cleaned by steam, you can still get it from his guide below, or use the dropbox mirror provided - both the same file, except dropbox is named using the retail key to enter in game for ease - please notify in comments if link is removed again]

  • Copy the downloaded "a / tar3QuzU" file to farcry2 directory, rename "dunia.dll" to "dunia.bak, rename "a / tar3QuzU" to "dunia.dll", launch game (put up with the "wwwwwwwwww"), goto "additional content" from main menu - use his retail key (tar3QuzU)

  • When you play, you'll receive a phone call next time you enter Pala that will reveal a new, envelope icon on your map and start the predecessor missions.

  • Sometimes the phone-call can cause the game sound to break - so make sure to save your game in case you need to quit FC2 and reload, or let it ring to answerphone.

    This happens most often when using the bus to return to Pala, rather than a vehicle or on foot.

  • You can choose your [primative] machete from the main screen options, game options.

You can skip the rest of this section if you TL;DR'd. :)

Thankfully, there is a great guide on how to unlock all this stuff that you may have overlooked.

It can be found right here:


Unfortunately, that guide doesn't work for everyone (no-one, any more) - the alternative .dll method guide is here, downloads included, thank you very much for that file, mate:


NB the comment:

StocKaticUs 24 Nov @ 4:48am

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ubisoft\Far Cry 2]

Newer windows probably won't like you trying to import that .reg as a merge, so open regedit and navigate to the right place and enter in the new DWord values (32bit), making sure to use the CorrectCases when naming the new keys.

It might seem a lot to do, but... what else are you gonna do with your life..?


Don't be scared of regedit, but back-up your registry before any changes.

I have no sympathy (or can/will be held liable) if you choose to mess it up (which you won't, don't worry).

Special thanks to the guys who wrote the unlock guides - props for the info and the share.
Additional free content (extra missions)?
More good stuff required?

These codes may be alternatives to the one in the previous section, registering, "successfully unlocked bonus missions":

  • sa7eSUPR

  • THaCupR4

  • 6aPHuswe

  • SpujeN7x

I've not tested different codes to the one provided previous without the "retail" dunia.dll (ie, steam distrib.), so please let us know if they work without this file.

These codes must be entered - case sensititve - from the main menu > additional content.

Making the game look better
Since the game isn't recognised by Geforce experience / AMD optimise thing (that I know of):


  • Goto Nvidia Control Panel (usually right-click desktop and choose from list)

  • Find Farcry2.exe by adding program setting in "manage 3D settings" list.

  • Set up to override some of the game's settings:

    Ambient Occlusion: Quality Anisotropic filtering: 16x FXAA: On AA: Gamma correct: On AA mode: Enhance AA setting: 8x AA transparency: 8x CUDA gpus: All Max pre-rendered frames: Use 3D app. settings MFAA: On Multi-Display: Global setting Power management mode: Adaptive Shader Cache: On Texture filtering - ASO: Off Texture filtering - Negative LOD Bis: Clamp Texture filtering - Quality: High quality Texture filtering - Trilinear optimisation: On Threaded optimisation: Auto Triple buffering: Off Vertical Sync: On VR pre-rendered [n/a]: global

  • If you still have issue with visual frame-rate render being so low, try increasing "Maximum pre-rendered frames" and lowering other options in Nvidia control panel - also, dropping the resolution down a step will show marked increase, as the headline below will explain - back in the day I used to use a 670GTX.

    (likely farcry2.exe is not recognised in list, but will appear if you "add" program to customise)


I don't like AMD cards... not since the 90's.
They don't work as well with Adobe products, Zbrush or other modelling/3D/graphic software (CUDA cores) and I've noticed some issues as time progresses that mean the cards are not so suitable for me (or for my gaming, after the win10 driver fiasco of xmas 2015).

Try your best to emulate the settings that Nvidia allow you to optimise.
Changing the FoV / Widescreen fixer
If your monitor has a different aspect than 16:9 or 4:3 and the game looks weird, or you simply would like to have a less restricted FoV than the game designers decided - then you will need a few different packages in order to fix this:

First, the tested resolutions (I've run only up to 4k 16:9 using Nvidia DSR to improve quality at "native" widescreen, 1920x1080):

Then you'll need the Widescreen fixer, in order to alter the field of view in the game to your preference:

Please note that menus and loading screens may appear stretched when the screen is at a "super-widescreen" resolution.

(also that this game is very difficult to play using a graphics tablet...)

If the game crashes when using widescreen fixer, there is a solution that appears to work for most people, in this guide, here:


As noted by Austin in the comments, it appears that the retail dunia.dll to unlock the extra content might cause a CTD when using widescreen fixer.

