Planet Explorers

Planet Explorers

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Mostra gli oggetti etichettati con tutti i termini selezionati: Creation, Equipment, Bow, 2.3
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1.081 MB
8 nov 2016, ore 14:42
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Author: Inuko
SteamPunkBow by Inuko
205 commenti
qawssed 27 mar 2019, ore 0:17 
diao bao le (awesome)
NINE 1 giu 2017, ore 21:51 
General Nuclear 11 mag 2017, ore 6:03 
steampunk? you mean a compound bow
BeardedGrue 26 feb 2017, ore 0:17 
This didn't work for me, FYI. I kind of suspect it is due to me having been through so many upgrades though, and the game profile has even moved since I first started playing. When I'm ready to backup and purge, I suspect this will fix the problem.
WhiskyBaby☼  [autore] 2 feb 2017, ore 6:23 
You can directly download this iso in the game , just go on multiplayer → Workshop you can search SteamPunkBow and download it in a sec :D
BeardedGrue 2 feb 2017, ore 4:00 
These comments have malware links and blind stares on how to find this ISO file. It was a bitch considering Steam thinks this is helping you. Thanks for the art work at least, but I doubt many people get to appreciate it. Certainly the average Steam user won't. Hopefully it's on one of the ISO sites that is still up. For those who are looking for the file after subscribing in Workshop, know that the new file name ends in _legacy.bin, and you will need to rename it back to something with the .VCISO extension before you put it in your user profile. Good luck from there, this was too damn work for so little pay off. Again, thanks WhiskyBaby.
YeungNemo 1 gen 2017, ore 7:41 
so nice
Ltc. Frost 7 dic 2016, ore 19:05 
awesome bow but it's not showing up in my game nor in the Creation ISO download part
Wahhhhh 29 nov 2016, ore 20:38 
MeatBall 29 nov 2016, ore 20:20 