LEGO® STAR WARS™: The Force Awakens

LEGO® STAR WARS™: The Force Awakens

133 ratings
Broden's LEGO Videogame Help-LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
By legogamesguy
This is a complete walkthrough for the game. It covers all 12 story levels in Story and Free Play Modes, as well as all 6 Adventure levels. It covers a complete guide for exploring each of the hubs, as well as a little section of Cheat Codes. Check out more of my guides here on Steam or at
The Battle of Endor-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper, Scout Trooper, AT-ST, Imperial Royal Guard
Boss: The Emperor
Starting Characters: Chewbacca, Princess Leia (Endor), Han Solo (Endor)
Added Characters: Wicket, R2-D2; Luke Skywalker (Episode VI), Darth Vader; Millenium Falcon (Classic)
True Jedi: 80,000

1. Start off by defeating 10 Stormtroopers. After defeating them, an AT-ST will show up and shoot down an Ewok glider, creating a pile of LEGO pieces. Build the multi-build on the left to create a trampoline. Use it to reach the upper ledge, then use the grapple point to rescue Wicket, adding him to your party. Head through the travel chute on the left, then push the box on the left off the ledge. Build the multi-build on the right to create a ladder, allowing Chewbacca to reach the upper level. Use the super strength handle to pull back a log, then drop down and head right. Jump and dive to avoid the AT-ST's fire, then use the other super strength handle to raise the other log. Raising both logs will destroy the AT-ST, allowing you to continue. Continue towards the blaster battle, then defeat the enemies. You will then press on towards the AT-ST. Shoot the explosives to destroy it, allowing you to free roam the area. Continue along the path, then head right past the travel chute. Use Wicket to take command of the Ewoks, then head back left and head through the travel chute. Use your Ewok friends to push down the logs, destroying the AT-ST. Head down the ramp, then build the bottom multi-build to construct a turret. Use it to destroy the log blocking your party's path, allowing them to join you and adding R2-D2 to your party. Smash your turret, allowing you to construct the multi-build on the right. You will build an astromech panel. Use it to raise the platform, allowing you to continue. Destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to hop on top of an AT-ST. Follow the button prompts to hop inside the AT-ST.

2. Use your AT-ST to smash through the gold barriers, then continue along the path. Destroy the gold rock chains to lower the bridge, allowing you to continue. Continue along the path until you reach the bunker. Switch to a partner and build a multi-build to enter the bunker.

3. Time to take on Sidious. You are in control of Luke Skywalker (Episode VI) and Darth Vader. Use the Force on the two crane arms (you'll have to Sith Force one of them) on the side of the Emperor's throne to damage him. Use the multi-build to build both an X-Wing and TIE Fighter model, then Force and Sith Force them respectively to do more damage. Sidious will then construct a barrier of silver objects to protect himself. Force and Sith Force the objects against the back wall to damage him, then throw your lightsaber at the targets above him. Follow the button prompts to pick him up and defeat him.

4. You are in control of Millenuim Falcon (Classic). Fly around and shoot up the Death Star.

5. Much the same as before, avoid the TIE Fighters and destroy as much as you can.

6. First, shoot the shield plating around the reactor. Aim for the blue parts to do more damage. After that, fly around and pick up torpedoes either from TIE Fighters or dispensers. Destroy all of the torpedo targets to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Millenium Falcon (Classic)
Rebel Alliance X-wing
Endor Speeder Bike
Millenium Falcon (Classic) (Microfighter)
Rebel Alliance X-wing (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: AT-ST Pilot
Darth Vader
Han Solo (Endor)
Lando Calrissian
Luke Skywalker (Episode VI)
Princess Leia (Endor)
Wedge Antilles
C-3PO (Classic)
After The Battle of Endor
You are in control of Poe Dameron and BB-8. Follow the guide studs to reach Poe's X-wing. Build the multi-build to the left to construct a bounce pad for BB-8, allowing you to reach the ledge above. Head left and use the astromech panel to move a grapple point, allowing Poe to join you. Hop into the X-wing to start Assault on Jakku.
Assault on Jakku-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper, Flametrooper
Starting Characters: Poe Dameron, BB-8
Added Characters: Dasha Promenti
True Jedi: 80,000

1. Your first order of business is to ready the weapons for the villagers. Head right and scan to reveal a grapple point. Use it to reveal a multi-build. Build the one on the right to construct a bounce pad for BB-8. Use it to hop onto the crane platform, then smash the multi-build. Build the one on the left to build a wheel. Turn it to move BB-8 to the left. Use the astromech panel on the ledge to open the hut. Head inside, then smash the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it up, revealing the first weapons crate. Head to the right and destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it up to open the house. Climb the stairs and destroy the glowing objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a GNK Droid, revealing the second weapons crate.

2. Time to take the fight to the First Order. Head out of cover and defeat the enemies, then use the grapple point on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a turret, then charge the generator on it to clear the path. Continue to the blaster battle, where Dasha Promenti will be added to your party. Defeat the Stormtroopers, then shoot the explosives to destroy the turret. Head to the right and scan the dropship to reveal a weakness. Shoot it up to destroy it, allowing you to free roam the area. Head to the left and use the grapple point to reveal a multi-build. Build the one on the left to build a panel for BB-8. Use it to put out the fires, allowing you to continue. Continue through the village, then use the grapple point on the dropship to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an astromech panel, then use it to clear the way. Continue on, then destroy the glowing objects on the right to reveal a multi-build. Build either of them to defeat the troopers, then destroy the glowing object to reveal a multi-build. Build the one on the left, then hop on the platform to fill the tank with water. Build the center multi-build to build a panel for BB-8. Use it to rotate the water tank, then build the multi-build on the right. Charge up the generator to put out the fires, ending the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Poe Dameron's Blue X-wing
Rey's Speeder
Poe's Blue X-wing (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: FN-2187
Poe Dameron
Dasha Promenti (75,000)
Flametrooper (125,000)
Ilco Munica (50,000)
Kinn Zih (50,000)
Ophi Egra (50,000)
Stromtrooper (50,000)
GNK-143 (150,000)
After Assault on Jakku
You are in control of Poe Dameron and FN-2187. Follow the guide studs to reach a First Order panel. Use it to call in a dropship, then hop on to start the next level.
Escape from the Finalizer-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper, First Order Officer, Special Forces TIE Fighter, Teedo Scavenger, Vulture
Starting Characters: Poe Dameron (Prisoner), FN-2187
Added Characters: R-3PO; Special Forces TIE Fighter; Rey (Scavenger), BB-8
True Jedi: 120,000

1. Head to the right and head down the stairs, then push the box along the tiles. Use both characters to push the large block out of the way, creating a bridge. Cross it, then smash the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lift, then hop on to reach the upper ledge. Hop off and head right, then use the grapple point to lower a block onto the tiles. Push it into the gap, allowing you to hop across to the other side. Use the other grapple point to lower another block, then push it into the gap. This will create a bridge across the gap. Head right and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an alarm clock, freeing R-3PO and adding him to your party. Head back left and use the protocol panel to charge up the speeder, clearing the path ahead. Poe is now armed and free of the handcuffs, which gives him a bit more mobility. Build the multi-build on the right to create a motor for the lift, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Shimmy across the beam and grab the handle to reveal a target. Drop down and build the left multi-build to construct a cannon. The cannon will shoot the target, pulling open the control room. Build the multi-build on the right, then head into the control room. Use the First Order panel inside to free up the TIE Fighter, then head into the lift. You will now be in a blaster battle. Defeat the first wave of enemies to press forward. Use the grapple point on the left to lower the shield around the turret, allowing you to destroy it. Destroy the turret and defeat the remaining enemies to press on. Shoot the target on the right to clear the way for Poe. Scan on the left and right to reveal weak spots on the turret. Destroy them to end the blaster battle. Run over to the TIE Fighter and hop inside, then destroy the control room, docked TIE Fighters and turrets.

2. You are now in a Special Forces TIE Fighter. Fly around and destroy 10 turbolaser turrets to reveal a large deck cannon. Grab torpedoes and destroy it, then shoot down the missiles coming at you.

3. You are now in control of Rey (Scavenger). Simply move around and collect studs.

4. BB-8 has been added to your party. Head left and destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build one of them to allow you to ride the Luggabeast. Scan to reveal a cracked block, then hop on the Luggabeast and use it to smash it, revealing a generator. Charge it to reveal bars. Hop up them, then head right. Use the panel to run across the wall, then jump across the bars to the right, revealing a generator. Charge it, opening the hatch below you. Head inside, then head to the right. Jump across the gap on the poles, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a battery, revealing a socket. Throw Rey's staff into it, then use it to swing onto the ledge. Use the panel to run across the gap, then follow the button prompts to pull yourself onto the ledge. Push the block off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a bounce pad, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Head to the right and use the astromech chute to reach the upper ledge. Use the astromech panel to reveal blocks, allowing Rey to join you. Hop up the wall and head right, then slide under the debris and continue right. Use the panel to run across the gap, then climb up the wall. Continue right, sliding under the debris, then drop down. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the far multi-build, then use the rotary handle to create a ramp, allowing BB-8 to join you. Build the multi-build on the bottom right to reveal a panel for BB-8, then use it to open the door. Head outside to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Special Forces TIE Fighter
Special Forces TIE Fighter (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: FN-2187 (Helmetless)
Poe Dameron (Prisoner)
Rey (Scavenger)
Chief Petty Officer Unamo (100,000)
First Order Fleet Engineer (50,000)
Officer Sumistu (50,000)
Petty Officer Thanisson (75,000)
Technician Mandetat (50,000)
TIE Pilot (50,000)
R-3PO (125,000)
R5-J2 (75,000)
After Escape from the Finalizer
You are in control of Rey and BB-8. Follow the guide studs to reach a gap. You will unlock a new feature for use in hub worlds, the ability to call in vehicles. Use it to call in Rey's speeder, then hop on and use it to cross the gap. Ride over to the force field, where a Rodian will taunt you and challenge you to open it. Build the multi-build on the left to build an astromech panel. Use it to reveal a pole socket. Build the other multi-build to build a trampoline. Throw Rey's staff into the socket, then use the trampoline to reach the poles. Swing across all of them to reveal a generator. Charge it up to lower the force field, allowing you to continue into Niima Outpost and start the next level.
Niima Outpost-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper, TIE Pilot, Special Forces TIE Fighter
Starting Characters: Rey, Finn, BB-8
Added Characters: SN-1F4, Millenium Falcon
True Jedi: 120,000

1. Head to the right and slide under the debris, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the object on the left to build a ballista. Use the rotary handle to turn it, clearing the path and allowing your partners to join you. Build the object on the right to build a panel for BB-8. Use it to reveal a First Order panel, then use it to clear the shuttle wreckage. Head down the path, then continue to the right. You can use the multi-build by the shuttle debris to distract the troopers, but it's not necessary. Continue right and smash the objects on the far right to reveal a travel chute. Travel through it to reach the upper ledge, then head left and charge the generator to rotate the ship engine, revealing pole sockets. Throw Rey's staff into the first one, then swing up the poles to the ledge. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, allowing Finn to join you. With your party reuinted, continue to the right and use the grapple point to reveal a target. Shoot it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a boost pad, then use it to hop over the debris. Hop up the ledges and use the astromech panel to clear the path, allowing your partners to join you. Continue to the right, then use the panel to run across the gap. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a turret, then use it to destroy the bridge covering, allowing your partners to join you. Continue to the right and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a panel for BB-8, then use it to open the pen. Hop on one of the animals, then smash through the cracked blocks to clear the path. Smash the cracked block in the far back of the area, then continue on.

2. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build either of the builds to get rid of the dropship, revealing a new multi-build. Build the object on the left to construct a rotary handle. Turn it to move the grapple point into position, allowing Finn to reach the upper ledge. Build the object on the right to construct a panel for BB-8. Use it to reveal a wall, allowing Rey to reach the upper ledge. Head to the upper ledge, then push the large block into the hole, revealing a target below. Drop down and shoot it, clearing the way ahead. Continue along the path, then shoot the target to drop the wheel. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to open the awning, allowing you to continue. Continue to the right to enter a blaster battle. Defeat the enemies, then defeat the enemies that come out of the dropship. A TIE FIghter will then fly overhead, revealing a travel chute. Travel through it, then use the astromech panel to take control of the turret. Use it to destroy the building and dropship (destroy the gold segments) and shoot down a few TIE Fighters. You can now free roam the area. Head to the right and shoot the target to reveal SN-1F4, who will be added to the party. Use him to sift through the nearby sand pile, revealing a multi-build. Build the object on the left to build a panel for BB-8. Use it to rotate the track, then build the object on the right to move the turret into place. Hop inside, then shoot down 6 TIE Fighters. One of the TIE Fighters will crash, clearing your way to the Millenium Falcon. Hop inside.

3. You are in control of the Millenium Falcon. Fly around and shoot down TIE FIghters. Once you reach the free flying portion, shoot down 10 TIE Fighters to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Millenium Falcon
Millenium Falcon (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Finn
Hobin Carsamba (75,000)
Hoogenz (50,000)
Monn Tatth (50,000)
Quinar (50,000)
Sarco Plank (250,000)
Taryish Juhden (50,000)
Unkar Goon (75,000)
Unkar Plutt (150,000)
Unkar Thug (75,000)
After Niima Outpost
You are in control of Finn, Rey and BB-8. Follow the guide studs, then use the astromech panel to open the doors, revealing toxic gas. Use the grapple point to knock down a gas mask. Finn will pick it up, allowing him to pass through the gas. Head to the vent controls, then turn the wheel to clear the gas. Use the rotary handle to fix the power core to restore power to the cockpit. Follow the guide studs to the cockpit, allowing you to start the next level.
The Eravana-Story Mode
Enemies: Guavian Gunner, Guavian Security Soldier, Kanjiklub Gang Member, Kanjiklub (Sniper)
Boss: Rathtar
Starting Characters: Han Solo, Chewbacca, BB-8
Added Characters: Rey, Finn, Crab Droid
True Jedi: 65,000

1. Head to the right and scan to reveal a silver panel. Use Chewbacca to destroy it, starting a blaster battle. Defeat the enemies, causing you to switch parties.

2. You are in control of Rey and Finn. Head down and left through the toxic sludge, then turn the wheel to shut off the gas, allowing Rey to join you. Use the panel to run across the gap, then throw Rey's staff into the socket. Swing up the poles, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then use it to create a bridge, allowing Finn to join you. Use the grapple point in the back alcove to destroy the turret above you.

1. Press on, then use Chewbacca to destroy the silver clasps, ending the battle. Head to the right and head through the travel chute, then use the panel to maneuver the object through the path, placing it in Area 2.

2. Head to the right and smash the glowing object to reveal a rod. Pick it up, then place it in the slot on the left.

3. Run away from the Rathtar, avoiding the obstacles.

4. Time to rescue Finn. Smash the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the object on the right, trapping one of the Rathtar's tentacles. Use the super strength handles to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a trap. Build the center multi-build to trap another tentacle, then build the left multi-build to build a panel. Use it to rescue Finn. Use the grapple points on the right to open the door.

5. Defeat the enemies and wait for the Rathtar to pick up an explosive crate. Shoot the target on it to reveal a multi-build on the left. Build the right object to reveal a wall. Climb up it, then use the rotary handle to reveal an astromech panel. Drop down and build the left multi-build, building a bounce pad. Use it as BB-8 to reach the upper ledge, then use the astromech panel to start moving crates. Wait for the Rathtar to pick one up, then shoot the target on it. Scan on the right to reveal a silver panel, then destroy it to clear the path, revealing toxic gas. Pass through it, then use the grapple point to reveal a multi-build. Build the objects in the order left, right, center to open the door on the right. Build the LEGO pieces into a Crab Droid, adding it to your party. Head to the left and head towards the Rathtar to spray it with water, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a panel, then use it as BB-8 to raise Chewbacca on the lift. Use the super strength handles to start crates moving on the right. Wait for the Rathtar to pick one up, then shoot the target on it. Build the LEGO pieces into a turret, then shoot the Rathtar repeatedly. Follow the studs to the Millenium Falcon.

Unlocked Vehicles: The Eravana
Guavian Marauder
The Eravana (Microfighter)
Guavian Marauder (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Chewbacca (Wounded)
Han Solo
Bala-Tik (250,000)
Crokind Shand (75,000)
Guavian Gunner (100,000)
Guavian Security Soldier (75,000)
Kanjiklub Gang Member (50,000)
Kanjiklub (Sniper) (75,000)
Razoo Qin-Fee (250,000)
Tasu Leech (250,000)
Volzang Li-Thrul (125,000)
After The Eravana
You are in control of Rey, Chewbacca and BB-8. Follow the guide studs, then use the super strength handle to open the door. Defeat the 6 Mynocks to reveal silver boxes. Follow the guide studs and destroy the silver boxes, then build the LEGO pieces into a panel for BB-8. Use it to repair the hyperdrive. Follow the guide studs to navicomputer, allowing you to start the next level.
Maz's Castle-Story Mode
Enemies: GA-97
Starting Characters: Rey (Takodana), Han Solo, Finn, BB-8
True Jedi: 100,000

1. Head to the right and head down the walkway towards the entrance to Maz's Castle. Scan on the right to reveal a grapple point. Use it to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object, then charge the generator to clear the tree, revealing a wall. Build the right object, then climb the wall you revealed earlier. Drop down onto the ledge, then smash the flower box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a pipe, then charge the generator on the water cannon, opening the door. Head inside.

2. Head to the left and talk to the Crimson Corsair as Finn and he will ask you to shoot targets. Shoot the 10 targets within the time limit. Head to the right and scan to reveal a generator. Charge it to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object, then hop on the bellows to cook the chicken. This will clear the path to the right. Continue to the right, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object to build a rotary handle. Turn it to reveal a travel chute. Head through it, then use the BB-8 panel to connect the pipes, sending the drinks through the pipe. Build the left multi-build object to fix the pipes.

3. Head down the path, then head left. Shoot the targets to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a panel for BB-8, then use it to partially raise the gate. Slide under it, then smash the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object, then turn the wheel to raise the gate. Build the left object to build an astromech panel, then use it to open the door. Continue down the path, then build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle. Turn it so the statues face forward (step on the button when the statue is facing forward; both will not face forward at once), revealing a ganerator. Charge it to open the door, then continue along the path. Smash the glowing object in the center of the room to reveal a multi-build. Build the LEGO pieces into a BB-8 panel, then build the left object to build a rotary handle. Turn it to open the door, then smash the objects inside to reveal a gear. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then build the right object. Bounce up the trampoline onto the poles, then swing up onto the ledge. Climb the wall, then switch back and forth between BB-8 and Rey, using the panel to maneuver the walls into position. When you reach the left ledge, climb up the wall and head left. Shimmy to the left, then drop down and smash the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to open the door below you. Drop down and head inside, then smash the objects to reveal a gear. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then build the center multi-build object. Use the BB-8 panel to open the door to Luke's lightsaber. Head inside to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Takodana Cruiser
Takodana Skipper
Takodana Cruiser (Microfighter)
Takodana Skipper (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Rey (Takodana)
Bazine Netal (350,000)
Cratinus (50,000)
Grummigar (200,000)
Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins (50,000)
Prashee (50,000)
Rey (Young) (75,000)
Sudswater Dillifay Glon (50,000)
Taybin Raylorsa (50,000)
Ubert "Sticks" Quaril (50,000)
GA-97 (75,000)
HURID-327 (400,000)
After Maz's Castle
You are in control of Rey (Takodana) and BB-8. Follow the guide studs, then climb the wall. Turn the rotary handle to raise BB-8 up on the lift, then head right. Use the BB-8 panel to open the gate, allowing you to start the next level.
Battle of Takodana-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper, Special Forces TIE Fighter
Boss: FN-2199
Starting Characters: Chewbacca, Han Solo, Finn (Takodana), Maz Kanata
Added Characters: Poe Dameron's X-wing, Resistance X-wing
True Jedi: 120,000

1. Head down the path, then cut through the door to open it. Continue along the path, then cut through the bars to reveal a travel chute. Crawl through it, then smash the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into tiles, then push the block off the edge, revealing a multi-build. Build one of the objects to distract or defeat the troopers, allowing you to continue. Head into the blaster battle, then defeat the trooper with the chain gun. Defeat the enemies to reveal a grapple point. Use it to reach the ledge, then defeat the enemies to press on. Scan on the right to reveal a silver panel. Destroy it to press on. Defeat two flametroopers to end the blaster battle. Continue along down the path to fight FN-2199. Avoid his attacks, then smack him when he's dizzy. He will then reveal a multi-build. Build each object to damage him, causing him to chase you. Smack him when he's dizzy, then repeat the process. Follow the button prompts to clash with him.

2. You are in control of Poe Dameron's X-wing and Resistance X-wing. Shoot down the waves of enemies as they appear. Defeat them all to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Poe Dameron's X-wing
Poe Dameron's X-wing (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Finn (Takodana)
Maz Kanata
Poe Dameron (Flight Suit)
Snap Wexley
Korr Sella (50,000)
Mi'no Teest (50,000)
Resistance X-wing Pilot (75,000)
Trinto Duaba (50,000)
Varmik (100,000)
Wollivan (100,000)
After Battle of Takodana
You are in control of Finn (Takodana), Chewbacca, Han Solo and BB-8. Follow the guide studs and destroy the silver panel on the TIE Fighter to destroy it, clearing the path. Follow the guide studs, then scan to reveal part of the tree. Cut through it, then continue to the Falcon, allowing you to start the next level.
The Resistance-Story Mode
Starting Characters: Finn (Takodana), General Leia, C-3PO, BB-8
True Jedi: 35,000

1. Head to the right and use the protocol panel to open the door, then head inside. Cut through the panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into tiles, then push the block out. Destroy the glowing objects in the center to reveal a multi-build. Build the one on the left, then use the BB_8 panel to move the crane. Build the object on the right to move the crane to the ice block, picking it up. Build the object on the left to move the ice block to the other set of tiles, then push the block to the right. Charge the generator on the X-wing to melt the ice, allowing you to build the first pipe. Grab the bar on it to put it in place. Head left and use the Resistance panel to reveal soldiers. Use them on the command grapple points to allow you to jump to the second pipe. Grab the bar to put it in place. Charge the generator that appears to open the door. Continue along the path, then use the Resistance Generals to step on the command buttons. This will reveal a BB-8 panel. Use it to connect the pipes, opening the door. Use the astromech panel.

2. Head to the left and hop up the wall, then head right. Cut through the panel to reveal a multi-build. Build the object on the left, then on the right. This will get C-3PO onto the upper ledge. use the protocol panel to open the door below you. Head inside and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speeder, then drive it over to the Millenium Falcon to load the power core. Head to the right and use the Resistance panel to reveal a group of Resistance soldiers. Bring them over to the left and use them to push the engine to the left, allowing you to continue. Use the grapple points to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into another speeder, then drive it to the Falcon to load the missiles. Head back to the right and use C-3PO to talk to Nien Nunb. Hop on the lift that appears, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object, then use the BB-8 panel to move the conveyor belts, revealing a gold box. Use the Resistance soldiers to destroy it, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a robot, which will give Nunb his ice cream. Nunb will lower the shields for you, allowing you to destroy the glowing objects. Build them into a speeder, then drive it to the Falcon to load the Wookie cookies on board. Load all three speeders onto the Falcon to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Resistance Freight Transporter
Resistance Transport
Resistance Transport (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: General Leia
Admiral Statura (150,000)
Caluan Ematt (150,000)
Goss Toowers (50,000)
Major Kalonia (50,000)
Nien Nunb (Classic) (75,000)
Resistance General (75,000)
B-U4D (100,000)
PZ-4CO (125,000)
R2-KT (75,000)
After The Resistance
You are in control of Finn (Takodana) and Chewbacca. Follow the guide studs, then use the grapple point to reveal a multi-build. Quickly build the objects in order from left to right, then follow the guide studs to the navicomputer, allowing you to start the next level.
Starkiller Sabotage-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper
Boss: Captain Phasma
Starting Characters: Finn (Takodana), Han Solo (Starkiller Base), Chewbacca
True Jedi: 50,000

1. Head to the right and use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Cut through the snow boulder to reveal more pieces. Destroy the glowing probes droid to reveal more pieces. Build them into a laser, then hop on to cut through the snow, revealing a silver panel. Destroy it to clear the path, then shimmy across the gap. Continue right, then use the grapple points to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up. Use the super strength handle to reveal blocks, then jump across them. Follow the button prompts when prompted, allowing you to safely cross the gap. Continue to the right, then destroy the glowing turret to reveal LEGO pieces (you can use the multi-build for this, but it's not necessary). Build them into a magnet revealing targets. Shoot them to open the door, revealing a wall. Hop up it, then build the LEGO pieces into a zipline. Slide down it, then cut through the coil to shut off the shield, allowing your partners to join you. Continue to the right, then destroy the silver satellite dish to reveal a multi-build. Quickly build the objects from left (you'll have to activate the panel) to right to reveal a First Order panel. Use it to open the door, revealing a lift. Hop inside.

2. Head to the right, then drop down off the ledge. Continue to the right through the toxic gas, then drop down the gap. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal a wheel. Pick it up, then place it in the slot. Turn it to shut off the gas, allowing your partners to join you. Climb up the red pole, then continue to the right and head down the stairs. Smash the objects to reveal a super strength handle, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a miniature snowspeeder, distracting the turret. Continue right, then use the grapple point to cross the gap. Scan to reveal a target, then hit it to create a bridge for Chewbacca. Continue to the right, then use the grapple points to reveal a silver panel. Destroy it, then head into the courtyard. Use the First Order panel on the left to reveal a multi-build. Build each of the objects to create trampolines, allowing you to reach the bars on each side. Grab onto both bars to open the vent, then hop inside.

3. Head right up the stairs, then head left. Use the multi-build to build the right object. Use the lift to reach the bars, then build the center object. Use the super strength handle to maneuver Finn to the upper ledge. Cut through the wall, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to build a hat machine, then use it to grab a Stormtrooper helmet. Drop down and head right, then use the panel to lower the shields. Continue to the right to start a blaster battle. Shoot the target on the left to reveal a grapple point, then use it to take out the shielded trooper. Destroy the silver panels on the bridge to defeat the next wave of enemies. Scan to reveal grapple points, then use them to destroy the turret. You can now free roam the area, so press ahead and build the LEGO pieces into a super strength handle. Use it to open the door, then continue on to the boss fight. Avoid her attacks until she moves left, then destroy the silver panel when it appears. Repeat this process for the other side. Phasma will then build a missile turret. Avoid her shots, then shoot the targets when you can. Destroy the turret to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Snow Speeder Bike
First Order Snowspeeder (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Han Solo (Starkiller Base)
FN-2112 (75,000)
Snowtrooper (75,000)
Stormtrooper (Hot tub) (75,000)
Special Forces TIE Pilot (75,000)
MSE-E (75,000)
After Starkiller Sabotage
You are in control of Poe Dameron (Flight Suit) and Snap Wexley. Follow the guide studs to be tasked with finding a replacement astromech droid. Follow the guide studs to a pile of crates, then scan to reveal grapple points. Use them to reveal a multi-build. Build the object on the left to add R4-P44 to your party. Head back to the X-wing and use the astromech panel to prep the X-wing. Hop inside to start the next level.
Destroy Starkiller Base-Story Mode
Enemies: Special Forces TIE Fighter, Stormtrooper
Starting Characters: Poe Dameron's X-wing, Resistance X-wing
Added Characters: Rey (Takodana), FN-1824; Han Solo, Chewbacca, Sentry droid
True Jedi: 100,000

1. Fly around and destroy as much as you can. Once you reach the oscillator, grab torpedoes and destroy the four targets.

2. You are in control of Rey (Takodana) and FN-1824. Head right and throw Rey's staff into the socket, then use it to swing across the gap. Continue to the right, then climb up the pole. Hop across the blocks and onto the bar, then hop up onto the ledge. Destroy the glowing objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to lower a bar, allowing your partner to join you. Use the grapple point to extend a platform, allowing Rey to reach the upper ledge. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the object on the right to build a motor, powering the crane and allowing your partner to join you. Build the center object to build a ladder, allowing you to reach the upper ledge. Use the grapple point to reveal another grapple point. Use it to cross the gap, then use the First Order panel to extend a bridge. Climb the wall to the upper ledge, them smash the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into tiles, then push the plug into the socket. This will open the door below you, allowing you to continue. Have both characters enter, then climb the walls to reach the upper ledge. Send FN-1824 down on the lower path, then destroy the pipes to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object first, then the left one to send Rey through the obstacles. Grab the bar to clear the path, allowing you to continue. Use the vent to reach the upper ledge, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the lift to repair it, then ride it up. Head left on the ledge, then use the panel to run across the gap. Follow the button prompts to pull yourself up, then hop up the bars and climb the wall. Hop across the blocks and follow the button prompts, then grab the bar to reveal a grapple point. Now to get FN-1824 up here. Switch to him, then grapple up onto the ledge on the right. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up. Use the grapple point to cross the gap, then use the First Order panel to reveal a pole socket. Throw Rey's staff into it, then swing up onto the bar. Climb up the wall.

3. You are now in control of Han Solo and Chewbacca. Run down through the hallway into the reactor room. You are going to have to plant four bombs. Head to the left on the upper level, then use the grapple point to rotate the pillar. Build the LEGO pieces into the first detonator. Head to the right, staying on the upper level, and shoot the two targets to lower the shield. Continue to the right and use the grapple point to reach the upper ledge. Scan to reveal a grapple point, then use it to cross the gap. Destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into tiles, then push the box off the ledge to reveal a silver box. Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the second detonator. Drop down and head to the right, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal a sentry droid. Destroy it to stop the reinforcements from coming, then continue right. Destroy the glowing object to reveal a wheel. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to raise up the box. Build the multi-build on the left to build a super strength handle. Use it to reveal the grapple point, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the third detonator. Head left on the lower level, then use the super strength handle to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object, then the left object to free the Sentry droid, adding him to your party. Use the button to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the final detonator.

Unlocked Vehicles: Resistance X-wing
Resistance X-wing (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Finn (Junction Box)
Rey (Junction Box)
General Hux (75,000)
Jessika Pava (75,000)
Kylo Ren (Hooded) (250,000)
Lieutenant Mitaka (50,000)
Nien Nunb (75,000)
Stormtrooper Specialist (100,000)
Stormtrooper Combat Engineer (75,000)
After Destroy Starkiller Base
You are in control of Finn (Takodana) and Rey (Takodana). Follow the guide studs, then hop in the vehicle. Follow the guide studs to the forest to start the next level.
The Finale-Story Mode
Enemies: First Order TIE Fighter, Snowtrooper
Boss: Kylo Ren (Unmasked)
Starting Characters: Poe Dameron's X-wing, Resistance X-wing
Added Characters: Finn (Starkiller Base), Rey (Starkiller Base)
True Jedi: 70,000

1. Fly around and defeat the required number of TIE Fighters.

2. Fly around and destroy as much as you can.

3. Maneuver your X-wing up and down to destroy all of the pipes.

4. You are now in control of Finn (Starkiller Base) and Rey (Starkiller Base). Avoid Ren's attacks until he lunges at you. Follow the button prompts to damage him. Repeat the process to damage him again. When Ren force freezes you, switch to Rey and head right. Build one of the multi-build objects to distract Ren, then switch to Finn and repeat the same process from before. After the cutscene, follow the button prompts to give the lightsaber to Rey.

5. Avoid Ren's attacks, then follow the button prompts to stun him. Smack him a few times and enemies will appear. Defeat them, then repeat the process from before. Walk up to him, then switch to Finn. Use the grapple point on the tree above Ren to cause him to flee. Rey will join up with you now, so head right and push the large block to the right.

6. Use the walls and poles as Rey to head right, or the platforms as Finn. Once you reach the ledge on the right, hop up the wall, then walk up to Kylo Ren and follow the button prompts to defeat him, ending the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: First Order TIE Fighter
First Order TIE Fighter (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Finn (Starkiller Base)
Poe Dameron (D'Qar)
Rey (Starkiller Base)
Ello Asty (125,000)
General Leia (Formal) (75,000)
Kylo Ren (Unmasked) (250,000)
Lieutenant Bastian (75,000)
Snowtrooper Officer (125,000)
After The Finale
You are in control of Chewbacca and Rey (Resistance). Follow the guide studs to the Falcon to start the next level.
Luke's Island-Story Mode
Starting Characters: Rey (Resistance), Chewbacca
True Jedi: 30,000

1. Head to the right and use the panel to run across the wall, then scan to reveal a target. Shoot it to create pillars, allowing Chewbacca to join you. Head up the steps and use the super strength handle to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to build a super strength handle, then use it to extend the steps. Hop up, then throw Rey's staff into the socket. Swing on the poles to cross the gap, then switch to Chewbacca. Build the right multi-build object to flatten out the tiles, then switch to Rey and push the block off the ledge. Build the LEGO pieces into poles, allowing Chewbacca to reach the ledge. Head to the right and shoot the target to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into steps, then continue to the right. Drop down and throw Rey's staff into the socket, then use the super strength handle on the upper ledge to extend the rest of the poles. Swing across the gap, then shimmy across the beam. Hop up the blocks and follow the button prompts, then head left and smash the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to clear the path for Chewbacca. Continue to the right, then push the large rock off the tiles, creating a beam across the gap. Walk across the gap, then use the super strength handle to extend the steps. Switch to Rey and hop up, then follow the path up and approach Luke to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Luke's Landspeeder (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Rey (Resistance)
J.J. Abrams
Kathleen Kennedy
The Battle of Endor-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Build the right object in the first multi-build to build a trampoline, then use it to reach the ledge with this on it.

Red Power Brick: Build the left object of the multi-build by the first AT-ST to build a set of bars. Hop up them to reach the upper ledge, then head right to reach this.

Canister 2: After clearing the blaster battle, use the Force on a beehive on a tree to the left to reveal this.

Canister 3: After using the logs to defeat the third AT-ST, build the center multi-build object to construct a lift. Use it to reach this.

Canister 4: On the final ledge, use the pool to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into dynamite, clearing a hole in the tree trunk. Head inside to reach the Ewok village. Head to the right and destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into three instruments, causing the Ewoks to start performing, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into this.

Area 2: Canister 5: Destroy 3 gold rock piles in front of the bunker.

Canister 6: After hopping out of your AT-ST, head to the back to find a group of Rebel soldiers. Lead them to the right, then use the grapple points to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 7: In the first part of the fight, destroy the silver object on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a BB-8 panel, then use it to take control of an X-wing. Maneuver it through the obstacles to the end to receive this. Do go through without taking a hit, input the following: up, up, down, down, up, down, up, up, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, up, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up.

Canister 8: In the second part of the fight, after using the Force on the object on the left, use Sith Force on the left to reveal a travel chute. Head through it, then go right to reach this.

Area 4: Canister 9: Destroy 5 turbolaser turrets.

Area 6: Canister 10: Destroy the 3 pipes at the top of the power core to receive this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Stud Magnet (200,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Imperial AT-ST (Microfighter)
Assault on Jakku-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Complete 3 sports challenges. For the first, destroy the objects immediately to the left of your starting point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a basketball hoop, then destroy the silver moisture vaporator to your left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a boost panel for BB-8, then use it. For the second, smash the bowling pins on the left. For the third, head to the far right and destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a soccer goal and generator, then charge the generator to reveal a soccer ball. Kick it into the goal. Complete all 3 challenges to receive this.

Canister 2: Build 3 bins so the villagers can hide. For the first, destroy the objects by the bowling pins to reveal the pieces. For the second, destroy the objects to the right of the BB-8 boost pad used in Canister 1. For the third, destroy the objects directly south of the generator that opens the right hut. Build all 3 to receive this.

Red Power Brick: Head to the far right and destroy the objects to reveal a multi-build. Build both objects to reveal this.

Canister 3: Destroy a debris pile inside the second hut to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this Canister.

Area 2: Canister 4: Destroy 3 silver moisture vaporators. The first is right by your starting point. The second is

Canister 5: After the blaster battle, head left and defeat the stormtroopers holding the villagers hostage to receive this.

Canister 6: After putting out the first set of fires, use the Force on the water tower top to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this Canister.

Canister 7: After putting out the first set of fires, head left of the dropship and destroy the objects to reveal some LEGO pieces. Defeat some enemies and a dropship will land on the left, revealing the rest of the LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it to open the dropship. Head inside to grab this.

Canister 8: Destroy the gold box to reveal this.

Canister 9: Use the super strength handle to the left of the flametrooper to open the hut. Head inside to reveal this.

Canister 10: After using the super strength handles, head back towards the screen against the barriers to reach a pool. Travel through it to enter a hut. Destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Resistance panel, then use it to reveal this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Fast Build (100,000)
Minikit Vehicle: First Order Transporter
First Order Transporter (Microfighter)
Escape from the FInalizer-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Use Sith Force on the objects to the left of your starting point, then head through the door. Head left until you spot an opening, then head inside. Use Sith Force on both objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a chair, revealing this.

Canister 2: After collecting Canister 1, use the Force on the GNK droid in the same room to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this.

Canister 3: In the main area, destroy 4 sentry droids. The first can be found after going down the first set of stairs. The second is on the ground after using the lift, rolling around by the protocol panel. The third is inside the control room. The fourth is in the area with the blaster battle.

Red Power Brick: Build the center object in the first multi-build to build a bridge, allowing you to reach this.

Area 2: Canister 4: Destroy all 30 turbolaser cannons on the Finalizer to collect this.

Canister 5: Complete a race that can be started inside the Finalizer to collect this.

Canister 6: Destroy 5 TIE Fighters carrying torpedoes to receive this.

Area 4: Canister 7: Use Sith Force on the engine to the left of the luggabeast to create an opening. Hop inside, then head left to reach this.

Canister 8: On the first level of the Star Destroyer, head all the way to the bottom right corner to spot bars. Hop up them and shimmy to the right, then drop down to reach this.

Canister 9: To the right of the travel chute entrance on the second level, cut through the wall to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this.

Canister 10: Build the left object of the final multi-build to build a boost pad for BB-8. Use it to reach the upper ledge, then travel through the pipe to reach this on the other side.

Red Power Brick Extra: Fast Interact (200,000)
Minikit Vehicle: The Finalizer
The FInalizer (Microfighter)
Niima Outpost-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Red Power Brick: Destroy the silver objects in the background by the shuttle to reveal LEGO pieces. A villager will build them into a rocket and blast off. This Power Brick will appear from the sky.

Canister 1: Destroy 3 rocks with vultures on them. The first is in the background to the right of the stormtroopers playing beach volleyball. The second is right above the travel chute after you exit it. The third is in the pile of objects by the quicksand. You can shoot it with the turret you build.

Canister 2: After using the grapple point near the conveyor belt, hop on and run away from the screen to get this to appear.

Canister 3: After smashing through the first set of cracked blocks, head to the far right and smash the cracked block to reveal this.

Canister 4: Near Canister 3, use the Force to pull three droids out of the sand and place them on a cart. Once all three droids are on the cart, the owner will knock over a box, revealing this.

Area 2: Canister 5: Build the left object of the first multi-build and use it to destroy the gold objects behind the dropship, knocking down a box. Head over to it and use the super strength handles to reveal this.

Canister 6: After the blaster battle, head south from the start and destroy the silver pipes to fill the pool with water. Use it to reveal this.

Canister 7: Once you get the sifter droid, head to the left and sift through the left-most pile of sand to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Area 3: Canister 8: Destroy 4 archs during the on-rails portion. Shoot at the keystone to destroy them.