If this is the case, you have the choice of having the Predecessor tapes missions or changing the Fov. If you opt to change the FoV over going for the extra content, you can listen to the tapes here, and go pretend you did the mission by clearing the location again:


Turning off Motion Blur and Depth of Field
If you cannot do this using your GPU software, you can find some settings in the gamerprofile.xml file that we have edited before:

  • Open GamerProfile.xml
  • Between the lines </CustomQuality> and </RenderProfile> copy and paste the following:

    <quality GameDepthOfField="0" CinematicDepthOfField="0" MotionBlur="0" FXAALevel="0" id="ultrahigh" />

  • Set the file to read-only, otherwise the game will overwrite it every start - similar to the other fixes.

Not sure why you'd want to turn this off, but each to their own...
Quick update for Win 10 users / Nvidia
/* Maybe this section is irrelevant to you - rolling back to drivers (388.13, not 388.31) appears to have resolved - there is some issue with HDR and/or older DX games, messing with colour profiles, whether your monitor/card is capable of HDR output or not - running DCCW to reduce gamma after rollback, over-riding monitor colour profile, retune monitor brightness/contrast - results in accurate display once again. */

(new games looked awesome, though - older ones... nah - there were skipped frames, messed up draw distances, strange lights, hard shadows - with older drivers, can re-enable HDR and adjust in-game colour to suit - steam overlay is readable. I'm using it now).


Maybe this only applies to me, but...

It appears a new update for Win 10 (insider's build, Nov '17) and / or new Nvidia drivers has caused some issues with games ignoring the desktop colour lookup table and applying a blank canvas to older full-screen games.

Also the way it handles older versions of Direct X and certain shader models.

You can test this in Farcry 2 by pressing Alt+Enter to switch between full and windowed mode

It will not show up in screenshots, only in display (or launching the game in it's "washed out" state):

(Compare this to the colour of my preferred "dark" screenshot colour, that comes out too red - it is, in fact, almost unreadably bright - only in the screenshot does it appear "normal" - it looks great in screenshots... The right colour now... but burns my eyes with its brightness IRL and messes up my computer's colour display, window sizes and a whole bunch of other stuff, plus totally wrecks the game. And I just got shadows and specular working on the GPS and map... Typical.).

The game is less vibrant, brighter (retina burning desert) and - for me - I don't like it at all.
It also washes out my steam overlay to unreadable and if I alt-tab, it has destroyed my desktop - I can't even read white text and the blacks are so light, I can barely see some icons.

If there is a difference when you alt+enter, you have a few options:

1. Try using the dgVoodoo fixer for older shader models: http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2.html

2. Use your GPU control panel and adjust "Desktop Colour Settings" to over-ride Windows settings (change these to preference, but good luck fixing everything else). Set the video dynamic range to "full". Should be anyway. Then / or:

3. Fine-tweak the game using the in-game options menu, which can help...

(Lower your previous brightness by about 25%, raise contrast by 10-15% and drop gamma by 5-10% appears to be best, just put up with the bleached out desert giving you migraines)

The method that's guaranteed to give you the old, vibrant colours back, but reduce drawing distance and will force brightness / contrast / gamma to be changed through .xml file only

4. Find your Farcry2 preferences file in ..\Documents\Mygames\Farcry2\Gamerprofile.xml

  • Copy this file (to save you editing it every time) and change the contents (you can use notepad[++]).
  • Make sure these values are assigned in the xml:

    ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" Quality="customd3d10" Fullscreen="0" Maximized="0"

  • This should force the game to launch in windowed mode, at a lower resolution than your desktop (in my case 1920x1080) - ONLY if you launch the game through Steam library, choosing "play Farcry 2" and not quick-launch/desktop icon
  • Press Alt+Enter to put the game back into fullscreen mode.
  • NB - the Steam overlay will often not work in windowed mode...
  • Head back to the options menu and ramp up the resolution up to 1920 or 4k [DSR] or whatever you use. It will take a moment to process.
  • If you touch the colour adjustments - you will end up back with the washed out super-bright scheme. So don't touch those dials. They do not make a difference to windowed mode.

The reason this works is because launching in Windowed mode uses the colour profile from your OS, whereas the Fullscreen mode over-rides it and looks ♥♥♥ terrible, no matter how it is adjusted.

  • The game will overwite "gamerprofile.xml" each time any options are changed - including if it enters fullscreen... Borderstripper is, unfortunately, not a valid solution here.

  • When you have your custom gamerprofile.xml - copy it into a new folder in that directory (eg, farcry2\fkugraphics), so you can simply drag-and-drop overwrite / Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V the original file for speed.

  • It appears that if you do not use DSR (ie, go over native desktop resolution or 1920x1080) - it may be that you do not need to copy the file each time.

Unless you enjoy editing preference files every time you want to play an old game, how it used to look, before Win10 went all "hell no we're going DX12 and unwanted updates on yo asses whether u like it or not boi".

