Fallout: 1 Inteligence & 1 Charisma - it goes well!
24 件のコメント
acfleck 2023年2月22日 19時03分 
Restoration patch? What is this patch you speak of man?
Arbunkle 2021年9月3日 6時33分 
just doing my first playthrough and I went 1 intelligence and 10 charisma, which is nearly the same as 1 charisma because you still have no dialogue options, but also have 9 less s.p.e.c.i.a.l points to spend elsewhere, and on hard difficulty and combat, its still not very hard, but is excellent fun
seanoneal2013 2020年4月13日 7時36分 
"Hmm, I think I have seen brahmin with more brain cells than you." He just called you 0 IQ dumb
cdoublejj 2020年1月16日 18時09分 
had my bro who likes the newer fallouts try this in FO 4 and put all the extra points in every other stat. the game acted like his character had normal level in charisma and intelligence and still gave the behavoir of extra luck etc etc, aka it didn't do squat and wasn't amusing at all since it didn't work. Hat of to black isle for putting the in work for thins people wouldn't see until the umpteenth play through. and remember folks the steam version is sensored if i'm not mistaken, get a restoration patch to restore the game to it's official glory.
Shade! 2018年10月26日 18時38分 
@spookyboi no
Dopamine.Seek3r :3 2018年8月10日 20時28分 
You have the same option in fallout new vegas, however there are few dialogue options affected by intelligence. the most notable one I know of is "Are you a man of Peace or War" and you can answer "Pizza" or "Warm"
RonaldoSiuu7 2018年1月11日 17時09分 
i have all FO games yay to me:zombiehead:autism
dysphoria_nervosa_84 2017年9月4日 21時29分 
Who the fuck thinks FO4 is better lol,get shoved in a locker you piece of shit!JK.

But I will shove you in a locker
MetroGreen† 2016年8月21日 6時41分 
Defox 2016年2月13日 7時21分 
I recently completed the passage from one unit of intelligence and charisma. Characters give quite funny insult towards the Vault Dweller. For the passing game had to go through the mountains of corpses, as the agreement is almost never happens. In some places you can go secretly. But the passage is still very funny happened.