Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

182 人が評価
Saint Martin - 81 Tiles
4.931 MB
2016年7月2日 4時46分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Saint Martin - 81 Tiles

IMPORTANT: This map doesn't have a highway connection, on purpose, so you can let all people arive by boat or plane. I've also uploaded a version with a highway connection
I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU to subscribe to this collection: This includes all trees used on this map.
This map is at it best when using BloodyPenguin's 81 tile mod.
If the map theme doesn't work: Download the terraintexturereplacer mod and follow it's installation instructions. Add these textures to it's folder:

Saint Martin is a half Franch half Dutch island in the Caribbean. It's famous for it's landing strip right after a beach, the planes fly spectecularly low there. This map is an exact copy of the island, except for a mountain like that I've added. I think this map offers a lot of opportunities for building a tropical region with mods.

The map features ship routes that also go in the lagoon, so you can make ferry lines from there too.
69 件のコメント
nillax 2023年8月18日 18時16分 
I played with this one years ago & tried others over time... This is probably on of the greater ones I've ever seen... The hills/mountains add a nice separation/aesthetic tunnel way... I like the Island without outside connections... Just playing it again.. Nice Map

Loaded fine as a new game..
BLM=BangLocalMilfs 2022年2月13日 10時36分 
Is there a possibility of me getting a hold of a topographic birds eye view of this map?
Cheese 2021年6月9日 7時25分 
One of the most beautiful island maps, thank you
Lorki 2020年4月12日 9時01分 
The Map is not smooth enought.
The Map have many ugly stairs.
Concorde_Enchanting 2020年2月21日 13時12分 
Time to add Princess Juliana Airport.
Sinyger 2018年6月7日 2時27分 
I am chinese,who can tell me ,what that do?
Sinyger 2018年6月7日 2時26分 
yf 2018年2月1日 22時50分 
afifrais 2017年6月5日 23時42分 
There's no water current! Sewage covered half the island in no time
sykstring 2017年5月6日 19時49分 
@Ole: Thanks for the quick reply. I may give that a shot. I tried using the TerrainTextureReplacer by Roenzi, but it kept giving me errors. I'll try using the one from Holy Crab and see if that works. Thanks again for getting back to me so quickly and for the map.