What a ball-ache.

Thanks for the update, Microsoft / Nvidia.
Making the game look "even better"
Here is a way to increase the Level of Detail and fix the "texture/enttity pop":

Open %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 2\GamerProfile.xml (can use wordpad / notepad++, etc...), then copy this code between </CustomQuality> and </RenderProfile>

<Geometry> <quality LodScale="0" id="ultrahigh" /> </Geometry> <Shadow> <quality SunShadowRange1="60" id="ultrahigh" /> <quality SunShadowRange0="30" id="ultrahigh" /> <quality SunShadowRange2="160" id="ultrahigh" /> </Shadow>

Some people report this only works on their machines, when using ultra preset on DX9.

These guys are saying they have come up with some "mods" and "enhancements" for Farcry2:

You can probably skip this section unless you like over-saturated images on your CRT monitor because you haven't seen the sun in 6 months...
Of have a machine that isn't quite capable of running the game.

It's basically some old kit for old games, that isn't relevant on anything but a hamster driven potato for people who have forgotten what the outside world looks like, so... skip this section if you want to retain the "real" graphics enhancements made possible by your modern hardware.


However, they've basically ripped SweetFX from Guru3D with some settings for farcry2, stolen from here:


Which was (apparently, despite the higher ID#) originally stolen from here:

...and you can find the thread on SweetFX at Guru3D forums here:

(personally, I think it looks over-saturated and detracts from the acid-bleach experience of a burning desert, but what do I know..? Oh, right, I know how to use SweetFX to change that).

Grab the latest version of it (1.5.1 and not 1.3 as at guru3d) from Skyrim Nexus:

NB, using SweetFX will likely override your fancy GPU's enhancement/optimisation of the game.

I'm including this section pretty much to show that the other guides are ripping off old hat and wanting rep for it and for people who don't own a 980ti or don't know how to adjust HDR or saturation using their GPU's packaged softwares.

  • Either use the guides to download SweetFX and the preset from dropbox or whatever, or -download SweetFX and thelazynet presets.

  • SweetFX works for any 32-bit game... the "beautiful africa" guide download contains several presets for games such as Warband, BF3, Black Mesa... It doesn't work for 64bit games (AFAIK, correct me if I'm wrong).

  • Don't bother with the "Steam guide improvements" (even if you can read Russian) - dropbox is going to stop public downloads soon anyway, so that file won't even be available... the stolen settings will have to come from the original source.

  • The d/l in the "beautiful" guides also include presets for several other games - you can write your own or (as this person has done) simply visit the site and download the presets for your game, claim credit, ask for +rep and be a great guy.

  • If you have difficulty understanding how to use SweetFX from the readme included, simply click one of the sfx.thelazy.net presets and - to install SweetFX:

  • In case you don't know about "readme.txt" files - there is one for sweetFX and it tells you how to install it... TL;DR - just drop it in the game folder that contains game.exe you want sweetFX to work with. Press "scroll-lock" to active".

  • The "Widescreen Fixer" hasn't really worked for a while and causes more problems than it's worth, I reckon.

  • An updated version can be found here: https://github.com/dlrudie/WidescreenFixer/releases

  • Did I mention how dropbox will be discontinuing public folders/downloads in the near future already..?

  • Go downvote those two guides mentioned above that claim credit for other people's hard work - get the decent guides back on the overlay.

  • At least they found out about SweetFX, I suppose... Well done for using google/yandex.

How to make friends and execute people
There are many buddies in FC2 and it's possible to glitch the game into thinking you've completed more than the max. number of side missions by rescuing these guys before being asked.

The first you'll come across is locked up in one of the outposts around Pala, "Chicken" fights, Lumber-yard, the other you didn't start in, etc...

You'll find another buddy in the Southern sector, Bowa-Seka, in Sediko - it's possible to rescue them by sneaking in as they're in the closest house to the back route, second floor.

The buddy most often missed is the survivor of the plane crash here:

(Image courtesy of Prima guide / wikia)

I like to keep all the chicks alive, because, well... I like their voices - especially the French one.
Also Warren or Marty, just because they're cool.

Beware the bug that means it is impossible to progress in story missions if you have no best buddy.

The only fix is to reload and save your best buddy from dying / being abandoned / sacrificed in order to proceed in the game.

If you'd like to complete all the buddy missions, it's possible to slightly leave the area and then the marker will reappear for a buddy mission.
After leaving them to it at the end of a story mission, it's onto the next set of buddy missions.

It also leads to some interesting dialogue with your rescue buddy and others, depending on the situation and events (I'm still hearing new things after 10 years...).

As the bars only have your best buddy and a few other characters (your rescue buddy is never in the bar), if you'd like to complete all the buddy missions - it's necessary to "rotate" your buddies.
This doesn't necessarily mean killing them or letting them die, as it is possible using your history score.

However, if everyone survives - you'll only get to do your best buddy's side missions and the three that stand in the bar and never your rescue buddy's side missions.

Therefore, it would be necessary for your best buddy to die (after you've completed both their side missions) in order for your rescue buddy to become your best buddy for you to do all the buddy missions.

This also "rotates" the bar and allows a replacement face to give you their buddy missions and - even though you think nothing of gunning down hundreds of soldiers with families, only doing their job, you may have formed an attachment to your buddies...

Well, listen up. You're a mercenary, out for a paycheck and not a war.
That's the character you're playing.
You're no hero.
You're a soldier with no real mission except those you choose.
You make the tough choices that are required to achieve your objectives.
Perhaps your objective is 100% completion (or over 100% as you can see I have).

You will have to backstab your buddies if you want to do everything in the game.
They'd do the same to you, trust me - they're not your friends... They are your buddies in name only and they're selfish mercs (just like you) sending you on an errand and then trying to make you feel bad if you don't pull them out of the fire.

They're not your brothers or sisters-in-arms.
The Jackal Bug / Diamonds
Unfortunately, since a patch, there has been an issue with playing the Jackal tapes in the South sector where it will not register or play audio files past tape #10 (Stealing Boots).

*There is no work-around for this bug!

However it is possible to listen to the tapes here, as they help flesh out the story:

There are only two diamonds in each that require a hang-glider to attain, one near Fresh Fish:

and one near the Crash Site:

All others can be accessed through climbing vehicles and running jumps.

There is a very tricky one to get near North Rail Yard, on top of an unclimbable rock - you'll need the truck from zone (if it survives the fighting, as escape is near impossible) or the patrolling SUV park it on the desert side and running jump from on top onto the rock.

Additionally, there are 1000 diamonds to collect in Farcry 2.
To purchase everything costs also 1000 diamonds.

This is broken down into the following:

Leboa-Sako (North area)
120 Diamonds
60 Diamonds
200 Diamons
Bowa Seko (South area)
330 Diamonds
90 Diamonds
200 Diamons
1000 Diamonds
It is necessary to spend at least 4 diamonds to complete the tutorial, thereby negating the meta-achievement of collecting 1000 diamonds.At least you get a free makarov...If you're heading for collecting all the diamonds - at the time you pass the desert, you ought to have 381 diamonds.
How to spend 1000 Diamonds
Of course, everyone knows that infamous pros don't spend their hard earned diamonds on anything, preferring to use scavenged (unreliable) weapons and a machete for the personal touch:

But for everyone else, here's the guns and equipment list.

Here's the guns

Here's the upgrades

And here's the fixing stuff

(Tables courtesy of farcry.wikia folks)
Tips for "Infamous" difficulty
Some games (esp. stealth genres, where you must continue if you fail rather than "restart cos you were spotted") are more fun when they are more difficult.

This is especially true if the stealth game contains lethal options for when the flan starts flying.

Here are a few tips to help people who wish to up-the-ante and play on Infamous, with or without any of the "even harder / realismer" mods that are available online (that I do not recommend).

Rule number one: Avoid engaging the enemy at all costs.
At night, their vision is extremely limited, plus you get to start each session with a sunset and end it with a sunrise.

Here are some other pointers:

  • F5 / F9 is quick-save/load. I press this before every event (clean-up saves from folder).
  • Wear headphones - there's no way to play FPShooters/sneakers (FPSS's?) without them.
  • Night-time is your friend - be the scariest thing in the dark - sleep from 5am til 8pm.

  • You do not have to engage every checkpoint.
  • There are many places to resupply without engaging these areas
  • There are many positions in the map, cleverly designed, to scout an area without detection.

  • Silenced weapons may be useful to pick off a few perimeter guards, but can get boring after a while. (That said, it's extremely satisfying to pick off an entire area - especially as big as the village - without alarm, using only a silenced makarov...)
  • Scout everywhere - there will be unexpected enemies in places outside of "combat zones".
  • The safest route may not always be the quickest. It's better to avoid engagements or driving straight into the area.
  • Many missions (eg, grabbing the buddy case at Oasis) require no shots fired. Others (eg, taking out the Fuel depot) require only 1 or 2.

  • Move fast but know when to sneak. Grab all the loot as you pass - there may be no second chance - patience with patrols can often get you through otherwise tough spots.
  • Distance is your advantage, always move between cover and bushes.
  • Use distraction. Either a molotov or a gunshot (preferably to wound) or leaping out a car before heading the other direction (strap an IED onto the car you ram into the place, for extra points).
  • Relocate often and find chokepoints - especially if you have an automatic weapon or are good at headshots.
  • Always move cover to cover and try to keep your buddy rescue ready just in case you run face first into a shotgun.

