Dishonored 2
31 оценки
The Jindosh Riddle
От Count de Autismgnian
The guide for people who want to get the achievement, or for the ones who want an easier non-lethal playthrough.
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Spoilers ahead, so if you don't want to get anything spoiled. Stay away.
The next section will cover the riddle itself.

The Riddle
In the dust district lies the entrance to the Stilton Manor, guarded by a mighty lock with a combination.
The combination is said to be almost impossible to crack, guarded with a riddle made by Jindosh himself.

The Riddle
At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, and Baroness Finch.

The women sat in a row. They all wore different colors and Doctor Marcolla wore a jaunty green hat. Baroness Finch was at the far left, next to the guest wearing a white jacket. The lady in purple sat left of someone in blue. I remember that purple outfit because the woman spilled her whiskey all over it. The traveler from Dunwall was dressed entierly in red. When one of the dinner guests bragged about her Ring, the woman next to her said they were finer in Dunwall, where she lived.

So Countess Contee showed off a prized Bird Pendant at which the lady from Karnaca scoffed, saying it was no match for her War Medal.
Someone else carried a valuable Diamond and when she saw it, the visitor from Fraeport next to her almost spilled her neighbor's rum.
Madam Natsiou raised her absinthe in toast. The lady from dabovka, full of beer, jumped up onto the table, falling onto the guest in the center seat, spilling the poor woman's wine. Then lady Winslow captivated them all with a story about her wild youth in Baleton.

In the morning, there were four heirlooms under the table: the Ring, Snuff Tin, the War Medal, and the Diamond.

But who owned each?
The Solutions

The Solutions

It seems that the info varies from game to game. These combinations are combinations I, or several users have encountered in our playthroughs.

Combination #1
Natisu-bird pendent
winslow-war medel
countess contee-snuff tin

Combination #2

Combination #3
Winslow = snuff tin
Contee = bird pendant
Marcolla = ring
Natsiou = diamond
Finch = warmedal.

Combination #4
Contee = Bird pendant
Finch = Ring
Natsiou = Snuff Tin
Marcolla = Diamond
Winslow = Warmedal.

Combination #5
Winslow = Bird Pendant
Marcolla = War Medal
Contee = Snuff Tin
Finch= Diamond

Combination #6
Contee - Bird
Natsiou - Snuff
Winslow - Diamond
Marcolla - Ring
Finch - Medal

Combination #7
contee- ring
finch-snuff tin

Or alternatively, you can use this logicsolver. Posted by a great user in the comment section,items:!(!(Winslow,Marcolla,Contee,Natsiou,Finch),!(Purple,Blue,Red,Green,White),!(Freeport,Dabokva,Karnaca,Dunwall,Baleton),!('War%20Medal','Snuff%20tin',Diamond,Ring,'Bird%20Pendant'),!('Far%20left','left%20',center,right,'Far%20right'),!(Whiskey,Absinthe,Rum,Wine,Beer)),ms:t,n:!(),nc:6,ni:5,p:!(),v:0)

Another interesting fact:
''Per Ryan C. Meinzer on


First number is the person. Second is the item. They are given a number by their order of appearance, excepting the first paragraph.

The 5th item is never mentioned, only implied."
-Posted by Ekagraph in the comments.
44 коментара
Mactavish 24 ноем. 2024 в 0:05 
in my marcollo name came twice instead contee what should i do now
BlackFire 23 апр. 2022 в 5:18 
Adding my combiation, might help anyone >
1) Winslow - Purple - Dunwall - Ring - Far left - Absynthe
2) Contee - Red - Dabokva (marlou??) - Snuff Tin - Center - Rum
3) Natsiou - Blue - Baleton - War Medal - Far Right - Wine
4) Marcolla - Green - Karnaca - Diamond - Right - Whiskey
5) Finch - White - Freeport - Bird Pendant - Left - Beer

Strange but they partially appear by position as it was told in riddle, this kinda got me dizzy, good luck future players.
HMR 28 юли 2019 в 12:36 
natsiou - bird
Winslow - Snuff Tin
Marcolla - Ring
Finch - diamond
contee -warmedal
MorshuArtsInc 5 окт. 2018 в 14:54 
Very weird - it seems I have stumbled upon a unique combination:
Marcolla 2 - 3 Bird pendant
Contee 3 - 2 Diamond
Natsiou   4 - 5 ? (Ring)
Finch 5 - 4 War medal
Winslow  1 - 1 Snuff tin
I've looked around several guides, none had this one. I gave up, saved, took the code straight from Durante's office, reloaded, entered it, and hey presto. Achievement.
Uino45 24 септ. 2017 в 11:45 
mine is : winslow-ring
marcolla-war medal
contee-stuff tin
natsiou-bird pendant
Venari 23 септ. 2017 в 11:38 
I used the logic solver, and the only clue I can't input is "When the visitor from dunwall saw her neighbour's war medal, she spilled her neighbour's beer".

All i got from that is dunwall doesn't have beer or a war medal. I have an incomplete conclusion ont he logic solver :(
Venari 23 септ. 2017 в 11:28 
If the neighbour of the war medal spilled her neighbour's beer...does the war medal owner have the beer, or the person 2 seats over?
Ekagrah 3 септ. 2017 в 22:49 
Per Ryan C. Meinzer on


First number is the person. Second is the item. They are given a number by their order of appearance, excepting the first paragraph.

The 5th item is never mentioned, only implied."
orsto 4 авг. 2017 в 5:24 
Mine is

winslow- bird pendant
marcolla- war medal
contee- snuff tin
natsiou- diamond
finch- ring
LeBronasaurus 1 авг. 2017 в 0:09 
what i got

contee- ring
finch-snuff tin