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FULL PAYDAY 2 Trophy Guide
โดย Underdrill
Welcome to the Full Trophy Guide for PAYDAY 2! This guide will explain how to do all of the in game trophies linked to the Safehouse.
To avoid any future clutter, all changes to this guide can be found here:
Hello Heisters and welcome to the complete trophy guide for PAYDAY 2!

This guide will cover all of the in game trophies linked to the safehouse. Each of these trophies will reward you with an item located somewhere in your safehouse and 6 continental coins. They range from killing specials to completing a heist with only your suit and no skills.

The guide is going to have the trophies sorted into 4 different parts:

- Kills/Heist Completion: The trophies that require a certain number of kills or a certain number of heist completions fulfilling very easy conditions (Ones that are considered to be harder will be covered separately). They will all occupy one section.
- Easy: The trophies that will either require you to find an item or complete an easily achievable task.
- Medium: The trophies that will take a longer time to achieve and will require a reasonable amount of skill.
- Hard: The trophies that will take the longest to achieve and will require a high amount of skill and extensive game/heist knowledge.

The difficulty of the trophies will be decided by what I think and what others in the community think. If a trophy becomes easier with a new addition to the game, it will be moved to a different section.

Each of the trophies with a difficulty will occupy their own section instead of each of, for example, the medium difficulty trophies occupying one section because I believe this will make the trophies easier to find.

I hope that this guide will be useful for you!
Trophy Count
Number of Kills/Very Easy Heist Completion Trophies - 7.
Number of Easy Trophies - 21.
Number of Medium Trophies - 13.
Number of Hard Trophies - 8.
Number of Miscellaneous Trophies - 1.
Total Number of Trophies currently obtainable - 50.
Kills/Very Easy Heist Completion
These are the trophies that are best earnt by simply playing the game.
Number of trophies in section - 7/50.

Let's deal with the elephant in the room first. There is no easy way to farm this trophy. You're simply going to have to play the game; a lot. The most kills I've been able to get in one heist is about 1,500 on an Overkill Cook Off that lasted about 90 minutes. Based on this, you may be able to get the trophy by playing Overkill and above for about a thousand hours on heists such as Cook Off, Hotline Miami, White Xmas and Santa's Workshop, but this is just an estimate. Since no one would have been able to legitimately earn this trophy up to now, we do not know how long it takes to complete. I hope Overkill will lower this amount in the future because I surely won't be able to obtain it myself.
If you're crazy enough to complete this trophy, you'll find the statue in your safehouse vault.
This one isn't that hard to do. To make this easier for you, it would be best to use a shotgun, a high damage pistol or a sniper rifle to get the kills. As it says in the description, don't use throwing axes or knives for the headshots. Also, I wouldn't think that using Aced Body Expertise would register the kills as headshots, but if they do please let me know!
You will find this trophy on the wall next to the Jimmy's Bar sign which is located in the Ground Floor.

This can be farmed very easily. Load up Four Stores on Mayhem or below (Depending on the amount of challenge you want. Anything higher will make this achievement take a lot longer) with a saw and c4 to get the required $15,000 as soon as possible. Make sure the heist goes loud and then start killing civilians. This will increase the chance of an escape happening. When the van arrives, make sure you are in an assault to further increase the changes. The testing I did with this heist on Overkill gave us an escape every time these steps were followed.
This trophy will be found on the black shef in front of where you spawn.

This one is self explanatory. The list below contains all of the special enemies in the game in case you're not sure. The variants for the specials aren't mentioned but they also count towards the trophy. Captain Winters is not included since you can't actually kill him.
- Tazer
- Cloaker
- Bulldozer
- Medic
- Sniper
- Shield
- Medic
This trophy can be found in Jacket's room in the desk directly in front of you as you enter.
This was added in the same update that included the medic to ensure that you fully give the unit the pain it deserves. Get to it.
This can be found on the shelf to your left as you spawn into the safehouse.

This could be problematic if you don't have the best internet, but don't fret! Simply launch any heist on any difficulty from Crime.Net Online, set the privacy to friends only or private and then complete it. Do this 10 times and you'll have it easy. If you're a frequent hoster like me, you probably already have this one.
This is located behind the spawn point on the floor as you go into the garage.

This is very easy due to the existence of stealth. Load up Art Gallery on Mayhem, Death Wish or One Down for the most guards, place down an ecm and then use the throwable to clear out all of the guards patrolling the paintings. Once you've killed them all, simply restart the heist and do it again until you hear the completion sound.
This can be found on the shelf to your left as you spawn into the safehouse.

These are suitable for new heisters looking to achieve something simple. This section includes simple tasks such as item finding and an unusual but easy heist completion tasks. Suitable for all heisters.
Number of trophies in section: 21/50.
Easy - Big Daddy
This one is an extension of the achievement 'Knockout' where instead of killing 1 dozer with the gloves, you need 5. This is still very easy to do though. Load up Birth of Sky on Normal with the Uppers Skill aced. Shoot the dozer's faceplate until it comes off, then start punching it after you have placed the first aids around the dozer. Kill it, repeat 4 more times and you'll have this one done in no time. Below is a video demonstration.

If you don't have the point break dlc, don't worry! You still have a few options. On meltdown, there is a guaranteed dozer spawn in one of the containers there. There's also a chance that a dozer can spawn in the trucks of any of the armored transport missions or in the vaults on the train heist.
Just make sure that whatever heist you're trying to find one on that you attempt it on normal.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.
Easy - Bushido
This can be completed very easily provided that you have a team of four with maxed out ecm jammers. Charge into the heist and have the host of the game place both their ecms with a 30 second gap in between. When the host's second ecm is up, make sure that whoever has their name in blue places their ecms next, then red, then yellow (This is known as an ECM rush utilizing lobby order. While this is going on, you will need to find civilians and murkywater guards as they could have the keycard. Once they're dead or tied, move onto the next one quickly. Once 2 keycards have been found, try to put them in the vault at roughly the same time or it will not open. Once it is open, secure the bags. To make the securing process quicker, buy the loot drop off point in preplanning that is directly outside of the front of the warehouse. After all 4 bags have been secured, get the remaining bags needed for the goal and escape. The trophy will be awarded at that point.
This is located as part of Jiro's room, located on the Ground Floor. As you move towards it, the armour can be found directly in front of you.
Easy - But It's The Tooth!
This is a new addition to Panic Room; well partly. There was a giant toothbrush in the first iteration of Panic Room, but you weren't able to secure it. Now you can, and it pays quite well too! There are a total of 12 locations for this item, and the guide below, created by me and the images provided by Athener, should help you be able to find it no matter what spawn it is in!
This is located in the top floor bathroom which you will find to your right as you walk up the staircase to the left of the player spawn.
Easy - Computer
This is easy to do since it can be completed on normal. The computer can be in either warehouse on either floor but it should be easy to find. Once you begin the hack, be aware of the power boxes around the warehouse as this can temporarily stop the process. After stage 1 of the hack is finished (This should take 5 minutes), you'll have to complete a second hack of the same length to get the entire database. After that's done, finish the heist to get the trophy.
This can be found in Wolf's Room, located in the basement, on the shelf directly to your left as you enter the room.
Easy - Disco Night
Nightclub is a very easy stealth heist, however it would be best to have a team of four to help you complete this trophy. The only problem you will have to deal with here is the unbreakable titan cameras at the back of the building. The guards are not a threat since once killed, they don't have a pager to deal with. Make sure that when you rush into the nightclub that you place an ecm down and identify where the cameras are. Once this is known, move all of the dead guards and civilians out of the sight of the camera. After that's done, you will simply have to wait for the safes to open and for the escape to arrive. Be aware that the occasional civilian can spawn near the street at the front of the building so be ready to deal with that if it happens.
When you spawn into the safehouse, look up.
Easy - Evolution
This was added with the implementation of the mutators on the 8th Day of Hoxton's Housewarming Party and encourages you to give the mutators a try. Choose the heist, difficulty and mutator you want and have fun! The trophy will be awarded at the completion of the heist.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.
Easy - Falcogini
Car Shop on Normal is a very easy heist. If you want, you could simply rush in, do all of the objectives and drive the car to the escape before the 4 minute point of no return timer ends. You could also use perform an ECM rush to give you even more time to complete this. Your final option is to simply stealth it the standard way. The choice is yours, but none of them should be hard to complete. This is also good driving practice for when you attempt more difficult heists with driving implementation.
This trophy will be found on the black shef in front of where you spawn.
Easy - First Steps
The experienced of you may be annoyed of the fact that you have to go and complete a tutorial to complete all the trophies, but don't worry! The basic heists are actually pretty fun and don't take that long to complete. You should be able to get them done within 20-30 minutes at most. You can find the basics on the Crime.Net menu in the same area as you find the rest of the icons.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.

Easy - I Just Had To
Not a hard day to stealth at all. Firstly, there are 4 server room locations; one as soon as you enter the heist on the left side, one up the stairs from there and directly down the next left pathway, one at the opposite end of the map to the last door and the last one on the upper right side of the map. After finding that, you'll need to hack a computer and then cut two of the power boxes (Don't touch the power boxes before unless you want to attempt guessing game, and I wish you luck in doing so). Once that's done, all you need to do is break into the server room, use an ecm to get to the server and then get it out. This can be done through rushing or stealth, and both are pretty much as easy as each other.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.
Easy - It's Not Even Fresh...
I was wondering when Overkill were going to tie in this random cheese toast into something you could get a reward out of finding. All you need to do for this one is to go to the manager's office on Big Bank, hit the painting on the wall to reveal a safe and open it. It is more than likely to spawn there (A keycard can also) and if it doesn't, restart. This won't take that many attempts.
This can be found on top of the right table in the kitchen which is located on the top floor.
Easy - Jason
This is a renamed '400 Bucks' and is no different to what it was before. The hobo with the knife doesn't always spawn on the map, so be prepared to have a good number of restarts. The video below is an example of where you are most likely to find him. He may also appear near the abandoned trains right from the path to the main hobo camp, or he could appear directly left next to another set of abandoned trains (Look at 0:06 in the video). Difficulty does not affect the rate at which the hobo spawns.
This can be found on a small grey shelf on the ground floor. From spawn, move a little bit forward and you will find the shelf on your left.
Easy - Mercenary
Bots are not allowed (Credit to InfrAtary)
You can actually complete this one in stealth which makes this one a million times easier. Load up a Jewelry Store on Death Wish with 4 people, rush the lobby like normal, wait out the titan safe for the final bag and then escape, all while resisting the urge to shoot your friends.
This can be found in Dallas'/Hoxton's room in the top floor on the back wall.
Easy - Not So Fast
Another classic item find trophy, but this time it takes place on one of the classic heists. There are four different turtle locations that you'll need to look at, and he is guaranteed to spawn in at least one of them every time you play this heist. Look in all of the locations provided by the guide below and you're guaranteed to obtain this trophy in a single run.
This can be found in the back left corner of Jiro's room behind the black seats. It's eating some grapes there. Adorable.
Easy - Old Faithful
Ahh, the classic bank job. Pretty easy to complete and reasonably fruitful too! Firstly, there will always be 4 guards on the map to deal with (3 roaming, 1 in the camera room) so feel free to kill them all. Secondly, there are a lot of civilians in the bank and surrounding it, so make sure you bring additional cable ties. Finally, there are the bank tellers. These guys are incredibly annoying to get on the ground and tie, since by then they would have probably pressed the panic button, so it would be best to kill them. Once all of these things are dealt wih, you're pretty much done. Wait the drill out, loot the vault and complete the heist to get the trophy.
This can be found in Dallas'/Hoxton's room in the top floor on top of a shelf near the back wall.
Easy - Pelican Killer
This one is more annoying that it is difficult. Every time you load up Scarface Mansion, two pelicans will spawn. Search in the locations provided by the guide below, shoot them and then repeat 9 times. Repetitive, but it can be done solo in around 15-20 minutes for an easy trophy completion.
If you head outside and look at the safehouse's surroundings, you're bound to see a few of these scattered around.

Credit to Jej and lexilogo for allowing me to use their guide!
Easy - So Pretty
This is very simple. Get into the back area of the store where you will find 3 guards which should all be killed (Including the one at the camera access). Then, place a drill on both of the titan safes at the back, one of which will have the tiara. When you have it, escape. There's no more to it.
This can be found on a small grey shelf on the ground floor. From spawn, move a little bit forward and you will find the shelf on your left.
Easy - Spooky Pumpkin
Yet another item find trophy. This one is pretty easy since there aren't too many spawns and it can be spotted very quickly. Use the guide below and you'll be able to find it regardless of what spawn it is!
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.
Easy - Staying Alive
You'll need to invest into the Breacher sub tree in Technician for this one. Make sure you have the most trip mines and shaped charges possible. Go straight into the heist loud and find the security doors. It would be best that you find the keycards from the guards to open the doors instead of using your charges since they are best used on the safes. Since the requirements state that you can only use the tripmines to kill enemies, you could bring along a weapon to shoot the tripmines to get them to explode quicker. Regardless, since this can be done on normal, it is very easy to do and could potentially be done without killing anyone at all.
Well it's a picture of Wolf dancing so take a guess. As you enter the room, turn to your left and the picture will be on the wall directly in front of you.
Easy - The First Line
It was one of the first achievements in the game and is also a side job, but now it's a trophy. I really don't know what Overkill's obsession with this picture is. Most of you here would have completed this one a million times before. For those that are new, all you need to do is play the Firestarter Heist to Day 3 on any difficulty and open up all of the deposit boxes in the bank vault. It is always guaranteed to spawn there, so bring a saw and make sure you have enough ammo to open them all up, or you may be there for a long time lockpicking all of the boxes to find it.
This can be found in Sokol's room in the basement. Face the hockey goal and look a bit to your right. The picture can be located as part of the wall protruding out of the right side.
Easy - The Ring
This is simply a renamed 'Mellon' so you may have done this before. If you start the heist on normal and use the guide below to find the locations, you will be able to complete this trophy with ease.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.

Credit to Salem for allowing me to use his guide!
Easy - Tied Up
Another item find trophy and this time it takes place on Green Bridge. There are 15 different spawn locations for the handcuffs, and 6 will be chosen at random each time you load up the heist. You only need to find 4 of the 6 locations in a single run of the heist to unlock this trophy. The guide below shows all of their locations.
This can be found on a small grey shelf on the ground floor. From spawn, move a little bit forward and you will find the shelf on your left.

These are suitable for players with a reasonable amount of experiencing in heisting, especially with the heists involved in these trophies. They will be easy to complete providing that you know what you're doing. Suitable for heisters of Level 50 and above.
Number of trophies in section: 13/50.
Medium - Clueless
Bots are allowed (Credit to Jarl Bread Maker)
This is much easier than it sounds since you will be able to bring armor and weapon of your choice. However, stealth without skills is problematic so your best bet is to do this loud with the thermite entry of opening the vault so you won't be split up as a crew with someone up on the crane moving the pig and avoiding the snipers. If someone downs on the roof, it's going to be a pain to get them back up, but by using the thermite you avoid that altogether. The thermite takes about 8 minutes to fully burn through. Make sure that you find the keys in the meantime and grab minimal bags from the vault.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.
Medium - Dance Party
Load up Birth of Sky on anything between Normal and Overkill with akimbo smgs and a secondary smg. On the plane there are going to be more than enough murkywater enemies to help you get this achievement. Due to the time constraints, it is best to wear a suit and have movement speed skills to help you move through the plane quicker. You could also take aced body expertise to kill the enemies quicker. This could take a couple of attempts but it isn't that hard once you know where the murkys are on the aircraft.
This can be found in Chains' workshop. As you enter it, turn to your right and look at the set of drawers directly in front of you. The jar will be on top of that.
Medium - Diamonds
Completing Diamond Store Loud is always a painful experience since you have to move slightly over a dozen bags while being attacked by cops. To add to this, the requirements of the achievement include destroying the swat turret which is not always guaranteed to appear. If it hasn't after the first assault has ended, restart the heist and try your luck again. To deal with the turret, it would be a good idea to bring a sniper rifle (Thanatos works better than the others) and a high damage smg of your choosing. You will get the trophy when you complete the day even if you get an escape.
This can be found in the ground floor bathroom to the left of the sink. The bathroom is located to the right of the stairs that leads to the top floor.
Medium - Get Off My Lawn!
Every so often, the safe house icon on Crime.Net will flash red. This means that you're being raided. You will have to fend off three waves of cops on a difficulty of your choice while defending a stash of money randomly located around the ground/first floor of the safehouse. Compared to other heists, it's not that hard, but it could cause you some trouble if you haven't done it before due the high amount of spawns that can be seen here. However, doing this on Overkill shouldn't be that much of a challenge. Just make sure that at least one person in your crew is near the money bags at all times.
This can be found outside the safehouse above the ground floor windows.
Medium - Goat
It will take a couple of attempts to learn the locations of the goats in day 1. Make sure that you check every corner and around every shop as they can be hidden reasonably easy, and being stuck in that heist with only one goat remaining can be a pain.

It turns out that the goats are added to your counter as soon as you secure them on day 2, which means you would be able to secure the goats on day 2 for overkill and above, restart the day and then do the process again to get the trophy.
This can be found on the black sofa near the spawn point. Travel directly forward from spawn to find the sofa.

Medium - Gone Fishing
This heist requires a bit more heist knowledge than the average one which is why it is placed in the medium section. I recommend that you attempt this heist a few times normally while keeping an eye out for the locations of all of the named places that could appear on the laptop, along with the general idea of how a run of this heist goes. Since you can complete this on normal, there will be fewer guards than four, meaning you will be able to complete the heist without having to worry about another guard appearing out of nowhere and causing you to fail. It would still be a good idea to know how to finish this heist though, as it is not as straightforward as it appears on the surface.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.
Medium - I Got This
This is easier than it sounds, but it must be done on normal. Reason being, any difficulty higher than that has a much shorter point of no return time. Being detected on normal will give you 4 mintues to finish the heist and escape which is more than enough time. I would recommend doing this a couple of times to get the hang of it, but once you know the standard heist procedure, this one should be simple.
This can be found on the shelf to your left as you spawn into the safehouse.
Medium - Snipe It
Since this can be done on normal, the only concern here will be your aim. It would be best to do this one solo. Bring a sniper rilfe with the angle sights modification (From the sniper pack dlc) or the Platypus with the iron sights modification. If you're unsure about your aim, use these mods to get close to enemies to deal with them easier. To further increase your chances at getting 100% accuracy, try to aim for multikills. Surprisingly the cops can very frequently get into this situations. If you miss a couple of shots, don't worry since you can still end up with 100% or above accuracy. Make sure that AI is turned off and that you don't use anything other than sniper rifles to deal damage.
This can be found in John Wick's shooting range. Head to the basement down the stairs that are a bit in front of the spawn. Go down the stairs and enter the door to your right. Turn right from there and at the back of the room, you will find the trophy.
Medium - The Elephant In The Room
This isn't the hardest stealth heist but may require a bit of practice. If you have a good team, you could potentially rush Day 1 and Day 3 (Day 2 isn't a problem since it will remain in stealth as long as you complete Day 1 in stealth and tie the 3 civilians near the van). My preferred method is to rush Day 1 collecting all of the paintings (This leads to more cameras Day 3) and stealth Day 3 up until someone is detected at whichpoint an ECM rush is done to finish the heist off. However, it is best not to begin a rush on Day 3 until you've found the items as that's the only part that could take a lot longer to finish than others if you're stuck trying to find the last item. The video below is my standard procedure. Make sure that you've invested skill points into upgrading your ecms.
This can be found to the left of the jukebox on the ground floor. The jukebox is to the right and slightly behind the spawn point.
Medium - The Robber
The transports are not that difficult on Overkill. The maps are relatively small and they don't take long to finsh. However, it is adviced that you complete the transports on a lower difficulty than Overkill before you attempt them there so you have a general idea of how they work. A standard setup for a 4 man crew doing a transport is 2 people with maxed out shaped charges, 1 person with an ammo bag and 1 person with a medic bag (There can be more of these if you opt into jack of all trades, but the 4 sets listed here are pretty much mandatory for easy completion). Also, 1 person who is not carrying shaped charges should bring a saw. Reason being, the shaped charges people will be able to spend more of their time putting the charges on than dealing with anything else, so having someone else with a saw will speed up this process massively. The idea is to get all of the loot you want into a defendable spot before the assault hits, and then move the loot as soon as it dies down. If you want tips on the Train Heist, see the 'Medium - Turret' section.
This trophy will be found on the black shef in front of where you spawn.
Medium - The World is Yours
The problem with this trophy is not the task that you have the complete as it can be accomplished within a few runs. The problem lies within the heist itself. Scarface Mansion is arguably the most difficult heist currently in the game, however since this achievement can be completed on any difficulty, its difficulty is diminished by a bit. All you really need to do is complete the heist 3 times, collecting the 8 yayo bags every time, and you will unlock this trophy. The time it takes to complete the heist may vary though, so expect this to take a decent amount of time going in loud and in stealth.
This can be found on top of Scarface's desk. Head up the stairs to the left of the spawn, then turn right and head into the black door in front of you. Turn right inside the room and the desk will be at the back.
Medium - Turret
On difficulties below Mayhem, you have the option to leave the train heist early after securing only a certain amount of bags. To get this trophy, you'll need to get all 23 of them, but fret not! This can be attempted in loud and stealth and neither approach is that hard to do.

Loud will require you to drill into the three carts containing the vaults and then you will need to use a thermal drill to open it, so having someone with drill skills is highly recommended. You will not be able to drill all three of the vaults at once, but make sure that you move the thermal drill to a different vault as soon as you can. Once the vault has opened, start moving the bags. In case you're wondering, the ammo bags do not explode like they used to. The only problem with the enemy that you'll have to deal with are the snipers in the surrounding area, but they should be easy to pick off.

Stealth is best done if you spawn next to the trainyard, kill the three guards that will come to the trainyard and dealing with any civies in that area. Once it is taken, you will have a big safe zone to work with. You should bring along ecms that can open doors along with a body bag case. The host should open the train carts furthest from the trainyard due to desync, and everyone else should use their ecms as close to the trainyard as possible. Once you have all of the vaults found, place the hard drive on the cart containing the turret first, then the furthest ammo truck from the trainyard and finally the nearest one. The host should hang around at the opposite end of the train in case there are buffers that have to be dealt with. When all the vaults are open, move the turret first, then the closest ammo set then the furthest. There are many more details than discussed here so I would recommend watching the video below as an example.
This can be located in Wolf's workshop. Head into his room in the basement and look slightly to your left.
Medium - Who's There?
This may take a while to do, but there are quite a few easy heists that you should be able to either ECM rush or stealth easily. I have listed the 15 easiest stealth heists to complete below.
- Art Gallery
- All 4 bank variants
- Jewelry Store
- Shadow Raid
- Four Stores
- Nightclub
- Ukrainian Job
- The Diamond
- Go Bank
- Diamond Store
- Murky Station
- First World Bank
This can be found on the shelf to your left as you spawn into the safehouse.
These will require a high amount of heist knowledge and experience. Recommended for players who have achieved at least their first infamy or have a hundred hours of playtime.
Number of trophies in section - 8/50.
Hard - Choo Choo
Depending on your RNG, this could either be quite easy, or it could be a nightmare to complete. First of all on preplanning, make sure you get the helicopter escape and the 30 second silent alarm delay. Both will make your life a lot easier. Next at the start, if anyone has a suit or light armor on, they should be the ones to pickup the thermal paste so they can get to the vaults quicker. Everyone needs to grab a crowbar since as soon as the first assault dies down, the C4 must be looked for. The drills on the carts do not break so don't worry about bringing drill skills for this one.

Now, if you have the bomb cart near the bottom of the hill, you are going to have a rougher time since there is much less cover to work with and you will have to reattach the hose while being heavily exposed. You could restart if you get bad RNG, but it is still possible. If the cart is near the top of the hill, your life will be much easier. The spot I used for camping in the video below is pretty much the best you will get with this map. Since you are going to have to reattach the hose/restart the generator at some point, I would highly recommend bringing swan song aced along to this heist.

As soon as you can get into the bomb vault, remain in there until the helicopter arrives. The cover in there is surprisingly good. Try saving at least one medic bag and ammo bag in there. Finally, when the helicopter arrives, just pelt it. Make sure that you have at least two people carrying concussion grenades to make sure that you survive a bit longer. This is another reason why swan song will make your life easier here. Overall, the heist may require a bit of restarting, but eventually you'll be able to get into a good spot and complete the objectives while using up as little resources as possible.

The video below is a good example of the Bomb Forest completed on One Down (The trophy states that it can be completed on Death Wish or above).
This trophy will be found on the black shef in front of where you spawn.
Hard - Failed Assassination
Bots are allowed (Credit to Jarl Bread Maker)
This is currently one of the hardest trophies avaliable, aside from completing One Down. First of all I'd like to thank Overkill for making this heist challenging since this trophy is no easy challenge.

For starters, you must not use melee, throwables or a weapon that is not a sniper rifle at any point during the heist. Secondly, make sure you know this heist really, really well; every power box spawn, crowbar spawn, sniper spawn etc. Thirdly, bring a sniper rifle you are comfortable with. For me, since I use snipers a lot, I went with a low concealment option in the form of the new Desertfox Sniper Rifle from the John Wick Weapon Pack. Fourthly, have three people bring first aid kits and one person an ammo bag. Finally, it may be a good idea to rebind your melee and throwable keys in case you use them by accident.

Now for the heist procedure. As soon any one of your crew finds a crowbar, go loud. Reason being, the boards are not going to help you much here, and it will save you time if the limo ends up staying on the roof (At whichpoint, restart the heist). If you are going to place boards, prioritse the server room and the area near where your escape will be. Once you have the saw placed, try and get three of your crew on one side of the map with the final person holding the crowbar hanging around near the limo, ready to restart the saw and move the taxman when needed. If this person downs, only one of the remaining crew should go to their assistance, so designate someone beforehand to do that.

When you get the taxman into the server room, you can either hold out there or continue with the three one split; the choice is yours. Just be aware of the power boxes being shut off (Again designate one person to run and deal with it). Once the hacks are complete, immediately start running to your escape, but be very careful of the cops on the surrouding buildings and the snipers. Once you're past the gate at the end, there is the possibility of there being a cloaker, a dozer or a set of shields waiting for you so be prepared for it. After that, you're home free. This may take many attempts and will require very good aim, quick decision making and smooth team co-ordination. I wish you the best of luck with this one.
This is located as part of the black shelf on the right wall as you spawn into the safehouse.
Hard - Golden Grin
This is basically asking you to complete the casino in stealth on death wish or higher. The addition of the silenced pistols to this achievement doesn't make it any easier or harder. Make sure that you bring silenced akimbo and a secondary pistol, but just to be safe, only use the secondary pistol, don't use melee and don't use a throwable.

As soon as you get into the security room, you're pretty much finished, however up to that point takes some practice. You are going to have to know how to crouch jumpi effectively for this one.

Firstly, look at the first video below which contains my preplanning choices. These are ones that help me the most in completing it. The only ones I feel that are interchangable are the spy camera locations (They can be on either side). And secondly, look at the second video below to see the way I complete it.

I'm just going to mention a couple of other things that are not seen in either video.
- I will always use the right side of the casino to move from one end of the map to the other since there are more ways to escape if there is a surprise guard and civilian, and I seem to always see less threats on that side.
- While the others in my crew may not look like they are doing anything, they are being a huge help. They are standing in positions where there are guards and are informing me of them if there is a second, and they are finding what coloured bottle the civilian needs and where it is located.
- It is perfectly fine to kill guards in the back area, but only do so if necessary. When the security room door is opened near the end of the heist, they can be alerted by it.
This can be found in Bonnie's room behind the poker table. The room is located on the ground floor. Walk past the stairs to the left of the spawn, turn left, head forward and you should be near the room.
Hard - Humanitarian
Bots are allowed (Credit to Jarl Bread Maker)
For those who have played a lot of PAYDAY since the medic was added, you'll know that the medic is an enemy that should be targeted, not avoided, so doing this task on one of the most difficult heists in the game is no easy task. As long as you know the standard heist procedure and move from area to area really quickly, you should be fine. Just make sure that you don't use the explosive barrels on the map or bring explosives. You can bring a sniper rilfe or shotgun, but be aware that you may accidently kill a medic behind the enemy you are trying to shoot. If possible, use concussion grenades to get past a heavily contested instead of engaging in combat.
This can be found in the bottom floor bathroom, located to the left of the stairs that you spawn next to. Head into the bathroom, and the trophy will be found on the wall behind you.
Hard - Long Fellow
This one 50% RNG and 50% heist knowledge. You will need to know all of the crowbar and forklift locations to get the nuke container opened as quickly as possible. Prioritise finding all of the crowbars first. As soon as that's done, get three forklifts facing away from the vault prepared for the nukes as soon as the container opens. Get 4 of the nuke bags into the Long Fellow as soon as possible with 1 person driving them there. The remaining 4 have to be taken in the forklift. There is a shortcut used in the video below that they can fit through and quickly get to the train. Sometimes, the RNG may not go your way and the crowbars will be in the last place you look, but knowing the locations will heavily increase your chances at doing this in time. Also, try to avoid combat as much as possible. Only deal with enemies when you have absolutely nothing to do. And please, ignore all additional loot and packages.
This is located in the outside area of the safehouse. You won't be able to miss it.
Hard - Meth
This one is hard because it takes a long, long time to do (It was also previously an achievement so veterans like me have to go through it, again). An average run of 25 bags will take about 90 minutes, and that's depending on how quickly Bain tells you the ingredients. I would highly recommend not attempting this on anything but Overkill since then you'll be using up a lot more ammo and medical equipment than you have avaliable. I'd designate one person to be the cook to avoid confusion while the rest fend off the neverending horde of cops. The trophy will be awarded as soon as you cook 25 bags, so if you're completely fed up with the insanity you could end the heist right there. However, securing all the bags will give you quite a large sum of money and experience. Once you finish this trophy off, the most boring one will be out of the way for good.
This can be found on a small grey shelf on the ground floor. From spawn, move a little bit forward and you will find the shelf on your left.
Hard - Scrap Metal
Bots are not allowed (Credit to InfrAtary)
A difficulty above Overkill? Check. Challenging completion requirements? Check. A really irritating heist? Check. Yep, this is going to be a tough one folks.

