The Black Death

The Black Death

42 ratings
A Beginners Guide To TBD
By Miniishadow
This is a simple guide to teach players what they should be doing when they first boot up the game.
Heyoo! Miniishadow here,

Hopefully this guide will assist newer players on their journey in the land of Mercia.

Early Game
As every class you should try to find a berry spawn and learn your surroundings. If you can figure where you are on the map it'll help out a lot!

Items: Berries, Cotton, Cotton Swabs, Sticks, Stick Club, Jam
Experience: Focus on Farming & Jam
Skill Points: Cloth Weaver, Leather Worker, Basic Carriage, Novice Doctor

Items: Berries, Cotton, Cotton Swabs, Sticks, Stick Club, Rocks, Stone Hatchet, Stone Pick Axe
Experience: Focus on turn cotton into cloth, then into bandages, as well as pelts into leather as people want these all the time.
Skill Points: Clother Weaver, Leather Worker, Basic Carriage, Novice Doctor

When you first spawn in and press M you'll have no idea where you are or where you should go. In order to help find your location you'll have to follow roads and read street signs, pay attention to which regions/towns you're entering and leaving and within time you'll kind of figure out which area you're located in. There are a bunch of land marks that should try to familiarize yourself with such as: The Capitol, The Capitol Bridge, The Soar River, The Monastery, And The Ruins. You'll run into these locations a lot and when you find one you'll most likely be able to track your location. If you ever get lost, try to find a road and follow it to a sign post and go from there.

A good starting location for newer players is a city called Freeman's Port located in Wet Rock. It is located to the west of Queens Province. This area is good because it has the following resources: Berries, Sticks, Rocks, Wood, Cotton, and fish. All the beginning resources need for newer players to thrive.

You'll most likely spawn in Raven's Reach, which is the capitol of Mercia. It has a bunch of resources as well, along with a tool, weapon, food merchants. Resources: Berries, Cotton, Sticks, Stones, and wood. How ever, since it's the capitol, it has higher traffic.

Ocean - North
Snowy Mountains - East

In order to craft certain items you'll need to be at a specific crafting station. I'll go through the whole process to craft a fishing rod from scratch to give an idea( Merchant only):

- Find a stick and rock
-Create a hatchet at a grinding wheel
Use the hatchet on a broken tree log thing on the ground ( Using a hatchet on trees does not do anything other then degrade your weapon )
- Use your wood at a work bench to create a fishing pole

If you are not a merchant, you can either gather the resources and find a merchant to create it for you.

My personal suggestion would to be a peasant at first as they have a high carry weight at 80, have bonuses to gathering resources, and are very self sustaining. Their crafting abilities may not be that great, but you can get another class, like the blacksmith, to craft things for you with your easily obtained resources. The peasant can also turn into a Hunter, which is by far the best put together, and funnest class in the game ( IMO ), allowing you to farm leather which is always high in demand.


F Ability: Plant Seed / Farming

The peasant has a lot of bonuses to gathering resources, making them the best at any type of gathering in the game, along with the highest carry weight out of all the classes. They are rather self sufficient, but poor at crafting.


F Ability: Trade / Store ( You store things in your store and others can buy them from you )

Merchants are one of the best at crafting classes in the game, they don't specialize in a certain area, but they're an all round good crafting type class. They can turn into a monk which is more of a support class in the game.


F Ability: Kick

One of the offensive classes. They get bonuses to 1H weapons, combat movement speed, health, and armour. If you need a body guard, you should find one of these guys. They are poor at crafting, not really self sustaining other, these guys really rely on other classes to obtain things, how ever, they can turn into Blacksmiths which is arguably the best Weapons/Armour crafter in the game.


F Ability: Animal Trap

Hunters are just an amazing class. They are 100% self sufficient. They get bonuses to bow damage, and are the only class that can craft the best bows. Since they can create animal traps, they can have infinite access to Bones, Raw Meat, and Hides, allowing them to create their own food, armour, and melee weapons, along with sell these to other players for income.


F Ability: Use consumable on players IE Bandages

Monks are basically the support class in the game. They can craft some nice healing items along with remedies for ailments.


F Ability: Repair Equipment

Smiths can craft the best weapons and armour in the game, along with some bonuses to combat with hammers.


F Ability: Beg for gold

Beggars are, in my opinion, the worst class in the game, but can be the funnest to play due to Role Playing. They can craft a variety of useless trinkets, and have a high resistance to the plague.


F Ability: Inspect Player ( Lets you see if they are an Outlaw, and check their bounty )

Knights are the bane of Outlaws existence, with their bonuses to killing them such as XP, and higher bounty values. They can craft their own ' Knight Armour ' Which rivals that of a Smith. They get bonuses to armour and 2H weapons. They are also the only class that can craft high grade shields.


F Ability: Steal ( Go into a players inventory and take items )

These little sneak thieves can access a players inventory and take what they like! They get bonuses to clubs, and are the only class that can craft crossbows. They can craft counterfeit items to sell to other players while being disguised as a merchant.
Chuckles McMerry 23 Nov, 2022 @ 6:38pm to download and play?
heros84 3 Oct, 2021 @ 1:17pm 
Je comprend pas pourquoi ne pas faire simple dans un jeu. Je désire changer mes commandes et je ne trouve pas. Pourtant il serait si simple de le faire directement à partir des contrôles du jeu. De la grosse ostie de marde
MicroKong 10 Jun, 2019 @ 12:15pm 
No worries mate, as WIP game, there will be a lot of changes :P I remember using this guide back in the day, so thanks (in case I didn't say thank you in a previous post x) )
Miniishadow  [author] 10 Jun, 2019 @ 7:23am 
Yeah sorry, the guide is over 2 years old now and I haven't played since around then :P
MicroKong 9 Jun, 2019 @ 6:38am 
The game mechanics as well as the way classes are changed since this guide was created I guess. It needs updating
Bronn 22 Dec, 2018 @ 3:31pm 
First step : Look at all the reviews on steam, youtube and the time reviews where made
Secound step : Dont buy the game
Third step : Be proud of yourself for not supporting a dead game and wasting money
Celtic 12 Feb, 2018 @ 11:28am 
Needs an update as you don't choose a class and you always start in Freemans.
76561198049766387 27 Sep, 2017 @ 6:43pm 
very good Thread :) too bad the Devs are working too slow and very bad on doing stuff like this, to explaine their game and what else to do. I had no clue what so ever. just went around gathering stuff and try to survive. and I did unlock Peseant. but after that.. well not much fun.. to restart if you can t find ur gear u lose when succide and become new class, witch I think is dumb.
JackrTades 11 Apr, 2017 @ 9:10pm 
This is a good guide. Would you update please?
angaritag 22 Dec, 2016 @ 1:07pm 
So I started as a hunter (super awesome) and I've crafted my bow, slain a deer, and gutted it's insides. How do I skin it??