Darksiders Warmastered Edition

Darksiders Warmastered Edition

307 ratings
All Collectibles [Text]
By Dreki
A guide to show where all the collectibles are located.
The collectibles are in order by when you can get them.
Wrath Core: Give the Overlord Artifact to Vulgrim to get a full extra Wrath Core.

Wrath Core: Can be bought from the store for 10,000 souls.

Wrath Shard: Can be bought from the store for 2,500 souls.

Lifestone Shards: Give all Soldier Artifacts to Vulgrim.

Lifestone Shards: Give all Champion Artifacts to Vulgrim.
The Crossroads
Artifact - Soldier [1/20]: Go to the west side of the map and go down the stairs of the former subway entrance. Go to the left and jump into the water. You will see a Green symbol on your mini map. Go pick it up and earn your first collectible.

Lifestone Shards: In the large room of the library, you will see a small pool of water. Dive into it and swim through the tunnel. Jump on the platform and open the chest to collect the Lifestone Shard.
Scalding Gallow
Vulgrim: He will be located on the North-West side of the map. You'll find him in a small, ruined building.

Wrath Shard: Climb the demonic growth at the Vulgrim location and open the chest.

Abyssal Armor Piece (1/10): After you get the Shadowflight Ability, go back to Vulgrims store and go to the South-East corner in the building. Look down and you should see a ledge. Jump down and use your Shadowflight to reach the ledge down below. There you will find a chest with the first Abyssal Armor Piece.
The Crossroads
Artifact - Soldier [2/20]: Now that you have the Shadowflight Ability you should go back to the Library. Go to the large room and go stand on the edge of the broken bridge. Jump forward and while in the air press and hold A to glide to the other side of the bridge. The artifact is yours.
The Choking Grounds
Vulgrim: He will be located in the circular building right in front of the entrance of The Choking Grounds.

Lifestone Shards: Simply smash all tombstones that look like a cross. A chest will appear on the west side of the cemetery.

Artifact - Soldier [3/20]: While still looking in the direction of the previous chest you should see 3 large stone blocks. Move in front of the one in the middle and press B to drag object. Go down the stairs, fight the enemies and collect what's rightfully yours.

Artifact - Soldier [4/20]: To the north of Vulgrims shop is another set of stairs. Here you should find some more demons with a deathwish and of course another artifact.

Wrath Shard: If you bring up your map, you should see a (more or less) square building. You can only enter through a hole which is located a bit more to the right. You'll notice a Shadow Current (blue sphere you can use your Shadowflight on to perform huge leaps). Use it to go up to the next floor and open the chest.

Weapon Enhancement: After completing all 4 portals and freeing the Tormented Gate, you will be given this first Weapon Enhancement Ravager (story based).
The Broken Stair
Artifact - Soldier [5/20]: You will notice a hole in the right wall when you enter The Broken Stair. Follow the path through the broken wall and collect the artifact.

Vulgrim: In the Southern part of the map you will find a set of stairs which will lead you underground. Follow the left path at the crossroads to locate Vulgrims store.

Lifestone Shards: When coming from Vulgrims shop, move straight ahead at the crossroads and dive into the water. It's in a chest.

Lifestone Shards: Go to the second floor of the building and jump to the Shadow Currents to reach the bridge. Go to the right and as soon as the bridge merges with another part of a bridge, turn left. The chest is hidden behind some cars.
Twilight Cathedral
Vulgrim: When you enter the Twilight Cathedral area you will see three gates. Vulgrim is located behind the right gate.

Artifact - Soldier [6/20]: After kicking down the huge block which creates a hole in the floor, jump down and follow the newly opened passage. Soon you will see some demon growth and an Artifact hanging in the air. Climb up the demon growth and jump in the direction of the artifact, while making use of your Shadowflight.

