Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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14 commenti
Zoki  [autore] 30 set 2017, ore 8:27 
Thank you ^^
Flavioooo 24 set 2017, ore 2:40 
MrMelon57 3 ago 2016, ore 8:43 
sweet airport
Zoki  [autore] 6 lug 2016, ore 12:56 
First of all thanks :) glad you like it
second i used this terminal looks absolutley amazing ingame and if you want to curve it for added realisam use the road anarchi ;)
override 6 lug 2016, ore 12:44 
@Zoffy88 Absolutely great aiport. Looks so realistic tho. Which Terminal Asset are you using?
Zoki  [autore] 2 lug 2016, ore 4:50 
Thanks ^^
madspicy 2 lug 2016, ore 4:07 
I see! Thanks Zoffy88 for explaining. You have my rate up from Singapore~
Yebba's Heartbreak 1 lug 2016, ore 18:50 
fast and furious 6 was on this airport wasn't it lol
Zoki  [autore] 1 lug 2016, ore 11:41 
those are multiple terminals i just used the road anarchi mod to overlap them.
madspicy 1 lug 2016, ore 9:32 
How do you twist or bend the terminal as shown in the screenshot? Are they multiple terminals overlapping each other or it is an entire new terminal not yet released to the workshop?