Canister 9: During the free-flying portion, destroy 3 gold AT-AT wrecks to collect this.

Canister 10: This is inside a series of arches towards the right (when viewed while flying in).

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x8 (4,000,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Quadjumper
Quadjumper (Microfighter)
The Eravana-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Red Power Brick: After clearing the blaster battle, head right and use the grapple point to reveal this.

Canister 1: After going through the travel chute, use the Force on the chainsaw to the right of the BB-8 panel, revealing the LEGO pieces for this.

Area 2: Canister 2: After passing through the toxic gas, use the protocol panel to open the door. Head inside, then use the Force on the panel to open it. Smash the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, allowing you to bounce up to the ledge with this.

Canister 3: After collecting Canister 2, head left and destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a First Order panel, then use it to reveal a rathtar. Follow the button prompts to defeat it, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 4: After collecting Canister 3, build the LEGO pieces into a generator. Charge it up to reveal LEGO pieces for this.

Area 3: Canister 5: This is during the part of the run where you are facing sideways and running to the right. It is towards the center lane of the path.

Area 4: Canister 6: Use Sith Force in the bottom left corner to reveal a pool. Use it to collect this.

Area 5: Canister 7: Shoot 3 Mynocks. 2 are very obviously hanging by the rathtar. The third can be found after climbing up the wall, look towards the wall's top right corner.

Canister 8: Destroy the crates immediately to the left of the rathtar, then Sith Force the pipes to create an opening, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 9: After climbing the wall, cut through the fan, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 10: After opening the door on the right, head through the travel chute to reach this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x2 (1,000,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Imperial TIE Bomber
Imperial TIE Bomber (Microfighter)
Maz's Castle-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Defeat 9 small animals that appear in groups of three. The first appears is you head left from your starting point. The second is by where you turn to head towards the castle. The last group is to the left of the castle entrance.

Red Power Brick: Smash the cracked block to reveal this.

Canister 2: Use the pool on the far right to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 3: After climbing up the wall, this is right behind you.

Canister 4: After collecting Canister 3, hover across the gap to the back ledge to reach this.

Canister 5: After collecting Canister 4, head through the travel chute to reach this.

Canister 6: Shoot the colored object on the right wall to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Area 3: Canister 7: Once you start, head back up the stairs to reach this.

Canister 8: Destroy 4 cobwebs. The first is to the right by the multi-build. The second is above you after sliding under the gate. The third is above the silver rubble used to collect Canister 9. The fourth is towards the entrance to the final room.

Canister 9: Destroy the rubble panel to reveal an opening. Head inside to get this.

Canister 10: In the final room, use the Force on the gate on the right to open it, allowing you to collect this.

Red Power Brick: Studs x6 (3,000,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Rebel Alliance Y-wing
Rebel Alliance Y-wing (Microfighter)
Battle of Takodana-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Use Sith Force on the lock directly behind your starting point, then cut through the door to open it, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 2: Use the Force to place 3 statues back onto their pedestals. The first is to the right of the castle exit. The second is by the location of Canister 6. The third is right before the boss fight.

Canister 3: Before exiting the castle, head left and Force open the door. Head inside, then destroy the chest by the bed to reveal a multi-build. Build the center object to construct a BB-8 panel, then use it to reveal this.

Canister 4: After exiting the castle, use the pool to the left to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 5: After crawling through the travel chute, scan at the top of the steps to reveal a silver box. Destroy it to reveal this.

Canister 6: After completing the blaster battle, head back and smash the cracked block to reveal this.

Canister 7: After completing the blaster battle, Force the TIE Fighter wing to reveal a pool. Use it to collect this.

Canister 8: Use the grapple points just before the boss fight to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 9: Destroy 4 buoys in the water to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: This appears on top of Maz's Castle after the cutscene shows it falling apart. You can actually see this in the upper left corner of the cutscene.

Canister 10: In the final part of the fight, some TIE Fighters will be carrying torpedoes. Destroy them, then use the torpedoes to destroy the 3 radar dishes.

Red Power Brick Extra: Destroy on Contact (200,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle
Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle (Microfighter)
The Resistance-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Inside the door on the right of the hanger, melt the ice around this Canister.

Canister 2: Head to the far left, then down the short flight of stairs. Cut through the panel to the left to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 3: Build 3 astromech droids. The first can be found by using the grapple point on the ship on the left side of the hangar. The second can be found by using the Resistance panel on the left side of the hallway. For the third, destroy the boxes to the left of the large door to reveal the LEGO pieces. Assemble all 3 to receive this.

Canister 4: After opening the door on the left of the hangar, use Sith Force on the center box to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 5: Charge the generator in the back of the final room to reveal this above the holocomputer.

Area 2: Canister 6: While on the ledge on the left, head to the far right and throw Rey's staff into the socket, then swing up to this.

Canister 7: Build 3 microfighters. The first is in the room with the power core speeder. Destroy the boxes inside to reveal pieces for the Y-wing. The second is in the room with the three Resistance pilots. Destroy the boxes to reveal the LEGO pieces for the A-wing. The third is in the room with the cookie speeder. Destroy the boxes to reveal the LEGO pieces for the Snowspeeder.

Canister 8: Head to the far right and enter the farthest alcove. Use the Force on the mosaic to create an image of Luke's head, revealing this.

Canister 9: This is in plain sight in the room with the Resistance pilots.

Red Power Brick: On the ledge on the right, smash the cracked block, then head through the travel chute to reach this.

Canister 10: On the right ledge, build the right multi-build object to construct a generator. Charge it up to reveal this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Super Slap (500,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Rebel Alliance B-wing
Rebel Alliance B-wing (Microfighter)
Starkiller Sabotage-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 5 sentry droids. 2 are right in the beginning. 1 is after crossing the first ledge. 1 is in front of the first large building. The last one is in front of the final building.

Canister 2: Destroy the objects to the left of your starting point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a vehicle, then hop in. Ride it over the snow pile to the right to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Red Power Brick: In front of the first large building, destroy the objects to the left to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to build a snowman, then hop on the snowbank to the left. Hop up on top of the snowman, then onto the bars. Shimmy to the right, then drop down and head right to reach this.

Canister 3: After sliding down the zipline, head through the travel chute to enter a Wampa cave. Defeat the Wampa, then cut through the ice block, allowing you to collect this.

Area 2: Canister 4: Destroy the rocks to the right of your starting point to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to reveal this.

Canister 5: Build 4 Resistance banners. The first is to the left of your starting point. Destroy the rocks to reveal the LEGO pieces for this. The second is on the lower ledge just past the toxic gas. Destroy the objects on the right to reveal the LEGO pieces. The third is inside an object just right of the ice bridge. The fourth is on the right side of the final area. Build all 4 to receive this.

Canister 6: Melt the ice to the right of the shield to reveal a pool. Use it to reach the ledge with this.

Area 3: Canister 7: Use the Force on the lift right next to you as you enter to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 8: Build the left object in the muti-build to build a boost pad for BB-8. Use it to reach the ledge on the left to reach this.

Canister 9: Head to the right before the blaster battle and Force the door to open it. Head inside to reach this.

Canister 10: Destroy 4 MSE-E droids in the blaster battle area. They will eventually come out of their hiding spots, so be patient for them to appear. Destroy all 4 to receive this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x4 (2,000,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Imperial AT-AT (Microfighter)
Destroy Starkiller Base-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: This is in a stud ring on the right during the on-rails portion.

Canister 2: Complete the race that begins on top of a spire on the oscillator.

Area 2: Canister 3: In the multi-build near the crane, build the left object to lower the shields. Enter the room, then head left to grab this hidden Canister.

Canister 4: On the ledge above the crane, use the Force on a pipe on the wall to the left to create a bridge. Walk across it, then Sith Force the door to open it. Head inside, then head left to reach this.

Canister 5: When climbing the first wall, continue up past the first ledge to reach this.

Red Power Brick: On the ledge where you build a ladder (just before the end), head right and use the First Order panel to reveal enemies. Defeat 15 stormtroopers to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 6: Use the protocol panel on the upper right ledge to open the door. Head through the toxic gas to reach this.

Canister 7: On the left side of the lower level, use the Force on a glass dome to reveal a button. Use the sentry droid to activate it, lowering the shields to the left. Continue to the left, then destroy the gold panel to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 8: Destroy 4 grey nodes. They are all against the barrier on the bottom of the screen. 1 is in the area with Canister 7, and the other 3 are in the main area.

Canister 9: During the multi-build on the bottom right side, build the right object to reveal this.

Canister 10: Head through the travel chute on the left side of the large staircase to reach this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Regenerating Hearts (500,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Imperial TIE Interceptor
Imperial TIE Interceptor (Microfighter)
The Finale-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Complete the race that can be started near your starting point to receive this.

Area 2: Canister 2: Destroy 5 green turbolaser batteries.

Canister 3: This is inside of a stud ring on the left.

Area 3: Canister 4: Destroy 3 First Order emblems. All are towards the center of the walls.

Area 4: Canister 5: Build 3 snowmen. For the first, destroy the rocks by your starting point to reveal the LEGO pieces. For the second, destroy the objects on the right side of the upper ledge to reveal the pieces. The third is in Area 6. The pieces are on the right side of the final ledge.

Canister 6: Melt the ice on the first part of the upper ledge, then use the pool to collect this.

Area 5: Canister 7: Use the grapple point on the tree on the left to reveal this.

Canister 8: Activate the panel on the ledge to reveal targets. Shoot 6 droids as they appear to receive this.

Area 6: Canister 9: Take the bottom path when climbing the ledge to hop across poles. When on the second-to-last pole, continue hopping to the right to reach a ledge. Head through the toxic gas to reach this.

Canister 10: Smash the cracked block to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: On the right side of the final ledge, near the third snowman, use the Force on a snowball to make it grow. Use it as a boost to reach this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Collect Guide Studs (200,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Starkiller Base
Starkiller (Microfighter)
Luke's Island-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 3 brown trees. The first is right by your starting point. The second is right after Rey leaves Chewbacca behind. The final one is to the far right of Luke on the final ledge.

Canister 2: Use the grapple point by your starting point to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 3: From your starting point, head left to find a pool. Use it to reach this.

Canister 4: Cut through the rock panel by the first gap to reveal this.

Canister 5: After crossing the first gap, continue to the right and hop across the gap to a small island. Force the object out of the water to the right to reveal this.

Canister 6: After collecting Canister 5, double jump over to this obvious one.

Canister 7: Before the path splits into two levels, throw a pole into the socket up and to the left, then swing up to this.

Red Power Brick: Sith Force the rubble to the left of the large block to reveal a travel chute. Head through it to reach this.

Canister 8: Right before the part where Rey leaves Chewbacca, use the Force on the panel to create an opening, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 9: While making the final climb to Luke, take a left early on to reach a gold panel. Destroy it to reveal this.

Canister 10: On the final ledge with Luke, head right and smash the cracked block to reveal this.

Red Power Brick Extra: The Funk Awakens (1,000,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Rebel Alliance A-wing
Rebel Alliance A-wing (Microfighter)
Poe to the Rescue-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper (Aerobics), TIE Fighter, Special Forces TIE Fighter
Starting Characters: Admiral Ackbar (Resistance), Poe Dameron (Flight Suit), C-3PO, BB-8
Added Characters: Poe Dameron's X-wing, Ackbar's Starfighter
True Jedi: 120,000

1. Head to the left and destroy the glowing object to reveal a multi-build. Build one of the objects to get rid of the dianoga, clearing the path ahead. Head to the right and use the grapple points to reveal a pool. Use it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a boost panel for BB-8. Use it to reach the upper ledge, then head left. Use the astromech panel to move the walls inward. Use the grapple point to reveal a multi-build. Build one of the objects, then charge the generator to get rid of the dianoga. Continue down the path, then travel through the pool of water to cross the gap, then head up the ramp and grab the bar to retract the walls. Drop down and head left, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then use it to extend a bridge, allowing your partners to join you. Head right and destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a BB-8 panel, then use it to move the walls inwards, revealing a multi-build. Build the objects from right to left to get C-3PO to the lift. After building the left object, smash it to send the lift up. Switch to C-3PO and use the protocol panel to open the door. Walk out of the trash compactor.

2. Head down the hallway, then use the astromech panel to lower the shields. Head into the next room, then defeat the enemies until the lift on the left remains open. Head inside, then grab a Special Forces TIE Fighter Pilot helmet from the machine. Use it to activate the panel in the center of the room, opening the door. Continue down the hallway to start a blaster battle. Defeat the first wave of enemies to press on. Defeat the second wave of enemies to run up the stairs. You will then be tasked with defeating the turret. Shoot the target to release the Wampa, who will then destroy the turret. You can now free roam the area. Destroy the glowing objects on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an engine, then push it to the end of the tiles, powering the lift. Hop on and ride it down two floors. Defeat the enemies until the door on the left stays open, then head inside.

3. Fly around and destroy as much as you can.

4. Much the same as above, except you're now inside the asteroid.

5. Defeat the TIE Fighters, then grab torpedoes from the Special Forces TIE FIghters. Use them to destroy the 3 purple crystals, ending the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Ackbar's Starfighter
Ackbar's Starfighter (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Admiral Ackbar (Resistance)
Poe Dameron (Helmetless)
General Hux (Aerobics) (125,000)
Rancor (500,000)
Stormtrooper (Aerobics) (125,000)
Stormtrooper (Heavy) (125,000)
Wampa (250,000)
K-3PO (125,000)
R5-D8 (75,000)
Lor San Tekka's Return-Story Mode
Enemies: Teedo Scavenger
Starting Characters: Athgar Heece, Lor San Tekka
True Jedi: 45,000

1. Head to the right until you reach the crashed ship. Destroy the pipes to reveal a wheel. Pick it up, then place it in the slot. Turn it to lower a platform. Use Heece to jetpack onto the platform, then hover across the gap to the platform in the back. Jetpack to the bar, then drop down onto the ledge. Destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, allowing your partner to join you. Head right and use the grapple point to reveal silver objects. Destroy them to clear the path, then continue right. Use the rotary handle to open the door below you. Drop down, then continue right. Grab onto the pole as Athgar, then turn the wheel to raise him up. Swing up to the ledge, then destroy the objects on the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into tiles, then push the box off the ledge. Drop down and build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to raise a barrier in front of the sand storm. Hover across the gap, then destroy the silver objects to reveal probe droids, allowing Lor San Tekka to join you. Continue right and use the grapple point to clear the path. Continue to the right to find two Luggabeasts. Destroy the silver chains on them to free them. Hop on one and use it to smash the cracked block on the right to reveal a probe droid. Use it to reach the upper ledge, then scan to reveal a silver object. Destroy it to destroy one of the locks. Head left, then scan to reveal a cracked block. Use a Luggabeast to smash it, revealing a wall. Hop up, then push the box off the edge. Drop down, then build the LEGO pieces into a ladder. Climb up, then use the rotary handle to destroy the other lock, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to bounce Lor San Tekka onto the blocks. Hop up, then head through the opening to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Junker Speeder Bike
Rusty Speeder Bike
Jakku Scavenger
Jakku Scavenger (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Athgar Heece
Lor San Tekka
Bobbajo (50,000)
Constable Zuvio (200,000)
"Crusher" Roodown (200,000)
Davan Marak (75,000)
Teedo (75,000)
EGL-21 "Amps" (75,000)
GTAW-74 "Geetaw" (50,000)
SN-1F4 (75,000)
Rathtar Hunting-Story Mode
Enemies: Oni Jass, Ozeer Tenzer
Starting Characters: Han Solo (Twon Ketee), Chewbacca (Twon Ketee), Varond Jelik (Twon Ketee)
True Jedi: 65,000

1. Head into the cave and press forward through the water until you reach land. Continue right, then drop down and smash the skeleton to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam, then cross it. Hop up the ledges to the left, then use the grapple point on the flower to lower it. Bounce off the flower to the ledge above, then scan by the waterfall to reveal a rathtar. Follow the button prompts to fight it off, revealing a multi-build. Build the right object to construct a wall. Climb up, then switch to a partner. Smash the wall, then build the left object to build a probe droid with an umbrella. This will block the waterfall, allowing your partner on the ledge to cross the beam. Cross the beam, then push the rock off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to reach the ledge. Use the super strength handle to reveal another trampoline, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Head right, then smash the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to reveal blocks, then hop up them to the upper ledge. Scan to reveal a rathtar, then follow the button prompts to fight it off. Build the LEGO pieces that appear into a super strength handle, then use it to open the cave. Head inside.

2. Head towards the blaster battle, then defeat the enemies in the first wave to press forward. Destroy the silver clasps on the rathtar cage to finish the battle. You will then drop down. Defeat the waves of enemies, then build the LEGO pieces into a microfighter Millenium Falcon, ending the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Prana Predator
Bin Gassi Podracer
Prana Predator (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Chewbacca (Twon Ketee)
Han Solo (Twon Ketee)
Varond Jelik
Adan Mose (150,000)
Croll Jenkins (75,000)
Gaff Kaylek (75,000)
Oni Jass (75,000)
Ozeer Tenzer (50,000)
Zylas (100,000)
The Crimson Corsair-Story Mode
Enemies: Stormtrooper
Starting Characters: Sidon Ithano, Quiggold, Pru Sweevant
True Jedi: 50,000

1. Head to the right and destroy the gold rocks to clear the rubble. Continue right into the clearing, then use the grapple point to reveal a multi-build. Build the center object to reveal a super strength handle, then use it to bust down the door. Head inside and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to reveal silver objects. Destroy them to lower the shield to the right. Build the right multi-build object to clear the stairs. Head up the stairs and head right. Destroy the silver part of the engine, then use the grapple point to reach the top of the ledge. Head down the path, then use the other grapple point to cross the gap. Drop down and destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to build a traffic light, revealing poles. Continue to the right and head through the travel chute, then destroy the silver support to create a bridge. Cross the gap, then defeat 12 stormtroopers. Destroy the gold, then silver TIE fighters and a transport will crash, creating a platform for you. Jump up to the ledge, then use the grapple point to cross the gap. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lift, allowing your partners to join you. Scan to reveal a silver object, then destroy it to lower the shields. Drop down to reveal a gold object. Destroy it to reveal a silver object. Destroy that to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to reveal a silver object. Destroy it to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Meson Martinet
Vesper Dux Podracer
Meson Martinet (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Pru Sweevant
Sidon Ithano
Blass Tyran (50,000)
Oskus Stooratt (50,000)
Stormtrooper Sergeant (100,000)
Wi'ba Tuyll (75,000)
Trouble Over Taul-Story Mode
Enemies: Resistance Pilot
Starting Characters: Captain Phasma, FN-2199
Added Characters: O-MR1
True Jedi: 60,000

1. Head towards the blaster battle, then defeat the first wave of enemies. During the second wave, defeat as many enemies as you can reach, then scan to reveal a gold object. Destroy it to defeat the remaining enemies, clearing the battle. O-MR1 will then be added to your party. Head down the hall, then defeat the enemies and head right. Smash the cracked block to create an opening, then head inside and use the grapple point on the console to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a protocol panel, then use it. Head through the opening below you, then continue to the right. Destroy the gold airlock, then continue down the path. Once you enter the room, destroy the two glowing objects on the right wall to lower the shield. Continue down the path to start another blaster battle. Defeat each wave of enemies to complete it.

2. Head through the open door, then scan to reveal a grapple point. Use it to open the door, then continue down the hallway. Use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wheel, then turn it to close the airlock. Continue down the hall, then use the protocol panel to open the door. Head into the bridge, then smash the console. Scan to reveal the panel, ending the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Sterdic Star
Lhosan Industries Podracer
Sterdic Star (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Captain Phasma
Bollie Prindel (200,000)
Major Brance (50,000)
Sache Skareet (50,000)
M9-G8 (75,000)
R2-Q5 (75,000)
Ottegan Assault-Story Mode
Enemies: Resistance Pilot, Ottegan Warrior
Starting Characters: Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle, Special Forces TIE Fighter
Added Characters: Kylo Ren (Hooded), Captain Phasma
True Jedi: 140,000

1. Fly around and destroy all that you can, but do NOT destroy the transport highlighted in red.

2. Destroy the attacking Ottegan craft, then grab torpedoes and destroy the 5 missile turrets. Shoot the transport until the counter at the top reaches 0%.

3. You are now in control of Kylo Ren (Hooded) and Captain Phasma. Defeat the attacking enemies, then Force a missile back into the security craft. Sith Force the rubble away, then continue to the right. Sith Force the turrets to destroy them, then destroy the gold pillar on the right to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to raise up bombs inside the rack. Use the Force to move a bomb to the right, then switch to Captain Phasma and shoot it to destroy the barrier. Head into the next area, then destroy the gold panels to knock the barrels to the ground. Force them back to destroy the missile turrets. A dropship will then land, revealing stormtroopers. Command them to help you with the grapple point, clearing the path. Head down the path, then cut through the wall. Continue into the next clearing, where the Ottegan leader will enclose himself in a force field. Sith Force the object on the left and destroy the gold panel on the right to reveal silver panels. Sith Force missiles into them to disable the force field. Force the ship to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Ottegan Defense Fighter
Ottegan Defense Fighter (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Kylo Ren
Kaydel Ko Connix (75,000)
Ottegan Acolyte (75,000)
Ottegan Warrior (75,000)
Pamich Nerro Goode (75,000)
Praster Barrun (75,000)
Praster Ommien (75,000)
Trentus Savay (75,000)
Poe to the Rescue-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: After getting rid of the Dianoga for the first time, Force a GNK droid out of the water. Smash it to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 2: In the third segment of the compactor, after building the bridge, head back across the use the pool to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Area 2: Red Power Brick: Take a look at the wall to the left of the stormtroopers taking selfies to find 2 objects. Smash them, then continue left to enter a bedroom. Sith Force all of the objects inside to reveal this.

Canister 3: Use 3 grapple point. The first is behind your starting point to the left. The second is in the first lift on the left. The third is on the right while approaching the blaster battle.

Canister 4: After the blaster battle, destroy the silver pipes that were underneath the turret to receive this.

Canister 5: Smash the objects to the left of the final lift to reveal a travel chute. Head through it, then head down the catwalk. Use the BB-8 panel to reveal boxes on the floor. Smash them to reveal this.

Canister 6: Hop up to the ledge on the right, then Force the boxes into steps. Hop up them and over the other boxes to reach this.

Canister 7: While riding the lift, hit the 2 targets in the aerobics room to receive this.

Area 3: Canister 8: This is in a stud ring towards the bottom.

Area 4: Canister 9: Destroy 7 green crystals. Unlike the other Canisters of this sort, there are only 7 of these to hit. They are all in pretty obvious spots and if you just keep shooting, you will have no problem collecting this.

Area 5: Canister 10: Use torpedoes to destroy the 3 smaller purple rocks.

Red Power Brick Extra: Infinite Torpedoes (500,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Rebel Alliance Snowspeeder
Rebal Alliance Snowspeeder (Microfighter)
Lor San Tekka's Return-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Smack 4 animal heads that pop out of the sand. The first is directly below your starting point. The second is by the first crashed ship. The third is by the BB-8 panel by the first crashed ship. The fourth is to the left of the target in the desert. Smack all 4 to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 2: Charge the generator on an engine in the desert to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 3: Shoot the target to reveal a sifter droid. It will head to the right, revealing the LEGO pieces for this in the sand.

Canister 4: Cut through a fan on the side of the compound to create an opening, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 5: Use the astromech panel to open the wall panel, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 6: Use the pool south of Canister 5 to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Red Power Brick: Before crossing the gap with the sandstorm, head south and drop down to find a generator. Charge it up to start a robot fight. Smack the punching bags until 5 rounds have gone by to reveal this.

Canister 7: Destroy 4 silver objects in the compound. The first is on the ledge just before the sandstorm gap. The second is below Canister 10. The third is on the right side of the final area. The fourth is to the left of the exit. Destroy all 4 to receive this.

Canister 8: On the ledge just before the sandstorm gap, destroy the large silver object to reveal a ledge. Double jump onto it, then up to this Canister.

Canister 9: When on the ledge to the left of Teedo, head left and destroy the silver gate clasps to lower the gate. Shoot the target on the wheel. If the spinner lands on the top circle, the LEGO pieces for this will appear.

Canister 10: Drop down from the location of Canister 9 to reach this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x10 (5,000,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Rebel Alliance Transport
Rebel Alliance Transport (Microfighter)
Rathtar Hunting-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Before entering the cave, head right and Sith Force the rocks to create an opening, revealing this.

Canister 2: Before entering the cave, hop up the ledges on the left, then throw a staff into the socket. Use the poles to swing across the gap, then use the grapple point to reveal this.

Canister 3: Use the Force on 5 glowing orange flowers in the cave. They are all very easy to spot.

Canister 4: After climbing up the wall, destroy the nearby fungi to reveal a travel chute. Crawl through it to reach this.

Red Power Brick: After bouncing up the flower trampoline, head left through the opening with the blue stud to reach a small island. Head right up the path to reach this.

Canister 5: During the multi-build that builds the blocks (with the spiders), build the right object, then hop up the blocks to reach this.

Canister 6: Use the pool on the top ledge to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Area 2: Canister 7: BEFORE starting the blaster battle, head left and Force the plant to reveal this.

Canister 8: After collecting Canister 7, destroy the gold stalactites above and to the left of the flower.

Canister 9: Destroy 5 blue glowing plants. 4 are down with the rathtar, and the other is above and to the right of the small building.

Canister 10: While down with the rathtar, use the grapple point to the left of the cage to pull down the box, revealing this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Fast Force (200,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Rathtar Wrangler
Rathtar Wrangler (Microfighter)
The Crimson Corsair-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 3 lizards to receive this. 1 is to the right of the ship. The second is to the right of the stairs leading inside. The third is on a ledge. After crawling through the travel chute, head south to find it.

Canister 2: Destroy the gold rock to the left of your starting point to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 3: Use the grapple point on the ship to reveal this.

Canister 4: Use the Force on the ship's right engine to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 5: Build the left object of the first multi-build to receive this.

Canister 6: Use the First Order panel inside the building to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 7: Sith Force a large fan to reveal this.

Canister 8: After using the yellow droid to grapple up, head down and to the left. Use the grapple point to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: Build the right object ob the multi-build by the gap to lower the shields. Head inside to reach this.

Canister 9: In the final area, head to the bottom right corner to find a walkway. Follow it, then carefully walk across it to reach this.

Canister 10: In the final area while standing on the left ledge, Force over the platform with this on it.

Red Power Brick Extra: Imperial Inaccuracy (1,000,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Imperial Advanced TIE Fighter
Imperial Advanced TIE Fighter (Microfighter)
Trouble Over Taul-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 4 astromech droids. 1 is in the first hallway. Another is after passing through the flames by the first console. The third is in the air when passing through the area with low gravity (where the sound is weird). The final droid is on the bridge.

Canister 2: After completing the first blaster battle, destroy the silver door to the left to reveal boxes. Destroy them to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 3: Use the Resistance panel to open the door, then head down the ladder. Sith Force the wall to reveal this.

Canister 4: After collecting Canister 2, head left and Force the slot machine to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Red Power Brick: After collecting Canister 3, head left through the cold to reach this.

Canister 5: Instead of heading down the ladder, go up. Head right and hop in the turret, then destroy 5 asteroids to receive this.

Canister 6: After collecting Canister 4, head right and melt the ice around this.

Canister 7: Use the protocol panel in the hallway to open the door, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 8: Destroy the gold object during the second blaster battle to receive this.

Area 2: Canister 9: Head back down the path, then smash the cracked block on the left to reveal this.

Canister 10: In the area with low gravity, use the Force on this one high in the air to bring it down.

Red Power Brick Extra: Regenerating Combat Bar (1,000,000)
Minikit Vehicles: Imperial Shuttle
Imperial Shuttle (Microfighter)
Ottegan Assault-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: In a stud ring in the top left corner.

Canister 2: Destroy 3 Resistance transports, not including the one that is always marked. These are marked in yellow.

Area 2: Canister 3: Complete the race that can be started between two islands.

Area 3: Canister 4: Use the pool to the right of your starting point to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 5: Sith Force the Special Forces TIE Fighter to reveal this.

Canister 6: Use the Resistance panel to the left of your starting point to open the door, revealing this.

Red Power Brick: Head left from your starting point, then smash the cracked block to create an opening. Head through it to reach this.

Canister 7: Destroy 3 non-silver Ottegan Defense Fighters. The first is to the far left near the Power Brick. The second is on the right side of the room with the large barrels. The third is on the right side of the final room.

Canister 8: Destroy a silver object behind the first wall to receive this.

Canister 9: Build the right object of the first multi-build to reveal this.

Canister 10: In the final area, head right through the toxic gas, then head left to reach this.

Red Power Brick Extra: Super Disco Blasters (200,000)
Minikit Vehicle: Imperial TIE FIghter
Imperial TIE Fighter (Microfighter)
Dejarik Battle
This level can be played in the Millenium Falcon, and is an excellent way to farm studs.

Enemies: Stormtrooper, Scavenger
Boss: Flametrooper, Captain Phsama, HURID-327, Kylo Ren, Rancor
Starting Characters: Kintan Strider, Mantellian Savrip, Molator, Monnok

1. Simply defeat the enemies in the various waves, then defeat the boss. Complete all waves and a large gold stud will appear. Smack it to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Kintan Strider
Mantellian Savrip
Exploring the Hubs
This section will cover exploration on the various worlds.
Millenium Falcon
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Force a door to open it, droids and allowing you to collect this.

Gold Brick 2: Complete a race for BB-8 to collect this.

Gold Brick 3: Destroy a pile of boxes by the race to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Turn the wheel in the cold to shut off the ice, allowing you to collect this.

Gold Brick 5: Walk into the toxic gas, then turn the wheel to remove the gas. Use the Resistance panel to reveal this.

Gold Brick 6: Sith Force 4 objects on the wall to receive this. 2 are in the med bay and 2 are in the starting area.

General Missions

General Mission 1: Hop into the turret, then shoot 20 asteroids to complete this mission.

Carbonite Blocks

Han Solo (Classic): Destroy a box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a BB-8 panel, then use it to start playing a game. Make it to the end to reveal this.
Starkiller Base-Part 1
Carbonite Bricks
Han Solo (Stormtrooper): Use the First Order panel to lower the shields around this, allowing you to collect it.

Darth Maul: Hop up some blocks, then swing across the poles. Hop up the blocks, then use the panel to run across the gap to reach this.

Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper): Sith Force an object to reveal a generator. Charge it to lower the shields, allowing you to collect this.

Count Dooku: Use a grapple point to reach the upper ledge, then destroy the objects to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object to construct a BB-8 panel. Use it to reveal this.

Imperial Royal Guard: Smash a cracked block to reveal this.

Death Star Trooper: Destroy the objects by a scenic viewpoint to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a TIE Fighter and X-wing to reveal this.

TIE Interceptor Pilot: Hop up some blocks in a narrow pass, then melt the ice around this.

Scout Trooper: After grabbing the previous Carbonite Block, hover across the gap and destroy the gold rocks to reveal a steam jet. Use it to reach this.

Snowtrooper (Classic): Smash a cracked block by the docked TIE Fighters to create an opening, then head inside to grab this.

Anakin Skywalker: Use the Force on a crashed ship to reveal a pool. Use it to reveal this.

Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Sith Force the dropship by your starting point to open it, then head side to reach this.

Gold Brick 2: Use the grapple points above some stairs to reveal this.

Gold Brick 3: Melt the ice under some stairs to reveal a pool, then use it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Head through a travel chute to reach the ledge with this.

Gold Brick 5: Scan to reveal a wall, then climb up. Climb up the ladder to reach this.

Gold Brick 6: Destroy 5 snowmen near the forest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 7: Melt the ice block on a ledge to reveal this.

Gold Brick 8: Scan to reveal lasers, then cut through them to reach this.

Gold Brick 9: Melt the ice around a stormtrooper to free him. You will also free the vehicle you need to complete Race 5.

Gold Brick 10: Use the grapple point by Gold Brick 8 to reach the upper ledge with this.

Gold Brick 11: Destroy a glowing rock to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wall, then climb up to reach the ledge with this on it.

Gold Brick 12: This is on the ice bridge by Resistance Mission 1.

Gold Brick 13: Defeat 9 stormtroopers by the Millenium Falcon to reveal this.

General Missions

General Mission 1: Talk to a TIE Fighter Pilot to start this mission. You will be transported to a battle over the oscillator. Defeat 15 X-wings, then 5 Resistance transports to complete the mission.

General Mission 2: Talk to a TIE Fighter Pilot and he will ask you to defeat some enemy ships. Destroy 15 Ottegan defense ships, then 7 red ships to complete the mission.

General Mission 3: Talk to a TIE Fighter pilot and he will ask you to repair the TIE Fighter. Charge the generator to repair the Microfighter, then hop in and complete the nearby race to complete this quest.

General Mission 4: Talk to a snowtrooper and he will ask you to join a snowball fight. Walk over to the cover, then defeat the enemies to complete the mission.

General Mission 5: This is the BB-8 challenge. Destroy the 39 glowing objects in the courtyard to complete the challenge.

General Mission 6: Talk to a parade officer and she will ask you to train in marching. Take command of the nearby stormtroopers, then step on the command buttons in the correct order to complete the quest.

General Mission 7: Hop in any vehicle, then head into the lights to start a Microfighter Skirmish (the X-wing symbol on the map). Destroy 8 enemy Microfighters to complete this.

General Mission 8: Hop in any vehicle, then head into the lights to start a Microfighter Skirmish (the X-wing symbol on the map). Destroy 8 enemy Microfighters to complete this.

General Mission 9: Talk to a Fleet Engineer and he will ask you to defeat Mynocks. Follow the guide studs, then defeat the Mynocks. Some are on the two docked TIE Fighters, while others are on the ground. Defeat them all to end the mission.


Race 1: This is near General Mission 3.

Race 2: This is near Race 1.

Race 3: This is in the forest and can only be completed by Wampa.

Race 4: This is by your starting point.

Race 5: This is by the docked TIE Fighters. You need the ship from Gold Brick 9 to complete it.

Race 6: This needs to be completed by Poe Dameron's X-wing (Microfighter) and is out in the large courtyard.

Race 7: This can be started by the Millenium Falcon.

First Order Missions

First Order Mission 1: Talk to a stormtrooper and he will ask you to fix the hot tub. Head inside the nearby room, then destroy the object to reveal a multi-build. Build all three to repair the hot tub and complete the mission.

First Order Mission 2: Talk to General Hux and he will ask you to steal the Resistance mascot. You will be transported to D-Qar. You will be placed immediately into a blaster battle. Defeat the enemies, then head inside the nearby building and defeat the enemies. Grab the bear off the bed to complete the mission.

First Order Mission 3: Talk to a parade officer and he will ask you to take part in a historical reenactment. Destroy 12 TIE Fighters to complete the mission.

First Order Mission 4: Talk to Captain Phasma and she will ask you to take part in the blaster training course. Destroy the holographic targets to complete the mission.

First Order Mission 5: Talk to a snowtrooper officer and he will ask you for a music disc. Use the nearby grapple point to reach it, then pick it up to end the mission.

First Order Mission 6: After completing First Order Mission 5, talk to the snowtrooper officer and he will ask you to find a new tape. Destroy the nearby objects to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them to reveal this. Pick it up to complete this mission.

First Order Mission 7: After completing First Order Mission 6, talk to the snowtrooper officer and he will ask you to grab a music disc. Follow the guide studs, then talk to the Lieutenant to grab the music disc.

Resistance Missions

Resistance Mission 1: Talk to a trapped Resistance pilot and he will ask you to help him escape the cage. Scan to reveal that the cage is silver, then destroy it to release the Wampa. Defeat it to complete the quest.

Resistance Mission 2: After completing Resistance Mission 1, talk to the Resistance pilot and he will ask you to help rescue his friends. Shoot the explosives on the left and right to destroy two dropships, then scan to reveal a silver explosive. Destroy it to destroy the final dropship. Destroy all 3 dropships to complete the mission.

Bounty Hunts

Bounty Hunt 1: Talk to a stormtrooper and he will ask you to defeat a Rancor. You will be transported to Jakku. Head inside the engine to find the Rancor, then destroy it to complete the mission.

Bounty Hunt 2: Talk to a stormtrooper and he will ask you to grab Darth Vader's helmet. You will be transported to Arthon. Defeat the enemies to complete the mission.

Scavenger Missions

Scavenger Mission 1: Talk to a First Order Fleet Engineer and he will ask you for some tools. Scan to reveal grapple points, then use them to reveal the first. Head through the travel chute to reach another set. Destroy some tool racks to reveal the final tools. Return all tools to the Fleet Engineer to complete this mission.

Scavenger Mission 2: Talk to Petty Officer Thannison and he will ask you to collect stormtrooper helmets. Scan on one spot to reveal a silver box, then destroy it to reveal the first helmet. Hop up some blocks to reach the second helmets. Use the First Order panel to lower the shields, then head inside and destroy the objects inside to reveal more helmets. Defeat 12 mynocks to reveal the other helmets. Return the helmets to Thannison to complete the mission.
Starkiller Base-Part 2
Scavenger Mission 3: Talk to a stormtrooper and he will ask you to find Captain Phasma's blaster. Follow the guide studs to see a MSE droid with the blaster on top of it. Use the First Order panel to lower the shield, then head inside and head through the travel chute. Destroy the objects on the roof to reveal the blaster. Collect it to end the mission.

Translate Missions

Translate Mission 1: Talk to the MSE Droid, then follow it. Defeat the 12 droids to complete the quest.
Carbonite Bricks

Bith: Destroy the boxes by the Millenium Falcon to reveal a multi-build. Build both objects, then use the astromech panel and generator to reveal this.

Luke Skywalker (Episode IV): This is inside of a large engine in the junkyard.

Tusken Raider: Use the Force on a duster in the settlement to dust this off, allowing you to collect this.

Boba Fett: Use the stormtrooper panel inside Unkar Plutt's hut to lower the shield around this.

Anakin Skywalker (Podracer): Turn the wheel inside a ship to raise the barrier, allowing you to collect this.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic): Cut through a panel in a ship, then head into the toxic gas and head right to reach this.

Jawa: Use the grapple points inside a ship to reveal a gold panel. Destroy it to reveal toxic gas. Head inside to reach this.

Greedo: Grapple up to a ledge, then Force the fridge to reveal this.

Emperor Palpatine: Use the pool in the village to reveal this.

Padme Amidala: Destroy the gold objects by the sandpit to reveal blocks. Hop up them to reach this.

Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Use the grapple point on an engine in the junkyard to reach this.

Gold Brick 2: Sith Force a pillar in the junkyard to lower this to the ground.

Gold Brick 3: Force two piles of wood on the outside of Unkar Plutt's hut to reveal generators. Charge them both to reveal a box on the ground. Destroy it to receive this.

Gold Brick 4: Climb a ladder inside a ship, then hop up the pillars to reach this.

Gold Brick 5: Smash a cracked block, then head inside and up the ramp to reach this.

Gold Brick 6: This is at the end of the ramp.

Gold Brick 7: Force together the broken object in the village to reveal this.

Gold Brick 8: Scan in the village to reveal a panel, then cut through it. Use the First Order panel inside to reveal this.

Gold Brick 9: Destroy a box in the village to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it to open the hut. Hop inside, then defeat 15 enemies to reveal this.

Gold Brick 10: Use the grapple point on a rusty AT-ST cockpit to reveal this.

Gold Brick 11: Force together a ladder, then climb up. Use the pool to reveal this.

Gold Brick 12: Destroy the silver entrance to a ship engine, then head inside to reach this.

Gold Brick 13: Force a droid out of the sand to reveal this.

General Missions

General Mission 1: Talk to an alien pilot and he will challenge you to beat the race record on Takodana. You will be transported to Takodana. Complete the race to complete the mission.

General Mission 2: Talk to Unkar Plutt and he will ask you to grab him an artifact from the war. You will be transported to a blaster battle. Defeat the enemies, then hop into the AT-ST and ride it into town to complete the mission.

General Mission 3: Talk to a villager and he will ask you to complete a race. Build the multi-build to construct a speeder, then complete the race to complete the mission.

General Mission 4: Talk to an Unkar Goon and he will ask you to beat his time by the Star Destroyer. You will be transported to the Finalizer. Complete the race, then defeat the TIE Fighters to complete the mission.

General Mission 5: Talk to a man and he will ask you to rescue his bird. Follow the guide studs, then defeat the enemies to complete the mission.

General Mission 6: Talk to a woman and she will challenge you with an obstacle course. Complete it as BB-8 to complete the mission. Make sure you take your time to complete each obstacle, otherwise the challenge will not be completed.

General Mission 7: Talk to a woman and she will ask you to complete a podrace. Build the LEGO pieces into a podracer, then complete the race to complete the mission.

General Mission 8: Talk to a man and he will ask you to complete an obstacle course. Complete the course to complete the mission.

General Mission 9: Talk to a man in the village and he will ask you to help him get his sleep back. Follow the guide studs, then destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a night light, then defeat the enemies to complete the mission.

General Mission 10: Talk to a man and he will ask you to complete a race. Hop on the bird, then complete the race to complete the mission.

General Mission 11: Talk to a woman and she will ask you to complete a race. Complete the race to complete the mission.

General Mission 12: Talk to a woman and she will ask you to complete a blaster battle. Shoot the targets to complete the mission.

General Mission 13: Grab a Microfighter and head into the light by the village to start a Microfighter Skirmish. Destroy 8 Microfighters to complete the mission.


Race 1: This can be started in the junkyard.

Race 2: This can be started in the junkyard.

Race 3: This can be started by a ship engine.

Race 4: This can be started in the village.

Race 5: This can be started in the middle of the desert.

Race 6: This can be started in the middle of the desert.

First Order Missions

First Order Mission 1: Talk to a stormtrooper and she will ask you to complete her mission for her. Defeat the enemy ships to complete the mission.

First Order Mission 2: Talk to a First Order spy and he will ask you to scan three spots. Head to the marked spots on the map, then scan them to complete the mission.

First Order Mission 3: Talk to a First Order spy and he will ask you to defeat the Resistance members sabotaging satellites. Head to the satellites and defeat the enemies, then destroy a nearby box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an astromech panel, then use it to repair the dish. Do this for all three to complete the mission.

Resistance Missions

Resistance Mission 1: Talk to a man in the village and he will ask you to rescue a stolen shipment of ice cream. Defeat the 20 enemies to complete the mission.

Resistance Mission 2: Talk to a Resistance pilot and she will ask you to defeat the enemy ships. You will be transported to the Finalizer. Defeat the enemy ships to complete the mission.

Bounty Hunts

Bounty Hunt 1: Talk to a man outside Unkar Plutt's hut and he will ask you to defeat Grummigar. You will be transported to Takodana. Defeat the enemies, then Grummigar to complete the mission.

Scavenger Missions

Scavenger Mission 1: Talk to a woman and she will ask you to collect food items. Head to the marked spots on the map, then destroy the food crates to reveal the food. Collect all items to complete the mission.

Scavenger Mission 2: Talk to a Rodian and he will ask you to find a disc. Follow the guide studs, then defeat the enemies to reveal it.

Scavenger Mission 3: Melt an ice block to free a villager, then talk to him and he will ask you to gather machine parts. Defeat the steelpeckers to reveal the parts. Collect all parts to complete the mission.

Scavenger Mission 4: Talk to a man in the village and he will ask you to find droid parts. Follow the guide studs, then destroy the box by the crane to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a BB-8 panel, then use it to reveal crates. Destroy them to reveal the droid parts. Collect them to complete the mission.

Translate Missions

Translate Mission 1: Talk to Quinar and he will ask you to repair the solar panels. Follow the guide studs, then destroy the box to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object to build a BB-8 panel, then use it to align the solar panels. Build the left object to construct an astromech panel, then use it to complete the mission.

Translate Mission 2: Talk to an alien and she will ask you to collect parts for her X-wing outfit. Head to the marked spot, then scan to reveal a mine field. Carefully enter, then pick up the pieces for the costume, completing the mission.
Carbonite Bricks

Queen Amidala: Cut through a panel in Maz's Castle to reveal this.

Yoda: Use the rotary handle on a platform to raise it up, then climb the wall to reach this.

Princess Leia (Ewok Village): Step on a button to lower a door, then switch to your partner to collect it.

Stormtrooper (Classic): Use the grapple points on a dropship to open it, revealing this.

Rebel Commando: Use the First Order panel on a crate to open it, revealing this.

Chancellor Palpatine: Use the grapple point above a couch to clear Grummigar off it, then Force the couch to reveal this.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III): Use the pool by the Millenium Falcon to reveal this.

Qui-Gon Jinn: Smash the cracked block in the forest clearing to reveal this.

Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy some boxes by a crashed X-wing to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a BB-8 panel, then use it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy the gold statue on an island to reveal this.

Gold Brick 3: Use the grapple point on a crate on an island to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Destroy objects by the pier on an island to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fishing pole, then Force it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 5: Force the box on a ledge on an island to reveal this.

Gold Brick 6: Destroy 5 node objects by Maz's Castle to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into statues to reveal this.

Gold Brick 7: Complete the BB-8 challenge to receive this.

Gold Brick 8: Hop up some bars on the outside of the castle to reach this.

Gold Brick 9: Destroy a gold rock to reveal this.

Gold Brick 10: Take command of the Resistance soldiers in the forest, then use the grapple points to reveal this.

Gold Brick 11: Raise 3 banners. Force 1, use the grapple point to raise another, and use the BB-8 panel to raise the third.

Gold Brick 12: Destroy a box to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a trampoline. Throw a staff into the socket, then swing across the poles to reach this.

Gold Brick 13: Complete the BB-8 challenge by the Millenium Falcon to receive this.

Gold Brick 14: Force 5 plants to reveal this. All 5 are on the narrow walkway that leads up the hill by the Falcon.

Gold Brick 15: Hop on the zipline on the hill to slide down to this.

General Missions

General Mission 1: Talk to Blass Tyran and he will ask you to defeat enemy ships. Defeat the enemies to complete the mission.

General Mission 2: Talk to an Unkar Goon and he will ask you to help break up a Star Destroyer. You will be transported to Jakku. Destroy the 5 engines, then defeat the enemy ships to complete the quest.

General Mission 3: Talk to Mi'no Teest and he will ask you to help recreate battles. Defeat the enemies that appear in each of the three waves to complete the mission.


Race 1: This can be started in Maz's castle, and can only be completed with the Endor Speeder Bike.

Race 2: This can be completed on an island.

Race 3: This can be started in the forest.

First Order Missions

First Order Mission 1: Talk to a trooper and he will ask you to collect FN-2199's weapon. Follow the ghost studs, then defeat the enemies to complete the mission.

Resistance Missions

Resistance Mission 1: Talk to Pru Sweevant and he will ask you to defeat enemy ships. Hop in a Microfighter and defeat the TIE Fighters to complete the mission.

Scavenger Missions

Scavenger Mission 1: Talk to Maz Kanata and she will ask you to reclaim some jewels. You will be transported to a blaster battle. Defeat the enemies, then collect the jewels to complete the mission.

Translate Missions

Translate Mission 1: Talk to Bazine Netal and she will ask you to help broker a deal with Kanjiklub. However, you will be betrayed, so defeat the four enemies to complete the mission.

Translate Mission 2: Talk to Prashee and he will ask you to gather a shipment. Follow the guide studs, then defeat the enemies to complete the mission.
Carbonite Bricks

Princess Leia (Classic): Use the astromech panel in the starting building to reveal this on the holoprojector. Force it out of the computer, allowing you to collect it.

Grey Squadron Pilot: Cut through a glass panel in the room with the band from Resistance Mission 1, allowing you to collect this.

Zev Senesca: Destroy the silver boxes inside a building to the north to reveal this.

Rebel Fleet Trooper: Charge the generator by the shooting gallery to reveal a target. Shoot it to reveal this.

Admiral Ackbar (Classic): Use the pool on top of a small pillar to reveal this.

A-wing Pilot: Use the grapple points inside a building to the north to reveal this.

Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy some boxes by a quadjumper, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Build 5 GNK Droids. The LEGO pieces are all out in the open, meaning you will not have to destroy stuff to reveal them. They are all along the side of the main road in the center of the area. I near your starting point, 1 by Race 1, 2 on the far end by the dropoff, and 1 is by the Millenium Falcon.

Gold Brick 3: Destroy 3 orange objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into lights. All 3 are along the main road, and are obvious to spot.

Gold Brick 4: Use the Resistance panel in the character creator room to reveal this.

Gold Brick 5: Force a defibrillator in the character creator room to reveal this.

Gold Brick 6: Use 5 BB-8 panels to align satellite dishes. 1 is just outside the character creator room. Another is on top of a building to the south. Another is just outside an X-wing landing pad. Another is on top of a building to the north. The last one is by the Millenium Falcon.

Gold Brick 7: On top of a building to the north, destroy a silver object to reveal a wheel. Pick it up and place it in the slot to the right, then turn it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 8: Destroy a silver object behind the Falcon to reveal this.

Gold Brick 9: Charge the generator on the object by the Millenium Falcon to reveal this.

Gold Brick 10: Destroy a silver object on top of a building to the south to reveal this.

Gold Brick 11: A soldier is having a picnic on top of a building to the south. Force 3 food items onto his blanket to reveal this.

Gold Brick 12: Defeat 3 Mynocks on top of a building to the south to reveal this inside a building to the north.

Gold Brick 13: Use the BB-8 boost panel by a docked X-wing to reach this.

Gold Brick 14: Smash the cracked block behind Ackbar's Starfighter to reveal this.

Gold Brick 15: Melt the ice around a frozen person behind Ackbar's Starfighter to reveal this.

Gold Brick 16: This is on a beam between two buildings to the north.

Gold Brick 17: Destroy a gold box atop a building to the north to reveal a pool. Use it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 18: Force the mobile inside a building to the north to reveal this.

Gold Brick 19: Inside a building to the north, there is a panel that can be used by Princess Leia (Classic). Either use that character on the panel, or destroy the nearby objects to reveal LEGO pieces for a hat machine. Use the panel to open the door, allowing you to collect this.

Gold Brick 20: Inside a building to the north, grab the bar on the left wall to shut off the toxic gas, revealing this.

Gold Brick 21: Use the grapple point on the side of a building to the north to reveal this.

Gold Brick 22: Use the protocol panel in the character creator room to open the door. Head down the hallway to reach this.

General Missions

General Mission 1: Talk to a Resistance Pilot and he will ask you to defeat some enemy ships. Defeat the waves of enemies to complete the mission.

General Mission 2: Complete the BB-8 challenge behind a docked X-wing to complete this mission.

General Mission 3: Talk to a Resistance Pilot and he will ask you to clear out enemy ships. You will be transported to an asteroid field. Defeat the enemy ships to complete the mission.

General Mission 4: Complete the BB-8 challenge behind Ackbar's Starfighter to complete this mission.

General Mission 5: Complete the BB-8 challenge atop a building to the north to complete this mission.


Race 1: This can be started at the right end of the base.

Race 2: This can be started at the left end of the base, and can only be completed by Poe Dameron's Blue X-wing (Microfighter).

First Order Missions

First Order Mission 1: Talk to a First Order spy atop a building to the north and she will ask you to get a stolen X-wing to the First Order. You will be transported to the oscillator on Starkiller Base. Complete the race, then defeat the enemies to complete the mission.

Resistance Missions

Resistance Mission 1: Talk to General Leia and she will ask you to complete a mission on Starkiller Base. Complete the blaster battle, then head into the lift to enter a room. Grab the item in the center of the room to complete the mission.

Resistance Mission 2: Talk to a Mon Calamari Officer and he will ask you to help show his soldiers how to fight. Follow the guide studs, then defeat each group of five enemies. Defeat all three groups to complete the mission.

Resistance Mission 3: Talk to a resistance soldier by the shooting gallery and he will ask you to complete it. Shoot the targets to complete the mission.

Bounty Hunts

Bounty Hunt 1: Talk to Major Brance and he will ask you to help root out a First Order spy. Follow the guide studs, then scan to reveal the spy, completing the mission.

Translate Missions

Translate Mission 1: Talk to Goss Toowers and he will ask you to make sure the base is combat ready. Hop in the nearby microfighters, then defeat the 3 TIE Fighters to complete the mission.
Starkiller Destruction
This level can be played after collecting 249 Gold Bricks.

Starting Characters: Starkiller Base, Death Star II

1. Destroy planets until you collect 1,000,000 studs.

Unlocked Vehicles: Death Star II
The Death Star II (Microfighter)
Cheat Codes
These are the cheat codes for those of you who are too lazy to work in the game. Enjoy.....cheaters.

Caluan Ematt — 26F2CF
Chief Petty Officer Unamo — 2DZXDM
Crokind Shand — BQPKPA
Dasha Promenti — BJZA6F
Flametrooper — LRYUBB
FN-2112 — 4T3UNK
FN-2187 (No Helmet) — 3RRVAV
Goss Toowers — QZTZX9
GTAW-74 AKA Geetaw (Droid) — 2YU4NX
Guavian Security Soldier — C73CNV
Hobin Carsamba — E889GQ
Hoogenz — V3H6RU
Jessika Pava — SBUSCW
Kaydel Ko Connix — 9FJKF4
Korr Sella — NGSEKH
Lieutenant Bastian — XQZ7C6
Major Brance — Q8KRC6
Mi’no Teest — GBE8ZC
Monn Tatth — A5JR9V
Nien Nunb (X-wing) — P8KXSA
Officer Shimitsu — GVNBWB
Oskus Stooratt — K6JXJT
Quinar — A4EHFJ
R2-Q5 (Droid) — VVVSEA
R-3PO AKA Red Ar-Threepio (Droid) — BEMT2T
Snap Wexley — HTN3RD
Special Forces Tie Pilot — 59J67X
Teedo — CP6ETU
Trentus Savay — 638FNX
Unkar Thug — YABPYU
Wollivan — J3GMHE
Poe's Quest for Survival-Story Mode
Enemies: Strus Clan Speeder, Strus Clan Raider
Starting Characters: Poe Dameron (Jakku), Naka Iit
True Jedi: 75,000

1. Drive around, avoiding the obstacles and shooting down the enemy speeders.

2. Drive around, shooting the enemies and avoiding the obstacles. Watch out for the electric fences.

3. Head to the right and destroy the glowing junk pile to reveal a multi-build. Build the object on the right to reveal a travel chute. Crawl through it to reach the upper ledge, then turn the wheel to release the food. Head back to ground level and destroy the multi-build, then build the left object to build a grenade launcher. This will start a blaster battle. Defeat 11 enemies to end the battle, then head inside the building.

4. Head to the right and up the stairs.

3. Scan to reveal a grapple point, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Resistance panel, then use it to open the gate. Defeat the enemies to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Strus Clan Speeder
Strus Clan Speeder (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: Naka Iit
Ohn Gos
Poe Dameron (Jakku)
Strus Clan Leader
Strus Clan Raider
Poe's Quest for Survival-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 4 gold AT-AT heads. There are more in Area 2 if you need them.

Area 2: Canister 2: This is in a stud ring on the left side.

Area 3: Canister 3: Head left after clearing the blaster battle, then travel through the pool of water. Head to the right and destroy the stuff on the lift to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object, then quickly hop into the left lift to be raised up to the ledge above you. Switch to your partner and build the left object to create blocks, allowing you to hop to this.

Canister 4: Sith Force 3 statues. 1 is in the same area as Canister 3. 1 is to the right of the entrance to Area 4, and 1 is in Area 4.

Canister 5: Scan on the left to reveal a silver support. Destroy it to reveal a wheel. Pick it up and place it in the slot, then turn it to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 6: Smash the cracked block to reveal this.

Canister 7: Climb the wall on the right to reach this.

Canister 8: This is on the ledge by the scan spot. You can reach it by heading up the stairs in Area 4.

Area 4: Canister 9: Destroy the objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a staff socket, then use it to open the painting, revealing this.

Canister 10: Force the object in the center of the bar to reveal this.

Minikit Model: Strus Clan Speeder
First Order Siege of Takodana-Story Mode
Enemies: Varmik, Wi'ba Tuyll, Oskus Stooratt
Starting Characters: Kylo Ren (Hooded), Stormtrooper Officer, FN-1044
Starting Vehicles: Special Forces TIE Fighter, First Order TIE Fighter
True Jedi: 75,000

1. Fly around, avoiding the obstacles and shooting down the fighters in your path.

2. Maneuver around Maz's Castle, shooting it up until you reach 100% destruction. Shoot the objects on the sides to blow the outside up, as well as a few objects inside.

3. You are now on the ground, ready to fight your way to Rey. Smash the cracked block, then Force together some steps, allowing you to continue up. Defeat the enemies, then Sith Force the door to the right, allowing you to continue. Continue to the right. You are going to have to rescue the stormtroopers so they can help you progress. Use the grapple point in the back to reveal a multi-build. Build either of the objects to rescue the first set, then smash the cracked block to rescue the other set. Use the grapple points on the right to clear the path, then continue right and push the ship to the right along the tiles. Destroy the gold object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a platform, then stand on it as FN-1044. Switch to Kylo Ren and Force the platform up, allowing FN-1044 to reach the top ledge. Smash the cracked block to lower the tree, allowing your partners to join you. Head right and cut through the tree, then head into the narrow path. Follow the button prompts to deflect Rey's shots. Do this three times to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Jakku Freighter
Jakku Freighter (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: FN-1044
Jashco Phurus
Rosser Weno
Strono Tuggs
First Order Siege of Takodana-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 5 turrets.

Canister 2: Destroy 3 large transports.

Area 2: Canister 3: Destroy 3 banners on the outside of the castle. They are red, green, and blue.

Area 3: Canister 4: Sith Force the rubble to the left of your starting point to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 5: Use the super strength handle to the right of your starting point to retract the spears around this.

Canister 6: Hop up the bars on the left side of the large clearing to reach this.

Canister 7: In the clearing where you fight the enemies, use a lightsaber to cut through the TIE cockpit, revealing the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 8: Before Sith Forcing the door, head towards the screen, then use the pool of water to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 9: In the clearing where you have to rescue the stormtroopers, destroy the silver box in the bottom left corner to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 10: After using the grapple points to clear the rubble, Sith Force the Maz Kanata statue to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Minikit Model: Jakku Freighter
Escape from Starkiller Base-Story Mode
Enemies: Snowtrooper
Starting Characters: Lieutenant Wright, C'ai Threnalli, R3-Z3
Added Vehicles: First Order Snowspeeder
True Jedi: 75,000

1. Head to the right, then head through the toxic gas. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal a multi-build. Build them into the left object to shut off the gas, allowing your partners to join you. Destroy the silver stalactites to clear the path, then build the right multi-build object. Use the panel to cross the gap, then destroy the glowing object to reveal some LEGO pieces. Head to the right and hop up the ledges by the crashed ship. Shoot the targets that appear to drop a box. Push it along the tiles and off the edge, then build the LEGO pieces into a bridge, allowing your partners to join you (you will have to control Lieutenant Wright as she crosses). Head back to the right and use the grapple point on the tree to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object to rotate the track, then build the left object. Hop on top of it to charge the battery, causing the crane to move to the wall. You will then be in control of the crane. Follow the button prompts to knock down the wall, allowing you to continue. Continue into the clearing, then head right to start a blaster battle. Defeat the regular snowtroopers to reveal a scan spot on the right. Scan to reveal a silver object, then destroy it to reveal a grapple point. Use it to pull down the tower, allowing you to continue. Defeat the regular snowtroopers to reveal a weakness in the crashed TIE Fighter. Shoot it to defeat the trooper under the shield, ending the blaster battle. Continue into the clearing, then use the grapple point in the back to reveal LEGO Pieces. Build them into an astromech panel, then use it to create platforms out of the crashed TIE Fighter. Hop up, then hop inside the speeder.

2. Fly around, shooting the enemy speeders and avoiding the obstacles.

3. Fly around, avoiding the obstacles. Reach the landing pad to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: First Order Assault Walker (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: C'ai Threnalli
Colonel Datoo
Lieutenant Rodinon
Lieutanant Wright
Escape from Starkiller Base-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Use a lightsaber to cut through the trees to the right of your starting point, allowing you to get this.

Canister 2: Head left from your starting point and head into the cold to reach this.

Canister 3: Head left from your starting point and use the Force on two tree trunks to create pillars. Hop up them to reach the ledge with this.

Canister 4: Head left from your starting point, then towards the screen. There is a small ramp which leads down to two traffic cones and this.

Canister 5: After using the crane arm to smash through the wall, climb up the wall behind the hot tub to reach this.

Canister 6: After the blaster battle, use the travel chute in the clearing to reach the alcove with this inside.

Canister 7: Use the super strength handle in the final clearing to reveal a pool of water. Use it to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Area 2: Canister 8: Shoot down 3 TIE Fighters.

Canister 9: This is in a stud ring just before the jump into Area 3. It is impossible to not see this.

Area 3: Canister 10: Shoot an object to the left just after exiting the cave (during the approach to the landing pad).

Minikit Model: First Order Assault Walker
The Phantom Limb-Story Mode
Enemies: Taul Spiders
Starting Characters: C-3PO (Taul), O-MR1 (Taul), PZ-99, 2MED2, VL-44, MSE-Y, GNK-189, CO-34
True Jedi: 60,000

1. Head to the right and scan to reveal a gold panel. Destroy it to reveal a turbine. Shoot it repeatedly to clear the debris, allowing you to continue right. Continue to the right, then shoot the target to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then head inside the cage as MSE-Y. Switch to CO-34 and use the super strength handle to raise the cage, allowing MSE-Y to move onto the button. Doing so will create a bridge, allowing you to cross. Continue to the right to find a sleeping spider blocking your path. To get past it, smash the cracked block to reveal a travel chute. Head through it, then move onto the button on the crashed ship. This will turn on the speakers, clearing the spider from the path and allowing your partners to continue. Continue to the right and shoot the target to reveal an electric socket. Charge it to drain the liquid, allowing you to continue. Continue to the right, then build the left multi-build object to construct a super-strength handle. Use it to create a bridge to the island in the back. Cross the bridge, then use the Resistance panel to reveal bombs in the acid. Shoot the target on them to clear the debris, then build the right multi-build object into another super strength handle. Use it to create a bridge, then switch to another droid and cross it.

2. Only a few droids left now. Head to the right and destroy the glowing debris to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object to power the lift, allowing GNK-189 to reach the upper ledge. Build the left multi-build object to lower the obstacles, allowing him to head left. Switch to GNK-189 and charge the electrical socket to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to drain the liquid, allowing you to continue. Head to the back, then use the Resistance panel to reveal a push-bar. Push the box to the right to create a bridge allowing you to continue. An acid rainstorm will then start. Continue to the right and scan to reveal a multi-build. Build the right object to build a First Order panel, then use it to open the door. Continue to the right, then destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into droids, who will extend a roof over your head. Continue to the right and use the Resistance panel to open the door. Head to the right to end the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: CR90 Corvette
CR90 Corvette (Microfighter)

Unlocked Characters: 2MED2
C-3PO (Taul)
O-MR1 (Taul)
The Phantom Limb-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Hop across the poles behind your starting point to reach this.

Canister 2: Head through the pool of water to reach this on a ledge.

Canister 3: Smash the cracked block to the left of the large engine to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 4: To the right of the Resistance panel is an object in the acid. Force it to reveal this.

Canister 5: This is a mean one. Standing in front of the crane, you may notice the edge of the rocks juts out a bit. Hover across the gap towards the screen to reach this on an island.

Area 2: Canister 6: Destroy the silver rock to reveal this.

Canister 7: Build the right object in the second multi-build to build a fan (or just double jump onto the ledge), allowing you to reach this.

Canister 8: Destroy the gold rock to reveal this.

Canister 9: Build the left object of the third multi-build (the one in the acid rain storm) to build a First Order panel. Use it to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Canister 10: Head through the travel chute to reach the ledge with this.

Minikit Model: CR90 Corvette
legogamesguy  [author] 21 Oct, 2024 @ 11:01am 
Yes, yes it is :) This is another guide of mine that is drastically in need of an update. I'll be getting to it, I promise!
ツ⁧⁧FinuraBR 19 Oct, 2024 @ 10:39pm 
estou ansioso para a nova versão do guia
[DFS]The Key of Darkness 25 Jan, 2020 @ 11:34pm 
What happens when the wookie cookies flew off into nothingness once you built it?
Magic Gonads 18 Aug, 2017 @ 2:36am 
So the grapple was inaccessible I had to follow the method given by
Magic Gonads 18 Aug, 2017 @ 2:28am 
Ok so doing the bounty hunter mission unlocked the purple marker and the map marker, I was trying to get the carbonites first, the the missions, the the bricks out in the world since that's how I deemed their importance, but it seems the game doesn't respect that choice lol.
Magic Gonads 18 Aug, 2017 @ 2:22am 
It is actually in the main area where you spawn when you select the free roam area.
Unlike what other people have for their footage, the map shows it's location and the collectible finder highlights where it spawns but for me none of that is true, so i think I need more missions.
Magic Gonads 18 Aug, 2017 @ 2:21am 
Ok so turns out it is glitched and wont spawn unless I do some side quests I think
Magic Gonads 18 Aug, 2017 @ 2:17am 
I've been looking around the landing site and cant find the grapple point

I'm going to see if anyone has posted visual material that describes what I should be looking for and where on the map it actually is.
legogamesguy  [author] 17 Aug, 2017 @ 2:28pm 
Off the top of my head I believe that it is somewhere near the landing site.
Magic Gonads 17 Aug, 2017 @ 5:22am 
The one I'm missing is Count Dooku

Where is this ledge?