Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™

134 ratings
All Praxis Kit Locations - Video Guide
By MrCodeslinger
This guide will help you track down all of the Praxis Kits hidden throughout the various zones in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Praxis Kit Locations
I have identified 20 Praxis Kits that can be collected in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

For the most part this does not include any that you are just outright given for completing quests like those that Koller gives you on your first visit. The 20 listed below are ones that you have to actually track down.

The only expection to this is the one you get from Olivia, that is technically quest related, but not actually a reward. You have to know to speak to her, in order to get it. That is why this one is also included in the list.

Click on the Video link next to any of the items in the list below and you will be taken to a video to will help you track down that Praxis Kit.

If you found the guide useful I sure would appreciate a thumbs up rating. Enjoy!

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Praxis Kits

Praxis Kit 1 - Video
Prague: Adam's Apartment Building Apt. 32

Praxis Kits 2 & 3 - Video
Prague: Adam's Apartment Building Apt. 21 Vendor

Praxis Kit 4 - Video
Prague: Koller's Workshop

Praxis Kit 5 - Video
Prague: TF29 Infirmary

Praxis Kit 6 - Video
Prague: L.I.M.B. Clinic

Praxis Kit 7 - Video
Prague: Libuse Apartments Apt. 96

Praxis Kit 8 - Video
Prague: Palisade Property Bank Executive Safes

Praxis Kit 9 - Video
Prague: Palisade Property Bank CEO's Office

To get into the secret room in which this resides you're going to need to solve a mechanical puzzle. The solution can be found here.

Praxis Kit 10 - Video
Golem City: Utulek Complex Security Lockup

Praxis Kit 11 - Video
Golem City: RVAC Row Golden Rookery Trophy

Praxis Kit 20 - Video
Golem City: Ridit Station

Praxis Kit 12 - Video
Golem City: Talos Rucker's Office

Praxis Kit 13 - Video
Prague (2nd Visit): SM07 Fade To Black, Olivia's Reward

Praxis Kit 14 - Video
Prague (2nd Visit): SM03 The Mystery Augs, Tai Yong Medical Vault

This one is found in Prague inside the Tai Yong Medical Vault. However, in order to get into the vault you're going to A) need to find the access keycard and B) find the vault itself. You can find a video on how to do that here.

Praxis Kit 15 - Video
Prague (2nd Visit): - Adam's Apartment Building Apt. 21 Vendor

Praxis Kit 16 - Video
Prague (2nd Visit): - Dvali Territory Theater

Praxis Kit 17 - Video
Prague (3rd Visit): - Adam's Apartment Building Apt. 21 Vendor

Praxis Kit 18 - Video
Prague (2nd or 3rd Visit): Church of the Machine God Apt. 96

After you return from Golem City and continue through the game you'll come to a point where you have an option to save someone named Allison or raid the Versalife vault. If you choose to save Allison you will get access to the Church of the Machine God at that point. Otherwise you'll have to wait until after you raid the Versalife vault OR when you return to Prague from the G.A.R.M. facility to get into the Church of the Machine God.

Praxis Kit 19 - Video
London: APEX Centre, after defeating Marchenko.
SWAG 1 Aug, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
i dont know if it can be found during the 1st visit
SWAG 1 Aug, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
there is one i found on my 2nd visit to prague inside adams apartment building, it was inside one of the apartments in the floorboards, i dont remember the number but i think it was 1 or 2 floors below adams apartment and it had an eviction notice on it
reilly728 1 Feb, 2020 @ 6:00am 
what are the next step in the world of deus ex human kind divided what is the coming soon games for deus ex human kind divided??????? when it will or should come?????????:steambored:
SlicerDicer 17 Jun, 2017 @ 8:04pm 
It is not story based it is a bug. If it happens just go back to northern prague on any metro and return and Tars will be properly restocked.
MrCodeslinger  [author] 19 Sep, 2016 @ 8:52pm 
@volfin good to know. I always go get my next mission after returning from GC, GARM, etc. So that makes sense. Thanks for the info on that.
volfin 19 Sep, 2016 @ 3:03pm 
At first I didn't think the vendor was selling more praxis after the 3rd return to Prague. But seems he does, only after you hit a certain point in the story. Seems you have to meet with Miller first at TF29 before the new Praxis shows up.
MrCodeslinger  [author] 18 Sep, 2016 @ 12:30pm 
@GR34TD3STR0Y3R I was playing on Give Me A Challenge for these.
GR34TD3STR0Y3R 18 Sep, 2016 @ 2:00am 
I did some digging. I dont think the vender sells more praxis kits (on re-peat visits) on the hardest difficulty setting. I think there a little things like that. From my understanding map markers are removed on the hardest level. I thought my game was bugged, but its a "feature" not a bug. :kungfusam:
MrCodeslinger  [author] 16 Sep, 2016 @ 3:50pm 
@Margera95, Thanks for confirming that, someone else had mentioned it to me, but I had not had a chance to verify that. The guide has been updated.
Margera95 16 Sep, 2016 @ 2:21pm 
You can go to the Church of the Machine God before you go to the G.A.R.M. facility, just go there after the bank robbery.