Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Emmer  [author] 1 Sep, 2016 @ 3:27am 
Lol I've been staring at my save folders, trying to figure out which one is the minimap I need to send to you. @__@; But yeah need to explore and find the walrus camp.

So I got same problem with map disappearing and found that, if the server host send you map file (in my case "KU_aKd006fA_minimap") and you put it in server folder (in my case ...session\04100002EEBAF428) you got map what is explored by host. If you are playing with friend who hosts server than you just explore map together and if your map disappears in next time you play on his server, just ask him/her to send map file.
Riolis 1 Sep, 2016 @ 2:49am 
>.> find it! I cant see it on the map
Emmer  [author] 1 Sep, 2016 @ 1:27am 
We no need to kill him, just put a spider nest next to his igloo
Riolis 31 Aug, 2016 @ 10:38pm 
walrus is too hard to kill leh
Emmer  [author] 31 Aug, 2016 @ 6:53pm 
For this autumn hopefully find the walrus camp so can get walking cane + tam o shanter. That is, if u get ur map fixed @__@;
Riolis 31 Aug, 2016 @ 2:26pm 
then everything rot at the same time ~.~
Emmer  [author] 31 Aug, 2016 @ 8:58am 
Oh so we can put in 300 monster meat! Good idea
Riolis 30 Aug, 2016 @ 3:52pm 
next job is to make more fridge and more food