

257 ratings
Necropolis Armor Sets
By UndeadWaffle
All the armor sets in Necropolis. What they do, where to find them and how to buy them.
(Images expand when you click on them)
How to find armor sets
Armor sets can be found in golden chests after beating a level in the necropolis or by finding silver chests throughout the necropolis. It is not a guaranteed drop from both of these chest, there is only a chance a set will drop. What the percent of a set dropping is? I have no idea. But depending on the level you're on, determines the tier of armor you'll get if it does drop. As of now, armors are lost if you die or succeed in the necropolis. They are not permanent, they only stick around for that character.

Silver chests:

Gold chests:
Where and how to buy armor
Armor sets can be purchased from the grate creature through the necropolis. Keep an eye out for smoke coming from the triangular vents and some faint humming.

Here is a screenshot to give you and idea of what to look for:
What each attribute does
  • Armor = Total health upgrade and damage taken
  • Speed = Total movement speed and swing speed
  • JumpModifier = Your total jump height (Stone potions lower this)
  • Resistance = Take less damage from 'x'
  • Weakness = Take more damage from 'x'
  • Sharpshooter = Increase accuracy and speed of shots fired from crossbows
  • HeftBonus = Knockdown chance
  • Heft Weight = Overall speed
  • Rate = Increases or decreases 'x' build-up
  • Reduced 'x' = Cost less to do 'x' action
  • Increased 'x' = Do 'x' better
  • Vampiric = Same as the scroll (Regen HP per kill)
  • AttackBonus = Do more damage
  • Regeneration = Regenerate 'x'
Tier 1 armor sets

  • Blackguard Robes
    Old Description: The garb of the Blackguard - a conspiracy to fight evil, who also offer a decent dental plan.
    New Decription: The garb of the elite Blackguard. Lightweight, but it does have its weak points; as it turns out, fabric doesn't seal out Acid very well.
    Heft Weight: Light
    What it actually does: Armor+1, Speed+5, Weakness to Acid
    Price: 500 Gems

  • Marksman Armor
    Old Description: Blackguard are known in the east for their metered justice, and hats.
    New Decription: The Blackguards of Eastern Lhosk favor archery over swordfighting. This enchanted armor helps them to knock down enemies before they get close.
    Heft Weight: Light
    What it actually does: Armor+1, Sharpshooter ability
    Price: 650 Gems

  • Stealth Armor
    Old Description: Blackguard from the south wear this garb since it did well in consumer testing.
    New Decription: Blackguards who prove to be nimble enough don this, the lightest and most flexible of all armor sets. Go faster, jump higher, die... sooner?
    Heft Weight: Ultra Light
    What it actually does: Armor+1, Speed+30, JumpModifier+20, Reduced Stamina Sprint
    Price: 800 Gems
Tier 2 armor sets

  • Plate Armor
    Old Description: Worn by the Blackguard more to deal with significant threats than to sound like a disassembled stone thrown down the stairs.
    New Decription: When you need to punch harder, just twist the hips and put the weight of this armor behind your swing! Send those enemies flying! But, uh... don't try to jump.
    Heft Weight: Ultra Heavy
    What it actually does: Armor+2, JumpModifier-20, HeftBonus+2, Increased Stamina Jump
    Price: 875 Gems

    (Picture credit: Courier Sleee)

  • Ram's Head Armor
    Old Description: Worn by the Blackguard of the west. This armor style is preferred for its melee speed and relative lightness. Also, blood looks great on it.
    New Decription: The Blackguards of the West mimic the fighting style of the local wildlife: they fight face-first. This horned armor helps them to do it.
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: Armor+2
    Price: 1200 Gems

  • Robes of the Infernal Lich
    Description: The Infernal Lich, Tagomon was a decrepit and feeble monster, though feasting on your enemy's life force can keep you going for a while. Don her robes and see.
    What it actually does: Vampiric, AttackBonus +1
    Heft weight: Medium
    Price: 1700 Gems

    (Picture Credit: Glitch)

  • Swamp Hunter Armor
    Old Description: Worn by the Blackguard of the Segel Marshes (or those Blackguard who bought it on sale at clearance).
    New Decription: The Hunters of Gumail don the bones and viscera of their prey. This both confuses their enemies and protects against Acid and Poison. Smells bad, though.
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: Armor +2, AcidResist, PoisonRate -20
    Price: 1800 Gems

    (Picture Credit: The Danish Viking)
Tier 3 armor sets

  • Demonic Armor
    Old Description: Demons are extremely useful for many things, apparently, including as sewing materials.
    New Decription: That which is born of and forged in Hell's Fire is immune to it. Or, you know, slightly less hurt by it.
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: Armor+3, Fire Resistance
    Price: 1600 Gems

  • Forest Sentry Armor
    Old Description: Used by the Forest Sentries of the Last Towns; who occasionally shoot each other while hunting buck.
    New Decription: Used by the Forest Sentries of the Last Towns, who face the bitter cold of winter on a daily basis. They hit hard and scoff at Ice attacks.
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: Armor +3, HeftBonus +1, Ice Resistance
    Price: 1750 Gems

  • Desert Nomad's Armor
    Old Description: Worn by the Blackguard to the south; useful in the wastes of Agar. Also, not bad to make tent forts out of.
    New Decription: Worn by the Blackguards of the South. Provides great defense against the heat of the Agar wastes. Also quite flammable, so it's less great against actual Fire.
    Heft Weight: Light
    What it actually does: Armor +3, Speed+10, Weakness to Fire
    Price: 2000 Gems

    (Picture Credit: Snoblind)

  • Survivor's Suit
    Description: When facing the harsh elements of Tur-Dun, miners wore these suits. Hardly an armor, but the suit can heal wounds and soothe the exhaustion of its wearer.
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: HealthRegeneration, ExhaustionRegeneration
    Price: 2100 Gems

    (Picture Credit: Kikka)
Tier 4 armor sets

  • War Captain's Armor
    Old Description: Skav the War Captain wore this armor during the Reign of Bile. (It's been professionally cleaned since then.)
    New Decription: Skav the War Captain once took on an entire army by himself. He died standing on his own two feet. With his (unbearably heavy) armor, you can do the same!
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: Armor+4, JumpModifier-5, Exhaustion Degeneration
    Price: 2200 Gems

    (Picture Credit: The Danish Viking)

  • Armor of the Ninth Secret
    Old Description: Spoilers: The ninth secret comes after the eighth. (The eighth secret is where all lost keys go.)
    New Decription: The Ninth Secret is the Secret of Longevity. Whoever the armor adorns shall feel the constant healing hands of the Ancients. It's a gentle touch.
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: Armor +3, Health Regeneration
    Price: 2400 Gems

  • Armor of the Veil
    Old Description: The latest in evil overlord fashions.
    New Decription: Those who peer beyond the Veil, even momentarily, gain an immutable quickness. It's a nice side effect to soaking up all that radiation.
    Heft Weight: Medium
    What it actually does: Armor+4, Speed+20, Bash Resistance
    Price: 2750 Gems

    (Picture Credit: The Danish Viking)
Thanks for reading
If you're interested in learning what all of the codex books do, please check this steam guide out: It is sorted by each book and tells you what they do.

Hope this guide helped! Share it with a friend if it did so you go into the necropolis with KNOWLEDGE and favourite it so you never lose it! Comment if I've missed anything.

Need more KNOWLEDGE for Necropolis? Try checking out my other guide: You might learn a thing or two from it!

I will be adding screenshots of all the armor sets.

Don't forget to smash that like button. Just, SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON!
41 30 Nov, 2017 @ 7:04pm 
@undeadwaffle101 Off well thanks for responding at least
UndeadWaffle  [author] 30 Nov, 2017 @ 2:47pm 
@[LG] Forty One no sadly as this game kinda died for me lol
41 29 Nov, 2017 @ 4:08pm 
Is there a Beserker version?
mirazh 16 Nov, 2017 @ 12:28pm 
anyone still plays this game?
Salok 28 Jun, 2017 @ 4:41am 
Aru'Na'Dur 15 Jan, 2017 @ 10:29am 
No worries mate, thanks for the response.
UndeadWaffle  [author] 15 Jan, 2017 @ 10:28am 
@Aru'Na'Dur, yes I have but I no longer play this game so I have no motivation to updated the guides I've made. Sorry
Aru'Na'Dur 15 Jan, 2017 @ 9:16am 
This is really helpful thank you. Though I have to ask have you considered adding in the armor for the Brute?
Drakyn Lóng 29 Dec, 2016 @ 3:56pm 
Ah okay, thank you!
UndeadWaffle  [author] 29 Dec, 2016 @ 3:54pm 
@Shunt A. Zorah, stamina regen basically. When you use it all, it comes back faster instead of a delay.