Cities: Skylines
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Road Arrow Guide
Від DanDeKalb та 2 співавторів
This guide follows how you can add road arrow decals that are normally only available on road surfaces to your assets with the help of ModTools.
До улюбленого
В улюблених
In order to use this method, you must first download ModTools by BloodyPenguin.
Initial asset
Here I have made a simple parking lot for the sake of this guide. It looks alright, but some arrows will make it look pretty.
ModTools Steps
After opening up the Asset Editor with a temperate theme and downloading ModTools, you have to open up the Scene Explorer by pressing CTRL+E. This screen will appear.

Scroll down to the sidebar menu that says "Sunny Collection," or "European Collection", depending on the theme you loaded.

Then scroll down to the "Roads" tab, and open that.

Under the selected tab, open "NetCollection."

Open "NetInfo[] m_prefabs"

Now you will see many different road types. All of them use the same arrows, so I just selected the "NetInfo[] m_prefabs[0]" Basic Road option.

Then, you have to scroll down some more until you see the "NetInfo+Lane[] m_lanes" option and open it.

6 lane options will appear now. These refer to the various parts of the road, like the lanes, markings and sidewalk. If you select the other ones, you can add the speed limit signs, for example. For the arrows, select the last option, "NetInfo+Lane m_lanes.[5]"

Open "NetLaneProps m_laneProps"

Open "NetLaneProps+Prop[] m_props"

And now we have reached the end of the road. There are 7 types of signs available to use, since the last one is a manhole cover. I will attach a list below so you know which number corresponds to which arrow direction.

As an example, I have selected the first option, which is the simple forward arrow. Just click "Plop" and use the asset like a regular prop.
Road arrow list
Each of the 8 options leads to a different arrow direction, even some with combinations, and the last one is the manhole decal.
  • 0 - Road arrow forward
  • 1 - Road arrow forward right
  • 2 - Road arrow left
  • 3 - Road arrow left forward
  • 4 - Road arrow left forward right
  • 5 - Road arrow left right
  • 6 - Road arrow right
  • 7 - Manhole
Final asset
This is the final result after adding a few arrows. Keep in mind that these also increase the prop count.

Many thanks to Lazarus*Man and BloodyPenguin for the mod tool and advice.