Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

989 arvostelua
Dark Green
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10.161 KB
4.12.2016 klo 14.28
13.12.2016 klo 15.11
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Dark Green

2 kokoelmassa, tekijä creativeDEX
Dexter's LUT Collection
20 luomusta
Lindblum - Mod Collection
20 luomusta
Dark Green by Dexter

Hi everyone,

This LUT comes with a darker green color, higher contrast and a realistic saturation.
The green colors of bushes and trees will look better together and not so different like as normal.
Night atmosphere looks more realistic with higher contrast.
Looks great on North European or North American cities.
The coloring and lighting is optimized for a normal temperated day and this LUT will work on every map theme.

For more or less lighting use the Ultimate Eyecandy v1.2.2 Mod.

Map Theme, Map and SaveGame:
Realistic V1.4.5 European
Lindblum(savegame coming soon)

Update(13.12.2016): I changed the brightness of the lighting and reduced the yellow shine,
now it looks more clean. The Green color gets more saturation for a better natural look. Complete new screenshots are added.

Don't forget to rate and leave a comment if you like my work.
More of my creations:
Next Level of Road Design
LUT Collection
My favorite Interchange
My Artwork

26 kommenttia
1024612826 18.1. klo 18.38 
CertainHarbor42 26.4.2024 klo 8.22 
The best LUT of CSL.
cool tone : It's not too much. It's appropriate.
fualdesh 4.1.2024 klo 0.57 
Mathilda 12.4.2023 klo 12.48 
What the other settings? Mine not looks like that.
ashlandky62 6.5.2021 klo 17.41 
Released my new map today - GRAYSTONE GRANARY - using this LUT.
Jezza 5.10.2019 klo 6.12 
@Bearded Warrior
I second this.
19951788015 3.5.2019 klo 9.16 
I'm going to try it :)
Thorstorm 18.3.2019 klo 20.33 
How did you get the trees to look like on the screenshots?
Are they modded trees? if so can you tell me what are they? thanks
evansh3277 12.2.2019 klo 23.06 
how to use this in my city?
Violins77 9.11.2018 klo 8.27 
Hi Dex! This is my favorite LUT so far! Do you use it on default AD lighting, or is it meant for Daylight Classic?