Spiral Knights

Spiral Knights

32 ratings
How to get high level gear!
By e-girl (male)
Easiest way!
Time travel
It's very simple, you just have to play the game 5 years ago.

you may be thinking "Well I don't have a time machine, so this isn't really an option for me" and to that i say drop 50 bucks on a cheapo time machine its less than you'd pay to buy the gear in game.

you may also be thinking "Time travel isn't real" and to that I say you should crawl out of that rock because i just visited 1912.
That's all folks!
If this guide helped you drop me a favorite and a comment! Thanks <3
drakomatic 10 Jul, 2017 @ 2:20pm 
i can't do that because i never was stupid
Gome 16 Apr, 2017 @ 12:31am 
pff when you could only do vana once or twice a day w mist (free) energy? nah

I went from 0* to 5* in 2 weeks. Just grind. I've played SK for 5 years now being a free player up until a week ago. You still have the option to pay, and if you invest like 10 bucks you've already cleared 4*HOH.
[HETY] RoboGG 12 Apr, 2017 @ 1:00am 
damm. Em how do i pay?
chromaticEngineer (CE) 28 Sep, 2016 @ 9:22pm 
B E A R, 4-Star Gear is actually pretty good. not as good as 5-Star Obv, but that doesn`t mean you can`t shake it.
GrayCipher 28 Sep, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
although they added the mats, at least you don't have to cash each day just to get through a full run now.
e-girl (male)  [author] 27 Sep, 2016 @ 1:44pm 
most of my shit is 4star and yeah it took a bit of grinding but it was fair
with sega turning it into more of a cashgrab than it was before paired with the in game economy being garbage (which is a result of the shit changes) everything is twice as expensive as it was back when i started
and while im complaining what the fuck were they thinking with heat crystals being a new requirement for leveling up shit dude theyre so expensive that my gear has been at the same level for, well, since they put that in.
Edward Wigglesworth 27 Sep, 2016 @ 1:22pm 
Bear, you may be confusing 3*+ gear is 4* and 5* gear. 3star gear just takes a few cheap orbs and some heat grinding along with mats to make a 3* gear.
GrayCipher 18 Sep, 2016 @ 2:38pm 
true, the additional cost of crafting and forging is a huge pain.
e-girl (male)  [author] 18 Sep, 2016 @ 9:54am 
Real talk though I'd rather spend 10 energy again for each floor than it be almost impossible to get 3*+ gear