Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

67 beoordelingen
Airport Catering Truck Tall
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Assets: Prop
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1.182 MB
25 nov 2016 om 18:27
25 nov 2016 om 18:47
2 wijzigingsnotities (weergeven)

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Airport Catering Truck Tall

In 1 verzameling van vasimr22
Airport Props
118 items
An Airport catering truck. This variant is in the servicing position for tall aircraft (specifically the 767 / 747 family). This model contains 700 Tris and a 512x512 texture, and has a LOD model with 120 Tris and a 32x32 texture. A note about the preview image: the preview image is from a version with a 256x256 texture, which has since been updated.