142 ratings
15+ Fresh Builds For Update 100+
By just Axiom and 1 collaborators
In this guide, you will find 10+ guides that have been revamped and made usable for Update 100. All are primarily presented in a video format, however a brief description plus link to the build on PD2skills is found with each for those who do not want to watch the video. Almost all of these builds work well in Deathwish.
Hello there heisters! Contained within the pages of this guide you will find 10+ builds that are fully updated, functional and effective for Update 100 and beyond! If you have just recently returned to Payday 2, Update 100 ushered in a wave of skill changes and rebalances, essentially invalidating any and all old builds and build videos as a result. My goal since that time has been to create and publish new builds for this grand, new era of Payday 2. In each section you will find a full length video, demonstrating the skills, weapon picks, perk decks for each build, as well as some gameplay and helpful tips and tricks PLUS a link to the build on pd2skills. Not a fan of videos? Each section also has a summary of the build and video, and a link to the build. It is my sincere hope that you perhaps discover some new builds, maybe a new way to play, and that you above all else, have a good time gaming.

Some of the builds may differ slightly from what is presented in the video, this is due to potential skill changes/editing errors and the linked build should always be considered the preferred and accurate one. I also do not use Frenzy in any of my builds because that ♥♥♥♥ is cancer.
New Player Build (HighSurvivability/StockholmSyndrome/Armor) NO DLC/INFAMY NEEDED
Welcome. If you're tired of dying, you've come to the right place. I've put this build together with the sole, express purpose of trying to help you, a newer player, not die. This build provides a variety of helpful skills that will keep you in the game longer, and bring you back from the dead a la Jesus if you happen to get downed. You have great offense, thanks in no small part to Silent Killer.

On the Plus Side...
+ Requires no DLC/Infamy.
+ Provides a nice amount of armor, health, damage boosts.
+ Stockholm Syndrome allows you to return in the middle of an assault wave, possibly giving you the opportunity to be the savior of the heist.
+ Points can be moved around relatively easily to accommodate most any heist.

On the Negative Side...
- Some points are taken here that may not be otherwise necessary for a skilled player.
- Let's face it, you need DLC in this game.
- Lack of infamy points means spending more points on trivial skills to get deeper into the skill trees.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: AMR-16, AK.762 primary, Krinkov secondary

Suggested Perk Deck: Muscle or Armorer
Super Sanic Shotgun Build (Anarchist/Shotgun/Light Armor Build)

The Super Sanic Shotgun Build is a build that utilizes the greatly improved armor granted by the Anarchist Perk Deck, as well as some of the excellent new buffs to shotguns to give you a fast and murderous light armor, yet high armor, build. You'll be quick on your feet, you will slice through waves of cops with your shotgun, you will be Sanic fast!

On the Plus Side...
+ Most things will die in one hit, especially when you have Overkill activated.
+ Due to the large spread of the Izhma, it's very easy to pick up multiple kills with one pull of the trigger
+ Large magazine size, improved ammo pickup means that ammo should not be a big problem.
+ Capable of cutting through shields thanks to an Enforcer Skill.
+ Build has a high degree of mobility.
+ The only DLC absolutely needed for this build to function is the Sydney Pack.

On the Negative Side...
- You can easily find yourself scrambling to get armor back if you are unable to hit enough headshots/generate kills to recoup armor loses.
- You will need a competent secondary to deal with Bulldozers, as the Buckshot Primary does not lend itself well to killing Dozers.
- Requires some of the most recent DLC.
- Requires a bit of smart play in order to maximize kills and minimize risk.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Izmah Shotgun primary, Judge/Street Sweeper with HE Rounds secondary

Required Perk Deck: Anarchist
Silent Killer (No Dodge/Grinder or Ex-Pres)

Silent Killer was already a great, but semi-niche build, before Update 100. Thanks to the recent update, it is very easy to pack some extra damage, accuracy and stability into almost any build. Most of your weapons will pick up considerable boosts for virtually zero sacrifices, aside from threat. It may make your weapons sound less cool, but it's a small price to pay for being able to roll through a Skulldozer with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ secondary thanks to the improved damage from Silent Killer, and the critical strike granted by Unseen Strike.

On the Plus Side...
+ Even the most mundane of weapons will pick up considerable damage, accuracy and stability bonuses.
+ Helps to negate a lack of DLC by adding the aforementioned boosts to weapons with considerable customization options locked behind a paywall (I'm looking at you CAR-4...).
+ Relatively easy to regenerate lost health.
+ High mobility.
+ Your weapons will have zero threat.

On the Negative Side...
- You do not have a lot of armor.
- A lot of weapons sound horrible silenced
- The occasional heister will tell you a heist is not stealth upon seeing your silenced weapons, due to a lack of basic understanding of gameplay fundamentals.
- Requires the user to play smart and not take great risks due to a low amount of armor.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: UAR, CAR-4, Bootleg Rifle primary, Krinkov, CR-805B secondary

Suggested Perk Deck: Grinder or Ex-President
Trip Mine Support (TripMines/Medkits)

Man have trip mines come a long way. Thanks to Update 100, you can now have up to 14 of these bad boys, AND shaped charges are now their own separate deployable. With this build, an emphasis has been placed on support skills provided by Inspire and a secondary deployable in the form of Medkits. Trip Mines are very destructive and will help to provide needed cover, and Shaped Charges can accelerate the pace of the game and allow you to speed through objectives much more quickly.

On the Plus Side...
+ Well placed Trip Mines can effectively lockdown entire hallways, corridors.
+ Spawncamp the enemy for maximum lulz.
+ Shaped Charges can make getting through doors and gates much quicker and easier.
+ Trip Mines can obliterate Captain Winters and Company.
+ Also oneshots dozers if they are within range.
+ Medkits provide some extra utility and survivability.
+ Inspire!

On the Negative Side...
- Once depleted, you cannot regain Trip Mines.
- You can take a lot of damage while laying mines if you aren't careful.
- Mines will sometimes be triggered by one or two cops, effectively wasting it.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Breaker 12G, Steakout primary, Street Sweeper with HE Rounds secondary.

Suggested Perk Deck: Biker, Armorer, Sociopath
Turret Destruction (Maniac/Akimbo Pistols)

Do you find Payday 2 to be a bit too difficult at times? Would you like to be able to sit back and let the game play itself while you explore the mystery's of your pants? You've come to the right place then! This build focuses on building a strong offense with Turrets. Turrets used to be pretty close to garbage before Update 100, but have come back stronger and more powerful than ever. Your focus should always be on keeping your turrets alive, but in case you actually want to shoot things personally, I have opted to go for Pistols with this build. Utilizing Jack of All Trades, we include a secondary ammo bag just for good measure.

On the Plus Side...
+ Turrets are incredibly strong and can easily lockdown objectives or entire sections of the map.
+ You can throw them down and go pee or check the mail and nobody will probably notice.
+ Turrets are a great diversion, can make the difference between a failed heist and a successful one very easily.
+ Provides a safe area to fall back to or to contain hostages.
+ Maniac provides a steady source of damage reduction for your and your crew.

On the Negative Side...
- Your own survivability is low due to points being heavily invested in Turrets and elsewhere.
- Requires some degree of micromanagement of your turrets health and ammo.
- Requires you to be cognizant of the sight line of your turret in order to maximize offensive capabilities and minimize time spent firing into walls or at targets that they have virtually no chance of hitting.
- The constant shooting sounds of the turrets has been known to induce madness in lesser beings.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Akimbo Chimano Customs, Akimbo Crosskills primary, Deagle Secondary, Judge With HE Rounds

Suggested Perk Deck: Maniac or Gambler
The CrookZerker (Dodge/Crook/Berserker)

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Berserker. Much like Silent Killer, Berserker will provide a sweet little damage boost to your weapons provided you are willing to sacrifice a bit of survivability and well, life. As soon as you can, get your health down as low as possible. This can be done by allowing the cops to shoot you or by dropping a molotov and standing in the fire. HE Rounds can also help to bring your health down, albeit slowly if you decide to use shotguns. Berserker will effective provide up to 100% increased weapon damage, giving you more bonus damage the closer you are to dead. Remember, 1 health is 1 more than what you actually need. Crook will provide you with improved armor and dodge, giving you a healthy margin of error.

On the Plus Side...
+ Armor and Dodge gives you some good survivability.
+ You will gain a significant amount of damage with Berserker.
+ You have ammo bags which will allow you to keep the party train rolling.
+ Build has good maneuverability and speed

On the Negative Side...
- Teammates will judge you and call you names if you down yourself by accident while trying to get your health down (It WILL happen).
- It is very easy to take too much damage and get downed as a result of trying to get your health low.
- You will need to make good use of cover in order to survive.
- Has a bit of a learning curve with managing health.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Akimbo Crosskills, Akimbo Chimano Custom primary, Deagle secondary.

Alternatively, move points into Sharpshooter and opt for a DMR Kit CAR-4 for some great damage.

Suggested Perk Deck: Crook
Samurai Jacket (Sociopath/Melee) - High Risk

Back to the past, Samurai Jack...Watch out... OH! Sorry, didn't see you there. It gets so lonely waiting for you in your closet like that. ANYWAY. The Samurai Jacket build is a Heavy Armor melee build inspired by Samurai Jack, that lovely old cartoon. Really though, that's a lie, as I just thought the name was a clever play on Jacket and decided to combine the two. This is one of but a handful of builds in this guide that I do not recommend playing on Deathwish, as you will likely get mowed down. Utilizing the steady armor and health regen from Sociopath, plus melee damage skills, you will utilze the Shinsakuto Katana to cut people to tiny, thin pieces.

On the Plus Side...
+ How often do you see or even play a melee build?
+ Build has good survivability.
+ Cowering enemies won't even be able to look you in the eye as you separate their head from their neck area.
+ You can decapitate Cloakers and knock them on their back, then carefully position yourself to ravage them with your katana.

On the Negative Side...
- Nowhere near as effective as a gun build.
- Requires a bit of learning to really perfect.
- You look silly running around flailing your arms around at people.
- Not the best way of dealing with dozers.
- Not safe on Deathwish.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Any primary shotgun will do really. AP Slug Raven can be good for dealing with shields, Street Sweeper with HE Rounds secondary.

Suggested Perk Deck: Sociopath

**Some people have suggested using Frenzy. Frenzy is currently bugged to give a constant damage reduction, IE, its not working as intended. Basing an entire build around a bugged skill, especially a build I hope to keep current, is not a good idea.
Sniper Rifle Build (HeavyArmor/Muscle)

Nothing says "I'm a real man/woman/Caitlyn Jenner!" like killing an enemy with a sniper rifle from 500 yards. Requested by one of my subscribers on YouTube, I put together this build to try and provide every tool needed to transform your heister into a long range killing machine. Utilizing the damage, accuracy and stability bonuses from Silent Killer and the critical hit from Unseen Strike, you will amp up your offensive capabilities even more than what should be allowed. Heavy armor provides some steadiness plus damage absorption.

On the Plus Side...
+ Most things will die in one shot, even with a body shot.
+ Ammo efficient thanks to the aforementioned.
+ Collateral kills are expected and encouraged.
+ Very easy to kill a Skulldozer in a couple of hits, its very easy to oneshot a shield through his... shield.
+ Your Boyscout Scoutmaster would be proud of your fine marksmanship.

