Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

64 arvostelua
LED Billboard 3 SkylinesNation
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Assets: Prop
1.095 MB
10.6.2016 klo 10.38
1 muutos ( näytä )

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LED Billboard 3 SkylinesNation

A large LED billboard for your city, in honor of the SkylinesNation group on Facebook. Thanks for the community and good times!

Comes with (predictably silly) news story on the newsticker.

Includes LOD for distance viewing. Looks great on the side or tops of large buildings

A million thanks to GCVos who generously shared the models with us all as well as a tutorial on how to do this. Original model and link to tutorial found here:

There are two ways to use this prop, one is without mods, the other requires mods (but two very good ones)

1. If you have just a plain vanilla game (no mods), open the asset editor, click New, New Building, and then pick an existing building (like a large Commercial will work great) and add this and anything else you would like, and save that building as your own version. It will then randomly appear in game. The images above are what you will see when using the asset editor to add this billboard, it's a lot of fun and extremely easy.

2. Use BloodyPenguin's mods that make that props (park bench) option available in game. You can get the links here on the original LED billboard :)
2 kommenttia
A. Cronauer 9.7.2017 klo 15.09 
Judazzz 10.6.2016 klo 13.32 
Haha, that news ticket headline is awesome! :D