Lifestone Shards: When you put the second sword in the statue, the left doorway of the main hall will open up for you. If you enter you will notice red rocks which can only be destroyed by bombs. You will find a bomb growth on the other side of the room. Pick it up with B, quickly turn around and press Right Thumbstick. Aim through the little hole in the wall at the red rocks and press RT to throw the bomb. It may take a few tries, but when the rocks are gone you can collect the Lifestone Shard from the chest.

Artifact - Champion [1/6]: After putting the third sword in the statue, the next door will open. Behind this door you will see a Shadow Current. Jump up to reach the platform and you should notice an artifact hanging in the air. From the platform, jump into the Shadow Current below you and use your Shadowflight to reach the artifact.

Artifact - Soldier [7/20]: After finding the Crossblade, you will eventually end up in a circular room with three new statues without a sword. Go through the door on the West side and you'll notice the artifact on the left side. Just jump to it with your Shadowflight.

Wrath Shard: After putting the second sword into the statue, a new door will open. In the room behind this door you'll find the Beholder's Key and a chest with a Wrath Shard.

Weapon Enhancement: After fighting The Jailer, you have to take the elevator down. There are some red rocks on the right when you exit the elevator. Destroy them with a bomb and follow the path until you find a switch. Flip it and the lava river becomes solid which makes it easier for you to light all the candle sticks in the room. Do so and a chest with the Bloodthirst enhancement will appear.

Abyssal Armor Piece (2/10): After getting the third sword, you get a chance to go back to the surface and collect some missing chests now that we have the Crossblade. Make your way back to the main hall (where you bombed the Goremaw to release the statue) and enter the Northern door. Jump up the block you pushed to the wall before, and instead of going right, we go left. Aim your Crossblade at the ceiling and stun the Goremaw so you can enter the door. Open the chest to collect your second piece of Abyssal Armor.

Wrath Core: Drop down from the last collectible and open the chest to obtain a full extra Wrath Core!

Lifestone: You will get a full extra Lifestone after defeating Tiamat.
Scalding Gallow
Abyssal Armor Piece [3/10]: After the cutscene with Samael, move South and you will notice some bomb growth on a pillar of the second floor. Throw your Crossblade at it to ignite it and climb on the fallen pillar to open the chest with the Armor Piece in it.
Drowned Pass
Vulgrim:When you enter Drowned Pass, follow the way until you reach a three-way crossroad. Take the right path around the rock to locate Vulgrims store.

Artifact - Soldier [8/20]: When you enter Drowned Pass, move forward and jump down the cliff into the water. Turn 180 degrees and swim under the waterfall. Collect the Artifact.

Abyssal Armor Piece [4/10]: Swim back under the waterfall from the last collectible and look at the left. You should see another, smaller waterfall. Dive into the water and you should see a tunnel. Swim through it, defeat the enemies and collect the Armor Piece from the chest.

Artifact - Soldier [9/20]: Look at your map and you should see 2 big squares in the middle. These are buildings under water and the Artifact can be found in the Northern=most building. Enter the building and swim up the stairs.

Lifestone Shards: Move into the passage to the left of the Southern-most building. At the end of this passage you'll notice a block in the water with a mark that has to be hit by your Crossblade (mark on the right side of the block). It will rise from the water, making it possible for you to reach the chest on the other side.

Abyssal Armor Piece [5/10]: After freeing the Tormented Gate you'll get another piece.
Anvil's Ford
Vulgrim: After crossing the chasm with the rope, drop down and go to the left to locate the next Vulgrim store.

Wrath Shard:: During your competition with Ulthane to kill as many Angels as you can, you will have to fight two Angels with a big gun at the same time. You will notice some demonic growth on the wall to your left. Use this to reach the upper level and climb the next demonic growth. Follow it around the wall and open the chest with the Wrath Shard.

[[b]Weapon Enhancement:[/b]If you kill more Angels then Ulthane you will get the Combat Lore Enhancement.
The Hollows
Artifact - Soldier [10/20]: After solving the puzzle involving the gas pipes and bombs, go to the next room. Jump into the water and dive to the bottom.

Abyssal Armor Piece [6/10]: From the previous collectible, take the door to the left and follow the hallway until you reach the next room. If you look at your map, this room will look like a horizontal, elongated and serrated room. If you are going through this room you will find a small gap on your right side with a chest in it. Open it to collect yet another piece of the Armor set.

[[b]Weapon Enhancement:[/b] From the previous collectible, jump into the water and follow the tunnel. Jump out and right into the next pool of water. You will see a broken grate which you can swim underneath. Take the first right and swim up. If you followed the right way you should see a chest with The Reaper Enhancement inside.

Wrath Shard: Again from the previous collectible, instead of taking the first right, take the second. Follow the tunnel and swim up. You should be in a room with a switch and a chest. Open the chest to collect the Wrath Shard.

Artifact - Soldier [11/20]: After finding the tremor gauntlet, move on until you reach a room where you have to raise 3 platforms. Move to the highest platform and look south. Jump to the Artifact.

Lifestone Shards: Go back to the hall where you first met The Griever. Go up to the second floor and smash the blue rocks. Move on until you reach a room with two trains. At the back of the left train you'll find a chest with a Lifestone Shard.

Artifact - Champion [2/6]: Raise the water by solving the puzzle with the blue and red rocks. Collect the Beholder's Key and go back the way you came, but before entering the door, which leads back to the room with the two trains, dive into the water. There should be a large drain pipe. Swim into it and look up. There you go, a nice Champion Artifact.

Wrath Shard: There is a room which looks like some kind of canyon, not so far from where the boss is. Jump down and go down the second left. Smash the blue rock with your Tremor Gauntlet and let the water pour in. Swim back to the first left and jump out of the water onto a platform. Follow the way until you reach the second blue rock which you should destroy to release some more water. Climb back up to where you smashed the second blue rock and jump to the other side to open the chest.

Lifestone: You will get a full extra Lifestone after defeating The Griever.
Anvil's Ford
Wrath Shard: From the Vulgrim location, start moving in the direction of the Drowned Pass. At some point you should see some blue rocks. Destroy them and collect the treasure.
Drowned Pass
Wrath Shard: Across from the Vulgrim location, you will see blue rocks. A bit further on is a tunnel under the water. Follow this tunnel, smash the rocks and open the chest.
The Choking Grounds
Lifestone Shards: You remember the square building where you got the Wrath Shard before? Move up to the second floor and explode the red rock with the bomb. Climb up, destroy the blue rock and grab the Lifestone Shard from the chest.

Artifact - Champion [3/6]: Take the exit closest to the square building (where the Tormented Gate was before). Follow the road until you see two Shadow Currents. Jump down and smash the blue rocks to reveal the Artifact.
The Crossroads
Weapon Enhancement:: At the most Western point of the map is a passage with some blue rocks. After destroying the rocks you can collect the Hellfire Enhancement.
Scalding Gallow
Artifact - Soldier [12/20]: After receiving the Chronomancer ability, go on your way to the next Chosen. When you use the Chronomancer the first time, follow the road until you have to jump to a destroyed, half open drain pipe. Look to the right (dead end) to locate the Artifact.
The Dry Road
Artifact - Soldier [13/20]: Upon entering The Dry Road, go to the most Southern part of the map and you should find the Artifact easily.

Lifestone Shards: From the Artifact, turn around and look to the right. You should see a chest on a platform.

Vulgrim: Standing on the platform of the last collectible, look to the West and you should see a cave. Vulgrim is located in this cave. (Easily missed).

Weapon Enhancement: Enter the tunnel at the Northern part and move on until you see a Goremaw at the ceiling. Throw your Crossblade at it to drop the block. Jump on the left side of the block and hold on until the Goremaw picks it up again. Now jump to the platform on you left, while making use of your Shadowflight ability, run up to the chest and collect the Carnage Enhancement.
The Ashlands
Lifestone Shards: After the part with the three Goremaws, go through the drain pipe. When you go up the ramp, turn around and go to the back of this area. You should see some blue rocks which can be destroyed by your Tremor Gauntlet. A chest is hidden behind it.

Vulgrim: Right after collecting the last Lifestone Shard, move on and you'll find a small passage to the left with a Vulgrim location.

Artifact - Soldier [14/20]: After solving the drill puzzle, one of the drills will be shut down and lifted up, creating a hole in the floor. Jump down the hole, dive into the water and swim to the bottom to locate this Artifact.

Lifestone Shards: In the room with all the Goremaws, move to the East and you should see a small "island". You can reach it with your Shadowflight as there is a Shadowflight Current nearby. Open the chest with the Lifestone Shard inside.

Artifact - Soldier [15/20]: After being reunited with Ruin and killing the Ashworm, you'll have to go through a tunnel with a lot of enemies. This tunnel will end in a pond of water which you have to jump in to continue your way to the Stygian. Dive to the bottom of this pond to collect the Artifact.
Leviathan's Drift
Vulgrim: After finding the last artifact you'll come across yet another one of Vulgrim's stores. This one will be located right before entering the area where the boss fight with the Stygian occurs. (Technically this is still The Ashlands but if you choose to travel you'll notice this location will say Leviathan's Drift)

Lifestone: You will get a full extra Lifestone after defeating The Stygian.
The Ashlands
Wrath Shard: After killing The Stygian, go back to the big open area of the Ashlands. Now that the Ashworm is dead, you can run around this place without being afraid of getting swallowed. Go to the Northern part of the map towards the blue rocks. Destroy them with your Tremor Gauntlet and open the chest.

Artifact - Soldier [16/20]: If you open your map, you should see a platform (light colour on the map). North of the single tower, move around the back of this platform and jump in the Shadow Current Point. Climb up onto the Demonic Growth.
Iron Canopy
Wrath Shard:: After crossing the bridge that collapses behind you, move forward and destroy the wooden fence on the left. Open the chest behind it.

Wrath Shard:: After opening the first door with the first Beholders' Key, you come into a room with a Goremaw and a pushable block. Move the block underneath the Goremaw. Stun him with your Crossblade before doing so. Climb on the block (West side) and as soon as the Goremaw picks it up, jump off to the wooden bridge up high. You should see the chest on a platform next to the bridge.

Artifact - Soldier [17/20]: When you have passed the second Brood Guardian (large spider), you end up outside again. Climb the metal staircase and jump forward with your Shadowflight to grab the Artifact.

Abyssal Armor Piece [7/10]: After obtaining the Abyssal Chain, move on to the room with two Goremaws blocking the entrance. You should see a Blue Chain point in this room. After using the second Blue Chain Point, look up to the left and grab onto the Red Chain Point. Jump into this small room and open the chest with the Abyssal Armor Piece.

Artifact - Champion [4/6]: After killing the second Brooth Guardian, go to the next room. Take the door on the left and look up to find a Red Chain Point. Grab onto it and turn around the corner to pick up the Artifact.

Weapon Enhancement: After killing the four Brood Guardians and the Broodmother, follow the only possible road. After fighting a room full of enemies, you'll end up in a small, long hallway with some Shadow Current Points. Jump on the first Shadow Current and quickly turn around to jump on the platform with the chest. In this chest you'll find the War's Glory enhancement.

Lifestone : You will get a full extra Lifestone after defeating Silitha.

Artifact - Soldier [18/20]: After killing Silitha, you'll see a Chronomancer stone which will go up once it's activated. Activate it with your Crossblade and quickly change to your Abyssal Chain to grab onto the Red Chain Point underneath the Chronomancer Stone. Jump off at the first floor and run around to the Southern part of this room to collect the Artifact.
The Ashlands
Abyssal Armor Piece [8/10]: If you open your map you should see a platform (light colour on the map) north of the single tower. Move around the back of this platform and jump in the Shadow Current Point. Grab onto the Red Chain Points (two to reach the other platform and 1 to reach the tower).

