

391 ratings
best ending guild 完美通关要点攻略
By Tao
不作弊的情况下,政府被推翻, 世界和平,送儿子出国,治疗好女儿的病,最后全家人出国的攻略
this guild will show you how to send the son to abroad, cure the daughter and whole family safely go to abroad. The english version is following the chinese version. warning: you may feel suffer from my bad english. sorry for that.

整体要点. 家庭的任务始终拖到最后交, 一定要陷害敲诈所有两个人的房间,每一种条列可以敲诈一次, 只偷盗违禁品,因为如果偷窃被抓住3次,游戏就结束了.


商人来的时候,记得买蓝色领带和苹果, 还有买一个毛衣(或者家里找一个),可以跟三号房老奶奶换阿司匹林

老房东夫妇的家里有禁书,值2000多.记得偷走. 为了完美结局建议送老房东夫妇出国, 先接帮助他们的任务,然后记得用每一种禁品敲诈一次.可以得到4000 (书和苹果). 为了快速送他们走,可能等不来苏打水等法案. 敲诈之后不要接他的新任务,他会走.直接给他护照和船票

二号房间建议先邀请医生,和医生对话拿到酒,然后快速接医生任务,快速和3号房间的老奶奶说话,快速回去找医生告诉他找到女朋友,是老奶奶侄女.然后介绍他们认识,当他们两个人的时候用商店买来的苹果和禁书敲诈可以拿到4000, 记得放一个苹果,以后举报医生用

钱够的时候,立马邀请胖水手,胖水手的罐头直接卖给商店,3000块.(不要点中间那个选项,直接交易卖).然后用一个苹果陷害胖水手. 不要急的举报,等刷出来苏打水和盐的时候,再举报苹果,这样遗产就有苏打水和盐了. 如果时间够久, 他的家里还会有牛仔裤 和 外国音乐. 可以考虑让他留稍微久一点.



一号家庭走之后,建议邀请失眠女,在一号房床边装摄像头,观察到失眠女失眠, 接失眠女任务,给失眠女买安眠药.然后先不要接失眠女的任务.
可以的时候,快速邀请大学生,在大学生家里放一个苹果. 有人来找大学生送东西,把东西送到办公室.里面有一把枪,拿到枪给失眠女,然后举报大学生家里有苹果.失眠女会杀死自己的丈夫,然后会给你邮箱寄7000, 同时可以拿她的遗产.


可以的时候迅速邀请彩票男,给彩票男领带,然后告诉彩票男投资水果,不是肉冻!彩票男搬走后,会给你寄10000. 时间紧迫的情况下,不用敲诈大学生,失眠女和彩票男. 快速完成他们的任务.

如果还没有给女儿第一种药,不要着急邀请印刷工. 可以先邀请眼睛女,老奶奶,小无业男, 慢慢敲诈他们,可以在他们家里留下违禁品,不用偷回来,因为可以直接举报走他们,得到遗产,记得拿眼镜女的咸鱼. 每人大概可以举报得到3000-6000. (苹果,咸鱼,蓝色领带,苏打水,盐), 哲学书可以卖掉. 苏打水,盐, 咸鱼 需要偷回来. 蓝色领带, 苹果就留在他家里, 举报走他们用. 记得留一个苹果, 女儿需要.



现在大概儿子需要第二次的两万,如果钱不够,可以卖一下摄像机,如果你敲诈得法的话,应该金钱很富裕. (我的金钱很富裕)

小女儿需要第二种药之后,(可以把医生举报了,拿他遗产) .邀请来印刷男,抓到他,制作反政府画册后,直接举报他,部长会告诉你他是被保护的,然后给你2000.记得敲诈他的反政府画作一次,然后根据时间紧迫性,可以敲诈他几次(需要偷回来违禁品),或者直接做他的任务,做完后,不要告诉叛军他是间谍,否则老婆会死.他走之后,不久老婆会给你一个纸条,打电话,他要避难,不久叛军找来,我选择出卖他,这样就可以得到小女儿的第二种药. 第二种药也是违禁品, 可以用来敲诈用,可以等到时间快到再给小女儿

一有机会迅速邀请哑巴男,发现哑巴男打电话后,迅速问他实情,邀请工程师一家,建议把工程师一家放到摄像头可以直接照的床的房间.比如一号房. 迅速放所有违禁品到一号房,然后每个敲诈他们一次,不需要偷回来. 然后答应工程师监视他老婆,然后抓奸,然后帮助女骗子隐瞒真相得到2000, 然后告诉工程师他老婆是清白的. 得到图纸, 把图纸给哑巴男.哑巴男给你护照后离开, 不久工程师他老婆抛弃工程师.工程师自杀.可以得到遗产. 拿回所有违禁品.

宣传男,我的选择也是帮助叛军杀死他. 用炸弹, 可以得到手枪和遗产,不知道会不会影响结局.

