Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Type: Mod
Mod category: Planet
122.105 MB
2016年9月13日 17時48分
2016年12月18日 22時15分
9 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


GHOSTXV 作成の 1 件のコレクション
16 アイテム
The Universe a vast plain of Stars and Planets big or small Astroid belts as long as
as the naked eye can see.Its also a mysterious one, the understanding of space is
is still being unraveled by reseachers and scientists all over the world. Can are race
band together to explore different galaxies and boldly go where no mans gone before....

Which brings me to another Planet find Cenus. Cenus is a cold but yet warm planet i
say this because where the planet sits is right out side the habitable zone. Cenus s
orbit is about 536 days around its sun but just like earth its poles are exaxtly in the
same direction its spin is alot slower then earths making days alot longer and nights.

From Closer look from are telescope the snow on Cenus is more of a dirty slush but
however the ice is still thick with no melting properties so with high heat it still
keeps its shape and does not melt to a liquid.

Although Cenus is a bare planet it still could be habitable to life. You could also
live there under warmth of a huge coat and snowpants....


Gravity: 1.00

Oxygen: Yes

Life: None

Ores: none as of yet soon update

Recommended Size: 120 000km

This planet also uses my Skymod texture s in order for the sky to work

updated added new audio to planet

UPDATED: Fixed Voxel Texture Error
4 件のコメント
riotgrrl_adria 2019年3月11日 8時20分 
Also, Planets cannot be made top be 1m small. Create an astroid and add a gravity generator with some fuel in the middle if you want that.
riotgrrl_adria 2019年3月11日 8時19分 
I've gotten GHOSTXV's permission to continue work on the various planets that they made. I will be updating them to fix various issues, such as pink textures, missing texture assets, and bad names of files in the configs.
Keep in mind, there's a load of planets that I need to fix, and I'm currently trying to balance mod work and getting my work situation squared away.
Fantastic Bread 2016年10月15日 1時25分 
Can someone create a mod where i can set the diameter of a planet to 1m?
737✈Garrus 2016年9月18日 1時54分 
Perfect! I need an ice/snow world like this one! Keep up the good job! 63/5