Java Survival Game #6
I've done a little coding today. (Took Saturday as a break) Today I worked on the GUI or UI, I still don't know which one, and came up with this as an idea. I like the look of the buttons and I like the background. Upon creating this I realised that I don't like my resource point system. I decided that I'd rather have a system that displays the items with pictures, kinda like minecraft or neo scavenger, instead of this point system. It also allows me to be more creative with the building and crafting system! To the right of the screen i've edited in some of the icons I wrote about last time. If you can tell what they are then I'm doing a good job on them, if you can't then tell me! These icons are how items will look in your inventory screen. I've also decided to make one day last 2 turns instead of one. The UI at the bottom of the screen will be one of my last priorites as far as looks go (but it does look very ugly :P). I also need ideas for items in the game so if you have an idea for one tell me! :D"
1 comentarios
lil_misfit  [autor] 19 JUN 2016 a las 11:02 p. m. 
I've already updated this look, next update might show it!