Artifact - Overlord[1/1]: Make your way onto the second of the three towers and you should notice a Blue Chain Point. Use it to swing to the third tower and flip the switch to stop the drill. Jump into the hole created by the drill and follow the tunnel to grab the one and only Overlord Artifact.

Weapon Enhancement: From the last artifact, follow the only possible road. You'll end up in the room with a large amount of Goremaws. Move further and cross the Shadow Current and Blue Chain Point to grab the Srife's Offering enhancement.

Wrath Shard: From the Vulgrim location, travel south and go back into the room with the three Goremaws. Stun the Goremaw in front of you with your Crossblade and jump to the rope. Go to the left to reach the platform with the chest. From here, look up and grab onto the Red Chain Point. There you go, another Wrath Shard.
Anvil's Ford
Wrath Shard:Look at your map and you should notice a small island on the Western side. This will be your next destination. Before you're able to claim your treasure, you'll have to fight a new enemy: Wicked K (skeleton with a top hat). He's a lot harder to fight then all other enemies you've encountered so far (except the bosses). On the other hand, if you have enough chaos to activate Chaos Form, he'll be a piece of cake. Once you have defeated him, you can swing to the other side and open the chest.
Drowned Pass
Lifestone Shards: From the Vulgrim location, look west and grab onto the Blue Chain Point to reach the other side. Open the chest and collect the Lifestone Shard.
The Crossroads
Wrath Shard:Go into the library and move on until you see a Blue Chain Point. Swing to the other side and open the chest.
Scalding Gallow
Artifact - Champion [5/6]: Take the Western exit and go to the room with the spinning blades. Equip your Abyssal Chain, jump onto the blades and jump off into the Southeast passage below you. Quickly grab onto the Red Chain Point. Jump into the Shadow Current, follow the hallway and collect the Artifact.
The Black Throne
Weapon Enhancement: After obtaining the Voidwalker, you'll come into a room where you have to stand on a switch to create a bridge. Run to the other side, turn around and look to the right. You should see a platform up high with a Portal. Charge the Portal with your Voidwalker and cross the bridge again. Drop down and jump into the Portal on the East side (you activated this one before). If done correctly, you should land on the platform with yet another switch to create a bridge. Run to the other side and open the chest to collect the Fury's Embrace Enhancement. Equip it immediately, as this enhancement will reveal all treasures you haven't collected yet.

Wrath Shard: On your way to the second tower you'll have to cross a big room without a floor. Make your way to the other side and look west. Charge the Portal in the small room over there and jump through the Portal next to you. Open the chest to collect the Wrath Shard.

Lifestone Shards: In the second tower, there is a room with three movable platforms (up/down). Make your way up to the next floor and open the door with the Beholders' Key. Jump up the Shadow Current and move on to until you reach the blue rocks. Activate the Portal, turn around and go down the stairs again. At the foot of the stairs, look up and activate the Portal up above. Go through the Portal near the blue rocks. Jump up the ledge to find a well hidden chest.

Artifact - Soldier [19/20]: After guiding the second beam to Azrael, you have to search the Beholders' Key. In the first room you enter there will be a Portal on the left wall and one on the ceiling. Use them to get on the platform with the Artifact.

Abyssal Armor Piece [9/10]: Go down the circular stairs after the previous collectible and at the bottom of the stairs charge the Portal. Then charge the Portal on the rock that's turning around and return to the other Portal. Watch closely and jump into it as soon as the Red Rocks turn away. In this new area you should see a Portal on the right: activate it. Pick up a bomb with your Abyssal Chain and throw it through the Portal to the Red Rocks (requires good timing!). Jump into the Portal when the Portal on the rock is on the right side.

Artifact - Soldier [20/20]: Inside the third tower, go to the back of the room and jump in the water. At the bottom lies the last Soldier Artifact.

Artifact - Champion [6/6]: When you have activated the third beam, exit the third tower and cross the gap (first guide the beam to the other side). When you enter the next room you'll notice a floating block coming down. Jump into the Shadow Current to reach the platform on the other side. Activate both Portals to get to the next floor. From here you can see the Portal on top of the floating block: activate it. Jump down where the two Portals are and jump right into the one that's still active. There you go: The last of the Artifacts is yours.

Lifestone: You will get a full extra Lifestone after defeating Straga.
Abyssal Armor Piece [10/10]: After crossing the bridge with the Mask of Shadows, immediately go to the right (into the water). The last Abyssal Armor Piece can be found in the north-east passage behind the waterfall.

Wrath Shard: From the bridge, start going up the stairs. Look through to the left halfway and you should notice a passage. Jump down and walk to the North to find a chest.
Serpent Holes
Wrath Shard: To the Dry Road: Turn around and follow the path to the chest.

Wrath Shard: To Anvil's Ford: Look to the left after using the stairs.
Grab onto the Red and Blue Chain Points to reach the other side with the chest.

Lifestone Shards: To Twilight Cathedral: Put on your Mask of Shadows and walk to the exit. Don't step into it yet and look to the right. Jump into the Shadow Current and follow the road until you reach the next one. Use the second one to fly to the chest with the Lifestone Shard.
Scalding Gallow
Wrath Shard: Take the Western exit and go to the left. Activate the Portal on the ceiling and move on to the room with the fan. Equip your Abyssal Chain, jump onto the blades and jump off into the Southeast passage below you. Quickly grab onto the Red Chain Point. Activate the Portal on the ceiling and jump through it with the help of the Shadow Current. Open the chest to grab the last Wrath Shard.

Weapon Enhancement: Take the Northern exit of the Scalding Gallow. Continue on until you reach the room with the Chronomancer switch. Activate the Portal and move past the gate. Activate the Portal on the other side of the gate and return to the room with the Chronomancer switch. Raise the gate, flip the Chronomancer switch and jump through the Portal. If done correct you should land in a room with a chest containing the Death's Blessing Enhancement.
Shamdoral03 4 May, 2023 @ 6:20am 
thanks a lot
Kogoro 25 Sep, 2022 @ 12:35am 
Thanks for the guide.
ded4ss 21 Feb, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
Amazing job explaining all the steps in order, what a lad.
Bowser 22 Apr, 2021 @ 5:40am 
maybe i will use it
Felixinius 17 Apr, 2021 @ 5:25pm 
Great guide, the extra souls i get from medals are helping me a lot in apocalypse.
Gave you an award, thank you.
Felixinius 16 Apr, 2021 @ 7:45pm 
Hello, just an observation, you can get Abyssal Armor Piece [3/10] as earlier as you first get to Scalding Gallow.

Just grab a random pole from the streets and using the manual aim, toss right in the bomb of the crystal. No Crossblade necessary.
Yuri 27 Jun, 2020 @ 12:25pm 
WounDead 7 May, 2020 @ 9:35am 
A clarification to my previous comment. The Wrath Core chest, along with a dark (1k, IIRC) souls chest appeared only after I've defeated Tiamat, i.e. the first time I was able to come back to The Chocking Grounds. Both of the chests were not there before. And there's no need to explode the red crystal for them.
WounDead 7 May, 2020 @ 2:53am 
@Dreki - Great guide, thank you. I always prefer text to video guides.
Small correction on the first Choking Grounds entry: the wraith shard you've mentioned is only accessible after The Twilight Cathedral visit, when you obtain the Crosblade. You need it to pop the bomb on the red crystal.
原来是小瘪三啊! 19 Dec, 2019 @ 8:45pm 