Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

64 arvostelua
Electricity Pylon 1:1.5
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4.262 MB
30.9.2016 klo 4.19
30.9.2016 klo 5.41
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Electricity Pylon 1:1.5

Electricity Pylon 1:1.5 by Zuben

A tall structure built to support an overhead power line.

* No power lines.

Tris : 5967 / 137

1:1 Size

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6 kommenttia
marti_e_n 14.6.2019 klo 15.02 
In the image, we don't see any cable !?
martianinferno98 7.9.2018 klo 12.34 
@Zuben I use this addon to make the power line itself:
Jaco Broom 29.11.2016 klo 16.44 
do these at least carry power like how buildings do with the blue power grid thing around them?
Zuben  [tekijä] 4.10.2016 klo 23.47 
Do not know how to make a power line automatically.
Yanchen 2.10.2016 klo 13.16 
Nice mod, will it be possible to make this pylon as a real pylon which is connected automatically by power lines?
Instict10 1.10.2016 klo 11.14 
SWEET this is great