Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Không đủ lượt đánh giá
High repainted tire (sitting feature)
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Assets: Prop
Kích cỡ file
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235.858 KB
5 Thg06, 2016 @ 11:16am
5 Thg10, 2017 @ 11:05pm
3 ghi chú thay đổi ( xem )

Đăng ký để tải xuống
High repainted tire (sitting feature)

Trong 3 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi targa
Old tires / Старые шины (Props)
6 vật phẩm
Playground Equipment / Детская спортивная площадка
40 vật phẩm
Props with sittin feature / Пропы на которых можно сидеть
39 vật phẩm
Mô tả
Repainted tire with sitting feature

Tire from KamAZ (250x508) dug in the ground for a third. Typical in xUSSR backyards.
Tire repainted with one of four colors - red, blue, yellow, orange.
In Asset Editor placed in "Residental" / "Home Yard".

Mesh info
Texture size
News of Russian-speaking community Cities: Skylines - on our page vKontakte: Cities: Skylines[]

To gain access to this asset in-game use More Beautification MOD.

I also recommend the following MODs:
1 bình luận
Fritz 4 Thg08, 2020 @ 6:25am 
Это гениально,спасибо,теперь могу построить кошмар любого градостроителя. :steamhappy: