The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Realistic Ragdolls and Force
1.321 MB
2012年2月7日 16時03分
2013年2月6日 12時16分
5 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

(ESP plugin)Reduces the extra force applied on ragdolls to a more reasonable level
(MESH)Replaces ragdolls so that they bend and twist realistically and fall at a faster velocity, and increases friction to fix ice-like ragdoll sliding

If you want more force applied to your ragdolls you will need to install the Nexus version instead.
You need to install the one on Nexus instead of you want to use the alternate force files.

Steam version uses realistic.

Detailed Features
-Reduces the amount of force for ragdolls to realistic level with different force options to choose from
-Fixed glitch with lightning spell duration causing ragdolls to launch themselves when killed with any weapon
-Arrows will no longer push bodies far away when killed with stealth damage
-Realistic ragdoll reaction from melee hits. Higher the final hit damage the more force is applied
-Magic no longer sends people flying 20 feet away
-Unrelenting Force Shout should still send ragdolls flying

-Less stiffness to overall limbs of ragdolls by increasing their bend and twist radius.
-Weight increase for most ragdolls for realistic fall velocity
-Increased friction. Ragdolls had almost no friction which resulted in ice-like sliding.
-Fixes kneeing upright ragdolls and other odd poses for humanoids due to arms and legs being overly stiff
-Back spine loosen up a bit
-Increase neck twist and bend radius
-Arms are now able to twist behind the back

-Updated humanoid ragdolls to match changes made in patch 1.8.
-Minor neck and spine changes
-Removed dragon, skeever, and horse ragdolls.

-Fixed male humanoid ragdoll arm twist radius not matching with other ragdolls
-Adjustments to twist radius, angle cone, friction and mass for legs and arms of humaniods
-Increased Z grab lift strength, you will still need to grab the cheat or center area of the ragdoll to be able to fully lift bodies

-Increase friction to ragdolls
-Fixed beast female using default mass
-Merged easy lift to main plugin
-Weight adjustments to creatures

-Falmar ragdoll changes to fix left knee from bending the wrong way, reduced twist on back to fix chest deformation, and loosen neck
-Weight increase to bear
-Reduced troll's default arm angle cone and elbow that cause it to bend in unnatural ways
-Fixed male humanoid ragdoll neck not matching with female ragdolls
-Added plugin for increase fall damage


Q: Player sent flying when going into ragdoll (Knockdown, killed, ect...)
This is a known issue with "Enhanced Camera" mod. Use the fix that is found on that mod page.

Your FPS needs to be capped at 60. The game's physics is not designed to handle FPS above 60.

Q: More force for magic and less for arrows?
Magic and arrows share the same force value so I can't make one have more force than the other.

Q: Paralyzes spell on death cause ragdolls to become statues(stiff)
It's a vanilla bug with that spell. use this Mod:

Q: Ragdoll arms do not raise above their shoulders.
There will be some bad deforming of the shoulders if I allowed this.

Q: Can't lift bodies
It depends on what part of the body you grab usually the upper torso is where it's easy to lift bodies. If you don't use the plugin file you may not be able to left bodies.

Q: Ragdolls are still sliding on certain surfaces
The friction of the ragdolls are already high. The problem is that when they interact with meshes, such as, rocky stone paths or certain spots in the landscape that appear as grass but are actually giant rock meshes, will still cause ragdolls to slide unrealistically.

Q: Skyrim intro cart issues
I cannot confirm these issues. It's mostly caused by conflicting skeleton meshes. Make sure that you let other mods replace the skeleton.nif from this mod, even if it's for a compatibility patch. Higher framerate than 60 will cause issues with physics.
811 件のコメント
Durin 2023年9月2日 14時06分 
crashes in whiterun
ZombieCzar 2022年6月21日 0時02分 
crashes at 8 am in white run, disabled other mods, very predictable crash.
PedroPegaCasada 2022年6月5日 5時58分 
F guards
lordhaedn 2022年4月7日 19時55分 
This just makes the game so much more fun
Lupo 2022年3月27日 16時57分 
hey whats the song in the background my woman wants to know lol
Precillion 2022年1月27日 5時44分 
That video was a masterpiece
kamil 2021年1月10日 18時57分 
Essential mod. Thx.
Orchidtrace857 2020年10月10日 2時23分 
Thoughtesque 2020年6月30日 16時25分 
All jokes aside, that was a great song for the video
Roshinkyo 2019年12月13日 18時19分 
Song name?

Btw what's your experience with this mode? TY :)