  • Some fights are extremely difficult, so make use of the liberal "shootables" around the place if you can in the larger zones (or use stealth if possible).
  • If armed with a scoped weapon - from outside the combat zone - either pick off as many as possible as you can from a distance, or take out one and watch the rest either duck for cover or move in your (old) position.
  • Don't be scared to take an enemy's weapon if you are low on ammo, or use those found in safehouses (which may occasionally have a rogue enemy, even if "safe")..

  • Avoid roads if possible - there are many alternate routes ("g" turns off headlights).
  • Vehicular homicide is a legitimate tactic and might be used often.
  • If it's a choice between grenading that truck the enemy are using for cover or keeping it running to save yourself a walk - remember - you might not be walking away if you don't blow it up.

  • Buses are handy - they also change the time of day without waiting or finding a safehouse.
  • One way to "fast travel" back to Pala is to not take the malaria pills 3 times in a row, however this means your next mission (within 30-40mins) must be to get more medicine.

  • "Tab'ing" [Tactical Advance to Battle] is a kind of running where you run several paces, walk a few steps, repeat - it covers ground fast.
  • Combining tapping with crouch sliding can cover ground faster.

  • Them who fights and runs away lives to fight anoither day.
  • Firing a shot on one side of an area (pref. to wound) will draw many guards, allowing you to pass by un-noticed.
  • It's possible to swim under a boat and then climb on board and machete the crew.
  • The entire convoy can be destroyed by a single grenade, if a roadblock is placed in advance.

  • Always, always, always take out the rocket launcher or marksman first if you can (quietly).

  • Mounted weapons are your friends (especially on stolen trucks), even if they do lower your accuracy as shooting explosives.
  • Your buddies are not your friends. Once you have complete both best buddy missions (available after each side mission), let him have an accident that concludes with terminal case of lead poisoning. Then again, I'm not a nice guy. I like Marty best, so I let him live.
  • Generally it is good to do a side mission, best buddy mission, side mission, best buddy mission, main mission, "lead poisoning / abandonment", get pills if needed, repeat.

  • Dropping an IED while you're running away and detonating it when the bullets start to whizz by can ensure a successful escape.
  • Same goes for tossing a grenade over your shoulder.
  • Setting fires by shooting or chopping a lamp is a good way to distract guards, if a molotov is too obvious.
  • IED's can be the ultimate distraction. They can also be thrown over walls or swapped for a particular briefcase in the Heart of Darkness, for a quick getaway.

  • In a firefight: be fast, use cover, wait for reloads, use your throwables, vanish and become the hunter.
  • As soon as you have to go loud, take out as many as possible and leave a fire or grenade as you move yourself to solid cover.
  • Sprinting is noisy. If the enemy do not know where you are - they can be distracted.
  • Find, fix and flank. Unless you are in a choke point, the enemy will do the same to you.
  • Listen. Footsteps, orders, battle-chatter, counting bullets to return fire as they reload.
  • Sprinting around a corner will often result in a shotgun to the face.
  • Being caught in the open will often result in being shot in the face.
  • Wounded people require a medic. Wounding the medic now requires another.

  • Leave the entire place a burning mess of charred bodies.
  • Terrify your enemies so they are scared to move - Your reputation will help with this.

  • Machete is king, but don't finish them off unless you must.

Not every encounter requires engagement.
Are two enemies worth 2 (10% of my) bullets, simply to scout an explosives post, when I've my alloted 2 grenades already?

Scout the area, grab the diamond and move. That AI is surprising blind at night - they have no hearing, but very acute vision cones for a player out of cover or moving in any way, or if they are alerted.

One run on infamous, managed to get by with only 100 shots fired the whole game.
Missed two... really annoying:

(the Mk19 is the mounted grenade launcher - it's not available to buy but will become "favourite weapon" due to a certain mission in the later parts of the game if no secondary weapon is used).

Conflict Strategies and Survival Guide
Thirdkeeper here.. First I need to make it clear that I had nothing to do with the creation
of this guide. When the author has the time and opportunity I hope he will remove my
name so that no one gets confused.

- I've been listed as a creator only so that I could post the following:

- The Cap'n has generously offered to allow me to post this link to my guide where you'll
find all you need to beat respawning checkpoints, malaria, gun jams and ai.

Includes some unique observations and tricks to help you make the game less punishing
and a lot more entertaining.

- A full 12 years in observation and experimentation, over two years in actual production
and still in process, the guide has been updated daily since it's release. Hope you enjoy
this deeper look:

Thanks to Cap'n Saccade for allowing the inclusion, and expanding the reach of this
valuable info.

- Best Wishes to All -
Launch Parmameters & Cheats
This next section contains launch parameter cheats:

  • -GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1

  • (skips intro movies - MANDATORY!)

For "permanent" cheats, simply add these to FC2 after completing the tutorial (ie, after giving the tape to the journalist and visited the church) and enjoy spoiling your game experience:

Eg, for god mode, unlimited reliability & all weapons unlock with unlimited ammo, add: -GameProfile_GodMode 1 -GameProfile_UnlimitedReliability 1 -GameProfile_AllWeaponsUnlock 1 -GameProfile_UnlimitedAmmo 1


  • -GameProfile_AllWeaponsUnlock 1
  • (Unlocks weapons, but it will only unlock the weapons available at that part of the map).

  • -GameProfile_GodMode 1
  • (God mode, use it only on completion of tutorial).

  • -GameProfile_UnlimitedAmmo 1
  • (Unlimited ammo, use it only on completion of tutorial)

  • -GameProfile_UnlimitedReliability 1
  • (Unlimited reliability, ie, never have your gun jam)

  • If you're really stuck on a diamond, eg, near the fort, where there's a hidden path north of the explosive checkpoint, past the sniper... check this guide: http://www.cheatbook.de/wfiles/farcry2diamond.htm

  • ps, you suck.

Also, don't forget - there's a hidden buddy up by Swanasana if you're going for 100%.
PS, you can get over 40/40 side missions completed if you rescue all buddies before the missions are given to rescue them :P

After each mission, take two side missions from your buddy then - on the subverted mission - let your "best" buddy die - maybe give him a morphine OD.

To get all buddy missions, take one from your best buddy - finish it - take another side mission (convoy / assassination) and then return to the bar to receive the next.

// I just found a little glitch to unlock buddy missions without having to do another in between - simply leave the immediate area and the next buddy mission should be available immediately - never heard that one before :)

Mike's bar will contain a max of only 3 buddies plus your best buddy (if you have one) - so if you want to catch them all, you gotta let some go. (I know it's hard, but it's really very easy to save the ammo by using a machete on them).

"Cycling" the buddies in this way - depending on your personality disorder (OCD / psychopath) - will ensure that you get to do all side missions and also - well... I'm not spoiling anything for you.

If you're reading cheats, then you probably know anyway.

Once the game is complete BEFORE the end-game (past 96%, where it says, "you can't go back" - for all those guns you bought, unless you stashed them in your safehouse, even though you can do the entire end-game without firing a shot...), it is possible to revisit all sections of the map to collect the diamonds you missed - however it is faster to do this as you go along.

With the Mortar, it is possible to set up next to a wall and then twist 180 in order to access areas that are outside the gameworld (or, the place you meet the jackal, who ironically gives you the glitch mortar to wallhack into the prison with... not be able to kill him before the end), such as inside a building that has nodraw textures on the inside, so you can shoot out but no bullets can shoot in...

It's also possible to "kill" the jackal with a well aimed grenade or "catapult" glitch, but I like the mortar one as it's useful all over the place if you're into wallhacks:

Nice QA Ubi...

That's it for in-game cheats I know.

You big cheater.
Devmode / Console (cheats)
Skip this section if you don't want to cheat!

Other than the aforementioned and essential launch parameters, "-RenderProfile_MaxFps 45 -GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1", it is possible to open the game console with the "¬" key (next to 1 on my ps/2 90s' keyboard).

From here, you can type "?" for a list of different testing functions in game, that might otherwise require a restart or to test for crases, display FPS, etc...

Nb: -DEVMODE hasn't worked with Farcry since... 2007?

You'll have to make do with a trainer, that does the same thing, kinda:


If there are enough requests, or you want to message me on steam, I will send you a trainer to access much of the devmode content.
I imagine it was removed for the same reason nearly every exe i put up on steam (I get banned for exploit videos now, or for bypassing the profanity filter), no matter how I disguise it (not tried stegosploit-like method tho...) - steam will remove the link, and if I put it back, the file vanishes and, occasionally, that was the only copy.

It's in the EULA, 10th commandment, thall shall not alter proprietary software.

// you guys wanna know something? I hacked my way into the top 50 in MGSV (look at my hours...) and people were thinking I was some ninja - I saw a Japanese super-srs guy's video of him trying to find me while I was invading, so I fessed up.
I was invisible, no sound, no reload, no animations at all, really, no contact, hotkeyed, but it loaded in that way. This was because it was peer 2 peer.
Japanese video guy (quite a few followers) and I wrote to Konami about it. "Thank you very much".

So, they use the same way in the next game!

The only legit title I hold, is at gauntlet, pixelunk and petting animals in every assassins creed game.
Check my hours dudes, I speak the truth.

Yet, even with those achievements, I still get no chicks.
So... yeah...

