Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Mirage A plant split tactic
By gobee
How to need split A plant on Mirage
Hello guys, on this guide i'll show you how to need split A plant when you playing as 5(team)
● Sequence of smokes ●
1) Smoke short
2) Smoke window
3) Smoke short
4) Smoke jungle
5) Smoke CT(Delpan)
Smoke from T spawn to short(start of short)
2 guys going middle to white box(one of them throws the smoke to short on T spawn(start of short)
Smoke from white box to window
1 guy throws the smoke from white box to window
Smoke from start of pallas to short
1 guy going to start of A pallas and throws the smoke to short
Smoke from T roof to jungle
1 guy going to T roof and throw the smoke to jungle
Smoke from start of ramp to CT(Delpan)
2 guys going T ramp(pit) and one of them throws the smoke to CT(Delpan)
Final result
Finally this split looks like:
● 2 guys going middle, throws the smokes and go to connector ●
● 1 guy going to start of pallas, throws the smoke and go to A pallas ●
● 2 guys going to T ramp, throws the smokes and come out from T ramp ●
Also you can donate me some skins and i'll buy vodka and food for my bear

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ZXC SIGMA Hobbit 16 Feb, 2024 @ 5:54am 
BigBIffa 6 Jun, 2018 @ 10:03pm 
+1 what a great plan for a pro team and a 5 man thx
F-35 14 Dec, 2016 @ 11:39am 
very gud