Age of Barbarian Extended Cut

Age of Barbarian Extended Cut

57 ratings
Boss Guide
By Suicidal Sheep
Having troubles defeating the bosses and are too lazy to search all the topics on steam? Then you're right here, as I give a strategy for every boss in Age of Barbarian - Extended Cut

WARNING! Big part of fun of the game is to find your own way to get around the bosses! Use this guide at your own risk of loosing some fun. If you don't care of just get too frustrated by dying over and over, keep on going.

Also: Spoilers (duh...)
Stage 2 - The Giant Serpent

The Serpent in the woods has only two attacks. Its bite which can poison you, or his tail sweep, which it uses each time it gets hit.

To beat it, you have to keep a out of its bites distance. Whenever it constantly keeps spamming the attack, remember its attack speed and wait for it until it gets in attack range. Once it gets close enough, hit it with a single up strike or a powerful strike (pressing both attack buttons).

Once you hit it, immediately cartwheel / roll left and away from it. Do this until it is dead.

It may take a few tries before you get the timing perfectly on landing an attack.
Stage 2 - Rogak / The Minotaur Beast

DON'T LET YOURSELF BE HIT! Its main and only attack is immensly strong and usually kills you in 1-2 hits.

However, as much damage as it deals, its extremly easy to kill as well. If you get close to it, it'll push you off it. Thats when you have to cartwheel / roll right towards it and it'll attack but miss you. Right after that, you can go for a low strike combo.

Repeat the process until you're victorious.
Stage 3 - The Basilisk

Definitly one of the most difficult bosses in the game. It'll constantly spam its laser attack if you're out of attack range. Try to get used to the pattern and parry the laser (not 100% success, keep that in mind).

There are two ways to kill this boss efficiently.

Way 1: If you're using Sheyna and haven't bought any weapon yet, you have a chance to reflect its laser back to it and stun / glitch it. After that, constantly use single (!) high strikes and keep your track on it. The reflecting may also work with other weapons or the male barbarian, however, I had no success any other way than with Sheyna and her default sword.

Way 2: It's pretty similiar. Parry its laser until you're in attack range. Here you have to be VERY quick and hit him once with a high strike. If you miss or you're too slow, it'll hit you with its claw and spam lasers again, which deals a ton of damage.
Once you hit it, go two steps forward, hit, two steps forward, repeat. That way you put it in a state, where its recovery time from getting hit is slower than your attack speed.

However, even with these two strategies, its still difficult to defeat this enemy.
Stage 3 - The Gorilla

The same as the endboss in Stage 2. It hits hard, but it's easy to defeat. He'll spam push when you get to close, but keep going for a low strike combo.

This boss is really easy, it only may get a bit harder if it manages to push you towards the left edge of the screen and its pushes actually push you instead of just dragging you along with it. When you're at the left side, it actually can hit you, but dodging towards it (right) will get you out of reach again.
Stage 4 - The Tentacle Monster

Yet another one of the more easy bosses. If you already have the jump attack, use it to get rid of its tentacles. Then simply do the same thing on its body and it'll dive under and you got to repeat the process over and over until its finished.

If you do not have the jump attack yet, a high strike on the tentacles might do the job as well, however, it may get a bit more difficult.

If its tentacles are off, watch out, as if you're getting to close to its body without attacking it, it'll simply chop your head off.
Stage 4 - The Lizard King

Nothing special about this fight. This is really just a normal encounted really with a tough enemy.

It can poison you and may use a tail sweep here and there, but most of the time, it'll just parry your attacks.

Its certainly nothing you cannot accomplish.
Stage 5 - The Dragon

Yet another hit and run enemy. It has three attacks: A tail crush, that'll cause a rock to fall behind you, an instant kill chopping your head off, and the fire breath that deals a very high amount of damage. Altho last can be blocked by standing behind the previous mentioned rock.

Best strategy against this enemy is to get closer so it uses its tail crush and then wait until it turns back to you. Just in the moment the head appears, get ready to hit on it with a massive hit (standing still and hit both attack buttons). It'll counter with a fire breath.

Now, as the rock might be too far behind you, dodge towards it (right) and you'll also be out of the fire breaths range. However, if you do not dodge back immediatly after its fire breath is over, you'll get your head bit off. If you evade correcly, it'll start with its tail crush again. So you have to repeat these patterns until you're victorious and get a very awesome reward.
Stage 6 - The Witch

She'll either catch you with a tentacle and make you unable to move, throw magic projectiles at you or instant kill you if she has a chance to get too close.

However, she's fairly easy. Just covering and wait for her to get closer and hit her. She may disturb you with her ranged tentacle trap, but you'll free of it by mashing the attack buttons fairly easy.

