Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

Tree of Savior (English Ver.)

92 ratings
Tree of Savior Complete Informational Level Guide level 100-200
By 󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡PotatoManDies
A Tree of Savior Guide for grinding spots and important links and information.This is a collection of information discovered in game and found online.
Level 100-115
Make sure to do these every day when possible.
Do the level 100 mission dungeons, party quest, and daily repeatable, at Fedimian Mercenary Post at the most left of the town
The level 100 mission dungeons are separate from the other dungeons so feel free to do all 5 runs every day from both kinds of dungeons.
Always do the level (90, 115, 130, 145, 175, and 190) dungeons first before the mission dungeons as the mission dungeons scales with your level.
Everyone does the Siaulai mission so stick with that only. It’s short and has 4 bosses.

Do the Levell 90 dungeon. (Probably up to Lvl 110 if you want)
Do the Level 100 mission dungeons.
Continue all the maps from Klaipeda. (Lvl 107 map last one)
Continue all the maps from Orsha. (Lvl 113 map last one)
Continue all the maps from Fedimian.
If you’re behind, use Lvl 4 EXP cards. You should use all level 4 cards by level 114 for max efficiency.
Use some Lvl 5 EXP cards if needed.
Level 115-130
Do the level 115 dungeon. (Found in Fedimian Suburbs)
Do the level 100 mission dungeons.
Continue all the maps from Fedimian.
If you’re behind, use Lvl 5 EXP cards. You should use all level 5 cards by level 130 for max efficiency.
Use some Lvl 6 EXP cards if needed.
Alternative grind spots: Starving Demon's Way(Map Lvl 121 so between 111~131), Mage Tower 5F(Map Lvl 126 so between 116~136).
Level 130-145
Do the level 130 dungeon. (Found in Forest of Prayers)
Do the level 100 mission dungeons.
Continue all the maps from Fedimian.
If you’re behind, use Lvl 6 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 6 cards by Lvl 145 for max efficiency
EXP reset's at Lvl 136.
Level 145-160
Do the level 145 dungeon. (Found in Forest of Prayers)
Do the level 100 mission dungeons.
continue all the maps from Fedimian.
Alternative grind spots: Demon Prison District 1(Map Lvl 151 so between 141~161), Demon Prison District 2(Map Lvl 154 so between 144~164), Dina Bee Farm(Map Lvl 160 so between 150~170).
DO NOT USE LVL 7~8 CARDS YET! Grind until Lvl 160~165 range.
Level 160-175
Level 160~175
You can choose to use your EXP cards anywhere from 160~165. (I used them at 161)
Use all of your Lvl 7 EXP cards.
Continue all the maps from Fedimian.
Use as much of your Lvl 8 EXP cards until level 175.

Reason we do this is because the Lvl 160 dungeon sucks and doesn’t give good enough exp.
There’s also no other good grinding spots except Dina Bee Farm. Lvl 170~175 is a pain in the ass if you don’t have any cards left since Bee Farm will give you less exp for being 10+ levels above the monsters.

You could grind at Bee Farm if you don’t want to save your cards, but I think it’s better to milk the Lvl 145 dungeon as much as possible. You should also grind now so you can start gaining some silver for better equips and/or premium token.
Level 175-190
Level 175~190
Congrats! More Grinding ahead give yourself a pad on the back.
Do the level 175 dungeon. (Found in Nuoridin Fall)
Do the level 100 mission dungeons.
Continue all the maps from Fedimian.
Use all of your Lvl 8 EXP cards.
Use some Lvl 9 EXP cards if needed.
Your goal is to reach 186 for the EXP reset. Once you hit that, you will fly to Lvl 190 easily.
Do the level 190 dungeon. (Found in Fedimian Suburbs)
Do the level 100 mission dungeons.
Continue all the maps from Fedimian.
You should use all your Lvl 9 EXP cards by 217.
You could also use all your Lvl 9 EXP cards and Lvl 10 EXP cards at Lvl 203 and reach Lvl 217. For the next EXP reset.
Alternative grind spots: Inner Enceinte District(Map Lvl 196 so between 186~206), Vedas Plateau(Map Lvl 208 so between 198~218), Mesafasla(Map Lvl 212 so between 202~222).
Thanks for Reading and Happy Grinding.
Dont forget to Rate this guide up.

If you havnt Read the last guide here is the link.
Lonnbax 22 Oct, 2017 @ 1:12pm 
Say, when is a "200 - 300" one coming out? Really liked the other two.
Thx for the guide tho.
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡PotatoManDies  [author] 2 Jun, 2016 @ 1:33am 
Yes, you should but its okay to use it earlier or later.
It just means more farming or less farming.
But usually you wanna save the exp cards so you can use them all for the next exp reset.
benTong8 1 Jun, 2016 @ 11:24pm 
Just a noobsh question, but what do you mean by Use cards by XX level for max efficiency? Does it mean I should use it by that level?