(DEV MODE)_dead.
Some good mods for FC2 are:

Farcry 2 Redux (2019):

Dylan's Realism Mod (Steam compatible):

Infamous Fusion:

Realmode (esp for crossbow):

More Gore:

I've only used the redux, infamous and realism mods. More gore seemed a little excessive, but it was fun for a while :)

If you're finding the game too easy - these mods are a way of increasing the difficulty without meta-gaming (eg, atm, I am playing only with enemy weapons and machete, not spending any diamonds) and turning it further into a stealth-based FPS, rather than African Rambo Murder-fest.

Redux is good for a bug fixes and balances, although there are many features that I dislike about it.
It also appears to break old savegames, so it would be worth backing up your progress or willing to restart if deciding to install this mod.
I wanna play online..!
Farcry 2's official servers have been closed for years.

You may be lucky enough to find someone who's hosting - but for a higher chance of finding a game? Goto the places where people still play the game.


Go here:


Just one last thing...
I use a 980ti, i7 3.4ghz w/32gb RAM (side-effect of a good work machine is it's great for games), so I max everything and use DSR and FoV hacks regularly, but when I had 670 the game would struggle at max everything - my fix for MSI 670GTX 4gb, i7@3.2 w/24gb RAM was simply to lower resolution to 1600x900 or whatever the next res-step down was... and run at "optimal" game settings from in-game menu. It worked like a charm.

Don't forget, it was games like Farcry 2 that people used to benchmark their gaming performance.

"woooaaahhh, you mean you can run FC2 at MAXIMUM EVERYTHING?! (liar)"

Forcing the game to run at a maximum of 45FPS will fix a lot of the AI bugs, such as glitching NPC's, silent phone-calls and AI becoming stuck in loops (esp. w/dialogue, which is a game-breaker, esp. with the journalist), as the FPS is not only visual for render...

The human eye is said to perceive a maximum of 1000 frames per second, however - it has been shown that the difference between 30 and 60 visual FPS is barely noticable for some games and slow-moving image (VHS was 32FPS, or 32.5FPS for rental - so you couldn't copy them).

Over 32 FPS in a game is as good as television.
I don't get migraines at 30-60FPS, I do at 120...

Saccade - look it up in a biology dictionary.

(the other definition is "spasmodic jerk" and is one reason I'm writing this guide)

45FPS is a good compromise for this situation, as well as fixing the multiple bugs caused by such increased rendering capability on modern hardware.

However, that said... I would not want to play online games at less than monitor refresh rate - those few visual FPS are a competitive edge...

Anyway, I hope you found this (collected and comprehensive) guide useful and it helped you revisit what is probably the best Farcry of the series, and one of my favourite SP stealth/action and "free roam" games of all time.

Have fun! :)

A big thanks to all the other guides, modders, wikias and players out there, over the years :)
It's been good to see a few MP servers crop up over the sale weekend.

Even if I did buy Brothers in Arms pack 3 hours before the sale started...

Special Thanks
I thought I must add:

Much appreciation for B33 ENN and Gamedian for their guides and files to facilitate unlocking the additional content that would otherwise be unavailable without hacks and cracks.

If anyone ever reads this guide - I'm sure they'll appreciate it too :)

Also to Konbleck for his neat guide to diamond and tape locations, considering my Prima guide was lost years ago..:

(btw, as mentioned above, only 2 diamonds require hang-gliders to reach: 1 in the North, 1 in the South).


Also - if you're up for a challenge, only use the machete and no syrettes: only bleed-out heals.

(dealing with vehicles, taking outposts and clearing the fort like a machete pro)

Congratulations, you are now a certifed FC2 pro.
You have my undying respect if you read all this.

댓글 252
StocKaticUs 2025년 2월 22일 오후 4시 45분 
There are some people that don't get it, it has ALWAYS fallen down to us: users of these sheety entertainment companies, to polish their products. I agree with thirdkeeper, why let this game fall into obscurity just because the developers left us with their "fix" as a dlc that has a bug and some "additional vehicles". Through a guide like this long ago I learned that there was some additional stuff to do in the game, like collecting the predecesor tapes, when reaching out to Ubi Support, they made me download their crappy software and there was no difference, then they understood my request they told me: "oh... that content we only released it for users who pre-purchased the game", elitist f*cks.
thirdkeeper: I am very glad to read that I made a difference and no need to thank, the idea of a community is to support each other. :FC5_Boomer:
thirdkeeper  [작성자] 2025년 2월 22일 오전 10시 59분 
DON'T fix? - For this great game?? - That means new players can't even try it.
That would just force it more into obscurity. Ubi made it plain that they will no
longer support the game, so we shouldn't lift a finger to help?

