Dead by Daylight: BETA

Dead by Daylight: BETA

35 ratings
Survivor Essentials!
By Tinkuwu
This guide will help you learn how to play Survivor better.
The basics
You are a survivor, your goal is to survive. Do whatever you must do to survive. If you feel like you cannot do something without getting killed, don't risk it.

Let's start off simple. Your first objective will be to find a generator. Once you find it, keep an eye out for the killer, you might be able to hear a heartbeat, when you do, that means he's close, even if you don't hear a heartbeat, keep an eye out, sometimes the killer could have a perk to keep you from hearing the heartbeat until he's extremely close to you.

Repair the generator until it's full, once it's finished, run like hell. If you mess up, run like hell. Don't just sprint aimlessly, find a place where you can hide (tall grass, behind objects, stuff like that.) and wait for the killer to come back and sweep the area, once he's done, either find another generator or continue working on the same one.

If you ever find a chest, take the time to search it, sometimes you will find something you desperately need.

All in all, it's just repairing generators and hiding.
Eventually you will get caught, but the trick to avoiding your own death is to not really die in the first place. So what you need to do is learn how to escape.

Once you're seen, do not just run, you need to run, block him off, and break the line of sight. Once you do this, you'll be good until he spots you again.

Essentially, once the killer spots you, you'll want to start sprinting away (hold shift). Make your way to a place with a lot of objects/walls littered around, if there's walls everywhere, you can vault over the small spaces much faster than the killer, but always keep an eye on him if he runs around, and you continue to go, then you'll be dead. Watch him at all times, make sure he stays behind you until you break the line of sight. Once you break the line of sight, you can stop running and find a hiding spot. The best place to hide is tall grass, most killers don't pay attention to players in grass until the player moves, so crouch down and barely look around while trying to keep track of him.

Do not panic if the killer heads your direction, if you see him coming towards you, that does not mean he sees you. If you're in tall grass and he walks towards you, don't immediately run, stay still until he looks like he's going to try and attack you, if you feel like he will, then start running again and repeat the situation above.

Pallets can stun the killer if he is next to it when it's thrown down, use this to your advantage.

Now, if you're knocked down, everything is pretty much up to your teammates, other than the wiggling. If you're being carried, wiggle like you're stuck in a net under water.

Once you're on a hook, you'll have to hold out long enough for your teammates to rescue you.

(Forgot to put this part) If you are on a hook, it would be best no to try and escape since it takes out about 25% of your health, only struggle when the tendrils come out to stab you, this will give your teammates enough time to work on generators or try to rescue you, if it's you and someone else, you can try escaping, however, if the killer is camping, try to hold on as long as possible on the hook.

Otherwise, it's game over.
Items will help you survive with ease.

The flashlight can blind the killer, once you flash him for a second or two (continuously), move to the side and run away. The killer may be blind, but he can still attack and he will try to hit you if he thinks you're standing still.

The flashlight can also be used to get a player thrown down when the killer has them carried.

The map will pinpoint the locations of the generators.

Medkit is self-explanatory.

You can heal other survivors without a medkit.

Toolkit will help you repair generators faster.

Toolkit can also sabotage hooks and bear traps.

And the skeleton key can be used to unlock the hatch that normally opens in a 1 v 1.

If you die, you lose your item and the addons that are on it.

If you survive, you carry the item out but still lose the addons.
Unhooking survivors
Don't rush in for a survivor who just got hooked, hide behind something and use the third person camera in order to see over the object. Watch the killer, if he's just running around the area or standing still guarding the survivor, then it's probably best to leave the survivor be. However, if someone already has his attention and the killer begins chasing after them, go ahead and attempt to take the survivor off, but still be aware of what the killer is doing. (Also keep a lookout for bear traps, killers generally put one either in front of the survivor or in the grass near the survivor. Disable it before moving to the survivor if the trap is right in front of them.)

It seems easy on paper (or in this case, in pixels), but performing the actual unhooking is really hard since the killer will generally see if you do unhook a survivor and turn around to grab them or you. As soon as you get them off, don't worry about healing anyone until you are certain you've lost the killer.

Also, if you're hurt, you'll make a lot of noise, so if the killer is near and you've just been unhooked, please do not try to hide in grass or a closet, break the line of sight and run in a direction where he isn't looking (using the third person camera to your advantage). If you hide in the grass, chances are you're more than likely going to be heard.
Textbook Horror Victims
I mostly play killer and am a rank 1. If you're running around aimlessly, chances are, you're going to be as stupid as a horror movie victim. I always see people complaining when they watch a horror movie "What the hell!? They shouldn't run that way, they know he's there, why would they go there and then hide in a closet!? He knows they're there! Now they can't get out!". Well, the problem is, is that most people in Dead by Daylight act exactly like horror movie victims. Here are a few tips when playing the game to avoid being one of these idiots.

Don't follow the killer. If you stay near him, he's bound to find you, if he comes towards you and you're hiding, stay still until he knows you're there, don't just up and run because you're scared.

If you're being chased, do not run around objects in circles, the killer strafes at the same speed that he walks forward, therefore he can catch you no matter how long you run in a circle.