On the Negative Side...
- A scoped primary can be difficult to use in a close range fight.
- Some skills will not get their full benefit on many maps (See High Value Target Aced).
- Reloads can be sluggish, cost you your life.
- Not as maneuverable as some builds.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: R93, Lebensauger .308 primary, Krinkov, CR-805B secondary

Suggested Perk Deck: Armorer or Muscle or Infiltrator or Biker
The Ultimate Flamer (Flamethrower/Berserker/Sociopath)

If you love the screams of people set on fire and the smell of burning flesh, you may need psychological help. If you like those things but definitely don't need psychological help because you are just fine and trying to burn the house down at age 12 is totally normal, then this build is for you. Utilizing the Flamethrower and the amplified damage brought to us by Berserker, you will get up to 100% more damage on your lovely Flamethrower. It's easy to pick up collateral kills, pacify entire rooms thanks to the occasional damage over time and panic effect of the flamethrower. The Sociopath perk deck is utilized to provide a steady stream of armor regeneration as well as the occasional fear effect on the sad little police. Lock n Load helps to provide a little bit quicker of a reload on the Flamethrower.

On the Plus Side...
+ A very deadly and destructive build capable of clearing entire rooms.
+ Very easy to get collateral kills.
+ Standard cops will get burned through quickly or put into cowering allowing for an easy pickoff.
+ Melts through shields, tasers and can stop a jumping cloaker in their tracks.
+ You can stunlock Bulldozers.
+ The screams of burning enemies can be arousing is arousing.

On the Negative Side...
- Tasers can cause you to blow through all of your ammo, fortunately you have Shockproof for that.
- You can accidentally down yourself while trying to get into Berserker damage range.
- Performs poorly against Bulldozers, you are better off stunlocking them for a teammate to clean up or switching to your secondary.
- Depending on your secondary, you may have limited range with your weapons.
- Ammo can be problematic.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Flamethrower with ++damage mods and stat boost primary, CR-805B, Krinkov secondary.

Suggested Perk Deck: Sociopath, Yakuza only if you lack Sociopath.
Minigun Mayhem (VulcanMiniGun/HeavyArmor/Sociopath)
TTTTTTTTTTTT goes the Minigun. Clank, clank, clank... The hot shells impact the pavement, like a heavy rain on a spring day. All around, broken bodies, gaping wounds and the pungent smell of gunpowder permeating the air.

I know, I know. I should have been an author. But instead I play video games, so yeah. This build focuses on using the Vulcan Minigun to wreck everything. It's great, it's fun, its a mess.

On the Plus Side...
+ Cops and specials die very fast.
+ You don't need to be very accurate.
+ It's fun!

On the Negative Side...
- Ammo burns out very fast.
- Tazers can obliterate your ammo as well.
- Long reload time.
- Kind of a gimmicky build.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Vulcan Minigun primary, Krinkov, CR-805B secondary.

Suggested Perk Deck: Sociopath, Infiltrator, Armorer
Buddy Cop Build (Joker/HighArmor/Health Regen)

If you have no friends, then this build will allow you to have at least two friends until they die. Because your friends always die. Utilizing Joker, you can dominate and convert two cops to fight for you. With Armor plus healh regen, and the cops providing a solid distraction, you should have no problem staying alive and making money.

On the Plus Side...
+ Having two Joker'd cops provides a great distraction.
+ Two fully maxed out cops can provide a great offense.
+ Generally stays near you, much better than prior to Update 100.
+ You have good survivability even without having converts.
+ Having converted cops provides you with more health and movement speed.
+ High armor, steady health regen.

On the Negative Side...
- NOT having converted cops means you are wasting a ton of skill points.
- Converts can be really, really stupid.
- If you aren't smart about it, you can lose a lot of health trying to get converts.
- Sometimes they will die just as easily as you get them.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: UAR, CAR-4, Really any Assault Rifle, Krinkov, CR-805B secondary.

Suggested Perk Deck: Infiltrator, Biker
You Can Dance If I Make You (ECMFeedback/Anarchist/AkimboPistols)
ECM Feedback. I frequently call it Overdrive because I don't know why. Utilizing the secondary function, you are able to trigger an ECM Feedback that stuns enemies within a small radius of the ECM. Even better, it will recharge after a few minutes and be usable again. A cop under the effects of ECM Feedback will not be able to attack you or fight back against your assault.

On the Plus Side...
+ You don't see a lot of people using it.
+ In the right situation and with a little luck, you can save the day with your ECM Feedback.
+ It's nice to see the cops helplessly standing there, ready to get mowed down.
+ Will recharge and be usable every 4 minutes.

On the Negative Side...
- This build is a bit gimmicky.
- Not very useful on large maps, moving heists.
- ECM stun radius is wildly inconsistent, will often only stun enemies that are within view of it and not through a nearby wall.
- Special enemies, particularly cloakers, will frequently ignore the stun effects.
- Once deployed, you have little with which to help your team.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Akimbo Bernetti 9, Akimbo Crosskills primary, Deagle, Judge with HE Rounds secondary.

Suggested Perk Deck: Anarchist

Heavy Machine Gunner (High Armor)

Machine gun bliss is to be found with this build. Put together to be more tanky and stationary, this build will serve you well if you need to put down some serious fire and mow down legions of cops. Heavy Armor allows you to be stationary longer, and the benefits of silent killer helps to really amp your machine guns offensive power.

On the Plus Side...
+ Silent Killer provides a much needed damage, accuracy and stability boost.
+ High Survivability
+ Mows through regular cops, thanks to an Enforcer Skill you can also knock shields down.
+ Kills dozers with ruthless efficiency.

On the Negative Side...
- This is a heavy build, meant to be played stationary.
- Can be kind of boring at times.
- Enemies can flank you, requiring you to get up from a bipod position to turn and face the threat.
- Build is at times sluggish.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: RPK, Brenner 21 primary, Krinkov, CR-805B secondary.

Suggested Perk Deck: Sociopath, Infiltrator, Biker
The Bullet Dodger (Rogue/MedKits) - High Risk

Have you ever wanted to dodge bullets like in The Matrix, yet you are nothing more than a mass of redundant protoplasm? Then this build is for you! This build is styled after whatever bullet hell movie or game you might enjoy, utilizing Akimbo Pistols with a plethora of dodge skills to theoretically give you a high chance to live. For good measure, Silent Killer is also taken in order to maximize your offensive capabilities.

On the Plus Side...
+ You move really fast.
+ You can roleplay like Neo in The Matrix and most people won't make fun of you.
+ You will mow through enemies and dozers very quickly, thanks to high damage and high critical strike chance.
+ If you are lucky, you will rarely take damage.
+ Build comes with a semi-steep learning curve.

On the Negative Side...
- If you have perpetually bad luck, you will get laid out on the ground faster than a hooker at a brothel on two for one night.
- Requires smart play in order to maximize survivability.
- Not the easiest build to learn or execute.
- Build comes with a semi-steep learning curve.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Akimbo Chimano Custom (My preferrence), Judge Secondary with HE Rounds, Deagle, China Lake

Suggested Perk Deck: Rogue
The Anarchist Breaker12G Lightweight Build

This build is focused around singing the praises of the holy trinity in Payday 2, The Breaker 12G, Anarchist and Crit. Between the high damage from the Breaker 12G, the armor regen from hitting cops and the high crit damage, you won't need to worry one bit about staying alive. The standard version of this build packs a small amount of dodge, 5-15% depending on which armor type you elect to bring. Aim roughly in the direction of an enemy and they will likely die. For backup and ammo management, you have the Judge and ammo regen from Fully Loaded Aced.

On the Plus Side...
+ You move fast.
+ Cops and specials alike will crumple into a mass of sinew at your feet as you mow through them.
+ Able to regain throwables thanks to Fully Loaded Aced.
+ Collateral kills are easy to make.
+ Shotguns are not the best for killing dozers, fortunately you have HE Rounds on your secondary to compensate.

On the Negative Side...
- Losing all of your armor can be very dangerous, as you have limited health to work with.
- You can get really unlucky and shredded by enemies sometimes.
- Ammo can be tight if you don't manage it effectively and get pickups.
- Build comes with a semi-steep learning curve.

Build Link:

Non-Dodge Variation -

Suggested Loadout: Breaker 12G Primary, Judge Secondary

Suggested Perk Deck: Anarchist

Super Sneaky Stealth Build

So with this build, you can pack two ECM's and should you feel the need, a Body Bag Case as a secondary. Some kids like to bring Trip Mines to use to mark enemies, but I think that's stupid to be honest and a waste of time. Plus it just futher trivializes the game. Outside of the main stealth skills, everything else is just kind of preference, so these are mine.

On the Plus Side...
+ I did the work for you with putting a build together.

On the Negative Side...

- No build will help you if you are bad at stealth.

Build Link:

Suggested Loadout: Doesn't really matter a lot, since a stealth kill is an instant kill with any weapon.

Suggested Perk Deck: Burglar
Thank You + Acknowledgements
Thank you for checking out this guide and spending a little bit of your precious time here. I hope that you are able to check out, enjoy and maybe learn a thing or two from these videos. I would like to especially thank some of my friends/subscribers who have helped me to make this guide and accompanying videos possible, including...
  • Shade - longtime friend and heister
  • Mike - helped with formatting the guide and capping random footage
  • Zombie - a true pimp
  • Zadie/Senpai/Whatever he calls himself today - a fine heister
  • Xomm - a godlike heister and a legend in his own right
  • Everyone who takes a few minutes to watch my videos on YouTube

If you found something helpful here, please consider putting a thumbs up on the guide and maybe on the YouTube video, or better yet subscribing! If you'd like some other cool stuff to watch, consider checking out one of the following videos. But above all else, remember to always have a good time gaming.

Five of my Favorite (Recent) DLC Packs

Ten of my Favorite Primary Weapons
R4v3n-45 27 Jan, 2018 @ 7:21am 
anarchist can't be completed, what gives?
Sigurd 13 Oct, 2016 @ 1:45am 
Will you write up another guide or tweak this one for one down sometime in the future?
just Axiom  [author] 9 Sep, 2016 @ 4:46pm 
Just pick one and roll with it DinkLord, fun thing is if you don't like it or it doesn't suit your playstyle, you can switch to something else easily!
Neemoi 9 Sep, 2016 @ 5:05am 
im confused the build XD idk what build to choose either dodge or grinder build or akimbo build
im pretty confused
just Axiom  [author] 22 Jul, 2016 @ 8:01am 
That's still not worth it, you'd want your health as low as possible in order to maximize the benefit of Berserker. So in reality you shouldn't be taking health damage in the first place.
saucey 22 Jul, 2016 @ 6:39am 
Frenzy is only bugged on the aced version, apparently (I could be wrong, this is just what I heard.) So if you want to run a melee build you still can, just don't ace Frenzy.
¤Wolfy¤ # CSGOFade.Net 19 Jul, 2016 @ 7:02am 
Baga-mi-as pula-n mortii tai
Grimm God 18 Jul, 2016 @ 3:12pm

This is my current build, It allows me to keep myself alive without much help, also requires no dlc and I'm pretty sure you could get away with less infamy but at least 2 or 3 is needed.
Redfire 16 Jul, 2016 @ 4:05pm 
@just Axiom - working on a video To be completely honest i had no idea that was what was going on, i just took it so i didnt have to blow myself up.
just Axiom  [author] 16 Jul, 2016 @ 3:53pm 
@Mechblade - I'll give it a try and see how it works, but part of why that probably works is because Frenzy does not work as intended right now. Currently, it grants you the damage mitigation to armor in addition to or instead of health (I'm not sure which one to be honest). So rather than get the damage reduction from Frenzy only on health damage, it grants it to armor as well. I had considered doing that with this build, but opted against it due to it requiring using a skill that is bugged and would presumably, one day, be patched and thus reduce the effectiveness of the build.