Thanks to the author Cap'n Saccade it IS a lovely guide, thanks for saying so,
because it does exactly what you're complaining about. Bless him and all the
tinkerers and modders that came before and followed after!
Histfire 2025년 2월 22일 오전 10시 40분 
What a lovely guide. You get nothing from me for it though because you shouldn't be fixing Ubisoft's mess while they continue to make money off of it.
thirdkeeper  [작성자] 2025년 2월 16일 오전 9시 16분 
StocKaticUs - Now I need to thank you again - twice !8 )

Can't thank you enough for -> ALL of your contributions - Very generous to say the
least, and happened to come at a very good time - Gave me a huge smile when I
needed it most. - Know for certain you have made a difference in someone's life -

Thanks for the encouragement !8-D
thirdkeeper  [작성자] 2025년 2월 16일 오전 9시 15분 
StocKaticUs - Now I need to thank you again - twice !8 )

Your potato is working fine !; ) - Just avoid running DX10 for this game.

Well.. - If Ubi were smart enough they'ed recognize that there is a glaring
hole in the realism/adult shooter market that they could easily capitalize on
and dominate for a time, - It would even be cheaper to make pure shooters
that don't require all the extra trash they've added to their later releases.

On the Cheap:

Minimal HUD,
Few if any cut-scenes
First Person (No player model necessary)
No voice for the player/protagonist (No recording necessary)
No skill trees, crafting or inventory maintenance screens.

Users should be able to play to completion without ever having to consult game
menus. Put all that programming into a Hand-Held MAP!
thirdkeeper  [작성자] 2025년 2월 16일 오전 8시 33분 
StocKaticUs - Now I need to thank you again - twice !8 )

Usually I respond in the same order as the posts are made, but in this instance
priorities dictate that the communities interests come before all else; - Ergo :

Really fine scan and summary of FoxAhead's articles that complete the FE edition
if Multi-Fix isn't working. - Hex editing is a great workaround for configuring some
game aspects to your liking. - I discovered it when I was searching for a way to
hide the radar in FC3. - For any reading - It was as easy as using notepad to search
and replace. - I was also able to stop blinking objects, clean up the hud and even
holster the weapons. -

Here's a reliable FREE hex editor :


HxD Copyright© 2002-2009 by Maël Hörz. All rights reserved.
(See also the license file)

Author stands behind his works:
Maël Hörz
StocKaticUs 2025년 2월 11일 오후 9시 28분 
Piece of extremely good news everyone!

I mean, f*ck yeah! Sorry for the lewd expressions and sheet, but I got the additional content (pred tapes and machetes) working by following FoxAhead's guide here (I used the hex edit method):


Follow these steps:
1.- Download a Hex Editor (I used Microsoft's)
2.- Find and open Dunia.dll file by following the path to ...steamapps/common/Far Cry 2/bin
3.- Find the specified sequence in the guide by using "Find" (type it complete in HEX option) and change the value for the ones specified in the guide.
4.- Add the registry file with the specified text and run it.

3.- will enable the Predecesor Tapes and 4.- Will enable Machete types.

Now look what we got here... a little target practice!
Persistence is key, enjoy!
StocKaticUs 2025년 2월 11일 오후 7시 44분 
thirdkeeper - Thank you.

I confirm that AMD is crap, with their sheet Adrenaline (trademarkcrap) software you cant change nothing of the specified parameters as on Nvidia software, only very vague stuff like Adrenalin rendering, anti lag, motion frame rates... just toggles.

FC2 on my 2 year old potato (Ryzen 7 5000 series, 16 GB RAM, AMD RADEON RX 6600 M), running all in Ultra settings, widescreen, HDR, Bloom. It works better with DX9 than DX10. DX10 looks beautiful in 4K, fluidly works at 60 fps, but tends to unexpectedly crash (maybe this is because it goes 60 +/- 4, so if it goes 61 it gets f*cked, Ill try setting max fps to 45, see what happens).

Now this is just a rant, but I think its due time for Ubisoft to give us a remaster or some sheet like that of FC2. Anyway, I will keep playing FC2 in its current state (Ubisoft you elitists piece of sheets)

Thank you for YOUR contributions thirdkeeper. Keep on keeping on. :fcp_bear:
thirdkeeper  [작성자] 2025년 2월 10일 오전 11시 44분 
StocKaticUs - Good to hear from you again 8 ) - Unfortunately FoxAhead's
Multi-Fix doesn't work on all systems, but at least failures are a rarity and
functionality is above 90%. - It's a shame so many have to struggle to get
this great game running.

Thanks so much for your contributions and comments ! :honor:

- Best Wishes -
StocKaticUs 2025년 2월 10일 오전 11시 29분 
2016 foof... long time. Glad to see my comment worked for some people. Unfortunately Gamedian's file is no longer available and following that guide to get additional content is the easiest way to achieve it. The "fixer" software wont work for some of us as well. Nice extensive guide by the way! :Hand_Shake: