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MegaMod 0.06
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2.089 GB
13 oct. 2016 à 5h15
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MegaMod 0.06

Brought to you by the creators of Colonial Charter[].

Have you ever wished you could download all of the most popular Banished mods compiled into one comprehensive package? Welcome to the mother of all Banished mods. The MegaMod - the ultimate Banished mod experience. 95 mods and counting.

Thanks to the hard work of all the modders who have contributed. RedKetchup, Kid, Discrepancy, embx61, tanypredator, TomSawyer, Wintin, Maal, Elfecutioner.

- This is a completely standalone mod. All of the listed mods are completely included. Do not use any of the included mods alongside MegaMod.
- You're welcome to use your choice of Aging mods, Storage mods, Resource quantity mods, or other mods of these types, as they are not included.
- There is no guarantee that future versions will be save game compatible with this beta version. Things happen. :)
- Toolbar entries are color coded by which modder made them.
- Toolbar buttons with a colored border will open another toolbar. The color of the border indicated which modder made all of the entries inside that toolbar.
- There will be periodic updates to this, as mods are updated, and work is done to continue to make them all cohesive.
- It's going to take a long time to load a mod this large. Be prepared for a black screen for several minutes while it loads.

If you would like to use any of the individual mods included in this, you can find links HERE[]
Discussions populaires Tout voir (27)
24 juil. 2023 à 1h15
Crashes and now won't start
25 oct. 2023 à 9h28
General feedback thread(?)
[Lemons] w!z@rD
27 avr. 2024 à 3h00
MegaMod Version 8.01
Damien Wolf (XIII)
559 commentaires
Viscounts 25 aout 2024 à 7h23 
awesome mod hopefully works :steamthumbsup:
atleastonemoremod 25 juil. 2024 à 2h02 
There is a new version on the workshop, and an even newer version on discord.
Mr.Hong 21 mai 2024 à 12h32 

如果你想使用其中包含的任何单个mod,你可以在这里找到链接[ ]

版权所有2019 BlackLiquidTeam (Steam名称:ShockPuppet, Kralyerg, Brokenspectre, six, savagebeats)此条目未被授权在Steam上发布,除非在名为ShockPuppet的Steam帐户下发布。

总督阁下Nathaniel Alpacington骑在无畏的美洲驼“Wade”上的定制艺术品,版权归savagebeats 2015。看看他的。
Mr.Hong 21 mai 2024 à 12h32 
由Colonial Charter[ ]的创建者为您带来。

你是否曾经希望你可以下载所有最流行的放逐mod汇编成一个综合包?欢迎来到所有放逐mod之母。MegaMod -终极放逐模组体验。95个模型和计数。


roberto679 10 mai 2024 à 14h03 
This mod will work early game but after a while it will just keep crashing
Razmataz 3 mai 2024 à 11h06 
Crashes the game if I quit to main menu.
mafilux 22 févr. 2024 à 12h27 
I like how this mod is bigger in size than the whole vanilla game (by quite a bit actually, lol). Looking forward to seeing whats in here.
J_Chaos 23 sept. 2023 à 16h48 
Awesome modpack! Adds so much to this classic game--can't wait to relearn everything I know about Banished!
mattmmclain 16 sept. 2023 à 19h48 
I'd like this to have even more mods included that say they are not compatible with this such as the Globe Theater, Styth's Tower, more crops, houses and professions.
K-9 [redneck] 2 avr. 2023 à 16h08 
It won't freaking start no matter what I do . ..