Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Large Egyptian Pyramid (ScepterpanCity Edit)
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1.084 MB
5.9.2016 klo 14.13
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Large Egyptian Pyramid (ScepterpanCity Edit)

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Shmuel R. Vandercoo
Scepterpan City Collection
442 luomusta
Egyptian Pyramid of Gizeh edited for 'casino purposes' in Episode 31, Raffia Strip.
10 kommenttia
Shmuel R. Vandercoo  [tekijä] 3.5.2020 klo 6.58 

Thank you!

Oh really? Jeesh... Uh, to be honest, I can't even remember when the last I played the game was - time is flying by.

Uhm... :/ I am sad to say I don't know either, I am not sure if something has come to take its place. I guess the only alternative is to redo it... Hmm...

I'm sorry, man.
barnettgt.db 22.4.2020 klo 14.54 
Hello, I love the city you created. However, this mod does not work and it appears that the larger footprints mod is no longer on the steam workshop. What do you recommend that I do about this?
Shmuel R. Vandercoo  [tekijä] 3.3.2018 klo 16.16 
@SkiRich Yeah, I forgot to set up all the dependencies for my edited buildings of Scepterpan City - because the required files are in the 'Scepterpan City Collection'.

Glad that it worked out, have fun!
SkiRich 3.3.2018 klo 15.24 
Ah makes sense. Thanks I don't have larger footprint.
Shmuel R. Vandercoo  [tekijä] 3.3.2018 klo 15.09 
@SkiRich One thing that is required is 'Larger Footprints' ( , do you have that one installed? If not, give it another go.

Otherwise, there's also some other pyramids on the workshop, like APeeter2017's (which I used, but put lights on) see:

There's also tthe much bigger (file-size wise) the highly detailed Giza Pyramids, Egypt by the great Armesto ( Which you could use as an alternative.

Let me know if any of this helped.
SkiRich 3.3.2018 klo 14.33 
Load Screen Mod reports that the asset failed to load. Nothing further. Sorry I don't have any more info. Just cant use it.
Shmuel R. Vandercoo  [tekijä] 3.3.2018 klo 11.16 
I just went ahead and checked, and it popped up in-game for me - albeit without the lights. Is there any specific error that you are getting?
SkiRich 1.3.2018 klo 17.11 
Asset fails to load.
Shmuel R. Vandercoo  [tekijä] 29.7.2017 klo 2.48 
@JediMaster239 It's actually in a tab of its own, as far as I remember, with an actual pyramid on there as an emblem (instead of a Roman numeral). It's supposed to be the first or second tab on Unique Buildings.

If you can't find it there, you could also try using the 'Find It!' mod ( , which is something I regularly use now as it is much quicker than shifting through those rather unhelpful menus.

I hope that helps you. Let me know if you have another question, or if 'Find It!' didn't resolve this issue.
76561198165715092 27.7.2017 klo 15.28 
What level of unique building menu is it under in? I can't find it