884 ratings
Uncensored Shinovi Versus!
By HunterTwoOneOne
A comprehensive guide on how to make Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus uncensored! Includes download links, instructions on installation, a short customization section, and an active FAQ! Enjoy Shinovi Versus in the way it should be played!

NOTE: I don't own any of the listed files, I'm simply linking them. Thank you.
Preliminary Author's Note
Thanks for stopping by! This guide is NOT for those under the age of 17 due to the content within; however, I'm not your parents so go wild, what do I care...

For those who want to be 'friends'
You know who you are...
Look, I get it; you like my guide and that's great! It's nice to know you enjoyed it; but please kindly refrain from adding me. As cool as it may seem to have me on your Friends list, I'm really not interested. If you want to say hi or chat for a bit; drop by and leave a comment; that's totally fine

You are installing this mod at your own risk! It's not a hard process to follow, but if some how you break your game, I'm not to blame. Also, if you actually do break your game (Then maybe modding just isn't for you), just delete the folders and start fresh; grab a coke, take a break, and try again later.
The Files!
The first file you'll need is called Nipples Exist, and it does exactly that, adds nipples to the character models. The seccond file is rather simple in howit works, it's called Uncensor Patch. It also does just that, uncensors the game's content. This means no smoke effects, transformations are now 'nudeified', and those chibi heads are gone as well. Both files are found HERE[].
Video Tutorial
This video has the install tutorial for Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus.

Installing the Patch!
This part can be a bit complicated, as some of what is done is specific to the indvidual whom is installing these. I'm going to make this very simple and explain things using the simplist method, though there are other ways.

To install the Uncensor Patch:

Start by opening the game properties, this can be done by right clicking Shinovi Versus and selecting 'Properties'
From here, go to the tab titled, 'Local Files', and select 'Browse Local Files'
This will take you to where the game is installed, this can also be done by going he the file location manually, under Steamapps :: Common.

From here, you should back up the following folders: 2d, and SFX, as these are he folders that are being moddified. After you have created a backup of these, simply open the Uncensor Patch .zip file that you downloaded. It should contain two folders, a 2d folder and a SFX folder. Simply drag thise into the window for Shinovi Versus. Your computer will ask you if you want to overwrite the files, select yes. This will make the files edited into an uncensered version.

To install Nipples Exist:

Simply repeate the same process as with the Uncensor Patch. Copy the files over into the 2d folder, and allow it to to overwrite.

NOTE: This can result in problems in-game if done wrong; this is not the mod, it's you.
Alternate Modding Options!
So, thanks to a commentor I decided to look into ways to make this mod more personalized. If you don't like the nips on the Character Select screen or you want them out of cutsceens; this section will cover almost any custommization you could want.

Understanding the file names!
The file names aren't complicated; but they can be a bit confusing to look at. They all have a similar naming patern. A starting prefix of sorts (act, bm, eff...). Then comes a name; this specifies what it is for (title, menu, school, model...). The last part is the most important; this is the function that file serves (cam, bmb, tex, m3r, mod, mdl, swap...). If you're looking to change a specific thing; look for the proper name to change!


So for starters some of the file names that are most important:

In the 2D folder:


/\ These control the menues for school selection /\


/\ These control the in-game shop /\


/\ Control the dressing room /\

In the model folder:
'player' -- refers to cosmetics for the player.
'npc' -- refers to the other characters in-game that are not in use by the player

In the sfx folder:





/\ Used for the schools /\
This guide took alot of work; more so than it should have...
So, if you found it helpful, it'd be great if you'd give it a little thumbs up so it can be seen by more people!

Once again, this has been alot of work, but it's been fun too, so if you liked this, or even just stopped by to see what this sh*t was, drop a like; it's just the nieghborly thing to do!




No seriously, give it a like, that's really the only feedback I get other than comments, so I've got no idea if you guys liked it; save for those who tell me. It's not just some sh*t that everbody just feels obligated to say, I really don't know jack sh*t about the community opinion without it, so yeah, think about that.
Responding to Comments!
Oh joy. I just love it when I get repeats of comments. I'll keep this simple; I'll look through comments on the guide and respond here for the benefit of all.

This video will answer most questions; but not all.
A better quality version WAS in the works
This video is still just as bad as the day I made it; holy ♥♥♥♥ do I regret not taking 5 mins to make sure the audio was properly leveled and the video wasn't potato quality. So yeah; enjoy this video of me fumbling through an unscripted rant of sorts I guess...