After testing with a crew consisting of some of the best players I know, it was decided that this heist is best completed primarily in stealth, and then you go loud at the end, meaning the heist will have been 'completed' in loud. What this means is you need someone who is really good at stealth to complete as much of the heist as possible quietly, preferably up until you are able to bag the loot or potentially further. Not only that, but the person has to be good at stealthing this map, and considering many believe this to be the worst stealth map in the game (Personally I would give that honour to Alesso), the setup to this heist is going to be as difficult to achieve as the completion of this trophy. On the other hand, I've had little to no success with loud using various tactics, so I strongly believe that this is the best and only method to complete it.

This can be found in Scarface's room. Head up the stairs to the left of the spawn, then turn right and head into the black door in front of you. You should be able to see the trophy to the left of a lamp on a table as you enter the room.
Hard - Ultimate Heister
This is by far, the hardest trophy currently avaliable and the one that will take the longest to earn. Do note that neither completing Safe House Nightmare or the Safe House Raid on One Down will count towards this trophy.
This can be found inside the safehouse vault in the basement.
The Burn Offshore Money Button
If you want to get all of the trophies in PAYDAY 2, you're going to have to burn your offshore - All of it. The experienced among you may know that infamy levels 1 to 5 require you to use 200 million of your offshore cash and for you to lose all of your spending cash, so in comparison, this button isn't as bad as that since it only requires you to have $50 million in the bank (It will not show in the vault otherwise). If you're early on in your heisting career and intend to collect every trophy, get your vault to level 3 in the safehouse and burn $50 million as soon as you can to get it over and done with. If you're like me and have a lot of time spent on the game, you may not be willing to burn your offshore due it being in the billions. However, remember you can currently only use that money for hosting contracts and using the offshore payday. If you're not an active hoster and have every item in the game, burning that money won't be a big of a deal. If you have a lot of money and want to use the button, gamble your way down to just above $50 million first. There's not really much else to say regarding this trophy. In the end, it's your choice whether or not you want to press the button.
Yes, the picture and 6 continental coins is all you get for this, and the picture is found in the same place where you burnt your money.
Underdrill - Author of the guide.
Athener - Gave me the suggestion of the table function and helped me out with the locations guides.
Nimajin - Also helped with one of the locations guides.
Salem - Provider of the 'Mellon/The Ring' locations guide.
Jej and lexilogo - Providers of the 'Look at These Pelicans Fall/Pelican Killer' locations guide.
189 ความเห็น
THE SCOUT 27 ก.ค. 2024 @ 2: 50pm 
ah yes, Jason definitely belongs in the EASY difficulty
Skotix 6 ก.ค. 2023 @ 10: 36pm 
your missing Tickets, please!
the JIM bar 22 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 9: 56am 
the first four you just have to find statues of the characters in the shown heist, just go fast in whatever heist of the two shown is best for you and find the statue before restarting, repeat 5 times for each statue.
for vlad's tape you need to go to san martin bank and when the vault area is open you need to open deposit boxes, a saw is most optimal, and one of the boxes will have a tape recorder, grab it and you should have the trophy
Tracer 17 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 11: 13am 
You're missing some trophies:
- The Bullet
- The Cultist
- The Marine
- The Robot
- Vlad's tape
Underdrill  [ผู้สร้าง] 16 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 2: 44pm 
haha low effort meme points go brrr
$courge 21 ก.พ. 2023 @ 10: 29pm 
some guy would just say haha sex funny and get more awards than this guy
Macrowolf 19 ม.ค. 2022 @ 12: 21pm 
The Mercenary trophy is bugged, I tried to do it today with three of my friends:

we did Jewelry store twice (Death Sentence, One Down), then The Ukrainian Job (Death Sentence, One Down) and Bank Heist Gold (Death Sentence). The Friendly Fire mutator was alway active (3x damage) and none of use did hurt a temmate, yet the achievement didn't pop.
Neuxdabomb 19 ต.ค. 2020 @ 6: 42pm 
Wheres the Robbedacop trophy?
MRLT 21 ม.ค. 2020 @ 5: 37am 
Birth of sky Dozer spawn under tunnel (after you fly all of the money bags) if you want to test luck try broklyn 10-10
Trying to do Big Daddy but no bulldozer spawns on Birth of Sky?