If you're being chased, don't avoid pallets or areas to vault over. In my time as a killer, so many people have been running away from me and had the chance of running forward to throw a pallet on me to avoid being killed. What do they do? They go left or right to another straight-away and get caught. You need to actively look for these areas of interest and use it to your advantage.

When vaulting, first of all, be careful not to spam "space", sometimes you'll go back over on the side you were just on because you spammed "space" to vault, making you vault twice. Also when you vault, don't just run straight forward, put some distance between you and the killer. The killer will always go the shortest route to get on the other side, so go out on the side where he would take longer to move around towards. If you just run straight and go out the shortest side, he'll more than likely be there to meet you.
Surviving the game
Don't taunt the killer and don't do anything stupid. If you want to survive, you'll need to be selfish when you need to, this means when someone is on a hook, don't just try and save them when they're in need, you'll need to save them if it's worth saving them.

Also note that once all the generators are working, the lever to open the exit will take awhile before opening, and you'll be standing out in the open. If someone is opening the gate, try to keep the killer off of them or go for the second exit gate.

When repairing a generator, you'll be able to hear a distinct sound that plays right before a skill check, listen for that sound to be prepared for a skill check.

Be wary of bear traps, these can be hard to see so most of the time you'll need to not sprint around.

Sometimes it's best to just stay still and crouch. I have a friend who works in a hospital for mentally ill patients, and he says that the way the human brain works is that people do not notice something unless it sticks out or moves. This means for you as a survivor, do not wear a hat (blue does not fit well with the grass) you also need to crouch down and wait it out, if the killer hasn't spotted you before, he more than likely won't be actively looking at the grass.

If you're hurt, you'll make a lot of pained noise, be careful of it and try to get healed as soon as possible, the best way to avoid the killer while hurt, is to just keep line of sight off of you and not be close to him.

Sprinting without reason is useless, do not sprint unless you're trying to get to a hiding spot or running from the killer. You'll breathe heavily the more you sprint and the killer can hear this, along with that, you're completely exposed when running around randomly.
You're all going to die the first few games, but just because you lose your first few games does not mean the killer is OP, in fact he is very under powered, the only thing he has going for him is that he can run faster by default and can use perks to find the survivors easier. Where I'm getting at is most of the surviving comes from experience and you need to learn how to survive just by playing. Most killers will be doing the same things and once you realize how most killers play, it'll become easier.
Sassy 8 Jun, 2016 @ 4:03am 
Thanks for taking the time to write this guide!
I have yet to escape a killer once I have been spotted, I can never get enough distance or get the opportunity to get out of his LOS as much as I vault and aim to run toward pallets to gain distance.
I have 58 hours on record and haven't managed to get past rank 17 yet, doh!
What would your advice be regarding unhooking your fellow survivors? When should you, when shouldn't you etc, that would be an interesting read!
I admit I'm always trying to rescue my fellow survivors and more often than not it gets me killed but I just feel so guilty if I don't try and help haha
Killermen962 8 Jun, 2016 @ 1:42am 
Think you could make a guide on "Signals" to alert fellow survivors? Like spam trying to get off hook would mean there is danger or its clear, something like that? Just need a guide to atleast give a few people an idea of what means what
Tinkuwu  [author] 6 Jun, 2016 @ 7:21am 
Well, that's already covered, I believe I already said something about vaulting being useful. Doesn't need to be "juking" in any way, your goal is to survive, not distract the killer. This guide wasn't designed for putting all faith in your team, it was designed to not get you killed.
Orpheus Damocles 6 Jun, 2016 @ 12:04am 
I have something to add onto this and I feel it's essential for survivors. In one word, it's juking.

Juking is the word used for evading attacks from enemies thanks to running into a nearby forest and losing the enemies trail due to some evasive manoevres, like walking in circles around a tree or abusing fog of war. -Urban Dictionary, 3rd definition

There are some spots on the map that allow you to easily juke the killer and in certain locations, prevents the killer from being able to get to you which can also double as distracting the kiler. The killer's shack is a prime example of this with one door way and two windows to constantly jump through. If the killer sets up a trap outside one of them while you're juking him, you can easily run away and come back to disarm the trap later.
Tinkuwu  [author] 5 Jun, 2016 @ 4:40pm 
Recovering does work, you can't go past 95% though. Someone has to help you up.
Tinkuwu  [author] 5 Jun, 2016 @ 12:10pm 
Yeah, I wish they didn't limit the leveling, it would be better to continuously level up like in the real game.
feist 5 Jun, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
damn. thanks
Tinkuwu  [author] 5 Jun, 2016 @ 12:01pm 
Your items will be gone until you get a new one from the chests. Leveling is limited in the beta so you cannot get anymore items or addons from the bloodweb.
feist 5 Jun, 2016 @ 9:35am 
how do i get my fucking items back
-69 Social Credits 5 Jun, 2016 @ 5:23am 
Just a little tip
do NOT finish the Generator to 100% unless its with a skillcheck
If all Generators are on like 90% activate all and the killer wont know where to start searching