Answers via text
I copied this text from a section I removed that was also related to responding to comments.

Let's start with the easy stuff.

The mods are buggy as all ♥♥♥♥. Not my fault; asking me what the hell to do about it is pointless. I didn't make these; I stated as such quite openly.

GoogleDrive was the best option. MEGAsync and MEGAupload would take such content down. I don't know why they give a ♥♥♥♥, but this kind of content gets flagged and removed often. Believe it or not, I'm not trying to send a virus to you via the download. If you don't trust the link, then, oh well. I 100% assure you it is virus free. However for those of you who choose to doubt this, go ahead and try to get the files another way. Have fun with a higher risk of viruses.

To that one guy who said that he doesn't have the game. *Sigh* Why did you post that? I get that you want to get the game, that's fine. TBH, I can't help you on that, nor do I care to. It's not that I enjoy being a souless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, (Let's be fair here, I kinda do tho...) but that's not really my problem. Also, why did you post that on this guide of all places? Nevermind, I don't want to know anyways...

I'm sure that I'll get more comments to respond to; I'll update this every so often, not exactly regularly tho...
Changelog & Etc
(In no particular order...)

- Fixed issues with links
- Added/improved 'Install' section
- Inserted the changelog
- Added a Customization section
- Total Overhaul of the guide
--- Streamlined the Comment Response section
--- Updated the section about a POSSIBLE video on installation
--- Made the changelog more simplified
--- Guide description improved

Links to groups!
Use these, please don't add me as a friend; I'm going to send you to these.

Link to my Steam Group for people who just want to chat or play a game
~ Nathan 'Neckbeard' Hunter's Hangout
Link to my anime specific Steam Group for people who only really wanna be there for anime stuff
~ Weaboo Hullabaloo
Issues, Bugs, and Errors
It has come to my attention that there are many users experienceing issues with this mod. I've begun to compile a list of known errors, bugs, and problems that have been found.

For starters: a recent update to the game seems to be the source of the issues. Reinstalling the mod doesn't seem to fix anything. I've gotten a few messages that lead me to believe user error and general idiocy play a part in some of the issues with the mod but I'm not a brain surgeon so there's not much I can do for that.

If you are having issues related to this mod and have recently installed it; please leave a comemnt below with the following information.

:: What were you doing at the time of the errors.
:: Describe the error/issue
:: PC specs (if lower than the recomended)

I will do my best to find a solution to fix problems as quickly as I can. If you have issues with the game breaking leave a comment. Please have patience as I may take some time to respond.

If you are having issues with installing the mod; please attempt to install it before commenting that you don't understand or need help. Nothing you can do while installing it is permanent so don't be a scared little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
HunterTwoOneOne  [author] 17 Dec, 2024 @ 8:06am 
Ah yeah, sorry, should have thought about that as a factor. So used to it being a download issue, sometimes the files get corrupted in downloading since they're large but that 100% makes sense. Glad it all works for you though. Have fun.
Mikazuki 17 Dec, 2024 @ 6:37am 
It worked after I switched the game language to English:marijacooing:
HunterTwoOneOne  [author] 17 Dec, 2024 @ 6:32am 
No, just once to remove the mods entirely and start over.
HunterTwoOneOne  [author] 17 Dec, 2024 @ 1:14am 
Verify Game Cache. You will not see anything different in game until you do a transformation. Try installing and testing with one mod at a time.
Mikazuki 17 Dec, 2024 @ 1:12am 
I installed the mod according to the instructions but it didn't work. The game is still censored.
Ikima 13 Aug, 2024 @ 6:15pm 
hi, just installed the mod and the game goes perfectly with the nipples exist mod, i don't see the uncensor work tough. i followed the steps in the video tutorial so i don't know what i could've fucked up
yVic_ 23 Jul, 2024 @ 4:35pm 
Dante 12 Jul, 2024 @ 3:02am 
I also wanted Katsuragi to have her default art in character selection, so as a test I just didn't add the 2D assets from Nipples Exist specifically and it worked. Models are still nude, but 2D art isn't. I'm guessing it's the act_swap_schoolXX_tex files that do it. So maybe just don't add those if you want the rest of the 2D assets from the NE mod.
QuestFaxer87 1 Apr, 2024 @ 5:56am 
how do i change the character selector art? i want to change katsuragi portrait into her nippleless one, it looked great honestly but i only want to see nipples on cutscene rather than, well, everytime
Disrook 27 Jan, 2024 @ 1:13pm 
dose anyone have the commando mod?