Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

31 人が評価
(OUTDATED) Toronto Birchmount Bus Garage
2.456 MB
2016年9月26日 10時45分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

(OUTDATED) Toronto Birchmount Bus Garage

JSF-1 作成の 2 件のコレクション
Toronto Collection
175 アイテム
JSF1's Civic Buildings
30 アイテム
New version here:

As the name implies this asset is based off of the Birchmount Bus Garage located in Toronto Ontario and operated by the TTC. This asset can be used to spawn buses in your city if you want a bus garage that looks more like a bus garage compared to the vanilla asset.

IRL: Birchmount Garage was opened in 1956 and is currently the oldest active bus garage in the City of Toronto. Like Eglinton Garage, Birchmount features a large outdoor storage area with UWE heaters (not included with the asset). Currently Birchmount Garage serves 35 bus routes and has capacity for 200 buses.

Cost to Build: 50,000
Upkeep: 5,000
Size: 14 x 11
2 件のコメント
Pherret 2022年2月16日 10時11分 
Your link to the new version needs a space after "here:" - right now the link is broken.

Don't forget to update the Service Collection !
eurosoe 2018年7月4日 21時15分 
Mount Dennis has a beautiful TTC Garage... Maybe it's next on your to-do list? ;-) Thanks for these awesome assets