Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition

Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition

Оценок: 369
Fun Little Easter Eggs: Definitive Edition
От Xonifur и соавторов
This guide is about how to find easter eggs, as well as execute/find them for yourself!
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It felt wierd to not have an intro.
Intro Intro Introiness Goodness
Rainbow Ori
Executable from almost anywhere, this easter egg will change Ori's color from wide variety of colors, such as purple, blue, and green.

CODE: left, up, right, down, up, up, up, jump.
Super Meat Boy
Locatable in the Forlorn Ruins, guarded by a morbid amount of death rays
It is easy to identify when you are close after you come across a large room with plenty of floating rocks. Smashing the log in the room will open a door. Reaching the end of the room will grant a few surprises, the most memorable being Super Meat Boy.
Wilhelm Scream
Easily the most well known easter egg, this one is easy to do with a few simple bashes. Locatable in Sorrow Pass after restoring the Ruins.
To trigger the easter egg, the frog must fall off the cliff.
Triforce Easter Egg
A favorite of Zelda and Link fans everywhere. Locatable in the Thornfelt Swamp just above the Map Stone.
It is also possible to go around, but this direction is more convenient.
Mario Pipe + Cave Painting
While difficult to see at first glance, the Mario Pipe is very fun to see!
Locatable in the Sunken Glades, just to the left of the spirit well.
Star Wars?
??? *heavy breathing*
This easter egg makes Ori teleport!

Controller Code: Up Right Down Left RightStickButton Up Up Jump
Keyboard Code: W D S A 8 W W Space
(Up Right Down Left 8 Up Up Jump)

(Useful for speedrunning if you memorize where Ori teleports.)
(All areas have a specific teleport spot)

Forlorn Ruins are dangerous since your gravity won't change during teleports so use the teleports wisely. Don't want you teleporting and falling into spikes right?
Sparrow And Piño
Автор сообщения: Airborn_Studios

Nice summary! I think this was a collab between Simon and Johannes, Max might have had his hands in it as well. The vessel is called Sparrow and sittin on top is Piño a character of a mod we once developed, and never turned into a full game. As we are just better at making pretty pictures for games/film etc than developing games ourselves. I would still love to work a bit more on the universe but there is only so much time at hand.

Interesting how often one can write Airborn wrong in one post tho :D

Good luck with finding the rest of the eastereggs!

So to trigger this easter egg you have to stand at the spot where you get the Sunstone to open the gates to Mount Horu. (Or at least nearby) for 310 seconds

So get a picnic basket and idle for 5 minutes

Totaka Zone
Like the Twilight Zone but with a Mario Pipe!

So this makes some wierd noise that I know nothing about but I know how to trigger it.

So first, warp to this point.
Then, go to the Mario Pipe which is just to the left of the portal. Go deep into the water.
Now there's this rude door blocking your path, but there's a lantern nearby that you have to throw a Light Burst at.
It's just above you so chill
If you don't have the Light Burst skill but have Wall Jump then return to the well and climb the nearby wall and continue down the path until you have the skill.

Then just sit here for 60 seconds or so

You need water breathing so before you drown go ahead and get it
Indiana Jones
You can finally run from a rock now!
So first, stand right here.

After getting to this area, you may notice a door on the bottom right corner of your screen and a lever right next to you. Pull the lever for about a good 3 or 4 seconds and sprint past the door.
(It's a lot easier when you kill the enemies in the way first and use dash while running)

After getting past the door, make sure you make a soul link so that if you die you don't have to repeat everything all over again.

Now, just run for your life.
Rainbow Dash
I was going to make a comment but I forgot what I was gonna say

To trigger this easter egg you need to go to the waterfall in Thornfelt Swamp.
It's next to the rhino and the map stone.
It's next to a log


Next, you must press these buttons
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, e, jump, ctrl
In that order
(If you don't do it the first time you probably didn't do it fast enough so don't freak out just keep trying)

If we missed any easter eggs please tell us in the comments!
Комментариев: 107
Xonifur  [создатель] 7 янв в 20:35 
Batabii • M&L: Brothership 5 янв в 10:00 
That triforce picture is so poor quality I can't even make it out
RPG Gamer Man 2 дек. 2024 г. в 21:04 
Yea, i also did the indiana jones thing. Also you can break the rock with a slam at the end so you can get the item behind it.
OmegaRuby003 22 ноя. 2024 г. в 14:35 
I didn’t know the boulder was an Easter egg! I just found it because I wanted to explore and figured it was a fun way to let the player test out the dash
Xonifur  [создатель] 6 апр. 2024 г. в 10:12 
Ohhh I see it now. Yeah, that could definitely be a Rayman in there. Rock formation does look a bit deliberate.
Divad 3 апр. 2024 г. в 20:58 
I could be wrong but i'm almost certain it is meant to be, you can see the fuzzy hair at the top and the big round face/jaw

Xonifur  [создатель] 29 мар. 2024 г. в 12:53 
I'm afraid I don't see it; are you able to circle it for me?
Divad 28 мар. 2024 г. в 15:26 
I could be going insane, but i'm almost certain that this is Rayman right here in thornfelt swamp. sorry if this has been found before but i haven't seen anything about it https://imgur.com/gallery/Kzg6Qzv
Xonifur  [создатель] 5 фев. 2024 г. в 17:10 
Yeah it's one of my favorites too :HatHealth:
dzmaylon 3 фев. 2024 г. в 17:07 
The Rainbow Dash one??? THAT"S SO AMAZING! I loved this game for sooo long and never knew about most of these! Decided to check it when I accidentally heard Wilhelm scream XD