"wish there was a achievement for making rainbow roads XD this main belt set will go trough the whole base , lost track of the belts we used."
7 megjegyzés
CANER_DX  [készítő] 2016. szept. 29., 6:50 
http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770593727 this is the layout of the base at the moment , u will see this screenshot is the only curve part of the main belt where smaller 4 lanes are added ( left side are the copper and iron line ) :Excalibur:
CANER_DX  [készítő] 2016. szept. 29., 6:41 
@Poe | <3 Mr. Robot , the easyer to make and more consumed parts get more bus lines , the blue 1 red 2 and green would have 4 but i already split it up at a point thats just outside the picture, and will add a seccond green chip production , bit more equal proportion to worth on the belts :) really glad to hear people like what me and my friend made
poe 2016. szept. 28., 21:10 
I wouldn't worry too much dude hes just being a troll i think its amazing what you've done and i would love to build at that scale.

May i ask why you have 2 seperate 4 buses of red curcuits
CANER_DX  [készítő] 2016. szept. 28., 13:59 
i would say the way u are behaving here is childish , saying anything done ingame without those 2 mods is childish , dude cmon , if u dont have anything propper to say then its better not to talk at all,
ps u have no screenshots of the game, so i guess u did not achieve anything really,

and if u would magicly now go post pics i guess you will got them of internet of a hard workt on world of a friend ,
you should jusy better just not join in on a community of people being proud of what they done.

and u are probably hating on others becouse you cant achieve anything in life yourself let alone a game. good day
CANER_DX  [készítő] 2016. szept. 28., 9:30 
@shawnShepard this is 100% standard game , no cheats no mods no command or anything.
and i was not planning on cheanging that way of gaming anytime soon :LotusFlower:

@Poe | <3 Mr. Robot : if i knew how i would probably will when the base is done :Corpus:
poe 2016. szept. 28., 7:51 
Would you be willing to upload the map download?
CANER_DX  [készítő] 2016. szept. 24., 16:34 
multiplayer world of Offsetpeter and me :Grineer: