Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

372 voti
80's Neon DeLorean
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Type: Video
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Unspecified
Resolution: Other resolution
Category: Wallpaper
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Pubblicato in data
39.697 MB
28 ott 2016, ore 13:26
1 nota di rilascio ( visualizza )

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80's Neon DeLorean

A loop created from the Miami Nights 1984 - Accelerated music video.

(NOTE: If playback is choppy change it to 50 or slightly above, that should remove the lag.)
25 commenti
Jolle_SlowBurn_25 5 feb 2022, ore 9:38 
Hey, can you please accept the new Steam Workshop subscription agreement? Without it, we can't use your wallpaper on Android devices. Thank you very much.

DragonFire 30 dic 2021, ore 10:55 
Hey I made a video about your Wallpaper i hope this is ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ7uspI4Hx0
Zombi 009 22 dic 2020, ore 9:55 

HELLYEEE 1 apr 2017, ore 22:08 
Thx you it is great bat no sound only the animation on W 8.1 may be it my foult on PC
Liker-Biker 1 apr 2017, ore 4:03 
I think you should put this music backgound Dance with the Dead – NEON
xdd  [autore] 22 feb 2017, ore 19:46 
no problem mate
MajorJackass 22 feb 2017, ore 19:35 
Weeks ago I was looking to make this my wallpaper. I felt if I typed "80s" into the Wallpaper engine workshop search I would find someone out there that had the same belief and had made it a reality. kudos man. 10/10 :BUDlove:
Mittens the Maleficent 21 feb 2017, ore 3:56 
this is just amazing... needs car noises that arent in my head thou!
-胡HU哥GE- 12 gen 2017, ore 23:09 
Jebus H. Christoff (Half-AFK) 9 gen 2017, ore 19:31 
But where is the sound dude