把化学女搬进来的任务可以拖一拖. 因为她一来,就会触发炸弹剧情,解除炸弹后就开始游戏结束倒计时. 化学女家把每一种违禁品都放一个,不需要偷回来. 敲诈她们.可以得到10000+. 然后解除完炸弹后,得到杀死她的任务.去搜索她家找到外国钱币. 怂恿女儿反目. 女儿杀死她妈妈,被抓走.记得拿遗产,把所有违禁品拿回来.

一有机会就让移民男夫妇搬来, 不着急接他们的任务. 把每一种违禁品放到他们家一个,敲诈他们,可以得到10000+. (小黄鸭在女儿的床附近可以搜索到)
帮助哑巴拿到图纸,杀死化学女后,可以接移民男的任务. 需要45000移民.


接到移民任务后,商人出现可以赌博, 押注聪敏的厨师5000. 这里必须给上一个女人捐款,才可能赌赢. 第二天商人回来,得到50000

现在已经身家十几万,可以随便玩了. 我选择直接出国, 得到好结局.


小无业男, 眼镜女, 老太太的剧情也不是很清楚, 我是早期让他们搬进来,然后为了儿子学费和出国费快速敲诈用的.

整体总结:最难的部分是中间儿子的第一次学费,和女儿第一次医药费. 快速送老房东一家出国是解法. 因为老房东一家出国后, 就可以做彩票男, 失眠女大学生的剧情,这两个剧情可以得到大概20000. 同时可以搬进来 小无业男,眼镜女和老太太, 快速敲诈他们.
我只装了一号房床头上的摄像头和桌边的摄像头, 二号房电话上的摄像头. 其它都没有装.
失眠女,印刷男,工程师一家我是放在一号房的, 二号房我放了间谍. 其他人感觉不太需要摄像头.

maximum beneift guild (part one)
This guild don't have all details, I only point out the key points to get maximum beneift.
key points:
1. the family tasks always should be finished in last few minutes. other tasks should be finished quickly.
2. each law only can backmail once for each renter.
3. you should backmail all renter.
4. only steal prohibited good. becasue if you are catched three times by policeman, the game will over.

the drug man: remeber before report him, blackmail him once. And after he leave, collect his remains which are in front of his door.

when merchant come, remeber buy the blue ties and apples in earily game. also buy a cloth for exchange the aspirin with the grandma in No.3.

Old landlord couple in No. 1.
1. remeber steal the philosophy book (2000+ gold).
2. In my game, I choose send them safely to aboard.
firstly, promise them you will help them.
secondly, blackmail them with apple and philosophy book (4000 gold). remeber steal them back.
important: after you blackmail them, don't take his mission again. because they will just leave.

when No.2 is empty, I suggust let the doctor move in first.
Talk to doctor, he will give you the wine.
Take the doctor's mission, talk to granma in No.3. She will introduce her niece.
Go back to doctor, tell him you have a girlfriend for him. introduce the niece to him.
Then blackmail them with apple and philosophy book (4000 gold). steal back the philosophy book. and leave an apple in his room for report doctor in further.

you also should ASAP let the fat sailor move in. in my game, I move him in No. 4.
Take the sailor's mission, directly sell the can to merchant.

important: don't choose the oppition in middle (1500 gold). just trade the can to him in normal (3000 gold).

put an apple in his room. don't need to report him quickly. his room will have soda and salt in further. Even he will have jeans and misc from abroad in more further.
In my game, I report him when he have the soda and salt. remeber report him for apple. then you can find soda and salt in his remains.

After have a wine. exchange the passport for old landlords with the grandpa in No. 3.
Remeber blackmail them with all prohibited goods. And remeber steal them back in this room. because you cannot report grandpa. so you cannot have remains from them. In my game, I can blackmail them 6000-8000

Then take the doctor's next mission to help him know his new girlfriend.
chat with the lady in No.1, you know she loves flower.
chat with the grandma in No. 3, you know she is not her niece.
then talk with doctor's girlfriend and promise her keep the secret (5000 gold)
important: direcly call the minister, ask the information of the grifter. you will get the evidence of her murrder before.
then talk with doctor, and tell him, she loves flower.
then take another mission from doctor, but never finish this mission.
after you blakcmail doctor and his girlfirend with all prohibited goods you have (6000-10000).
then report doctor's girlfriend. and talk to doctor about his girlfriend. he will give you two tickets.
Give the tickets to old landlords family. Then they will go aborad safety.

After old landlords leave, I suggust let the music teacher move in No. 1. And remeber set a camare above bed. then you can find that the music teacher has insomnia. Ask her about insomna problem, then take her mission. buy a sleeping bill for her.
Let the collage student move in ASAP. Put an apple in his room. one day after, a man will look for him, and ask you to take over a box for him. take that box to your office. you can find a gun in this box. remeber never talk him again, after you get his gun. Now you can report him or blackmail him. I suggust just report him. because after he leaves, there will be more renters who want to move in.
Give the gun to music teacher. she will murder her husband later. And you can have her remains. and she will send you 7000 gold to your mail box in further.

Note: chack if there is a soap in those remains. give your wife a soap, she will give you a good that worth 5000 gold.

you shold let the the lottery man move in asap. give him a tie first. then suggust him invest fruit. not jelly! he will leave. And send 10000 golds in your mail box in further.

in this moment, the renters in No.3 maybe move out. when they leave, you will be fined 3000. because the old man in No.3 report you help the old landlord get a passport.

If you haven't given your girl first medicine. you don't need let the printer move in. you can let the other three renters move in now. And blackmail them with all your prohibited goods. in my game, each one I backmail 3000-6000 in this moment. you can backmail them in further with other stuff also.

you shold have enough money for your son's tuition and daughter's first medicine now. remeber don't hurry give your son money, always wait until the time almost finished.

your also should have enough money for your son's go away plan, which need 20000 golds. if you don't have enough money, you can sell the camares to marchant. but if your blackmails are on time, you should have enough money.
maximum benefit guild (Part two)
When you need the second medicine. you can report the doctor for his remains. And let the printer move in.
when you get the evidence that he make the poster. directly report him. And minister will reward you for your alertness (2000 golds). Then you can blackmail him or just do his mission. after finish his mission, the rebel will call you, don't tell the rebel he is a double-faces spy, otherwise your wife will die. And one day after, your wife will give you a note which has a number. call this number. and promise the printer, you will help him. he will live in your room a while. And a rebel will find you and ask you turn him out. you just give the printer to rebel. and the rebel will give you second medicine and several thousands.
the second medicine also is prohibited goods. you can use it to blackmail people, and give your daughter when you have to.

Let the spy man move in asap. noticed the spy man can call a phone. then take his mission. And let the engineer and his wife move in. I suggust move the engineer family in room No.1. because you already have a camare that above the bed. quickly put all prohibited goods in thier room. and you dont need steal them back. blackmail them, you can get 6000-14000 golds.After blackmail them, take the engineer's mission. and get the evidence that his wife cheating. talk to his wife first, and promise her you will keep secrect (2000 golds). And tell engineer, his wife is clean. And he will give you the blueprint. And give the spy the blueprint, he will give you clean passport. then you can choose report them both. or wait one day, the wife will leave the engineer. And engineer will kill himself. then you can take all his remains include your prohibited goods.

mobile louderspeaker: In my game, I choose change the channel. Because I already have a lot of money this moment. so I haven't test which way is the maximum benefit.

the hero: I choose to explosing him with a gift. I can get a gun and his remains. I don't know if it will affact the further.

Don't need hurry to get the pharmacist and her daughter move in quickly. becasue they will lead the bomb event. And after you finish the bomb event, the game will in count down.
Put all your prohibited goods in thier room, and don't need to steal back. blackmail them, you can get 10000+ golds. when you get the mission to kill the pharmacist. you can find the money in foreign in thier room. And tell her daughter with 1000 honour. she will kill her mother. And remeber to take thier remains which include all your prohibited goods.

then let the immigration officer move in. After they move in, a woman will appaer in front of your buiding. give her 5000 golds, she will give you a hint about gambling. After kill the pharmacist, and give the blueprint to spy. then take the immigration officer's mission. you need 4,5000 to go aboard.
And you can gamble in marchent, bet on wise cheif, you can win 50000 next time. hint: you must give the woman 5000, then you can win this gambling.

Now you shold have 100,000+. you can choose your ending now.

A old grandpa can move in later game. I don't know his storyline. because I choose go aboard.

Also, in my game, I only put a camare above the bed and a big camare above the table in room No.1, and a camare above the phone in room No.2. And let music teacher, engneer couple, printer man in room No.1 and spy in room No. 2. I don't think there is any benifit that put a lot of camares.

Wax Irax 8 Dec, 2021 @ 6:37pm 
Damn Sigma Guide right here
Amber 22 Apr, 2021 @ 10:47pm 
feedback: guild should be guide :)
希察 19 Mar, 2020 @ 2:48am 
进击的狼王 14 Mar, 2020 @ 4:54pm 
LowkeyLoveYou 24 Dec, 2019 @ 3:27pm 
Thank you. The guide is understandable, but with that I have finally completed all achievements :3 Thank you!
tdy6688 11 Aug, 2019 @ 3:52am 
@泳池里的猫 游戏进不去的话,需要你在资源管理器里,把QQ安全防护进程(Q盾)关闭,就可以进入游戏了
口口关关咲咲 28 Jul, 2019 @ 8:11pm 
Explorer嘟嘟侠 28 May, 2019 @ 10:20pm 
19zzha 15 May, 2019 @ 2:54pm 
敲诈了老房东夫妇2000他们就直接破产搬走了= =
PAAInn 12 Apr, 2019 @ 4:20am 