Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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A River Runs Through It.
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19. mai 2016 kl. 9.10
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A River Runs Through It.

I 1 samling av Winter_Jasra
danny X CS stuff
15 gjenstander
A River Runs Through It.

A map designed for use with the 25 tile mod, which I've spent about 150 hours on!! The shape of the map ensures that you don't get left in a situation where you can only build on half an island for example due to the tile system.


Tropical Climate.
3 road and railway connections. I've tried to keep these clean, tidy and to a minimum and they are mostly parallel with the tile lines.
4 sea and air connections. The sea connections loop round on the southern coast. The air connections cross the middle of the map north to south.
The land is abundent in natural resources, oil, trees and fertile land, there is ore too, but that is much harder to see.
A huge waterfall over 400 meters high.
The land is rich in strong wind and water currents, ideal for those who only want to use natural sources of energy.
There is a prime spot for a 1600mw dam, this powers up virtually instantly and will cause a little flooding for a short while. The map has only been designed for 1 dam, there are numerous places for other smaller dams, but no other spots have been tested so use them at your own risk!
The map isn't flat, but it is very smooth.
Hopefully there is some great scenery for screenshots of your city.

The starting location is the centre of the map.

Where should you expand first?

The North is abundent in natural resources, the huge mountain range is home to a powerful waterfall that runs into the river which cuts through the centre of the map from North to South.
The North East/East is quite isolated, but has plenty room for quick expansion and is abundent in natural resources.
The South East has a beautiful sandy beach, ideal for leisure activities.
The South features an ideal spot to ferry Cims to and from your city, with a sea connection and a harbour on a huge island in the mouth of the river.
The West is well connected to outside connections.
The South West has an unnaturally shaped coast, ideal for a huge industrial area to import and export goods and is situated in good distance of railway, road and sea connections to the outside.
The West/North West is well connected to outside connections, there is plenty of room for expansion and some natural resources.

The map "A River Runs Through It" bears no resemblence to the movie of the same name.
1 kommentarer
BrowncoatTrekky 18. okt. 2016 kl. 20.03 
Never saw the movie but added to the TV MOVIES GAMES collection. Thanks.