Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Item (29)
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
All 25 Areas purchasable
Dibuat oleh tomdotio
What it does: All 25 areas can be purchased (in Vanilla only 9 can be purchased). The last Milestone (number 13) allows you to buy area 10 to 25. Milestones 1-12 remain unchanged. Installation: To install just subscribe to the mod and activate it in the Mo...
Ambient Sounds Tuner: KRA - Kra's Realistic Ambience Sound Pack
Dibuat oleh KraIstGerecht
ATTENTION: The Ambient Sounds Tuner mod has been updated my BloodyPenguin. This pack should work properly with it. If you experience any issues with this pack, please let me know in the comments. KRA is made to provide a more realistic soundscape for C:S. ...
Building Eyedropper Tool
Dibuat oleh hyperdrive_engage
Adds a hotkey (T key) to copy ploppable buildings. To use, press T when hovering over a building. Press T again when done to finish copying. If copying a growable, the copy must be placed in an area zoned as the correct type (ie if copying an office buildi...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
Extra Train Station Tracks ( ETST )
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin Adds more train station track assets for custom train stations. This mod was created before custom network assets were a thing and is still needed for stations created with its tracks. These tracks are only available to asse...
IPT - Improved Public Transport 3.8.10
Dibuat oleh DontCryJustDie
Compatible with 1.6.0-f4 Lastest changes can be found here. Please use this thread for bug reports. Works with base game and all DLC. Features - Control the vehicle count on your transport lines. Add or remove vehicles or enable automatic budget control. -...
MoreTrainTracks v0.4.1 (obsolete)
Dibuat oleh Simon Ryr
This mod is not maintained and it is recommend you stop using it. The same features are avalaible using Network Skins , Railway 2 Warning ! Disabling this mod will probably break save games ! Use the RON mod to remove all networks of this mod from your gam...
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  [deprecated] Multi-Track Station Enabler 1.2.0
Dibuat oleh DontCryJustDie
Deprecated Doesn't work with newest version. New version by BloodyPenguin. Compatible with 1.5.0-f4 Found a bug? Please use this thread for bug reports. Updated version of Multi-Track Station Enabler originally by Sims firehouse. Anyone who subscribes to t...
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  [INCOMPATIBLE] Network Extensions Project (Newest Version in the Description)
Dibuat oleh Katalyst6
🚨 Please Update to Network Extensions 2 🚨 This version of NExt has run it's course, but it has been fun (; ~ PVPositivity & Staff Roads and Highways pack v. 2.7 *New* First assymetrical roads...
NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin Its name says everything about it This is my fixed and improved version of some danny's excellent NoPillars mod.Original mod seems to be abandoned and I've adopted it. This version of NoPillars is compatible with European Bu...
No Seagulls
Dibuat oleh thale5
This is a lightweight mod that removes seagulls from your city. The mod does two things: - it patches the game so that seagulls are no longer created - once a save has loaded, it looks up all seagulls and asks Citizen Manager to let them go. The changes ar...
One-Way Street Arrows
Dibuat oleh Elektriyon
Description: Adds togglable green arrows over one-way streets so it's easier to see which way they go. Updates in real-time as you build one-way roads and change road directions. Also available in the Asset Editor. Arrows can be round (default) or flat. Se...
Ploppable RICO
Dibuat oleh AJ3D
Updated for Industries DLC by Bloody Penguin. This mod will allow you to plop buildings that function as: Residential Industrial Commerical Office The Ploppable RICO mod will convert any compatible ploppable asset to a RICO building. For example, parks can...
Prop & Tree Anarchy
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin
Place props & trees wherever you like With this mod enabled you can place props & trees: - under water - on roads - within building's footprint This is useful when placing props with More Beautification mod. I also recommend to use Prop Snapping to snap pr...
Quay Anarchy
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin Allows to place quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes 'Height too high' for quays, flood walls, cargo and passenger harbors For those wondering what quay is, word 'Quay' means the same as 'Wharf'. Draggable quays were a...
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  [DISCONTINUED] Road Color Changer Continued
Dibuat oleh vukica
*THIS MOD IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED, AND IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE LATEST VERSION OF THE GAME* Continuation of Road Color Changer mod by hyperdrive_engage. All credit goes to hyperdrive_engage for creating this mod. Link to the original mod Source....
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Search Box Mod
Dibuat oleh CWMlolzlz
Enables a search box to browse placeable assets ingame. Buildings, props, growables all appear in searches. This includes assets in other mods. As of Update 1.2, this mod supports favourite assets. Update 1.2 New - Assets can be favourited. This is done by...
Service Vehicle Selector 2.2.1
Dibuat oleh DontCryJustDie
Compatible with 1.5.0-f4 Found a bug? Please use this thread for bug reports. Works with base game, After Dark and Snowfall. Features - Control the train types a cargo train station can spawn. Example: You have a cargo station inside your forestry industry...
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Sharp Junction Angles
Dibuat oleh Thaok
This mod allows to create junctions with angles sharper than 45° and no bended segments. allows to create close parallel roads and tracks. includes Road and Building Anarchy. (also see BloodyPenguin's Prop and Tree Anarchy) Besides a generally more flexibl...
Speed Slider [v2]
Dibuat oleh Rojoss
Adds a slider to your UI to modify the entire game speed. This does make your entire game run faster or slower including thngs such a the camera. See the FAQ below to understand better how this works. It's mostly used by people that want to make the game g...
Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED)
Dibuat oleh boformer
This mod is now deprecated! The game developers added official support for sub buildings in the asset editor! Sub-buildings are separate building assets which can be used to create assets which are larger than 16x8. For example, the feature is used by the ...
Surface Painter
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Traffic++ V2
Dibuat oleh Katalyst6
Roads tools and features v. 2.0.12 - 29/11/2016 This mod is a spinoff by the Network Extensions team of the original Traffic++ mod by JFarias. Current Cities Skylines version support: V1.6 It removes the bus and ped roads now supported and optimized by Net...
Tree Brush [OBSOLETE]
Dibuat oleh Destroyer
In game tree brush, uses the editor brush to plant trees in the game. First select a tree to plop then hit the increase/decrease brush button (default is numpad +/-), you can change the buttons in the settings screen. Button settings are under options->gam...
Daylight Classic
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
Not So Unique Buildings
Dibuat oleh BloodyPenguin
Now you can plop unique buildings and wonders (a.k.a monuments) as many times as you wish This mod doesn't unlock any landmarks, it just allows them to post them more than one time. GitHub repository This mod uses Harmony ve...