If My Heart Had Wings

If My Heart Had Wings

86 평점
Achievements the Guide
Shun 님이 작성
Unlock the 20 achievements of this game.
즐겨찾기 해제
8 - Exploratory achievements
This achievements will be earned once you complete the game for the first time.

Welcome - start the game to earn this
Gallery - Open the gallery
Fist Contact - Watch a cutscene for the first time.
 	Movie 1 - Watch the first opening movie.
 	Movie 2 - Watch the second opening movie.
Movie 3 - Watch the third opening movie movie.
 	Never Give Up - Watch the ending movie
 	Congratulations - Complete the game for the first time
5 - Cutscenes Achievements
These achievements will be earned gradually with your different character routes.

 	Approach - Watch 20% of the cutscenes
 	Take-Off - Watch 40% of the cutscenes
 	Soar - Watch 60% of the cutscenes
 	Glide - Watch 80% of the cutscenes
 	Morning Glory - Watch 100% of the cutscenes
5 - Character Routes Achievements
Notice - For this section, I wrote a route guide for the achievements, please refer to it below

 	Cool"Allule" - Complete Kotori routes
 	Amane Senpai - Complete the Amane routes
 	Classmates - Complete the Ageha routes
 	Asa Is the Elder Twin Sister - Complete the Asa routes
 	Yoru Is the Younger Twin Sister - Complete Yuru routes
2 - Good one and Bad one
 	Astonishing! - Complete all the routes
 	Too Bad - Fail to complete any routes...
Follow these choices to get the Too Bad achievement.
  • Wait for Ageha
  • No, it's not different
  • Amane
  • Ageha
  • Go home with Kotori or go to Asa
댓글 5
knightflier80 2023년 8월 10일 오후 11시 42분 
Thanks for including steps on how to get the Too Bad achievement. :steamthumbsup: I didn't want to have to trial-and-error my way to it.
Shun  [작성자] 2017년 12월 18일 오후 5시 27분 
thx, the color format is dead and i got a lot of guides to modify.
Ves 2017년 12월 18일 오후 2시 20분 
Might want to fix the guide at the end. The colors for Steam guides were patched long ago so they no longer work.

Anyways, rated and faved. :ss13ok: :rankstar:
Alperazy 2017년 10월 8일 오후 2시 01분 
Thank you for too bad achievements
生涯愛美推し 2017년 9월 21일 오후 1시 03분 
I've done everthing except the amane route,but the amane route hasn't been opened yet.what'wrong?80%'s achievement is not have yet.