Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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The hammer on the head
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Mots-clés : Map
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20 nov. 2016 à 17h01
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The hammer on the head

The game "Hammer head" - a game in which You beat with a hammer on the head. Poor terrorists get their!
Take CT

Console commands:
mp_limitteams "4-9"
give weapon "ak47,awp,deagle and etc"
mp_free_armor 1
4 commentaires
Jeff 23 nov. 2017 à 11h52 
Тони Монтана 27 nov. 2016 à 0h51 
Zabiako 25 nov. 2016 à 13h48 
Love all maps from that great man!!!!!
Scrilla 24 nov. 2016 à 8h31 
nice map!