Once she's weakened (she has extremly low HP and defense for a boss), she'll finaly granted her long life dream of become a hentai actress :D
Stage 6 - The Immortal

He is certainly not immortal, but yet again a very tough enemy.

Same as for the lizard king in stage 4, no real strategy needed. Its just another more difficult fight.
Stage 7 - The Necromancer

He's similiar to the witch in stage 6. He'll cast magic projectiles if you're away from him. However, unlike the witch, he'll aim for both, upper and lower body of yours. Try to avoid the projectiles or parry them. However, not 100% success rate again.

If you're close to him, he'll try to instant kill you. Just hit him before he gets a chance he'll teleport somewhere else on the screen.

Just keep avoiding and hitting him until he gives up.
Stage 7 - The Demon

For a final boss, he certainly isn't too hard. He'll fire magic projectiles at you, but they're not easy to parry. If you get close, he'll try to punch you. Make sure to hit his head before he has a chance. You can actually stay at the edge, as he gets pushed back every time you hit him and he has to return towards you. Just hit him again once he is in range with a high strike attack.

He may throw some more projectiles at you on his way back to the ledge.

If you defeat him, you have finally beaten the game. Congrats! And don't fall off the platform like I did after you defeat him...
Nax_o 8 Oct, 2019 @ 10:48am 
Now when to hit? when you hear the second 'Die!' come from the witch go for a down uppercut regardless if she uses the snake attack or attempts to damage you directly. Damaging her staggers her and she goes back a bit so once you in the good spot she can't really do much as you just repeat the above.
Nax_o 8 Oct, 2019 @ 10:47am 
Current version strategy for Witch:

Just crouch down and listen to the 'Die! Die!' shouts to come twice. Next up is her moving closer and trying to do damage OR the witch doing the snake attack which gives a pretty high chance of next bolt to hit you unless you can shake it off at once and duck/parry immediately.
You can move forward between bolts or not. i chose not to advance much since the witch will come no matter what and try to tank you.
Nax_o 8 Oct, 2019 @ 10:47am 
Now as for the A+X hit It should connect to the metal ring but damage is dealt. Now Roll to right. Dragon does it's fire attack and you are safe. Do a low attack. You get pushed back into danger. Roll to right one more time to be safe. Now wait 1 sec for the fire animation to die down then roll back to left and take a bit of distance. Notice you didn't attack this time. Reason for this is that you can't chain these. On latest 3rd attempt you get pushed back to fire but it works reasonably safely if you do low hit only once.

Rinse and repeat once the dragon restarts again with the 3 tail stomps.

This worked for me with low damage once the pattern was perfected. The damage i took was from bs hitbox issues e.g. somehow the dragon manage to fire dmg me a bit when roll wasn't perfect.
Nax_o 8 Oct, 2019 @ 10:47am 
Current version strategy for dragon: Inch close enough for him to initiate his 3 tail strikes. Learn the distance and timing and keep somewhat close but don't try to be too close. you gain nothing from taking this risk. Move as soon as the tail swipes to the right. Don't try to do it too early or you fall down if you walk into the tail when it's turning and get hit guaranteed in a few seconds by fire.

Now to continue on after the 3 tail strikes. Move forward and let go of the sticks for ½ sec to ensure you are not inputting anything. Do A+X for the heavy overhead strike. This is important because if you accidentally kick or do some other attack then you are toast in a few seconds. Literally.
Suicidal Sheep  [author] 13 Feb, 2019 @ 8:45am 
Yes redgrave2007. That is actually a more secure way to deal with the dragon nowadays. He got a bit nerfed a while ago. Back when I wrote the guide, attempting to do your strategy unfortunately often resulted in an instant death
redgrave2007 13 Feb, 2019 @ 6:19am 
For dragon I kept very far distance and used running low attack, then immediately run back to start while he recovered. He even couldn't used firebreath attack (or i couldn't see it because was too far away). And all those "keep close and evade" hints just got me instakilled.
alekzanderlr 3 Jul, 2018 @ 5:34pm 
Other than what I mentiones before, the guide's pretty good. Thanks for your work!
alekzanderlr 3 Jul, 2018 @ 4:47pm 
It would be nice if there where some tips or strategy agains the necromancer. Saying to try to avoid damage is the same as saying nothing. Or saying to hit him before he hits you.
ScarredBushido 27 Jun, 2017 @ 1:49am 
what annoys me is he teleports on a rock and by the time i get to to jump on it he shoots me which pushes me off the ledge
Suicidal Sheep  [author] 5 Jun, 2017 @ 1:27am 
Yeah, they changed his AI heavely about a month after I wrote this guide. But Necron isn't that difficult, at least not in a sence like the dragon or the basilisk, where you need exactly to know how to beat them.