Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

236 arvostelua
LED Billboard
Lisää suosikkeihin
Lisätty suosikkeihin
Poista suosikeista
Assets: Prop
1.265 MB
5.6.2016 klo 21.36
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
LED Billboard

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä GCVos
Big Billboards
11 luomusta
Large wall-mounted display with headline ticker bar.
Recommend using More Beautification & Prop Anarchy
for easy placement above sidewalks (press Shift + P).

By default this prop will show up under the Bench icon.

This billboard can be customized with your own images and headlines.
You can find the tutorial and template files here.
14 kommenttia
GATOR17 4.6.2024 klo 11.39 
Uh the link needs to be fix because it is saying request access
GCVos  [tekijä] 4.9.2016 klo 10.35 
It should be raised at a set height, I don't think there's a way to alter it ingame...
djtiger76 14.8.2016 klo 5.57 
i guess so huh
djtiger76 13.8.2016 klo 6.28 
So.. am i the only one not understanding how to get this off the ground? I have the P&T Anarchy but it wont let me raise the level of the billboard. How did you get it off the ground?
Elias 11.6.2016 klo 18.23 
hi GCVos, could you create a rooftop-template as well? maybe you could simply use the games rooftop billboard as a base-model... i mean those L-shaped billboards.
Discharge 11.6.2016 klo 15.07 
I'm really surprised that this hasn't been incoorperated into the game with and update already:steamhappy:
NLX78 8.6.2016 klo 5.44 
Thanks, looks great. @NoirMoutton Try Prop Remover, this will get rid of the clowns, icecreams, donuts and massive amounts of billboards
CoolKidsOnlyNr.1 8.6.2016 klo 5.06 

Captain-No 6.6.2016 klo 13.53 
Thumbs up :anchor:
NoirMoutton 6.6.2016 klo 8.19 
Those default billboards and silly squids/donuts etc really do look horrendous, loving this worthwhile practical addition to the workshop