Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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The Energy Pack
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The Energy Engineer! This is the "official" collection of Energy items for the Engineer.

Concepts/Texture: Druida
Modeler: Juicebox
Compiler/SDK Wizard: Jalcober
Special thanks: Junkyard
Articles (7)
The Energy Sentry
Créé par juiceböx
The original energy sentry! This sentry only replaces the level 3 rocket launcher and it's not a full sentry replacement. Level 3 sentry rocket box replacement for the Engineer's Energy Pack....
The Energy Sentry (All Levels)
Créé par juiceböx
Upgrade your energy sentry! Full replacement for Sentry levels 1-3. Also includes a mini sentry. Be sure to check out the rest of the set by clicking on the collection link above! Please note that the wires have a red and a blu color variant that is not pr...
The Energizer
Créé par juiceböx
Overcharge your technology with this device and admire the sudden performance increase (or sudden explosions)! Melee for the Engineer's Energy Pack!...
Researcher's Relay
Créé par juiceböx
Receive, intercept or disrupt all of those fancy electromagnetic signals flying through the air with this marvel of modern science. Created with cutting edge technology (and some old radio parts). A secondary replacement for the Engineer's Energy Pack!...
Pocket Processor
Créé par juiceböx
An organizer, a secretary and a friend. This compact PDA replacement comes with 2 dials, 4 buttons and fully customizable software. PDA for the Engineer's Energy Pack....
Brainwave Broadcaster
Créé par juiceböx
The Engineer created a hat to control machines with his willpower. Unfortunately, the machines had had more willpower than him. At least it makes for a fancy hat! Hat for the Engineer's Energy Pack!...
The Steely Stare
Créé par juiceböx
Laser vision not included. Misc item for The Energy Pack! **We are aware that these look like The Special Eyes. We created the Steely Stare a year and a half before the Special Eyes were contributed.**...
Discussions populaires Tout voir (2)
15 janv. 2021 à 22h07
Pimp Skeletor
13 mai 2021 à 17h31
Will there be a mod for any of these on gamebanana?
Dont mind me fellas